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2011-10-23 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Reality check-adjust goals and expectations. I'm going to shoot for a 4 hour marathon, if lucky maybe a little under. Tough 20.66 today topping off a 49 mile week. I experimented with perpetuem on the first lap but also took on two energy gels-each time ending up with some stomach pain and slowed to a walk. Lap 2 I had to dart off into the woods to use the bathroom-after that I felt better and had switched to water but I slowed considerably. At mile 17/18 I developed some foot pain and noticed I was running with a limp so I walked the last mile and change to end with 3:45. I hope for a good November and a good taper will help with a good run on fresh legs. My training route is very hilly and Whiterock is noted for being flat, I hope that helps too.

On lap 1 I also experimented with a 3.5 hr pace and stayed on pace to mile five, then slowly, at first, began to slip off pace, precipitously after mile 8.

I assume perpetuem and Gu is not a good mix, probably too much to absorb or something. It was a nice morning, foggy but warmed up later when the sun came out. My new shoes maybe approaching the end of their useful life already-258 miles

2011-10-24 7:41 AM
in reply to: #3735150

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


My experience with planatr fasciitis is that when it's there, it's tough to not notice first thing in the morning. But, we are all different, and don't always "present" symptoms the same way. (I have been terrible at presenting "classic" symptoms on several occasions.)

Good work on sticking with the elliptical, right up to the burn point. As I think I said, I've never braved one of those things, that look like they might come straight from the Devil's playpen!

2011-10-24 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3735179

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Good week! I consistently tried to teach my students the rules of rounding-up, and of course that 49 rounds right up to 50. You did it!

About the Perpetuem, I have a couple of thoughts:
(1) I think Hammer would say that too much mixing of "meds" isn't good, especially when some of those meds aren't compatible with their own products. I think they would feel that Gu has too many simple sugars in it, and in Hammer's world that is definitely a bad thing. So, were you to call them up and ask what happened, they might quickly jump on Gu being the culprit, and when combined with Perp, it was inevitable that stomach distress would result. I am NOT knocking Hammer there, as I mostly buy their arguments about simple sugars and assimilation and all that stuff, as well as problems that might come from combining different products. And, I have had good success with Gu and Gu Roctane, so I'm not knocking them, either. I guess I'd better watch my tone!
(2) You say you had Perp during the first lap, and that you also had Gu with it. First thought is that Perp is designed for something like events that exceed 2 (or 3?) hours in length, and while your run was in that range, I think your timing might've been off. When I have used Perp (many times obver the years), I have waited until the 2/3 hour mark before starting it. Not only did I asume this was the protocol, but I find it fairly heavy and wouldn't want to drag it along with my system for too many hours. Also, I have never (and would never) take Perp at the same time I took in a gel, any gel, even a Hammer Gel. I have staggered them -- that is, had Perp and then 20 or 30 minutes later had a gel -- and that has never backfired on me. I don't really think that degree of spacing can remove one from the system before the other enters it, but at least it's not such a double-hit.

So, next time, try to hold off on the Perp until you're a good two hours into your run. At that point you will not yet have depleted what Perp is designed to get back in your system, and until then you will be fine just working to keep your carbohydrate levels where you want them. I will look into Perp and refresh my mind on it, as it's been at least since last August ('10) that I used it, if then.

If Gu works for you, keep using it. I said above that I buy a good deal of what Hammer says, but I'm not near as religious about it anymore. I really would try to space your gels and your Perp, and, in fact, I even try to space out gels and HEED. That is, if I have a gel on the bike, I will chase it with water and not HEED. Same thing at an aid station on the run, and viewing it the other way, if I want the energy drink there I will not have a gel at that time, choosing to save it for the next energy station. But that's me, and I don't have a cast-iron gut, so I'm kind of cautious.

You doing hills now should only help you for a flat White Rock. It will be a confidence-builder just knowing you managed hills throughout your training, and then transitioning to 26.2 of mostly flat will be mostly sweet. Win-win!

Very wise to honor the foot pain by going into a walk. To do otherwise might've been a lose-lose, with more pain currently becoming something that would affect your training as W.R. approaches. Good decision!

As for the pain itself........??

Finally, your pacing experiment was a good effort, nothing wrong with playing around with that stuff and seeing where you end up, which is really the same as how you can sustain that apce. Many marathoners will start out in a borderline-aggressive pace group, and then just drop back when they feel it is necessary. The opposite approach, of course, is to start off in a comfy pace group, and then if the world is all shiny as things progress, they pick up the opace and maybe even catch up with a faster pace-bunny.

