General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2010-07-01 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2956467

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Extreme Veteran
Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2010-07-01 2:07 PM

Just read the last few pages and it's CLEAR: Ironman Lake Placid is pretty much dominating our lives right now -- the training, this message board, dreams, daily nutrition/fatigue, we are all pretty much fully obsessed and absorbed with this single event we signed up for a year ago . . .  Now here's the Question:  What tha f_ck do we do after July 26th?  How bad is the post Race depression?   

I have already been told what I am doing.. After the race, I get a week - I'm actually doing a "friends" sprint the Saturday after, but it's for fun, (life-jackets may be worn for the swim).  THen I will be working on the house - all the projects I've blown off for a while.  I will workout, but next year is the year of Hills and Speed. I will get faster, then if I want, I can do another IM in 2012. The wife is a Triathlete, but says we need to get some stuff done on the house, and she is injured this year, so that's the deal. 

That is if she doesn't kill me in the next 24 days.  

2010-07-01 2:41 PM
in reply to: #2956467

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

Dream Chaser - 2010-07-01 3:07 PM

Just read the last few pages and it's CLEAR: Ironman Lake Placid is pretty much dominating our lives right now -- the training, this message board, dreams, daily nutrition/fatigue, we are all pretty much fully obsessed and absorbed with this single event we signed up for a year ago . . .  Now here's the Question:  What tha f_ck do we do after July 26th?  How bad is the post Race depression?   

I'm going to Disney World!!!!!

I've thought a lot about this since I've read it over and over from past participants.  It's not just the training time, but the void left when IM is no longer always there bouncing around your thoughts.   As you said, DOMINATING the mind.

After Disney, I have a monumental project that will begin.  Not at all sports related, it's conquering another obstacle.  Not getting any more in depth than that.

Sports wise, I signed up for the Goofy Race and a Half in January 2011.  Running the 5k Friday with the wife (first race ever), half mary on Saturday, and full on Sunday.  After that, it'll be a focus on speed for the World Police and Fire games in NYC next summer.  The triathlon is an Olympic distance, so I'll be working on raising my FTP over the next year big time and using my run base to really drop my pace times.

I think I'll be busy enough to fill the vacuum on July 26th! 

2010-07-01 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2956467

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2010-07-01 3:07 PM

Just read the last few pages and it's CLEAR: Ironman Lake Placid is pretty much dominating our lives right now -- the training, this message board, dreams, daily nutrition/fatigue, we are all pretty much fully obsessed and absorbed with this single event we signed up for a year ago . . .  Now here's the Question:  What tha f_ck do we do after July 26th?  How bad is the post Race depression?   

Eat ice cream...........Ben & Jerrys
2010-07-01 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2956467

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2010-07-01 3:07 PM

 Now here's the Question:  What tha f_ck do we do after July 26th?  How bad is the post Race depression?   

I cant stop thinking about this also....what will i do???
2010-07-01 3:43 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
?s about SN bags. I have never been in a race where they have had these (first IM for me).

Where are they located...both bike and run?

Is it easy to access...both bike and run?

My plan is to leave a second fuelbelt in my run SN bag...and just swap it with the one i started doing this so i dont need to carry all my nutrition with me.
2010-07-01 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2956467

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2010-07-01 2:07 PM

Just read the last few pages and it's CLEAR: Ironman Lake Placid is pretty much dominating our lives right now -- the training, this message board, dreams, daily nutrition/fatigue, we are all pretty much fully obsessed and absorbed with this single event we signed up for a year ago . . .  Now here's the Question:  What tha f_ck do we do after July 26th?  How bad is the post Race depression?   

I plan on re-introducing myself to my family......Looking back, and all things considered, I didn't miss as many events for my three sons as I predicted. But I did pass on the opportunity to coach baseball, missed a few lacrosse games and couldn't go on some scouting trips. My oldest is actually at boy scout camp during IMLP and is totally bummed he cannot be at the race. I am using it to tell him that his goal (to one day be an Eagle Scout) is like IM: it is not easy and sometimes you have to be away from your family, make sacrifices, etc. to make it happen. Still won't be the same without him.

One thing I won't be doing is training for another IM right away. Need to weasle my way into the NYC Marathon next.......hopefully for 2011. I probably will do another IM....just don't know where or when yet.

2010-07-01 4:06 PM
in reply to: #2956524

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
WittyCityGirl - 2010-07-01 3:28 PM

I'm sure post-IM is like post-wedding... all that effort for ONE freaking helluva day!

yeah, but after the wedding, at least you get a honeymoon. After the Ironman, you get "Well, great for you. Now about all those things you put aside till after the race...."
2010-07-01 4:13 PM
in reply to: #2337428

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2010-07-01 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2956719

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2010-07-01 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
My short list of goals post IMLP...

