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2011-11-10 7:33 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Good Morning Everyone, I hope you have some great plans for this weekend.

Sarah -  A friend of mine has done 2 HIM and this year he did the half in TN with Rev3.  He said it was the best half he has done.  He said the organization was great and treated everyone the same where as Ironman they have a cut off and if you dont finish by that time, its over.  He said Rev3 keeps going as long as the racers on the course are making forward progress.  I dont think you will be unhappy with the race.  Sign up and kick butt.

I hope everyone has a great day.

2011-11-10 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3896858

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Hit 'n' miss these days, but I'll be here full-force tomorrow morning.

2011-11-10 8:51 PM
in reply to: #3897958

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Just in case you're rushing to sign up for Rev3 in The Dells.....

George has it right, given everything I've heard as well. Rev3 started 2 or 3 years ago, founded by a pro tri couple, the Gollnicks, and they brought a true understanding of what triathletes needed and wanted*. They were kind of trying to provide a more favorable parallel universe to that being carved by WTC, and in most people's minds they provide a very viable option to WTC. All of that is to say that I think you'll have a fabulous time racing with them, so get your place in place as soon as you can!

*Their fiorst race was the half-iron in CT, Quassy, and they misjudged the demands of the course. It was a killer, with a wicked-hilly bike setting up people for a even wickeder hilly run. BUT, they made the necessary changes for the following year, and while it was still a tough bigger of a course, it was not quiite so daunting. I really think they pride themselves on being responsiveness to criticisms and suggestions.

2011-11-11 7:02 AM
in reply to: #3895346

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Yes, that was a pretty entertaining game, close enough so that it really doesn't tell an entire tale. Sure, it's bragging rights for LSU, but in a game decided by field goals, there is nothing to say that either team is demonstrably better than the other. Anyhow, i'm glad that you've waxed into being philosophically content with the result!

Good work on getting back into working out. I envy you the weights, as this will be my first off-season since '05 that I will not have done them. (I started in Feb. '05.) I love the focus and discipline of it, but ultimately I have to make a money decision on two out of swimming, lifting, and Yoga ----- and lifting has drawn the short straw. i guess if I'm going bonkers by February I could add it on for three months......and as I ponder that now, it could well happen. But for now, no gym for me.

180 is probably a reasonable maximum HR for you, but you're right -- comparing that to what is on your Garmin will be interesting. Over time, your maxHR shouldn't come down (and might even go up, as you learn to push harder and suffer better!), but how your body adapts to different workout "zones" will change - or, rather, how your body functions will alter the range of the zones you are in now. So, if 80rpm had you at 153 the other day, you will likely find that in a few months your 153 will happen at 90rpm......or that 80rpm will have you bopping along at 138 or so. And if 153 is now in low Z3 for you, you might find it more indicative of a high Z2 in a few months. Or something like that!

2011-11-11 7:20 AM
in reply to: #3895624

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Wakety-wakety! Time to get going to the 11km run! It's 5:05 your time now, and what did you say -- 7:11 start time. Hurry up!

Ah, you know me too well, what with that comment about Ontario races meaning not having a USAT ranking. Eveery year I think about racing closer to home.....and every year I succumb to the lures of the USAT rankings. So pathetic, eh?

One reason to by-pass them (yeah, i know this is just desperate rationalization) is that I will be 63 next season, and unless my swim undergoes a miraculous blossoming, my chances of All-American are slim and none. Heck, even at the younger end of the a.g., I can't seem to crack straight A-A. This year I will again be A-A Honorable Mention, except it won't be as close to A-A as it was last year or the year before. Right now I am two spots out of straight A-A, so I will likley end up about 15 spots south of it when everything is finalized. And next year....maybe 20, or more?

ANYHOW, if I'm aiming for the highest ranking possible, next year (or the following year) is not the year to do it, so that's what gives some reason for doing Ontario races. But, there are a number of races in the northeast that I love and go back to, and I can't see avoiding them altogether. It might end up being where I work to squeeze in 3 or 4 USAT races, just so I can play the ranking game!

Well done on skipping the swim ---- yes, one of the great joys of the off-season. That is, one can skip workouts with no guilt and little impunity, and that really does feel sweet. I was just reading again that a great approach to the off-season is to do a one-sport focus, with that focus best being on the weakest of the three. For me, of course, that's the swim, buit the good part of the swim-focus is that I love the act of swimming............not to mention that it's not so much fun riding in my basement, or running in a Canadian winter.

For you, though, if you're feeling good and want to do whatever you want to do, just do it. That seems to be where you are with running, and as long as you're not punishing yourself with hard workouts, you might not need a true off-season from running, anyhow. I almost always scrimp on that myself, unless injuries force the issue. Right now I am 18 days from my last run, and would love to get to a full four weeks -- just to say I did it! But I have a feeling that Sunday or Monday i will give in, so.......

