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2009-01-22 3:18 PM
in reply to: #1923190

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
KelliD - 2009-01-22 4:11 PM
Nicole83 - 2009-01-22 3:56 PM

Today I'm having a lazy day at work.

I want this for my Christmas present this year (to do in 2010.)


She is my triathlon hero.  How awesome would that be?

What a great present....I love it!!!  And not that I have anything against playing with boys, but I love that it's just for women. 

On another note, I'm soo busy at work!!  I seriously should not be spending so much time on BT.  But, I like to think I work better with tight timelines.

They have co-ed camps too, but I think I would be more comfortable learning in an all women setting.

Work has kicked my for two weeks straight.  I fled the mothership today and am working from one of the bueraus so I have a few seconds to breathe (thank god.)

2009-01-22 5:59 PM
in reply to: #1923198

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

That's when I started back running from doing nothing for quite a while. My first tri ever was a sprint with 400m swim, 12mi bike, 5K @9:42/mi to wrap it up. Four months later, my next one faired a little better at 8:40/mi for 5K.

It's amazing what 30lbs and a few years can do, thanks for the disbelieve though


KelliD - 2009-01-22 3:14 PM
evondo - 2009-01-22 3:29 PM

when I first started running I was ~10:30/mi pace and could go for about 1.5mi.

I don't believe it.  Unless....if by "when I started running" you actually mean..."when I took my first steps"? 

2009-01-22 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1923568

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

I was perfectly comfortable with my bike setup but I decided to get another bike fit. I did one when I first got the bike and the guy just kind of eyeballed it.  This guy brought out the angle measure and tore my bike apart! As soon as I sat down he goes "Oh ya you're all kinds of wrong"

For the first time ever I felt my hips able to rotate forward and had a flat back without even trying.  I'm excited to see how the position holds up on my long ride this weekend but it felt much more comfortable and powerful than before. So if you haven't gotten a GOOD bike fit yet drop the ~100 and get it done, you'll thank yourself for it! 

2009-01-23 8:30 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

That's really interesting to know about the bike fit... I've been thinking for awhile that something is off on mine as I have a slight curve in my spine and my right shoulder really bothers me on long rides...

I might have to do some research on where to get a good professional fitting around here and invest in that.  Anything to make me better/faster instantly would be great!

2009-01-23 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Man I feel so behind... I was in training for three days and couldn't get the computer access in.

And of course today, after being out of the office for 3 inbox was drowning and therefore I too am drowning. 

Brooks (Glycerine?)  If I were an Ironbabe, I would dig them.  Brooks make some nice trainers.  I got my wife hooked on them. 

Training plans... I read a few books and looked at various plans and took bits and pieces from them and some how managed a training schedule.  It was not as intense or probably not as constructive as it should have been...especially since I did not finish anywhere near where I (insert cocky self here) thought I would have finished a HIM.  One is easily humbled without a proper training plan.

For IMFL I am currently researching a cookie-cutter of sorts, type of plan. has a plan which I am probably going to use.  And I intend to follow as closely as possible - although I am open to and will adapt other more specifc training plans within this overall plan.  [Insert Eric's swim training for example].  Unfortunately, I can not add the additional cost of a coach or a customized plan to my Tri budget.  One thing I am extremely interested in, is nutrition planning for the actual IM.  I am versed in hydration and nutrition for a marathon and my HIM experience was good...BUT it's quite an challenge for the IM. 

2009-01-23 12:30 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Heck yeah...Heather Gollnick!  I am a dude and I would love to have her train me, give me pointers or just whip my booty for fun... Oh, maybe that's TMI...

Anyways - she is truly an inspiration to all athletes. 

2009-01-23 12:35 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Has anyone ever had a VO2 Max test done? or Lactate Threshold test done?  I have seen info on these and I am not sure if that is for more elite type of athletes or average Joes trying to improve?

2009-01-23 12:40 PM
in reply to: #1925270

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-01-23 1:30 PM

Heck yeah...Heather Gollnick!  I am a dude and I would love to have her train me, give me pointers or just whip my booty for fun... Oh, maybe that's TMI...

Anyways - she is truly an inspiration to all athletes. 


Hahaha!  I'm totally straight, AND happily married, but yah, girl can do whatever she wants to me and I will happily take it.