I generally think it is best to lay back some early on (for marathons, this is), just checking my ego at the start line and keeping WELL within myself for the first 1-3 miles. So, I have never used a pace bunny or a pacing group.....but this is also consistent with me doing everything solo. The nice thing about taking this approach for a marathon is that the thing is long enough so that even if I am slower than I want to be at the mile two marker, I still have many, many miles to gain that time back. And, the marathon world is strewn twenty-deep with people who blew out too fast, and then staggered their way to a miserable finish.

Having said that, though, I am not a good pacer. I made it work at my Boston qualifier, and I succeeded at it at Boston itself, but my earlier efforts were not as sterling. Not by a longshot!

So, thinking about your comments on the 3.5 pace and how it changed at mile five and then again after eight, you're on a safer track with adjusting to four hours. Definitely try that pace on your next long run and see how it feels, and definitely let me know!

Finally-finally, a lot of peole subscribe to a goal of negative-splitting a marathon, and while that is a great way to do it, I find it tough to pull off. I can check part of my ego at the start line, but probably not enough to ensure that I go out cautioulsy enough so that I have what it takes to do the final 13.1 miles faster than the first 13.1 miles. Had I stayed with being a marathoner, I would've liked to push the walls on that concept.......but back in my marathon days I had neither the experience nor the discipline to make it work for me.

How's the body feeling today?

2011-10-24 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3733922

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Yo! You did SOMA!

So, how're ya doin'? I see you had a much better "middle" part (T1, bike, T2) yesterday than at Vineman, so that has to make you feel good. At the longer distanxces, improvements come from working at the parts, so getting better at three areas in one race is no mean feat. Well done!

I guess you're on your way back, and maybe meeting up with a friend to be your support crew for the end half of ghe drive. That was a plan of sorts, yes?

ANYHOW, looking forward to your report and just plain old random reflections!!

2011-10-24 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Thanks Steve for the feedback. I feel fine today, just tired. My foot pain went away within a few hours. I don't feel like I could do any kind of serious run but I feel ok. I will re-read up on the perp use, I probably made a mistake sipping on it the first lap
2011-10-24 8:46 AM
in reply to: #3735574

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Good that you feel only tired, and REALLY good that the foot pain disappeared so quickly. Both of those probably testify to the big miles you have put in already, and also to the decison to walk-it-in once the foot pain started, and also to adjusting your pace. All of those are great Tricks of the Trade!

I too will head off for some info on Perpetuem.

(Have we talked before about "Perpetupaste"?)

2011-10-24 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3735587

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
(Have we talked before about "Perpetupaste"?)
Sounds hideous-but I'll read what you have to say
2011-10-24 11:17 AM
in reply to: #3735623

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Well, it has two potential victims of hidousness -- those who hat Pewrpetuem, and those who hate gels. For the rest of us.....

Hammer has this on their website, but back in '03 when Perpetuem was introduced, I came up with the word Perpetupaste all on my own. (I was so proud of myself!)

It is really simple -- just mix Perpetuem in water to a consistency that is tolerable and will flow freely from a flask. It is just perpetuem as a semi-solid, and works great as a late-in-the-race alternative to gels, or carrying a whole water bottle of Perpetuem. In other words, it proivoides the same benefit as Perpetuem -- but not as a liquid and not so bulkily.

I mix mine in a small measuring cup, and then pour it into a flask. Now, the flask needs to be carried, but that works well in one of the four side pockets of my DeSoto tri shorts. (I guess you know, though, that are flask belts that some people use, but I balk at any belt other than the one that holds my bib.) I now do it by trial-and-error, and so can't give my exact measuirng technique, but I think it starts with one scoppo of Perpetuem.......and then just adding water and stirring, and dding water and stirring, and on nd on until a decent consistency is reached. It never ceases to amaze me how much water needs to be added to such a seemingly small amount of powder to come up with a free-flowing gel/paste!

Just a thought for you, another concept with which to deal!

