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2011-10-30 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3743375

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-10-29 6:43 AM JOHANNE - Great reports, both the abbreviated one above and the official one through your races link. 97 is no fun at all, but not that I would know because I have never raced in anything that hot. I've done a bunch of training runs in such heat, but I always cut them short - certainly nothing approaching Soma conditions. I can't imagine having to keep it together for 13.1 miles in a race setting!! From start to finish, though, it sounds as if you were really smart, just working hard to keep well within yourself. It was probably THE perfect day to show restraint on the bike, just a s a way to keep your system as clsoe to settled as possible. Well-played! Remind me to say something about a pice of DeSoto clothing that is designed (in part) for storing ice on hot runs. And just curious -- is the doubleness of your sports bra designed for carrying stuff, or were you just resourceful? You mention the off-season, and does that mean that you won't be doing the R&R half-matahon? Just curious there, too! More later!

So what about the DeSoto outfit? My sports bra is reversible hence the room for ice Gels leave little cut marks on my skin so if I need them for a race/training I always wear something where I can store them safely. This was the first race I really needed ice and I think I'll wear it for any hot race.

Off season for me is non-tri season This year I still have a Turkey Trot 10K and the Vegas Rock n Roll. Then I have the Surf City Marathon in early February. After that I'll focus back on getting ready for tri's. I think I've decided to try to get 2-3 swims and 2 bikes in as well as the running and see how that goes. I'm totally open to changing my mind if my body tells me too. I really, really want to lose more weight so I'm going to work on that too. Off season just becomes another season

2011-10-30 2:42 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hello All!  Things here have been a bit on the crazy side the last couple of weeks.  Got back from Seattle and did a 30mile ride the next day looks like that may be my last outdoor ride on the roads since we just had a freak October blizzard so unless it warms up again to get ride of the 10+ inches we got ... I don't ride when there is snow on the ground!

I am sitting at Barnes and Noble since my power has been out since last night and isn't looking like it will be returned anytime soon.  I am hoping for tonight but they are forecasting another day or even 2.  I came down to White Plains since the New York Sports Club was open and got in a Spinnerval workout and then swam for a bit.  

I am so not ready for winter... Joanne, I would welcome the 97 degree weather!

Hope everyone has had a great season and here is to a productive off season!  I am starting CrossFit this Tuesday as I diversion from normal Tri training.  And I hope to get back to Tae Kwon Do on a regular basis.  BUT I don't want to loose the swim feel that I have gotten so I want to hit the pool a couple of times a week...  So much to do and plan!


2011-10-30 7:04 PM
in reply to: #3736335

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Hey George, I have a Timex Ironman with a HR Monitor and I love it. I never run or ride without it and use it occasionally in the pool. You can get them most places for around $100. I got mine at REI, their website is
2011-10-30 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I'm looking ahead to next year with IMAZ in November. I'm considering using the IronFit training program or maybe one here on BT. The IronFit program has me doing a Oly in August and a HIM the 3rd week of September. The timing isn't ideal with the other races I want to do. I want to sign up for the Vineman HIM in July again as my only HIM next year.

What do you think about mixing up a training program that much?  I've always moved stuff around to work around the races I want to do but I've never done an IM before



2011-10-31 8:00 AM
in reply to: #3744843

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


The easy part first:
The DeSoto top is part of their "Skin Cooler" line, which is revolutionary in that it is designed to keep moisture IN, rather than wick it away. Part of the theory is that air moving through wet helps keep us feeling cool, and I have to admit that that theory, brought into practice, works for me. The long-sleeved tops are very, very light, and are meant to be worn very, very tight. Where the ice part comes in is that down the back, along the spine, are three small pockets that are meant to hold smaller things, such as a gel packet, a sponge -- or ice! Ingenious? Probably.

I have to admit, though, that i have never used them for any of those purposes, and in fact I tend to use mine as a base layer in winter. Dumb? Probably!

