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2009-01-07 8:14 PM
in reply to: #1893528

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
DeputyDawg - 2009-01-07 6:09 PM

Gordo, do you recommend staying away from brown rice pasta?  That is a staple of mine

 With all the specific nutrition Qs, my answer is "it depends".  

The big picture is that your diet is working for you when: (a) your weight is stable; (b) your energy is high: and (c) you recover quickly from your training sessions.

 Think in terms of what you can do to easily improve the overall quality of your nutrition across your entire week.  Typically, trimming the starch/sugar is a low stress way to improve.

If you can replace rice with chicken/veggie stir fry... then yes, it would make sense.  If you replaced with, say, cake then that is probably not a good trade.


2009-01-07 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1893522

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
DeputyDawg - 2009-01-07 6:06 PM

30 minute trainer ride:  maintained 80-83 rpm, avg hr 131, max 138

I really didn't want to do anything tonite other than curl up on the couch.  I remembered what Gordo had said in one of his responses to me : "Focus on your consistency -- use your mental energy to get-it-done on the days you don't feel like it..."So I dragged myself downstairs and got it done.  I can't say it was the best workout, but it feels good to know that I was able to silence that couch potato devil that is always on my shoulder.

 The nice thing about overcoming ourselves is that it gets easier and easier.

 Well done -- these are important points in sustaining the changes the lead to improved fitness.

2009-01-07 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1891852

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Berkeley Heights
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Way ahead of you on that one!  Knee feeling ok tonight.  Still coughing up a ton with this chest cold.  Between that and knee, think I'll just take a cut at another trainer session tomorrow a.m. And stay out of the pool and off the treadmill for a couple of days until things clear up.  No more zero's.

 Quick question...I'm not including my warm up activity in my overall that everyone's norm? or do you include it?

Edited by broonsy 2009-01-07 9:00 PM
2009-01-07 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1893497

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
GordoByrn - 2009-01-07 7:57 PM
chartierm22 - 2009-01-07 9:28 AM

Question is what about carbs?  Am I right in thinking you're not saying no carbs?  But how much are we talking and when would be the best time to eat them?  I LOVE carbs, pastas, breads, oats, rice.  Will try to stick to as close to nature versions but how much of these can I have?

 If you want to improve body composition then cut pasta/bread/oats/rice in half.  Safe not too stressful.  If you want the next step... in other words, what I do in my own life...


 pasta/rice - never, replace with quinoa

 bread - if I want to improve body composition then none, else, max 2 slices per day (buy bread with no more than 5 ingredients in it)

 oats - only after endurance training

 refined sugar - none, make sure it isn't hiding in your dairy - lots of folks get quite a bit of sugar through sweetened dairy/soy


 Feel free to follow-up.  Main thing is eat real food -- the five ingredient tip works well if you are unsure if something is processed, or not.

 Hope this helps,


Good God man how do you do it?    Seriously that would/will be tough for me.   I just got my runners world mag in the mail, it has Lolo Jones on the cover and inside doing core work, I saw her and said I want those abs.  I have a feeling your telling me this will help me achieve that, now I just have to decide how badly I want them. 

Also, I was looking at the yogurt that I eat and saw that has alot of carbs in it (is this what you are talking about with the sugar in the dairy thing?), are carbs carbs or are we just talking about grains/rice etc.  Also what about Potatoes or sweet potatoes?



2009-01-07 9:54 PM
in reply to: #1856890

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Well the last few days my back muscles have been sore.  Woke up two days ago like this (usually how it happens) and I thought today I was getting better.......then I sneezed.  I layed on the floor to do some gentle stretching and couldn't get back up.   Hubby had to pick me up.  Put some heat on it and did some gentle stretching of the neck.  Its getting better I can turn my head now and get up and move around slowly.

Any tips on dealing with cranky muscles and when to back off training and when to start up again?

Sorry,  some days I'm full of questions.   Thank you SO much for takeing the time to answer them.


2009-01-08 2:54 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Hey G tried your tip on doing a longer warm up to stop the HR spike.