2011-10-24 11:29 AM
in reply to: #3735820

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-10-24 11:17 AM JEFF - Well, it has two potential victims of hidousness -- those who hat Pewrpetuem, and those who hate gels. For the rest of us..... Hammer has this on their website, but back in '03 when Perpetuem was introduced, I came up with the word Perpetupaste all on my own. (I was so proud of myself!) It is really simple -- just mix Perpetuem in water to a consistency that is tolerable and will flow freely from a flask. It is just perpetuem as a semi-solid, and works great as a late-in-the-race alternative to gels, or carrying a whole water bottle of Perpetuem. In other words, it proivoides the same benefit as Perpetuem -- but not as a liquid and not so bulkily. I mix mine in a small measuring cup, and then pour it into a flask. Now, the flask needs to be carried, but that works well in one of the four side pockets of my DeSoto tri shorts. (I guess you know, though, that are flask belts that some people use, but I balk at any belt other than the one that holds my bib.) I now do it by trial-and-error, and so can't give my exact measuirng technique, but I think it starts with one scoppo of Perpetuem.......and then just adding water and stirring, and dding water and stirring, and on nd on until a decent consistency is reached. It never ceases to amaze me how much water needs to be added to such a seemingly small amount of powder to come up with a free-flowing gel/paste! Just a thought for you, another concept with which to deal!

I've been reading the Hammer web site. Lot's to grasp in what, for me, is pretty dull science. Correlating my stomach pain to the Gu/perp intake is purely anecdotal/empirical and I remember "correlation doesn't always equal causation" but the circumstantial evidence is compelling. It is a tough call for me because my tried and true Gatorade/Gu/Water is very affordable for me and easy. Having said that, if there is a better way that doesn't cause me to feel like I am taking chemistry or biology again then it would be silly to ignore it. Thinking ahead to another Texas summer and very long unsupported rides all the warnings about spoilage concern me to. But I will pick up another small package, or two and maybe the enduralytes as well and keep trying. As long as the flavors aren't too objectionable it will be interesting-I remember with Cytomax, I didn't consume enough to be helpful because I just didn't like it-especially when it was hot 95 degree Cytomax was awful.

2011-10-24 4:12 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hello Everyone,

I need some help on this HR thing.  First does anyone know of a good watch that has a HR. I dont need a GPS, just one where I can do interval work and also track my HR.  I dont want to spend more than $150.  Ok and to the big question on finding what HR I should be using to work out to max my workouts and also loose weight.  I looked on the internet and seems there are a lot of different calculations.

One said the following:

  • Determine your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) by subtracting your age from 220.
  • Then, subtract your resting heart rate (it's best to take this when you first wake up in the morning) from your Maximum Heart Rate to find your Heart Rate Reserve (HRR).
  • Multiply your HRR by the percentage of your MHR at which you wish to train (60% to 85% is the usual range for people looking to increase fitness and health).
  • Add your resting heart rate back to that result to get your target rate.

So, assuming an age of 27, a resting heart rate of 70 beats per minute, and a desired training range of 70%, the calculation would look like this:

220 - 27 = 193
193 - 70 = 123
123 x .70% = 86
86 + 70 = 156


Another said :  

To find the heart rate you should reach during cardio, you first want to take 220 minus your age. For example if you are 35, 220-35= 185. Once you have that number you need to find the zone that you should exercise in by, taking your Heart Rate max times the following percentages. Zone 1 is for beginners, Zone 2 for healthy active adults and Zone 3 is to be used by high level athletes or adults approved by a physician.

Zone I: HRmax x 0.65 to 0.75: If first-time exerciser use HRmax x 0.50 to 0.65

Zone II: HRmax x 0.80 to 0.85

Zone III:  HRmax x 0.86 to 0.90

************** Not really sure what is the best and right way.  If I use the first option (27 year old with rest HR of 70 then his workout HR should be 156, but if I use the same Age person with option 2 it says the HR should be 135 with the same 70%). That is a big difference between 135 and 156.  Any suggestions.

2011-10-24 4:51 PM
in reply to: #3736335

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
gdsemiller - 2011-10-24 4:12 PM

Hello Everyone,

I need some help on this HR thing.  First does anyone know of a good watch that has a HR. I dont need a GPS, just one where I can do interval work and also track my HR.  I dont want to spend more than $150.  Ok and to the big question on finding what HR I should be using to work out to max my workouts and also loose weight.  I looked on the internet and seems there are a lot of different calculations.

One said the following:

  • Determine your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) by subtracting your age from 220.
  • Then, subtract your resting heart rate (it's best to take this when you first wake up in the morning) from your Maximum Heart Rate to find your Heart Rate Reserve (HRR).
  • Multiply your HRR by the percentage of your MHR at which you wish to train (60% to 85% is the usual range for people looking to increase fitness and health).
  • Add your resting heart rate back to that result to get your target rate.