I just recently found info from Vineman '05, when I seriously considered going out to do it. One thing I saw was La Crema; is that still there? Just curious!

Let us know how today's 11km goes for you!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-11-11 7:21 AM
2011-11-11 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3896206

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Nice structure on that run, with the tempo part bookended by a warm-up and cool-down; perfect! And good enough to feel frisky bounding up the hills. Woof!

What is (was?) it called -- the North-Central Expressway? Good god almighty, I sure don't miss driving on that miserable thing! My drive was relatively simple, just from Allen down to Richardson, and I think I got off before the main Richardson exit (can't remember) and then drove along the first road (can't remember) east of it to get to the school. I need to find a Dallas map to familarize myself with that miniscule part of the "Metromess"!

2011-11-11 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3898183

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-11-11 7:27 AM JEFF - Nice structure on that run, with the tempo part bookended by a warm-up and cool-down; perfect! And good enough to feel frisky bounding up the hills. Woof! What is (was?) it called -- the North-Central Expressway? Good god almighty, I sure don't miss driving on that miserable thing! My drive was relatively simple, just from Allen down to Richardson, and I think I got off before the main Richardson exit (can't remember) and then drove along the first road (can't remember) east of it to get to the school. I need to find a Dallas map to familarize myself with that miniscule part of the "Metromess"!

You would not recognize Central Expwy (Hwy 75) today. There is some construction in McKinney widening it but through Allen into Dallas is amazing-5 lanes each way, HOV lanes, long easy exit ramps, landscaping etc. The Hwy 121/75 interchange in McKinney is impressive as is the New Collin college campus. The "High Five" at 635 (LBJ) is also noteworthy. The big Allen events center offering conventions, concerts and sporting events including Hockey anchors a large development in Allen including an outdoor mall, several hotels, Dicks sporting goods, Cabela's..on and on

2011-11-11 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Central Point
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
planning on a 50 mile ride tomorrow provided it doesn't rain. temps will probably be in the low 40's at the start. Its my last hoorah before Kathy gets back from England on Wednesday and the Holidays come round. We're headed to AZ for Thanksgiving on Tuesday afternoon. Have a great weekend everybody.
2011-11-11 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
My friend and I did a Veteran's Day run this morning. She did the 5K and did great. I did an 11K, starting at 7:11 and I finished in 1:11 on 11/11/11
2011-11-12 6:41 PM
in reply to: #3898757

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Nicely played! BUT -- did you deliberately slow down or speed up to hit that time? How exactly did that unfold so appropriately?!?

Overall, though, that's a very good time for you at that distance.....yes?

Any further details?

2011-11-12 6:45 PM
in reply to: #3899808

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

JOHANNE again -

Ever-scheming, I am now thinking of doing a few USAT duathlons in the early spring, just to play the USAT rankings game. The duathlon one is a bit easier to "satisfy" than the tri one, as only two races are required for du (as opposed to three for tri). I'm thinking of four dus in the spring, maybe one in the fall, and the the Ontario triathlons from late May through mid-Sept. Or something like that!!

2011-11-12 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3898478

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Yo! Good to hear from you!

Did the weather gods aid and abet the 50-mile ride today? Hope so!

2011-11-12 11:30 PM
in reply to: #3899809

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-11-12 4:45 PM JOHANNE again - Ever-scheming, I am now thinking of doing a few USAT duathlons in the early spring, just to play the USAT rankings game. The duathlon one is a bit easier to "satisfy" than the tri one, as only two races are required for du (as opposed to three for tri). I'm thinking of four dus in the spring, maybe one in the fall, and the the Ontario triathlons from late May through mid-Sept. Or something like that!!

Knew you couldn't stay away

2011-11-12 11:37 PM
in reply to: #3899808

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-11-12 4:41 PM JOHANNE - Nicely played! BUT -- did you deliberately slow down or speed up to hit that time? How exactly did that unfold so appropriately?!? Overall, though, that's a very good time for you at that distance.....yes? Any further details?

I didn't actually! I didn't even notice my finish time had all 1's until I got home and was telling Dave about the race. Yes, that was a good time for me. I'm getting faster at the shorter distances but still have some slower time for the second half when I go long. The last couple of weeks have been really good for my running. I just seem to of gotten over a hurdle and I'm walking a lot less if at all. I ran with Dave today and we went 4 miles with about a 9:30 average. I never used to be able to keep up with him but I'm getting closer

2011-11-13 5:39 PM
in reply to: #3256772

Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hi All,

Yes, I am still alive and hitting the trails in Ijamsville.  Well not as often as I should but nevertheless (funny word).  I see you are all doing fine.  I am actually working a lot and running to cross country races on the weekends. The Patriot League Championship was held on the day of the snowstorm. Lehigh was in the center of the heaviest snowfall so the men ran in about 3 inches of snow and the women in about 4-5.  There was no power so my son was evacuated (other mothers took him in) and he stayed away from school for 4 days.  He ran in the regionals yesterday so we were in Salisbury MD.  Never been there before.  That is beyond Eagleman country.  I hope to get back to the pool tomorrow.  My mother in law is still in recovery mode so we are still trying to get her located closer to where we live. It seems that when you get done doing all the things other people need there is not a whole lot of time left. 