2009-01-23 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1925296

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

I've never paid for either of these.  The LT test you can do on your own on a treadmill/trainer.

I really don't know how a VO2Max test can help your training, it's just a measure of how much oxygen you can intake. You can probably correlate VO2Max to fitness which would require you to do multiple tests and then you'd just know if you're more/less fit than before. 

For LT test, I try to do this once a month for biking and running to help me readjust my training zones.


Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-01-23 12:35 PM

Has anyone ever had a VO2 Max test done? or Lactate Threshold test done?  I have seen info on these and I am not sure if that is for more elite type of athletes or average Joes trying to improve?

2009-01-23 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1925345

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Finally got a break from work, it's been crazy and I have a feeling it's only going to get busier next week.

What workouts does everyone have planned for the weekend?

I've got a 70mi ride and since I missed last week because of the race it's going to hurt! Good news is I'm heading out with some friends who are doing 50 so I'll do 20 before and they'll push me harder than I'd like to the end

2009-01-23 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

And you got a sweet bike fitting so you're going to be superfast and pump it out in an hour or something obscene.


I have a long run (5 miles) and a long bike (1.5 hours) slated.  Both outside if the weather cooperates.

2009-01-23 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1925406

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Haha, that'd be sweet but I was thinking something more along the lines of 3.5hrs

It's going to be a cooooold ride here, 40-45 is what they're saying now for Sunday AM. Nothing some tights, long sleeves and gloves can't fix! I cant wait for this cold crap to go away!

Nicole83 - 2009-01-23 1:15 PM

And you got a sweet bike fitting so you're going to be superfast and pump it out in an hour or something obscene.


I have a long run (5 miles) and a long bike (1.5 hours) slated.  Both outside if the weather cooperates.

2009-01-23 1:47 PM
in reply to: #1925437

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

It's actually been really cold here the past few days- highs in the low 50s and freezing at night.  But it's supposed to go back to 70 this weekend.


evondo - 2009-01-23 2:33 PM

Haha, that'd be sweet but I was thinking something more along the lines of 3.5hrs

It's going to be a cooooold ride here, 40-45 is what they're saying now for Sunday AM. Nothing some tights, long sleeves and gloves can't fix! I cant wait for this cold crap to go away!

Nicole83 - 2009-01-23 1:15 PM

And you got a sweet bike fitting so you're going to be superfast and pump it out in an hour or something obscene.


I have a long run (5 miles) and a long bike (1.5 hours) slated.  Both outside if the weather cooperates.

2009-01-23 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1925437

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
evondo - 2009-01-23 1:33 PM

Haha, that'd be sweet but I was thinking something more along the lines of 3.5hrs

It's going to be a cooooold ride here, 40-45 is what they're saying now for Sunday AM. Nothing some tights, long sleeves and gloves can't fix! I cant wait for this cold crap to go away!

Nicole83 - 2009-01-23 1:15 PM

And you got a sweet bike fitting so you're going to be superfast and pump it out in an hour or something obscene.


I have a long run (5 miles) and a long bike (1.5 hours) slated.  Both outside if the weather cooperates.

I'll be doing the Frost Bike 50 (the 50 mile course) on Sunday AM.  It's reall y gonna suck if it is that cold.  I do not have the right gear (upper body/chest) for that kind of cold.  I have the tights and riding pants...I will have to improvise the long sleeves and maybe wear a wind breaker pull-over thingy.  It sucks to sweat like we do hear in the summer, but I'd much rather deal with that then the frigid temps.  Especially on the bike.

2009-01-23 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1925384

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
evondo - 2009-01-23 2:06 PM

What workouts does everyone have planned for the weekend?

First order of business is to get out of work in one piece today.  I'll be so happy when the day (and week) over!  I was going to take today as a rest day, but I feel a little antsy so maybe a quick spin on the trainer...depends what time I get home.  All day I've been looking forward to cooking dinner, opening a nice bottle of wine & going to bed early tonight.  Tomorrow morning I'll get in 5 miles with the group and planning for a long run (6-7) on Sunday.  I have a bunch of errands to run tomorrow and there's a chance they'll put me near the pool, so if that's the case I might as well pop in for a swim if I'm in the area.