The guy at DeSoto who convinced me to buy one (I now have three) told me that he wore his at Ironman Louisville, and it worked great. I expressed surprise at this, but didn't really argue. i just told him that it is a stretch for me, because i always race in tops that don't have sleeves and do have a zipper in front -- the Skin Cooler top is long-sleeves and no zipper. I also told him that it really floored me in the context of IMLOO, just because it is so bloody hot there that I couldn't imagine being so covered -- and zipperless!

So, I was skeptical about his claim, figuring it was maybe just someone saying anything to get me to but something, even though I have infinite faith in DeSoto. (Yeah, remind me to say something about their new running hats!) I stewed about this for a few days, and then decided to check it out myself by going to ASI and looking for the photos of him from IMLOO. An sure enough, there he was -- out on the run in his white Skin Cooler top. I don't tememebr his time, but it was pretty good; doesn't seem that overheating hurt him at all.

That's that, their top that is meant to carry ice so that as it melts, it dribbles lovingly and refreshingly down the spine. I will get brave next year and try it in a race, or at least a few training runs. I have stalled on that idea for two seasons now, I think it is, but as I have read more about the Skin Cooler philosophy, I'm game. (Those pockets are not meant for heavier stuff, such as flasks or thsoe little music player devices [is it MP3?])

Now, about rearranging your schedule to accommodate IMAZ. I will space that all out later and see how Vineman fits with AZ, but right offhand I don't see a problem in doing it that way, as opposed to a Sept half-iron. My general feeling on scheduling is that it's not really rocket science, and that if you look at ten different IM plans, you'll find ten different approaches to the scheduling of lead-up races, as well as length and timing of long runs and long rides.

Having said that, there ARE ways to make mistakes, but to fiddle around with races that work best for one, especially that far out from the goal IM, isn't high on the list of potential goof-ups. But I will ferret around some and see what the range of lead-up HIMs are in a bunch of different plans.

2011-10-31 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3744481

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I should be careful what I say here, but we seem to be starting winter the same way we ended it last year -- that is, lots of snow to the south and east and north of us, but not much here. We received nothing the past few days, and just waved to it from afar as it tacked from the southeast to the northeast of us. Last winter was just very snow-scant up here, and I haven't seen a long-range forecast for this coming winter to tell if we're due for a repeat. Anyhow, i hope you're back to a house with full power now!

Does your final paragraph suggest that you're leaving us?? It almost sounds that way. I hope that's not the case, and at the very least i hope you check in every so often with reports on CrossFit and Tae Kwon Do ---- and swimming!!!

Please keep in touch, yes??

2011-10-31 9:02 AM
in reply to: #3745087

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

STEVE -- I am not goin' anywhere! I hope to join your next group.  Laughing

This is an awesome group of people and I love doing triathlons... just want to try something new to start the off season, I think I need to shock my body a bit to get my weight loss started again... I am stuck at 188 and would like to be at 165 for next season...


2011-10-31 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3745205

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


WHEW! THAT'S a relief!!

What you're doing is what is highly recommended -- pursuing other things you love, or even just want to try. Some people will carry this on for a wee bit, until they go stir-crazy, or just can't find something to adequately (for them) replace S&B&R.

For me, i have no end of alternatives.....but i still come back to the old standbys sooner than I should. I am hoping to be even more disciplined this time around, but it'd be silly for make to make any guarantees.

My plan is still to start a new group in December, but have along anyone from the two current groups that wants to continue. For the past couple of years, new groups have formed around mid-December, so i will keep my eye on that and then let you all know when it is happening -- or as marmadaddy says "You are live!"

2011-10-31 10:02 AM
in reply to: #3745350

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

JOHANNE again -

Using the term "rocket science" is a bit flip, so let's try slightly different terminology.

My former coach several times told me that all this planning is more of an art than a science, which was his way of saying that it is best not to get stuck in rigidity. Another idea is that even the best plan in the world isn't any good if it doesn't work for the user. I subscribe strongly to both of those related views.

