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2008-11-10 2:52 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
No I'm afraid the bike won't be the focus; Paris is less than 5 months away now so it will be running, running, running

2008-11-10 2:54 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Wow, is that really 5 months from now?  You're right:  Get to running!
2008-11-10 3:42 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Plan on running 3.4 tonight. I will swim in the morning and since I have a personal day, if it does nto rain, me and my pace cars (my 2 sons) are going on a long run (6-7 miles) while they ride their bikes. If it rains, I will setup the trainer and do a 2 hour ride.

And about running in the cold and the night, I love it. It is calmer and more peaceful to me than any toher time I might run! I especially like running the hood around Christmas with the lights up and everything.

I went for a ride Sat morning, it was 39 degrees when we left out, but I had on the right amount of clothes, gloves and thank God for toe covers, made all the difference int he world!

This month will go by quickly with Thanksgiving and everything, so let's get on it team!

2008-11-10 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

I am getting there.  Up to 10mi running and 27mi biking.  Have yet to do any swimming tho.  My pool is in winter mode and have really strange hours.  And even when they are open, almost all the lanes are usually taken by classes.  It is quite annoying, but I need to stop whining and get out and do it.  I figured if I could get in 4 swims this month at around 1100yrds per day then I should make it.  Took today off b/c tomorrow I start my official half-marathon training (will be an interval day). 

Anyway, everyone is doing extremely well and I am glad to see everyone staying motivated and pushing each other.  Bring it on!!!

2008-11-10 7:52 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Now it is my turn to say "it is soo bloody HOT today"!!!

I chose to run on the treadmill in the gym today because it was too hot outside (had a morning meeting so couldn't run first up when it was cooler) by the time I was ready to run.

James I like running in that weather too, I agree it is calm and peaceful.

2008-11-10 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
OOPS! Meant to say - well done everyone

2008-11-13 1:19 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Does anyone know how to search the forums for a specific topic?  I am looking into the pros/cons of getting a trainer vs rollers.  I found one forum page but it was very short.  I am leaning towards the rollers.  Has anyone here had any experience with them?
2008-11-13 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Hey Ikagop's and everyone: I'm hoping it's not late.
Just a quick intro my name is Jose from Fort Hood TX. I'll be 45 this month I'm currently training for the AT&T Austin Half Marathon and also I'm training for my first tri in 2009 which is The Rookie in New Bruanfels Tx. Now might i add i recently just came off of a foot injury which kept me out of my first tri from running in the last at&t half marathon in feb of 08 it took close to eight months to recover but i'm raring to go. I've voluteered in many triathlons but never competed in one. As for the training i try to get my training in before going to work which consist of spin and swim classes and running of course and i can always use advice since i'm a newbie because i know that i'm going to need it. Picked up some weight during my recovery but slowly but surely it is coming right off. I'll be running my first event since my injury which is a 5k run here in fort hood tx on the 22nd of nov, i'm stoked about that one. Personally the sport of triathlon has always been something that i wanted to do, i'm as some would call a late bloomer but i don't mind with that said if anyone is in the area i'll see you at The Rookie in 09.
2008-11-13 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Welcome to the group Jose! I think you will find a wide range of opinions and experiences in this group, we' encourage ya all we can! Good luck on the 22nd!
2008-11-13 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Tim I just use a simple trainer I got off of eBay for about $85. It is  nothing fancy by any means, but it does give me the chance to ride whenever I want (lately I have been watching football games and riding if I can't get outside) I am not really sure what the difference is except maybe prices! I would talk to the LBS and see what they say.
2008-11-13 10:56 AM
in reply to: #1805941

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Welcome, Jose!  We had unfortunately just lost a member and were talking about trying to get more people to join our group.  if you have any questions throw them out there.  Most of us are fairly new to the sport.  I myself live in Austin (so I am pretty close to ya) and just started doing tri's this year.  I did 3 sprints ones and 1 duathlon.  I would like to do the rookie tri this year (i found out about it too late last year and it was full - it fills up VERY fast so sign up early!). 

I too am a little overweight and will be doing my first half-marathon in April 09.  

Good luck with your upcoming race!

Oh, and just to let you know...this month we are all doing what we are calling the "Ironman Challenge".  Our goal as a group is to complete the ironman distances in our training for the month.  26mi run, 112mi bike, and 2.4mi swim.  I think we all kinda tweaked the distances a little for our own specific goals but in general that is what we are shooting for.  

And THANKS, James.

Edited by chichitao 2008-11-13 10:56 AM

2008-11-13 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Hi Jose and welcome aboard. I live in Australia and whilst it is our tri season down here now I am focused on running my first full marathon in April. I am still incorporating tri training into my weekly training but won't be participating in any more tri's for this season as they would interfere with my much needed long runs on the weekends.  I did one fun distance tri a couple of weeks ago and that is about as far as it goes for my tri experience.

The other guys and girls here have now had plenty of experience and will be able to answer most of the questions you have I am sure.

Tim, I have a wind trainer (not roller ones) and I dread using it - it seems to stick a bit and the tension thingie pops off from time to time so I have to get off and re-adjust it. I paid about $200 AUD for it so it wasn't cheap. I'm not using it now because the weather is good here but I will persist with it over winter because it is a handy tool to have for those crappy days you can''t get out.