1. Do a crit race
2. Xterra
3. learn to snowboard

Train safe these next couple weeks!
2010-07-01 4:44 PM
in reply to: #2956770

New York
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

runnerx - 2010-07-01 5:06 PM
WittyCityGirl - 2010-07-01 3:28 PM I'm sure post-IM is like post-wedding... all that effort for ONE freaking helluva day!
yeah, but after the wedding, at least you get a honeymoon. After the Ironman, you get "Well, great for you. Now about all those things you put aside till after the race...."

Here's something to go along with the wedding analogy, since we went down that road: I am not married, but a ton of my friends recently are. This meant going to a lot of bridal showers and wearing dresses I didn't care to and spending money I didn't really have on their big day.

So, here's my question: can we start a similar tradition for IM? Can we have a triathlon shower, where you register for somewhat unnecessary and expensive stuff that you want other people to buy for you? Like, a new tri suit, or a nice set of wheels? 


2010-07-01 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2956418

Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

rscheung - 2010-07-02 4:44 AM

papson14 - 2010-07-01 8:21 AM

cusetri - 2010-07-01 7:21 PM

I think the EN piece is an excellent one.

to me, the IM is about ego, and most importantly checking yours at the swim start.

I can bike that course in 5:30.  fact.

I wont, though.  I'll under bike that day.  I'll turn my strength into a negative for one day, bike 5:50 or so...maybe more, maybe less, the more and less will be based on the conditions....if its hot and wind is in our face, a little and little wind, a little less.  I dont control my split, only my effort....Im a patient man, so you can bet it will be controlled.  worse case I get experience.  I have no problem averaging 17-18 mph.  it wont change my pace.   

than i'm going to run.  If I have issues, they wont be nutrition issues...they will be pacing issues.  I may be throwing up and I may not be able to hold down food, but I wont call them nutrition issues--the solution to next time is my pace.  I will adjust to do better next year by adjusting my pace.  Unless you start the race with the flu or some other nasty sickness, get 4 flats or some other mechanical mess, underperforming at IM is a pacing issue.  Nutrition is an excuse.  

 Sure, ?you can underfeed and overfeed too, but if you have been banging out 6 hour rides, stopping for no one and nothing, peeing yourself, carrying all nutrition on board, coming home absolutely shelled, and you have had to make negotiations with God to get through the final 1 hour of those rides, I think what you ate on those rides is gonna work. 

If you're long rides involved stops at the bagel shop, 7 pee breaks, stops at the gas station to refill, and 200 calories/hour, etc...Then on race day, you go like the first training ride I descibe and try and eat 400 cals/hour, you're going to have issue.

you race how you train.  period.  in fact, maybe you race slightly below how you train.  for some of us, that is still pretty hard....all I know (which isn't much) is if you race

(?o?n? ?t?h?e? ?b?i?k?e??)? harder than you train (for IM), you are going to have issues. 

If you can digest it on a training ride, you can digest it in an IM......well, as long as you go at the ?s?a?m?e? ?e?f?f?o?r?t? ?a?s? ?y?o?u?r? ?t?r?a?i?n?i?n?g? ?r?i?d?e?s?????.....

We said long ago on this thread....NO EXCUSES. 

just my thoughts on the matter..........
?3 weeks.....yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Gonna have to disagree with you here.  I train like I race all the time.  I did everything on race day just as I had on training days leading up to the race. I paced just like I trained and was having a great day.   However, later that day my body decided to release my nutrition early, by about 20 miles.  Even though I felt great and could run just fine I spent the rest of the day running from potty to potty.  Still had fun but there was a lot of time on the clock that I wasn't counting on.

In retrospect, I guess you really can't know what your body is going to do with your nutrition unless you've done the distance with the nutrition.  It seems that there was a point where my body decided that it had had enough gu for the day.  I don't see this as an excuse, it's a fact that my nutrition worked in training but did not work on race day.

Really?  You train like you race ALL of the time?  I find that hard to believe.  I train like I race SOME of the time.  Some of the time I train much harder. Some of the time I train much easier. Not trying to argue with you, I'm just wondering if this is really true.

You never add intensity to long rides?  or long runs? You never carry extra bottles with you on training rides so you don't have to stop?

Is this true for IM distance only? If I trained like I race the HIM distance, I'd be shelled after every workout.

Again, not trying to argue. I just hear this "always train like you race" thing thrown out there so often and I definately don't do this, nor do I agree with it.


I was trying to say that I had practiced my nutrition at race pace enough to know it worked for the distances I had covered in training but it did not continue to do so when I was racing.

2010-07-01 6:18 PM
in reply to: #2956467

Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

Dream Chaser - 2010-07-02 5:07 AM

Just read the last few pages and it's CLEAR: Ironman Lake Placid is pretty much dominating our lives right now -- the training, this message board, dreams, daily nutrition/fatigue, we are all pretty much fully obsessed and absorbed with this single event we signed up for a year ago . . .  Now here's the Question:  What tha f_ck do we do after July 26th?  How bad is the post Race depression?   