All those plans (be they IronFit or BT) are generic, of course, and they cannot tell if the prospective users live anywhere near a half-iron that just happens to be two months out from the goal iron, or if that person can travel to one that fits the plan's timeline.

So, for now --- onwards to Vineman!!!

2011-10-31 11:17 AM
in reply to: #3745361

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-10-31 8:02 AM JOHANNE again - Using the term "rocket science" is a bit flip, so let's try slightly different terminology. My former coach several times told me that all this planning is more of an art than a science, which was his way of saying that it is best not to get stuck in rigidity. Another idea is that even the best plan in the world isn't any good if it doesn't work for the user. I subscribe strongly to both of those related views. All those plans (be they IronFit or BT) are generic, of course, and they cannot tell if the prospective users live anywhere near a half-iron that just happens to be two months out from the goal iron, or if that person can travel to one that fits the plan's timeline. So, for now --- onwards to Vineman!!!

IronFit uses a base, build and peak phase deal so Vineman will be about a week into my build phase. I think I'll be alright because I should start my base phase with some good base already with events I'm working towards in the spring so I think I'll be ready. The only thing that really has me concerned is building in a taper and recovery week and what that does to the program but it's early enough that I think I have plenty of time to settle back into training. I shouldn't have any big changes during the peak phase and that's probably more important. I love this planning stuff

2011-10-31 11:23 AM
in reply to: #3745520

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
50andgettingfit - 2011-10-31 9:17 AM

stevebradley - 2011-10-31 8:02 AM JOHANNE again - Using the term "rocket science" is a bit flip, so let's try slightly different terminology. My former coach several times told me that all this planning is more of an art than a science, which was his way of saying that it is best not to get stuck in rigidity. Another idea is that even the best plan in the world isn't any good if it doesn't work for the user. I subscribe strongly to both of those related views. All those plans (be they IronFit or BT) are generic, of course, and they cannot tell if the prospective users live anywhere near a half-iron that just happens to be two months out from the goal iron, or if that person can travel to one that fits the plan's timeline. So, for now --- onwards to Vineman!!!

IronFit uses a base, build and peak phase deal so Vineman will be about a week into my build phase. I think I'll be alright because I should start my base phase with some good base already with events I'm working towards in the spring so I think I'll be ready. The only thing that really has me concerned is building in a taper and recovery week and what that does to the program but it's early enough that I think I have plenty of time to settle back into training. I shouldn't have any big changes during the peak phase and that's probably more important. I love this planning stuff


Vineman registration opens tomorrow, hence my questions now It'll all work out.

Back to yoga tomorrow for me. I haven't been in a couple of months. My daughter and I are taking yogatone because we are on a mission to lose some weight this winter. Alex, I hope changing it up is the way to go! Have fun with CrossFit.

2011-11-02 6:24 AM
in reply to: #3745531

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Have you signed up for Vineman 70.3? There's a thread at Slowtwitch about it filling up fast. I hope you're one of the ones who has been behind that acceleration!

2011-11-02 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3748259

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-11-02 6:24 AM JOHANNE!!!! Have you signed up for Vineman 70.3? There's a thread at Slowtwitch about it filling up fast. I hope you're one of the ones who has been behind that acceleration!

I think she did Steve....I saw her status on Facebook

2011-11-02 9:46 AM
in reply to: #3748259

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-11-02 4:24 AM JOHANNE!!!! Have you signed up for Vineman 70.3? There's a thread at Slowtwitch about it filling up fast. I hope you're one of the ones who has been behind that acceleration!

I did sign up! Last year it sold out in about 5 days and this year Vineman was predicting it would take 24-48 hours and it sold out in 3 hours! I was ready at 9:00am on the computer. My husband and our friend signed up too. It'll be their first HIM. Another friend signed up for the aquabike which is 2 weeks later. The bike course is the same as the HIM so we'll have some group training days up there. Should be lots of fun!

2011-11-03 6:14 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well and you folks in the North I hope you are staying warm.  Not much to report on this end here other than been real busy with work. I just wanted to stop by and say hello and for everyone to have a great day.