So, assuming an age of 27, a resting heart rate of 70 beats per minute, and a desired training range of 70%, the calculation would look like this:

220 - 27 = 193
193 - 70 = 123
123 x .70% = 86
86 + 70 = 156


Another said :  

To find the heart rate you should reach during cardio, you first want to take 220 minus your age. For example if you are 35, 220-35= 185. Once you have that number you need to find the zone that you should exercise in by, taking your Heart Rate max times the following percentages. Zone 1 is for beginners, Zone 2 for healthy active adults and Zone 3 is to be used by high level athletes or adults approved by a physician.

Zone I: HRmax x 0.65 to 0.75: If first-time exerciser use HRmax x 0.50 to 0.65

Zone II: HRmax x 0.80 to 0.85

Zone III:  HRmax x 0.86 to 0.90

************** Not really sure what is the best and right way.  If I use the first option (27 year old with rest HR of 70 then his workout HR should be 156, but if I use the same Age person with option 2 it says the HR should be 135 with the same 70%). That is a big difference between 135 and 156.  Any suggestions.

I got a real basic HR from, a Timex Something for $30. I wear it and my Timex ironman, one on each arm-geeky but it works.

Forget the 220-age thing. BT has some good articles on HR training. The LTHR is the number you probably want to base everything off of. The field test is brutal though. I ended up taking my average HR for a hard 5k race and plugging that number into the BT heart zone calculator. Simple and probably close enough for me. I have a vague awareness of where my zones lie and adjust pacing accordingly except for speed work where I am more concerned with training myself to hold a targeted pace. I hope that helps

2011-10-24 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3735838

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Just a quickish one for now.

Dr. Bill wrote mmost of the stuff for Hammer back when, before he retired about three or four years ago. The problem is, they still have lots of his articles there, and they are tremendously dense and tedious. There are ways to worm through the hammer info and find stuff that is less mind-deadening, but it takes time. One good source is Endurance News, and they're probably up to about #80 now; I haven't checked it in ages. Steve Born and Brian (the owner) wrote most of E.N., and it is highly readable.

I have spent years and years, and countless hours within those years, thinking about making my nutrition as "pure" as possible. I was a huge Hammer person from about '01 through maybe '07, and then allowed myself to stray. The eventual tipping point for me came when I finally got tired of not liking the taste of Hammer Gel as much as I like the tastes from other gel-makers. Like many things in life, gels are good for you only if you can stomach them....and I found I wasn't using H.G. as much as I should because the taste was a tad off-putting to me.

All of that is to say that my stance now is very liberal, and I do not live by the idea that complex sugars are the only ones I should intake during workouts and races. So, I now bounce around between Power, and Gu, and Accel, and Carb-Boom.......and even Hammer! So, if you think Gatorade and Gu work for you, then I say keep using them -- especially if Hammer doesn't suit you as well as those others.

I still can see some of the arguments for complex sugars, but for many people more simple sugars work quite well. I do think most of this becomes more important as distances lengthen, and for sprints and olys about anything will work as long as it stocks up carbs and adds a few electrolytes to the mix.

As for stuff like Perpetuem and Sustanined Energy during long, hot Texas ordeals, you can so two things. One is to carry bottles with only powder in them, and then make a quick stop to buy water and then add it. It really does take several hours in the heat to make that stuff spoil --- but when it goes, it is positively awful. The other thing to do is just not use those products on training rides unless they are long tempo efforts. I have taken that approach even with gels the past couple of years, figuring that if I can condition my body to work mostly okay when it is depleted, then it will work great when I keep it fueled during a race. Admittedly, though, for years I never did a really long ride without some sort of protein-based drink along with me.

That's a great thing about Gatorade -- it never spoinls or even grows slightly weird. I love HEED, but about a day after its initial mixing it develops an odd edge to it -- definoitely not rancid and putrid, but just mildly unpleasant. G-ade, though, never gets much different than how it comes out of the bottle first time around. The only diffs are hotter or colder!

Finally, Endurolytes are a good thing to try. They have the extra electrolytes most gels and many energy drinks (including HEED) don't have, stuff such magnesium and calcium and manganese, to go with standards such as sodium and potassium. I haven't heard you complain much about severe cramping, but if it affects you then magnesium should help to some degree, along with sodium and potassium.


2011-10-25 2:19 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Jeff- Thanks for your input on the HR.  I found an Article in BT from Scott Herrick and it makes sense. Man to figure out my Heart Rate oh Boy.... I dont know if I could do the total 33 minutes, I might have to shorten it down a little.

