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2009-04-16 8:17 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
OK, guys!  What's everyone up to?  I've got my first tri of the new season Saturday.  It's an indoor pool tri and it's going to be in the mid-forties by the time my wet self walks outside to T1 - and I'm going to {{freeze}}!!!!

I've also decided to lead a Mentor Group.  You just have to have one year under your belt and just be available to encourage, motivate, etc.

However, since I only have one year under my belt, I thought it would be ridiculous to try and "mentor" people that have more experience for me.  So, I just opened it up to folks who will be doing their first tri this year.

I also really like the idea of helping along women in this sport, so I opened it up to first timers who are women.  I've got 21 mentees and so far, so fun!

I've also joined the Cincinnati tri club and have done a couple Saturday mornings of training with them.  It's been AWESOME!  I wish I would have joined-up long ago.

Well, that's the latest with me.  Looking forward to hearing about everyone else!

- Lora

2009-04-17 5:23 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Lora, let us know how the race goes on Sat...good luck!  And congrats on the mentor group, you will be great at it.

As for me...I think I am finally getting accustomed to my new schedule/life!  I am working 7a-3p so I am getting home early enough to get in a good workout and still have time to do other things.  I am starting to get into the workout groove again.  It's funny, it is so hard to get back into it when I have been lazy for a while, but once you are a few weeks into it it becomes hard to stop! 

I've got my first tri coming up May 10th.  It is a super sprint.  I've never done those short distances before.  It should be fun and a good way to start the season. 

I know we've all been very busy but I hope everyone else is still reading this and lets us know how you are doing! 
2009-04-19 10:01 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Well I am back!!
Unfortunately things did not to go to plan as far as the marathon goes but before I launch into that sad story I will just say I had a fantastic trip and I would pick up and move to Paris if I didn't have 4 kids, 2 cats and a dog

Ok.. the marathon... the short version... I only got to 30k.

The long version...

As you know I have been struggling with a hip injury and have had physio and massage every week for months. Did my hip stop me you ask - nope!! My hip was sore as to be expected but not sore enough to stop me.
What ended up stopping me was that stupid foot injury that cropped up in the last few weeks!!
I first noticed pain in my foot just walking through Singapore and Amsterdam airports and it hurt a lot that night after we had been walking around Paris for a few hours.
The saturday I reckon we walked 25k including climbing the Eiffel Tower but I was in Paris and I had to check it out - I didn't want to waste a whole day when we only had 4 days there including marathon day.
That night (night before marathon) my foot kept me awake most of the night but I got up ready to race thinking it would be ok once I got going.
The pre-race stuff and first 5k were really cool fun, my foot was sore but not too bad.
10k I was feelin good but my foot was really starting to hurt.
By 15k I felt like my foot was snapped in two - everytime I put my foot down it felt like it was broken (wasn't and I knew that but this is the only way I can describe the pain).
I decided to fang it for the next 6k so I could at least PB my half marathon time which I did by about 10 minutes even though I was concervative in the first 15k.
I then decided I would continue till I saw my hubby on the course next - I had seen him every 5k or so to this point.
By 30k I still hadn't seen him so I got off the course and walked to the Eiffel Tower which was only 5 minutes away and caught a cab to our room.
Looking back I probably could have finished it but at the time I felt like I couldn't as it just hurt too much.
I called my hubby on his mobile and cried my eyes out.
By the time he got back to the room an hour later I was ok. I reminded myself that I did the training and did all I could and that the main goal was to come here for a holiday - doing a marathon was just an "add on" after I discovered it was on about the same time I was in the country.
Normally I would beat myself up over this. My worst case scenario was a crap time not a DNF - I never even entertained that thought so I was initially devestated but I decided I had spent too much money and had too much to lose by letting this eat at me so I decided to just get on with the holiday and have a great time which I did.

Every day after the marathon we walked at least 15k so I haven't really had a chance to recover but I kept telling myself that I ran further than that in training so I didn't need to recover and that seemed to work but I was more tired than usual and needed to take plenty of breaks when we were walking around and I was dragging my heels a bit.
The flight home was awful  -so long!! but I have had a good nights sleep. Tonight I go to our first triathlon club meeting so I already have something else to focus on but I will take it easy this week while my body copes with the jet lag and I catch up on a backlog of work.
I plan to run this afternoon but will keep it nice and easy and just enjoy running again. 
2009-04-21 6:31 PM
in reply to: #2096209

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Hey, Michelle!  Glad you're back!  I just left you a message on your Training Log, but suffice it to say that, despite the turn of events, you've got one incredible adventure to share for years to come and that's gotta make it all worth it!

Edited by Lora109 2009-04-21 6:32 PM
2009-04-21 6:35 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
I had my first tri of the season Saturday.  (The RR is now officially up.)  Despite some brutal, brutal hills, it was a really fun race with PRs in the swim and bike.  My run wasn't so great, but I've definitely improved.  The timing company is STILL working on all the data, but at this point I'm 500/587 and 49/56 in my AG.  This is better than dead last at my last tri.

I'm all geared-up for the season now.  Half-Ironman, here I come!
2009-04-22 10:24 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Great job Michelle! Sorry it was cut short but sounds lke you managed to do more than you maybe should have!  Hope the foot is nothing too serious!

Lora, nice job on the indoor sprint, those pool swims are always fun I think!


I have also joined a new mentoring group, so I doubt I will check in here that often, but will keep everyone on my pal list, so I will check with you each individually, and I hope you do the same with me!

2009-05-24 12:31 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Hope everyone has/had a FUN and SAFE Memorial weekend!!
2009-05-25 9:38 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Hey Jeremy - Looks like your first is coming up in a couple weeks.  Are you feeling ready?
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