2011-11-03 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3775047

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


And the same to you!

Getting cold here, but no snow --- all that stuff that hit the east coast was well to the east of us. Whew!

I'm still working hard at observing a (half-decent) off-season. To wit, I have been on the bike once since Bassman (Oct. 2), and have done just a couple of 10km runs -- an dnone for about 11 days now. I renewed my pool pass, however, and have had four or five half-hearted swims; i'm aiming for 2 or 3 a week for the forseeable future (which might be about February).

I'm back in the Yoga groove, getting my chops back after losing a surprising amount of Yogic fitness during my very Yoga-slack September. Interstingly, this harkens back to my early days of running and cycling and swimming, when I lost my fitness quickly after layoffs. Those days are long-gone, and it takes me a loooong time to lose appreciable fitness in S/B/R -- but not so with Yoga!

But it's geting kinda close to where it was a couple months ago, and that's a relief.

Keep in touch, and, oh yeah -- best of luck with your guys against the "Geaux" gang!

2011-11-05 11:30 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hi!. I've been nursing some sort of discomfort this week, sort of a lateral knee/thigh pain-reminiscent of an IT band problem after last weekends long run (fast ten followed by a very slow ten). I bought new shoes again, the last pair had hit 307 miles and I was having some of the funny ankle pains that signal shoe time. I have learned I cannot afford a consistent dose of 50 mile weeks because of the shoes!

 I dialed back my runs this week, skipped my last tempo run and took Friday off, this morning I did a local 5k at 23:15 2nd place 40-49 and I think about 9 or 10 overall of 166 finishers. I jogged the 2.5 miles to the start and had a good time inspite of the cool temps-40-45 degrees and some wind, then jogged home. When the full results are posted I will write a real RR. I was beat by 2 solid minutes and that locks 20'/5k firmly in my sights after this Marathon cycle passes. Tomorrow I will take a stab at ten on a 4 mile loop.

I enjoy these local small town races because I can place pretty consistently-50 miles to the South the game changes considerably and I start dropping several places with the same times.

2011-11-08 5:58 AM
in reply to: #3834735

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


And today -- how is the knee? Any worse since Sunday's 5kM? Smart move to back off on some of those plannned workouts. it took me years and years and years to get to the point where I now 83% believe that bagging or modifying workouts in the face of injury does far more good than harm ---- and in fact maybe does no harm at all. (That might be somewhere in that final 17%! )

God choice, to, on replacing the shoes when you did. I no longer count miles between replacementings, but I'd guess I'm under even 300. And, I have several shoes that I rotate through, and I run mostly three days a week, and I don't do big mileage, so I'm not even guilty of beating up on a single pair at a time. It still bugs me when I read about people who consistently get 400-500 miles from their shoes, so I try to convince myself that they're the ones who are whippet-built and with perfect biomechanics.

As for your shoes and the consistent 50 mile weeks, my guess is that it's more about you than the shoes. there may be the perfect model out there that would allow you to do consistent big running weeks, but mostly I feel that few of us are built to sustain that kind of regimen. That's reserved for those whippet-built guys, who thus emerge as double-winners in the running sweepstakes -- never need to change out sho0es, and can knock off enormous mileage. Hot dogs.

Nice race! Beyond the account of it, I like your reflection on the local scene -- how true for all of us! That's why people talk about competition as being local, state-wide, regional. and national. Maybe, too, that's why I like the USAT rankings, where I can see how that plays out very clearly. But, really, all it takes is to do what you're doing -- races up in your corner of TX, and then some down around Dallas or some other more urbanish place. Aside from aiming for better times, that's another way to gauge progress -- work at placing higher state-wide and even regionally. To do the latter, though, you really either need a willingness to travel to bigger and more far-flung races, or a large data base that consolidates all those race results and somehow evaluates them. The Road Warrior program in Ontario does that, but I don't do enough straight running races anymore to make it work for me. I mean, even doing one race gets you into the system and onto a vast ratings grid (my term, not theirs), but that's just not enough of a sample size to really prove anything.