2008-11-13 3:39 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Hey, Folks...  room for one more?

2008-11-13 3:41 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
2008-11-13 3:51 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group


About me: I'm gearing up to do my first tri in May of 2009.  (Unfortunately, I missed my last area tri chance in MA for 2008 that was both sold out AND then rained out.)

I've got some decent short running races under my belt (10k is my longest) and used to be a competitive swimmer (in HS 15 years ago!... but it seems getting back in the pool, I still have the form), and am in the process of wrangling a cheap CycleOps 2 trainer from Craigslist (crossing my fingers it's still available) since the only riding I do currently is just 1.25 mile each way from home to work and back.  I've got some on and off knee issues I'm working through, but mostly have trouble with consistent training motivation.

I'm tri-ing for fun, for health, and shedding a few pounds would be more than nice.

How does the training group work?


Edited by running4beer 2008-11-13 3:52 PM
2008-11-13 4:16 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Hi Mina,

Good thing is you now have plenty of time to get ready for your first tri in May

At the moment the group is doing a November Ironman Challenge which basically means we complete the ironman distances for each discipline over the month of November so why not jump on board and see how many miles you can chalk up in each over the remainder of November. Maybe you can aim for a Half Ironman?

Generally we post whenever we have a question or comment and encourage one another and stay in touch via the inspires within the logs.  If you click on each of our names and go through to our logs you will see the inspires in red (you probably already know this).


2008-11-13 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Welcome, welcome, welcome Jose and Mina!

Jose, after 8 months of recovery you must be so excited to be able to get out there.  You're already doing great with spin classes and swimming and running before work.  I'm impressed.  I don't know your swimming background, but I always tell people about Total Immersion (TI).  I went from backstroking my first tri of 400 yards to comfortably freestyling my next one of 900 yards.  I'm still slow as mud, but I've really got an awesome foundation on which to build (when I join the Y this winter) thanks to TI.

Mina, you will be at SUCH at advantage coming from a swimming background and having done some short distance races.  That's awesome that you're getting a trainer.  It'll be an invaluable tool for you this winter.

Please feel free to ask away.  We've got an awesome group on here and I've gotten some wonderful and valuable advice from the gang.

We all check-in here and on each others' Training Logs by leaving Inspires.  We'll add you guys to our Friends list which'll appear on our Training Logs and you can do the same.  It makes it easier to check-in.  If you have any questions about how to do that, just post on here and one of us can walk you through it.

Again, welcome to the group, guys.

- Lora

2008-11-13 11:26 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Mina, welcome to the group.
2008-11-14 3:48 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Anyone who is named "running4beer" is welcome to join!!  hahaha Welcome Mina!
2008-11-14 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Thanks for the gracious welcomes, all!

The Craigslist connection fell thru, but I finally decided it would be worth it and just pulled the trigger on ordering an "angry badger" along with the Spinervals 101 dvd.

Ikagop, I'm new to the training logs-- just started posting at the beginning of the month, so am on my way to the Ironman in Nov challenge... but I didn't even see where you could add friends there.  I'll take a look this afternoon and hopefully if I can figure it out on my own.  Will names come up for me if I'm added by others?

And good luck on the 5k, Jose!  Coming back from injury is always tough - I hope that first one goes well!

2008-11-14 2:02 PM
in reply to: #1807706

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Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Thanks everyone for accepting me in your group, as for my training tommorrow 11/14/08 a few of us are going to take part in a 3 hour cycling ride in spin class as for my swimming i started off only doing 100 meters nonstop but with many i and i mean many months of practice and swallowing pool water (agh!) and with the help of TI Freestyle Made Easy.Right now i'm swimming 800 meters nonstop i have no highschool or a college swimming background and i do swim like a turtle still need to work on my breathing technique thou, i have the habit on breathing on my right side only, still working on that. Once again everyone thank you so much.

2008-11-14 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

To the newbies...we love hearing about your times struggling through the swims, runs, and bikes.  But we also love seeing the improvement and how good it feels when you reach that point of it being fun!  We have all been there...and very recently I might add.  We are all pretty much beginners in triathlons, as most (if not all of us) just started this year.  We've had the growing pains but it is great to look back and see how far we have all come. 

I remember the first time I got into a pool.  It was about 1 yr ago (i had never swam much in my life).  I swam one length of a 33yd pool and I could see my chest beating and I was breathing like I just ran a 1mi sprint!  One length at a time and reading and implementing TI techniques, and I feel very comfortable in the water now and look forward to my long swims.  


Good luck and if you need any help setting up your logs page then just ask.  To add friends, you have to go into your control panel (same place you enter your goals) and then add us one at a time.  Then our pics will all show up at the bottom of your log page.  

Edited by chichitao 2008-11-14 3:05 PM
2008-11-14 5:22 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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New user

Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

 Hey all,

I have been reading  BT threads for 8 months on this awesome site now and I thought I might as well get on board and try and find a group to join. Are you guys up to another newbie who will suck valuble information from your minds? I would love to join !

2008-11-14 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Hi Dave,

The more the merrier. Welcome aboard

2008-11-15 3:49 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Dave, yes...welcome!  You can probably read the last page of our posts and get an idea of what is going on here.  Feel free to tell us about yourself and your goals!
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