Did a 1km warm up walk at 7 km/h and then did a 5k run at race pace to see if I still had the same speed since all I have been doing is long slow runs. managed 25 mins so happy and HR went from 165-170 down to 115 by the time I had walked another 1km home as a cool down.

Is it ok to keep doing a quicker run as well as building up the long slow runs or better to stick to slow stuff until nearer race date (April 20) ?


2009-01-08 6:00 AM
in reply to: #1893522

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
DeputyDawg - 2009-01-07 8:06 PM

I remembered what Gordo had said in one of his responses to me : "Focus on your consistency -- use your mental energy to get-it-done on the days you don't feel like it..."So I dragged myself downstairs and got it done.

I had that same thought running through my head this morning. Bed was just a bit too comfortable. But I got it done! Cool

Run outside -  21:54

Z1 (115-128): 11:30

Z2 (129-142): 9:07


2009-01-08 8:20 AM
in reply to: #1893719

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
broonsy - 2009-01-07 7:50 PM

 Quick question...I'm not including my warm up activity in my overall that everyone's norm? or do you include it?

 I count everything!  Walking, stretching, warm-up... if you want to give yourself an incentive to do the "right thing" then log it.


2009-01-08 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1893866

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
chartierm22 - 2009-01-07 8:42 PM 

Good God man how do you do it?    Seriously that would/will be tough for me.   I just got my runners world mag in the mail, it has Lolo Jones on the cover and inside doing core work, I saw her and said I want those abs.  I have a feeling your telling me this will help me achieve that, now I just have to decide how badly I want them. 

Also, I was looking at the yogurt that I eat and saw that has alot of carbs in it (is this what you are talking about with the sugar in the dairy thing?), are carbs carbs or are we just talking about grains/rice etc.  Also what about Potatoes or sweet potatoes?



 How do I do it?  As you noted, I want the result.  I have always been a delayed gratification sort of guy.  Makes me a better investor and helps with things like triathlon (and finding a fantastic spouse).

 Dairy -- a little in my coffee and non-fat cottage cheese (or non-fat greek yoghurt) with chopped fruit.  I never eat sweetened dairy products.

 Grains/rice/sweet potatoes/potatoes -- I group all these together and eliminate, or use as recovery food from my longest days.

 Be sure to read my nutrition articles accessed from my sig-file.  Don't eliminate foods you have been eating for a long time -- cut intake by 50% and replace with nutrient dense choices.  Radical change doesn't work for nutrition -- we need to manage, gradually, over time.

I can assure you that effective nutrition is absolutely worth it.  Similar to the benefits of learning how to train moderately, these changes can have much wider implications that just a faster 5K split!


2009-01-08 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1893893

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Cranky muscles -- deep tissue sports massage and yoga -- both of these have helped me tremendously.


2009-01-08 8:30 AM
in reply to: #1894143

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
Pashda - 2009-01-08 1:54 AM

Is it ok to keep doing a quicker run as well as building up the long slow runs or better to stick to slow stuff until nearer race date (April 20) ?


 For long term development and risk-return optimization -- stick with what I recommend.

 Will slamming 1K occasionally screw things up?  Probably not -- still, you'd feel silly if you had to report back with an injury!  :-)

 Also, remember that you could insert some tempo (1-2 minutes) of slightly higher pace inside your steady run.  That will help you learn to change gears and recover aerobically.


2009-01-08 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1894186

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
gtkelly - 2009-01-08 5:00 AM
DeputyDawg - 2009-01-07 8:06 PM

I remembered what Gordo had said in one of his responses to me : "Focus on your consistency -- use your mental energy to get-it-done on the days you don't feel like it..."So I dragged myself downstairs and got it done.

I had that same thought running through my head this morning. Bed was just a bit too comfortable. But I got it done! Cool


2009-01-08 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1894443

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

OK Team, I am off to the Colorado Backcountry for the rest of today.  Hiking in the mountains.  If you want to track Coach G then you can use Google Earth....

 I'll be out there from 10am Mtn.