I needed to check in so Steve won't throw me out of the group or not tell me when you move to a new group.  I once know someone who went to college and his parents moved and forgot to tell him where.  I guess they forgot. 

Take care.






2011-11-14 7:55 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Johanne -  Your time is freaky.  That is so cool. Congrats on the time and your running.

Craig - So did you do the 50 miles and if so how did it go?

Ellen - Glad your still at it with all the stuff you are having to go through.  That story about someone going off to college and the parents moving and not telling them where was to funny. LOL.  Oh, was that you that went to college if so I'm sorry I did not mean to laugh, ok I did

Sarah - have you put any more thought into the Rev3 next year?

Weekend was great buy busy.  We had to drive 2 hours to a Cheer cometition on Sat and then 2 hours back.  Funny thing is my wife told me to get some cash for parking but when we got there I told her that I don't think they are taking money for parking since all the folks in charge of the parking was from the local jail. Yes, prisoners there with hundreds of little girls walking around in cheer outfits, umm, my daughter never left my sight.

I hope everyone has a great day and week.

2011-11-14 11:35 AM
in reply to: #3899991

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Very cool beans about the progression of your running! I had some sense that was happening, and right now I don't know where or when that arose. I'm very, very pleased for you that it has happened, though, as I think you've been very diligent and committed to improving.

I also think that now you have passed That Particular Point, improvements will continue to happen. the one about walking is enormous, and often when people get past that, they have a new path to follow that is all the more rewarding, and all the moere conducive to continuing to work hardish. Of course, that doen't mean that plateaus don't come up and require that we stay kind of fixed for a while, but those too usually pass!

Nifty about you not even angling for that finishing time! Let me guess -- is eleven your new favorite number? (There was a piece in one of the newpapers I read about how important 11-11-11 was to so many people. Numbers matter to me to some degree that goes beyond what I feel is mostly normal, but 11-11-11 didn't carry any extra significance for me. Maybe I ought to reconsider that --- and egt all set for a fuller appreciation of 12-12-12!

2011-11-14 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3900466

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Not to worry; I'm not going anywhere without you. You will be fully apprised of what happens, when it happens. To that end, i should probably get my profile re-arranged and submit it so I am ready to go when the floodhgates open. like many other thanings in my life, i tend to procrastinate about this, with the result that many other mentors get going before I do. Of course, it's hard to complain about that -- had I started earlier in the game last December, i wouldn't've met you and the rest of this stellar bunch!

The only significant moving I'm doing is from dial-up to high-speed. This remains on-going, and not exactly flaw-free. I suppose in time it will all settle down dustlessly, but for now we are still struggling with this and that.

Funny story about the people who moved without telling their son. Kind of a Rick Perry moment, worthy of an "Oops". For them, was it really a kind of Fruedian Slip, you think?

I've been through Salisbury - nice spot! Of course, for me all that area is pretty fine, a lifestyle to which I could probably become accustomed.

Off to the pool, I think. Really just putting in time, though, and developing that wintertime aura of chlorine about me; nothing serious about the swims at all. Glub-glub!

2011-11-14 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

George: Talking with my hubby about making a family vacation out of the Rev3 ...we'll see.

Ellen: Nice run time hurdle you crossed. I did so about a year or so ago but somehow have fallen back to my slower days in the last few months. Not sure what is up with that so have been playing around with cadence, gaits, etc... hopefully I bounce out of this funk.

All: Anyone ever do those Protein Shake or cleansing type diets? I'm on day 1 of the shakes and I'm starving! LOL. I'm actually doing it to support my husband in his weight loss goals as he needs to drop around 20 lbs and although I could drop 3-5 lbs and likely feel a bit lighter and faster, I really don't need to lose weight. However, I eat like crap as of late and figure this diet may help me break out of my ice cream/hard candy routine. I'll do the shake thing today and tomorrow get some fruit added in and on day 4 get meat etc... I'm supposed to donate blood tomorrow so may have to alter my intake tomorrow. But I'm hungry!! Ran this am and up til now have been ok. So I'm chewing some gum LOL. I also teach spin Tues pm and am subbing for a Wed. am class which may mean adding some caloric intake via gels or more fruit.