2011-11-08 6:06 AM
in reply to: #3813546

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Okay, time to come in off the window ledge. I sense your pain.....but it's only just a football game!

2011-11-08 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hey, I feel good today. I skipped Sunday's long run. I've been caught up building a room and spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday with drywall, some electrical and lots of joint compound. Monday night I got rained out and did not have my running clothes with me when I passed the gym or I might have hit the treadmill. Tonight should be cool and clear after a round of thunderstorms , I am anxious to see how I do after so much rest.

 My comment about the shoes was in reference to the expense of replacing shoes every 6 weeks, or 2 pair of shoes every 12 weeks. I think I could handle a steady dose of 50 mile weeks if I chose to. It is hard to believe that I have only 1 race to go this year, unless I stumble upon something that looks like fun and not to far astray from, my goals.-I count 23 race bibs tacked to my office wall-A good year I guess.

2011-11-09 7:02 AM
in reply to: #3894059

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Did you make it out for a run ;ast night? I'm guessing you were fine "after so much rest". I figure that at this stage of the season for you, the rest you've had recently will only help you. Yeah, you might feel a bit pokey for the first part of whatever is your first post-downtime run, but that too shall pass. Trust me!

As for your season, wow! - it sure has been a good one. I had a sense you had done a good bit of racing, but it all hadn't added up to 23! I've never had a 23er. I think my most obsessive one had 17 tri/du and one 10km run, and I rationalize it because it was the season after I tore my meniscus, so I was working hard to make up for lost time.......or something like that??

Anyhow, I wouldn't do that again, mostly because of the cost -- way too many race fees and motel costs and gasgasgasgas! It was interesting to go through that sort of race mania, but that was then and this is now and I'm all that much older and wiser!

On this topic, i am looking at doing most of my races next season with a race series that operates mostly in southernm and central Ontario. A handful of those '07 races were with them, and they do good work. The big incentive, though, is in signing up to 10 or more at the same time, thus receiving a 35% discount. Depending on the distances I choose, i could get 10 races for $482, and triathlon hasn'tr been that inexpensive since......before i began doing them in 2000! And even if I can't make, say, three of the races, that's still a bit less than $70/race, and nowadays even that is a bargain for a tri. A further benefit of this series is that several weekends have two races, and in general I can handle doing that -- sprint saturday, oly Sunday, or vice versa. And less gas costs, too!

Typically, though, I bounce around like a Mexican jumping bean in the process of working up a next-season schedule. i am not a decisive person at the best of times, and when it comes to having dozens of viable options in front of me, I'm hopeless. So it goes.

2011-11-09 7:45 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Good Morning Everyone,

I finally recoeved from the fottball game last Saturday, man that was a tough one but I'm ok now.  I dont care what anyone says, Alabama and LSU but up one hell of a game.  That was the best game I ever saw and they played their heart out.

Well this week I finally kicked my self into the rear and I'm back to training again and I tell you what I really missed it and Im feeling good.  This week I'm just focusing on Strngth training since I really never did that and also working on that stupid elliptical machine, man that thing kicks by butt.  I'm going to stay working on the elliptical until I can drop some pounds and get my backed worked out so no running for me at this time.

I did find a good deal on a Garmin Forerunner 305 with the Heart Rate Monitor and I'm really excited, it should be arriving sometime this week.  I have not done the true HR test yet, but yesterday I worked out 40 minutes on weights and then 10 minutes on the elliptical (again that machine is a beast) I used the HR on the machine and it was averaging around 160-169 and according to the machine 85% was 153 and 100% was around 180 something.  Dont know if it was correct or not but I was not trying to push myself, but I would like to get my HR monitor and compare. I know it will start to come down the more I workout, but I still think that is pretty high considering I was keeping it around 80RPM.

I hope everyone is enjoying their season off and planning on next year.  Has anyone put any thoughts as to what races you would like to do next year and your goals. 