2009-01-08 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1894439

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
"For long term development and risk-return optimization -- stick with what I recommend.

 Will slamming 1K occasionally screw things up?  Probably not -- still, you'd feel silly if you had to report back with an injury!  :-)

 Also, remember that you could insert some tempo (1-2 minutes) of slightly higher pace inside your steady run.  That will help you learn to change gears and recover aerobically.


Ok will do thanks G. figured as I only had time to do 30 mins run I would push the pace. Spose your way fits with the little and often is better than the odd long run only.

2009-01-08 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1893598

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
GordoByrn - 2009-01-07 7:57 PM
Cardholic - 2009-01-07 3:21 PM

I have a bike questions... I have a "performance hybrid" Diamondback bike... I bought it 4 months ago for commuting to work (2.5 miles each way)  Then decided to do a tri... questions...

  1. Will this bike be okay?
  2. I was riding it, and found myself at the bottom of a hill at a dead stop (to let a car pass) I had to change gears while on the hill (I know this is bad... but what to do?) My derailler broke off the bike... Is this common?
  3. How do I switch gears while going up hill to avoid further problems?
  4. Should I just fork out more money on a road bike?

Okay... I guess any and all advice is needed here... thanks!

 I did my first tri on a similar sort of bike - wish I had a photo.  I wore my bike shirt over my run shirt (to save time) but pinned my race number through both shirts... bit of a mess in T2.

#1 -- yep you'll be fine.

 2 -- yes, if you shift while not spinning the cranks, then pedal, you can rip the der off.  Not common but a normal consequence of what you did.

 3 -- just like driving a stick shift, you need to shift gears a little before you need to.  This is especially important when shifting between the chain rings on the front.

 4 - upgrade not required but I recommend shifting earlier.

 When Monica (my wife) was learning about cycling, she didn't know how to shift between front chain rings -- so at her first tri she big ringed the entire thing and walked the hills.  Somewhere in the family archives is a video of the event -- haven't see it yet.

 I few years later she won Vineman 70.3.  So... know that we ALL are new to cycling at some stage and go through exactly the same challenges that you experienced on your commute.


CARDHOLIC.  i have the very same bike that you do, so i was anxious to read the response...

the guy that we (my husband and i bought the same bikes...on the same day) bought the bikes from made some adjustments to the components.  he spent a good hour making adjustments and tweaking here and there to help the bike perform well.

i like to say, Corey 'pimped my ride'

happy to report its been smooth ridin' ever since.

its good to know we've got a decent set of wheels to help us reach our goals....

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-01-08 1:14 PM
2009-01-08 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

'unexpected' 90 min spin...but a pleasant surprise nonethless.  the spin instructor offerred to stay an xtra 30 mins. beyond the first hour.  sweet!

HR DATA 90 min spin 1/8

AV:  126

PEAK:  156 (during those standing sprints)

START:  i have no idea.  i didnt write it down.  somewhere between 80-100 is a good guess.

10 min:  134

20 min:  139

30 min:  129

40 min:  132

50 min:  143 standing sprints, holy moly.

60 min:  117

70 min:  131

80 min:  140

90 min:  124

END:  108

2009-01-08 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1894446

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
GordoByrn - 2009-01-08 8:32 AM

OK Team, I am off to the Colorado Backcountry for the rest of today.  Hiking in the mountains.  If you want to track Coach G then you can use Google Earth....

 I'll be out there from 10am Mtn.


G.  i hope you had the most SPLENDID ADVENTURE!

2009-01-08 12:33 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL


WAY TO GO GETTING IT DONE.  i tell people all the time, if i waited to workout until i 'felt' like it, i would never workout.  how i feel about working out (wanting to/not wanting to) is irrelevant.

i train because thats what i do and if i want to meet my goals, then i need to do what i need to do



2009-01-08 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1894425

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
GordoByrn - 2009-01-08 9:26 AM
chartierm22 - 2009-01-07 8:42 PM 

Good God man how do you do it?    Seriously that would/will be tough for me.   I just got my runners world mag in the mail, it has Lolo Jones on the cover and inside doing core work, I saw her and said I want those abs.  I have a feeling your telling me this will help me achieve that, now I just have to decide how badly I want them. 