2009-01-23 3:02 PM
in reply to: #1925259

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-01-23 1:26 PM


Brooks (Glycerine?)  If I were an Ironbabe, I would dig them.  Brooks make some nice trainers.  I got my wife hooked on them. 

They're Brooks Adreneline.  I used to wear Asics and Saucony.  I tried my first pair of Brooks about a year ago and instantly fell in love.  I've been a Brooks girl ever since.

2009-01-24 5:29 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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New user
St. Louis Park, MN
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Brooks rules

2009-01-26 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1927163

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

We're approaching the end of the month and I normally try to do a self-assessment on how the past month went, how it affects my goals and what do I need to focus on.  Here's what I came up with for my past month...

-Half marathlon 1:30 - Raced well, met goal time, only 2-3 days recovery
-100 pushup challenge - Missed a couple of these workouts for no real reason, just laziness
-Long bike rides - Been getting in the mileage but start dying the last 5-10mi
-Long/recovery runs - Going well, want to be <7:30/mi for the next month.
-Lifting - Was going strong till the week of the half, need to pick back up

Overall I think I'm track for my 70.3 goal time.  For the next month I'm going to focus on finishing my long bikes stronger (I believe this is the key to a good 70.3), get lifting back to where it was and no more missing pushup workouts! 

Anyone else want to share a self-assesment? I know it can be personal so if you don't share do it on your own and be honest with yourself, the only person you'd be cheating is yourself

2009-01-26 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1928976

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New user
St. Louis Park, MN
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Yeah I'll bite, this is easy cause I pretty hard on myself so I'm my own best critic Laughing

I have been consistantly running all my required training amounts.  On the average everything has been fine.  I have missed 2 running sessions total.  Today and yesterday I'm beginning to feel pretty beat up.  It maybe due to other factors but I am concidereing taking a recovery week soon.

Swimming has been going very well.  I'm alittle cautious to get to excited as I still need more coaching, but I can feel improvements on most days.  4 times a week has been working out well.

Cycling, whats that?  I really need to get going on a trainer or something thing.  I really can't stand not riding out side but I'm gunna have to bite the bullet here.  I won't have my new Tri bike up and running till my last race so I will just focus on getting the best out of my road bike.

Core development has taken a major back seat to everything.  I have done very little work in this area.  I guess thats not a terrible thing when you factor in that I'm so new to swimming and running.  As I get farther along i will work it in more!

I have my race schedule picked out.  I also have a few fun side events and tester events picked out as well.  now I need to sign up for them all, pay and buy more equipment.

Edited by Epyon 2009-01-26 11:45 AM
2009-01-26 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1928976

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Since November and December were filled with laziness and gluttony, there was only room for improvement in January!  I am hands down my own worst critic, always...but, I'm really pleased with myself this month.  The year has gotten off to a great start for me.

Swimming:  This month was just about getting back in the pool.  I think I did a fair job.  I was hoping to get to the pool twice a week, which didn't actually pan out this month.  But I'm happy with the workouts I put in.
Biking: Started re-introducing the morning ride....still working on consistency, but getting there.  My goal was to get 10 hours of riding in this month.  Currently at 7, so I think I'll fall a little short.  Had one or two rides that were over an hour.  For next month I want to shoot for one long ride a week.
Running: So happy with my progress this month!  My lack of running the last few months of 2008 I lost a lot of speed and a lot of endurance.  I know it's not going to come back overnight, but I definitely feel like I'm on the right path to getting back (and hopefully beyond) where I was.  My goal for the month was 60 miles, which I should will hit by the end of the week.  Plan to stick with one long run and one speed workout/tempo run a week, and up the mileage a bit for next month.
PU Challenge:  There were two times (one of which was this morning) that I really wanted to quit.  But then I reminded myself that quiting is not an option!  It was a huge motivator this morning when I realized I'd just done 97 push ups!!! 

After yesterday's long run I feel like I'm in a good place for the DC 10-miler.  I may or may not reach the pace I want, but I know I'll finish strong.  Hands down the best thing I did this month was commit to my first HIM!  I've started to map out & register for some more races this season, and planning on a half-marathon for the end of April.  Over the next few weeks I'm going to find a HIM training plan and work on finding a swim coach.

2009-01-26 12:56 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Ahhh, the ol' self evaluation...extremely difficult!  Although this forum, has kept me, and now my assessment very honest.