In case anyone wants to read the article, here is the link. The 1st link is Part one and the second is Part 2.

I hope everyone has a great day.

2011-10-25 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

I'm back from AZ but now I'm off to the barn to get my horses feet trimmed. I'll write up my race report later today. Overall it was good but I am not a very good hot weather runner! Lots of good parts of the day to tell you about though


2011-10-26 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3737718

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


After years of being on dial-up, we have now gotten the antenna thingy and appear to be operational at high-speed. Whoa!!!

2011-10-26 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Steve, I think you are going to love the new speed

My race report is up! Click on Races below and you should be able to find it.

Some extra thoughts from the whole weekend.

It really was kind of strange to go to a race by myself. I did have a friend come with me to L.A. which is halfway so I loved having the company. Another friend from San Jose had to fly down as an emergency because her college son broke his leg. She is in the middle of IMAZ training so I brought her bike and my trainer with me so she could get her long ride in while in her hotel room. Her son had to have surgery so she couldn't leave him for too long. It was a small side trip and I was glad the timing and location all worked out.

Saturday I went to check in and rack my bike. This race has everyone rack bikes Saturday instead of on race day. The rest of the day I ran a couple of errands, ate well with the race in mind and stayed in my room to stay cool and hydrate. Both days were going to top off at 97 degrees.

Sunday I was up and in transition by 5:15.

So my swim was slower then Vineman but I think the Vineman current on the way back helped me along. I loved the swim. As I get more experience I think I'll 'race' the swim but for now I'm happy with swimming steady and calm

The bike was good. Faster then Vineman. I worked on keeping a good pace on the straights and passing people. Started pooping out a bit by the 3rd lap but next year I'll be stronger

The run was just stinking hot for me! It was what it was. I would put ice in my sport bra (it was kind of a double one so I could stuff gels in there so I had lots of room) and I didn't even feel the cold. I think that saved me from really overheating. I tried to get my training runs in during the afternoons the last few weeks but I'm not sure that helped very much. I finished with a really slow run leg but that's ok. More to work on for next year

Afterwards I kept hydrating until I went to bed. I cranked the air up in my room all night and I still felt hot until about the middle of the night. I'm sure my core temp was up.

Overall it was a good race for me and a good finish to the season. I still have a couple of runs coming up and I'm already totally into my off season mode of thinking. I need to lose a few more pounds, get some strength training in, yoga, etc.

2011-10-26 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3738676

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Central Point
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-10-26 7:42 AM GANG! After years of being on dial-up, we have now gotten the antenna thingy and appear to be operational at high-speed. Whoa!!!

Steve, Welcome to the 2st century. Laughing

I've been following along here I just don't have anything to report. I joined the local bike club and went on a couple group rides the last 2 weeks it was fun but very different then riding by yourself. Kathy is in England and wont be back for a few more weeks. I've just been doing my spin class twice a week and a road ride on the weekends 25 - 30 miles.

Edited by ckallpoints 2011-10-26 1:49 PM
2011-10-26 12:55 PM
in reply to: #3738828

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-10-26 7:42 AM GANG! After years of being on dial-up, we have now gotten the antenna thingy and appear to be operational at high-speed. Whoa!!!

Now, time to update that rotary dial phone and Super 8 camera!

2011-10-26 1:41 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Johanne - Congrats on the race and beating your bike time from your last HIM by 14 minutes.  Wow 97 degrees is hot for a HIM. I like the Sports Bra thing, I will have to go out and buy me one. Since I dont have a jersey, I race in my sports tech T-shirts then the Bra will come in handy on carrying my gets and other stuff also the ice thing, if I put ice down my shirt its going to just fall out. I guess I will head to Walmart tonight to get my bra, Do they make them in Triple D size, the more room the more stuff I can carry with me.

Steve - Congrats on the High Speed Internet.  Now instead of clicking on a web page and then going to get something to eat, watch a tv show and use the bathroom before the page comes up, you can just surf away. Enjoy.

Craig - Glad to see you are still out and doing things.  I find it hard and sometimes easy in group rides.  The hard part is keeping up with some of the speedy folks and the easy is Drafting, man that really help, but it your like me I cant keep up with the fast folks to even draft off them.

Hope everyone has a great day


2011-10-26 2:54 PM
in reply to: #3739115

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
gdsemiller - 2011-10-26 11:41 AM

Johanne - Congrats on the race and beating your bike time from your last HIM by 14 minutes.  Wow 97 degrees is hot for a HIM. I like the Sports Bra thing, I will have to go out and buy me one. Since I dont have a jersey, I race in my sports tech T-shirts then the Bra will come in handy on carrying my gets and other stuff also the ice thing, if I put ice down my shirt its going to just fall out. I guess I will head to Walmart tonight to get my bra, Do they make them in Triple D size, the more room the more stuff I can carry with me.