I hope everyone has a great day today and remember ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!!

2011-11-09 9:45 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

We need to crown Jeff "King of Races"! That's a lot of races, wow!

Steve, if you stick to the Ontario series, are you going to be able to stand not looking at your USAT rankings?

George, great job getting back into a workout routine. The ellyptical is a great way to work the legs and get good cardio without messing with your back too much.

Most of my focus has been running and so far, so good. I have to remind myself sometimes that it's the off season because I'm feeling good and I want to keep working out Who would of ever thought? Haha! Yesterday I did a 9 mile run and felt really strong and then went to yogatone last night with my daughter. I felt pretty tired going to bed and I had planned to go to 5:30 masters swim this morning but went to bed with the thought of skipping it if I still felt tired in the morning. So I skipped it! That's when the good part of being in the off season come in.

I signed up for 2 races yesterday. One of our local race companies had a 50% off sale for 2 hours last night so I signed up for a duathlon in March and an oly in June. I'm already signed up for a marathon in February and Vineman HIM in July. I'll sign up for IMAZ the day after this months race and then fill in between with tri's/rides/open water swim races I want to do and/or will work into my training.

My friend and I are going to do a Veteran's Day race on Friday. It's on 11-11-11 and starts at 7:11 and I'm signing up for the 11K. Should be fun

2011-11-09 2:48 PM
in reply to: #3895297

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-11-09 7:02 AM JEFF - Did you make it out for a run ;ast night? I'm guessing you were fine "after so much rest". I figure that at this stage of the season for you, the rest you've had recently will only help you. Yeah, you might feel a bit pokey for the first part of whatever is your first post-downtime run, but that too shall pass. Trust me! As for your season, wow! - it sure has been a good one. I had a sense you had done a good bit of racing, but it all hadn't added up to 23! I've never had a 23er. I think my most obsessive one had 17 tri/du and one 10km run, and I rationalize it because it was the season after I tore my meniscus, so I was working hard to make up for lost time.......or something like that?? Anyhow, I wouldn't do that again, mostly because of the cost -- way too many race fees and motel costs and gasgasgasgas! It was interesting to go through that sort of race mania, but that was then and this is now and I'm all that much older and wiser! On this topic, i am looking at doing most of my races next season with a race series that operates mostly in southernm and central Ontario. A handful of those '07 races were with them, and they do good work. The big incentive, though, is in signing up to 10 or more at the same time, thus receiving a 35% discount. Depending on the distances I choose, i could get 10 races for $482, and triathlon hasn'tr been that inexpensive since......before i began doing them in 2000! And even if I can't make, say, three of the races, that's still a bit less than $70/race, and nowadays even that is a bargain for a tri. A further benefit of this series is that several weekends have two races, and in general I can handle doing that -- sprint saturday, oly Sunday, or vice versa. And less gas costs, too! Typically, though, I bounce around like a Mexican jumping bean in the process of working up a next-season schedule. i am not a decisive person at the best of times, and when it comes to having dozens of viable options in front of me, I'm hopeless. So it goes.

I did. I did my five mile loop (4.98), 3 of it at "tempo" about 24 minutes and the 2 bookends at a jog-44:15 total. I felt good, at little odd at first but had fun sort of "bounding" up the hills at a more playful and enthusiastic way than I normally do.-PR's that particular route also according to the BT log. I had ten miles scheduled today, normally on week days I split that up-some at work and some in the evening, that won't be possible today so I may just settle for 7 tonight.

The largest bulk of thse 23 races were the little $25 5k type races-a fairly small financial impact and most reasonably close. I drive abput 600 miles a week anyway, so sometimes I question why I am up at 5am to drive back to the Metromess for 30 minutes of running-but off I go

2011-11-09 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3813546

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hi Gang !

Wow...I can't keep up with y'all! LOL But wonder if anyone has had experience with Revolution3 tris I'm thinkin' about doing the olympic in the Wi. Dells in August.

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