I am going to enjoy about 2 weeks of being able to talk to "almost" everyone in English and catch up on some food that you just can't get over here.

I'll get back to some easy training after I get home.

Edited by papson14 2010-07-01 6:20 PM
2010-07-01 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
lots of good stuff here...

I was stuck at the US/canadian border for FOUR hours today visiting the wifes family in michigan for the 4th of july.  then, got a speeding ticket 3 right next to our exit. 

turned an 8 hour drive into 12.5 hours!....


i did have a good run after arrival, is it different running at 9 at night compared to 2 in the afternoon!

I like jorge's thoughts....although, for a first timer, conservative makes a lot of sense.  if on that 2nd loop, I feel strong, maybe i'll push......

in regards to my predicted bike split I really plan on under biking my frist time around...I want to learn, and I want to nail the run....maybe i'll regret it, but I probably wont nail the bike first time around, so i'll either under bike or over bike.....

just my thoughts on the matter...

again, good stuff in here today!!

2010-07-01 9:43 PM
in reply to: #2956943

Extreme Veteran
Sea Isle City, NJ
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
papson14 - 2010-07-01 7:18 PM

I am going to enjoy about 2 weeks of being able to talk to "almost" everyone in English and catch up on some food that you just can't get over here.


Insert politically incorrect joke about IronMan Arizona here.
2010-07-02 6:04 AM
in reply to: #2956719

Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
dharris13 - 2010-07-01 4:43 PM ?s about SN bags. I have never been in a race where they have had these (first IM for me).

Where are they located...both bike and run?

Is it easy to access...both bike and run?

My plan is to leave a second fuelbelt in my run SN bag...and just swap it with the one i started doing this so i dont need to carry all my nutrition with me.

I've never done an IM, but I would not want to count on my special needs bag.  Mine will be packed with things I might want, but not something I intend to need.  It's a risk... I've heard stories of back of the pack racers not being able to find their bags.

2010-07-02 6:35 AM
in reply to: #2956814

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
swishyskirt - 2010-07-01 4:44 PM

runnerx - 2010-07-01 5:06 PM
WittyCityGirl - 2010-07-01 3:28 PM I'm sure post-IM is like post-wedding... all that effort for ONE freaking helluva day!
yeah, but after the wedding, at least you get a honeymoon. After the Ironman, you get "Well, great for you. Now about all those things you put aside till after the race...."

Here's something to go along with the wedding analogy, since we went down that road: I am not married, but a ton of my friends recently are. This meant going to a lot of bridal showers and wearing dresses I didn't care to and spending money I didn't really have on their big day.

So, here's my question: can we start a similar tradition for IM? Can we have a triathlon shower, where you register for somewhat unnecessary and expensive stuff that you want other people to buy for you? Like, a new tri suit, or a nice set of wheels? 


2010-07-02 6:38 AM
in reply to: #2956467

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2010-07-01 3:07 PM

Just read the last few pages and it's CLEAR: Ironman Lake Placid is pretty much dominating our lives right now -- the training, this message board, dreams, daily nutrition/fatigue, we are all pretty much fully obsessed and absorbed with this single event we signed up for a year ago . . .  Now here's the Question:  What tha f_ck do we do after July 26th?  How bad is the post Race depression?   

I see that as a possibility, and im not yet concerned, however I keep an open mind to having that effect me.

to be honest, IM LP is not dominating my life right now.  training everyday is.

I can honestly say, with or without LP, I'd still be training everyday!  Smile

The reason, I think, you see some people have no problem be extremely consistent with training is because they love to train, they find a way to fit it in their lives....doing or not doing IM wouldn't change that for me one bit.

2010-07-02 7:03 AM
in reply to: #2337428

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2010-07-02 7:06 AM
in reply to: #2337428

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2010-07-02 7:08 AM
in reply to: #2337428

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Enjoy Fred!

2010-07-02 7:45 AM
in reply to: #2957433

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2010-07-02 7:46 AM
in reply to: #2337428

Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Last big weekend kids!

Saturday = 5.5 hrs at IM race effort followed by a 30' T-run
Sunday = 22 miles at IM race effort with the last 3 pushed harder

Here we go!
2010-07-02 7:47 AM
in reply to: #2337428

Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

Sick!  Why now?  Caught the daughter's bug and I'm completely shot.  Hopefully I can recover in time for the big weekend I planned.  Argh!!!!

2010-07-02 7:50 AM
in reply to: #2957476

Extreme Veteran
Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
thelunchbox - 2010-07-02 7:47 AM

Sick!  Why now?  Caught the daughter's bug and I'm completely shot.  Hopefully I can recover in time for the big weekend I planned.  Argh!!!!

Yup, I'm not feeling all that great right now. Hope it's nothing.  
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