Steve - Congrats on the High Speed Internet.  Now instead of clicking on a web page and then going to get something to eat, watch a tv show and use the bathroom before the page comes up, you can just surf away. Enjoy.

Craig - Glad to see you are still out and doing things.  I find it hard and sometimes easy in group rides.  The hard part is keeping up with some of the speedy folks and the easy is Drafting, man that really help, but it your like me I cant keep up with the fast folks to even draft off them.

Hope everyone has a great day


George, they have a size for everything so I think you should go shopping. You can start a new trend down in the south Some people that wore hats would just put their cup of ice in the hat and put it back on. You can get a sport bra big enough to fit ice, gels, your car keys, phone, and then think of how cold everything will stay!

2011-10-29 8:35 AM
in reply to: #3738824

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Well, the road to high speed has been a bit bumpy.....but we're gettingt here! As it is, though, I am back here on the old system for now. We've been betxixt and between for the past couple of days, which means nothing at all cyberwise. And this has to be quick, just cuz we have places to go and things to do!


2011-10-29 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3738824

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Great reports, both the abbreviated one above and the official one through your races link.

97 is no fun at all, but not that I would know because I have never raced in anything that hot. I've done a bunch of training runs in such heat, but I always cut them short - certainly nothing approaching Soma conditions. I can't imagine having to keep it together for 13.1 miles in a race setting!!

From start to finish, though, it sounds as if you were really smart, just working hard to keep well within yourself. It was probably THE perfect day to show restraint on the bike, just a s a way to keep your system as clsoe to settled as possible. Well-played!

Remind me to say something about a pice of DeSoto clothing that is designed (in part) for storing ice on hot runs. And just curious -- is the doubleness of your sports bra designed for carrying stuff, or were you just resourceful?

You mention the off-season, and does that mean that you won't be doing the R&R half-matahon? Just curious there, too!

More later!

2011-10-29 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3738828

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Migty fine to see you checking in! I've done enough of these groups to know how common it is for people to just disappear, and I mostly take absences now with that in mind -- gone, and will never ever return. It's a sad story, but a decent way to cope.

So, though! It is a thrill when someone returns, phoenix from the ashes and all. Mostly I'm glad to know you're well, and that while things have changed some, you're still functional and seemingly happy -- but why not in England yourself? (I ask that with some incredulity, but I'm the one who stayed here last March while Lynn was visiting Jane in Australia. DOH!

Keep in touch, eh?

2011-10-29 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3739040

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Three phones for us -- Lyn's cell phone, a cordless thing, and an actual big, black rotary phone. We never call out on that one, but it's our second listening phone when both of us need to be on the line. Luddites to the end!!

2011-10-29 9:01 AM
in reply to: #3739115

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I will have to work hard at NOT becoming a cyber-surfer, as I definitely don't want to get addicted to the internet. I do a good job at this, but a big part f that is that things have been so slow with dial-up. I never do YouTube stuff, and pay virtually no attention to Facebook, and I really want to keep it that way.

Inused to be a real addict with Slowtwitch, posting a few times a day back between, say '03 and '06. In January '06 Lynn and I took a weeklong trip to the western Yucutan, and I was thrilled to find that there was a comnputer in the lobby of the hotel we were at in Merida -- I could check into Slowtwitch!!!! I did that.....and then it suddenly hit me --- why in the world was I taking vacation time to post into a triathlon forum??

After that, I mostly stopped posting on Slowtwitch; it really was pretty much cold-turkey. I would guess that, since then, I have made a dozen posts, and possibly a few less. Now, part of that is that aspects of Slowtwitch can be very tedious, but I think I mostly used that as a rationale for dumping it in favor of other aspects of life.

As it is, Lynn was the catalyst for getting high-speed; had I my way, we would've kept it simple and stayed with dial-up. I view it that even with d-u, life is 4,376,902 times faster than it was 12 or 13 years ago when we were computerless, and I can live with that. Plus, I dislike change and am really, really stupid when it comes to machines and technology, so all that sort of stuff scares the dickens out of me.

Just curious -- have your kids lost any friends whose families suddenly left Alabama?

Finally, when is your run-race that's (i think) coming up?

Off to this and that!

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