2011-11-14 2:56 PM
in reply to: #3899810

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Central Point
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-11-12 4:46 PM CRAIG - Yo! Good to hear from you! Did the weather gods aid and abet the 50-mile ride today? Hope so!

They did indeed. It was a beautiful sunny So. OR. fall day start temp was about 48* according to the route planner here it had almost 5600 ft total climbing. It was a great ride with the local bike club. By the end of the ride it was about 53* but the clouds had started to come in and started to feel cooler. I was dressed for it so all in all it was a great day. here's a link to the route.

2011-11-14 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3901682

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Sounds like a superb ride --- but, my, what a heap of climbing! I've been in the flatlands here for so long so I find it hard to envision 5600' of climbing; mercy!

Thanks for the link, and I will now have to go out to garage and root around in musty boxes looking for the swack of top maps I have from when I was in Oregon in summer '73. Even though most of them were coastal or mountains, i might have one from the area of the ride. I bought lots when i knew I would be there for 8 weeks or however long it was, but once ensconced in Coos Bay/Charleston, I traveled less than I had hoped top on the weekends. I still regret my inertia, now almost 40 years later.

Very fine way to finish "the season". And --- now what??

2011-11-14 9:07 PM
in reply to: #3901490

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


No and no....or at least not quite. In late '03 I needed a sense of control in my life, so decided I would alter my diet. this led to about three years of vegetarianism, which was something I never dreamed would happen. Early on, like maybe for the first month, I felt a real sense of "cleansing" happening, even though it wasn't any formulated or prescribed cleansing diet.

Now, as for the protein aspect, there awas never a protein shake diet, but during the veg days I worked hard at trying to get enough protein in my diet. This led to lentils, tofu, tempeh, quinoa, seitan, and lots of legumes, and mostly it worked. I knew there were protein shakes that could help in that respect also, but mostly kept to soy and whey powders as the desirable protein supplements. Does any of that help at all?

Finally, it sounds like you are aware of when you might need to be more vigilant about your intake, so all I'll say is you are right to alter the diet plans when giving blood or adding on some intense workouts, such as added spin classes.

Nifty stuff, dietary fiddling. Let me know how it goes!

2011-11-14 9:25 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
We've had our first couple of snows, all melted in the valleys today, but the mountains are getting hammered, ski resorts hoping for a Thanksgiving weekend opening. Haven't stored my bike for the winter, hoping for another ride or three, probably done though. Question for all. I usually ride an old mountain bike on a tainer for the winter. Is there any good reason to put my road bike on the trainer vs. the mountain bike?
2011-11-15 4:31 AM
in reply to: #3902225

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I amy not be the best one to respond, as I'm a one-trick pony -- just my tri bike, no mountain bike. But even though I have my old tri bike, I still stick with just the current one on the trainer, as it is the one that is assured of having the best fit for me. I know I'm a bit obsessive about this, even to the point of considering saddle, aerobars, pedal/cleat alignment --- anything that might be a tad off and thus might throw off my S-I joint or something.

Beyond that, I just feel I need to continue "being as one" with that bike --- realizing even as I type that that there are limits to one's bonding with one's bike. I guess that, too, is kind of obsessive, yes?

Reasons for not doing it are just general wear and tear on my go-to bike. I am particularly haunted by that (when I let myself dwell on it too much), as my first Cervelo tri bike develop a crack low in the seat tube in its 8th season. I had never had a bad crash up to that point, so all it could've come from was overuse......and since then I have wondered about all the time my bike spends with the trainer vise-gripping the skewer and I guess the entire rearwheel/hub/skewer continuum. Surely that can't be natural, right? To add to that, I am very lazy about taking the bike off the trainer when I'm not riding it, and were I not such a chowderhead I would make a point of doing that, ever and anon.

Overall, then, I place premier importance on replicating the mechanics I will use in races, with a nod also towards not putting my body in a position to which it is not accustomed: I guess that's why I've never done spin classes. But if neither of those are serious considerations for you, and if you want to keep your road bike in as good a shape as possible, then you can certainly get a good workout from having the mountain bike on the trainer.

I hope you can still squeeze in an outdoor ride or three before the roads become too treacherous!

2011-11-15 2:51 PM
in reply to: #3902225

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Sementi - 2011-11-14 7:25 PM We've had our first couple of snows, all melted in the valleys today, but the mountains are getting hammered, ski resorts hoping for a Thanksgiving weekend opening. Haven't stored my bike for the winter, hoping for another ride or three, probably done though. Question for all. I usually ride an old mountain bike on a tainer for the winter. Is there any good reason to put my road bike on the trainer vs. the mountain bike?

I like to put my road bike on the trainer rather then my hybrid for the same reasons as Steve. The fit is better and I feel like I work my muscles correctly.

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