January is a nice continuation of December, when I started taking advantage of BT.  My running came along nicely...However, I did not get the longer runs in December that I should have and therefore, my marathon - although I met my goal and set a new PR - could have been a Boston Qualifier had I just put in the little extra work a little earlier in the training.  Ireally like the PU & SU challenge, which is forcing me to get in a little core and upper body.  I need to find my way back to the gym, for sure!!!  I am trying hard to break some lazy habits and quit making excuses!

My Tri training is just now getting started again.  I regret not doing more in this realm during the off-season.  I really need and will get back in the pool.  This is where I really want to show some improvement and I am eager to do REAL workouts in the water and maybe even get a little coaching.  My bike is another area that I need to pay more attention too.  The ride this past Sunday showed what a month or so off can do to your riding endurance.  I want to improve my speed for the sprints, which will improve my chances of being competitive and get in the long rides for the HIM and IMFL.  Riding endurance - legs & core are crutial to a healthy race in that format.

I will improve, I will log my training, I will stay accountable...Thanks to this group, BT and a fresh start to season #2 of Triathlon!  I have a race schedule worked out with a couple A and B races.  I have mixed in some "fun" events that I will be doing with other friends, supporting their efforts at getting fit. 

January has shown me that I am becoming and need to be much more serious about training!

2009-01-27 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Here's a question I've been pondering for a while....

Since I live in a city I don't have (or need) a car, so I get around via public transportaion or preferably walk when I can.  When I go to the gym, 9 times out of 10 I walk home.  I could take the bus, but that usually results in spending more time waiting for the bus to come than it would take if I walk.  It's about a mile, maybe a little more from the gym to my apartment and I tend to be a fast walker.  Should I add this to my log, or would that log padding??

2009-01-27 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1931542

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
KelliD - 2009-01-27 11:20 AM

Here's a question I've been pondering for a while....

Since I live in a city I don't have (or need) a car, so I get around via public transportaion or preferably walk when I can.  When I go to the gym, 9 times out of 10 I walk home.  I could take the bus, but that usually results in spending more time waiting for the bus to come than it would take if I walk.  It's about a mile, maybe a little more from the gym to my apartment and I tend to be a fast walker.  Should I add this to my log, or would that log padding??

My 2.5 cents... I think you can easily add such activity.  You will best judge your effort/speed and its potential impact on fitness.  I used to use walking briskly as the warm-up cool down to my runs, and would include that on my milage for that event.  Especially if you are wearing your running shoes, because the walking miles count just as the running miles for life of the shoes. Unfortunately I do not do that very much now simply because of the time factor.  I am finding that I am more pressed for time than I once was, so just focus on the run portion and cut down the warm-up/cool-down time.

2009-01-27 11:49 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

January Assessment:

1.  I need to figure out how to improve my immune system.  Being sick and out of comission for a total of approximately 10 days this month has taken a toll on training.

2.  When well, I am pleased with my strength training and running consistency.

3.  I need to make a point of getting to a pool at least twice a week over lunch.

4.  I did a fair job of doing workouts during the week, but often skipped out on long runs and rides over the weekend.  I want to cut drinking down to one night per week, and schedule workouts on days other than the day following the drinking night to overcome that excuse with myself.

5.  No new weight loss to report.  Drinking attributes to this, so do french fries and ice cream.  This HAS to be a focus in Feb for my sucess to continue here.

Goals for Feb:

Minimum 2x week in each discipline
Minimum 2x week full body strength
Start taking multi-vitamin
Yoga min 1x week to help with stress
Research immune building options
Lose min 5 lbs

2009-01-27 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1931542

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
KelliD - 2009-01-27 12:20 PM

Here's a question I've been pondering for a while....

Since I live in a city I don't have (or need) a car, so I get around via public transportaion or preferably walk when I can.  When I go to the gym, 9 times out of 10 I walk home.  I could take the bus, but that usually results in spending more time waiting for the bus to come than it would take if I walk.  It's about a mile, maybe a little more from the gym to my apartment and I tend to be a fast walker.  Should I add this to my log, or would that log padding??

I would include it in the log, but under a "sports" category so that you can have an accurate track of how many miles were actually spent running as part of a training program, vs how many miles are on your shoes.


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