Also, I was looking at the yogurt that I eat and saw that has alot of carbs in it (is this what you are talking about with the sugar in the dairy thing?), are carbs carbs or are we just talking about grains/rice etc.  Also what about Potatoes or sweet potatoes?



 How do I do it?  As you noted, I want the result.  I have always been a delayed gratification sort of guy.  Makes me a better investor and helps with things like triathlon (and finding a fantastic spouse).

 Dairy -- a little in my coffee and non-fat cottage cheese (or non-fat greek yoghurt) with chopped fruit.  I never eat sweetened dairy products.

 Grains/rice/sweet potatoes/potatoes -- I group all these together and eliminate, or use as recovery food from my longest days.

 Be sure to read my nutrition articles accessed from my sig-file.  Don't eliminate foods you have been eating for a long time -- cut intake by 50% and replace with nutrient dense choices.  Radical change doesn't work for nutrition -- we need to manage, gradually, over time.

I can assure you that effective nutrition is absolutely worth it.  Similar to the benefits of learning how to train moderately, these changes can have much wider implications that just a faster 5K split!


I have adjusted my diet so I stick to G's guidelines from the time I wakeup to just before dinner (i.e.. yogart, fruit, chicken,  cottage cheese, water, fruit between breakfeast and lunch and fruit between lunch and dinner).  When eating with the family in the evening I found it real  hard to eliminate all the breads, pasta, potatoes, wine etc...  I just watch it a lot closer than I ever have before.  Not that I know anything but it's seem to be working for me so far.  It's kind of my way of cutting back without going cold turkey with my old ways. 

2009-01-08 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
42m 21s 1650.00 yards Swim

1 X 1000 - 22.21 min, deminish every 200
W/U and C/D

Where/how does snowshoeing, skiing, SCUBA, etc. fit into the Gordo model?  Does a vigorous day on the slopes count?  Should a short run, swim or bike preceed the day?


2009-01-08 5:23 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

5 Ingredient Rule- I like that; I'll have to start working on that.

2009-01-08 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1894446

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

GordoByrn - 2009-01-08 9:32 AM

OK Team, I am off to the Colorado Backcountry for the rest of today.  Hiking in the mountains.  If you want to track Coach G then you can use Google Earth....

 I'll be out there from 10am Mtn.


The findmespot is neat. I'm trying to justify buying one now. My oldest son will be driving in a year. Hmmmmm - might prove very useful.

Even nicer was the area you were going through (yes, I was playing the home game).  I call the NC mountains my playground but the Rockies are a different ballgame. Must have been a blast!



2009-01-08 7:00 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Haven't been doing anything this month so far.

Was sick at the beginning of the month and today I had an abnormal EKG.  So No exercising until I have a echo cardio stress test.

I should get back on track once this is all settled by the doctors.

2009-01-08 10:12 PM
in reply to: #1895673

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

If you have a full day of alpine skiing then I wouldn't recommend anything before hand.  Enjoy the slopes!


2009-01-08 10:14 PM
in reply to: #1896177

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
gtkelly - 2009-01-08 5:34 PM

GordoByrn - 2009-01-08 9:32 AM

OK Team, I am off to the Colorado Backcountry for the rest of today.  Hiking in the mountains.  If you want to track Coach G then you can use Google Earth....

 I'll be out there from 10am Mtn.


The findmespot is neat. I'm trying to justify buying one now. My oldest son will be driving in a year. Hmmmmm - might prove very useful.

Even nicer was the area you were going through (yes, I was playing the home game).  I call the NC mountains my playground but the Rockies are a different ballgame. Must have been a blast!


 It was a good time -- I thought that trip up about six weeks ago and did a lot of recon to make sure that it would be safe to get to the pass.  Dusted off my ice axe (for my mountaineering days) for the first time in over a decade.  Only used it for a short pitch but was glad that I had it.


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