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2009-03-02 4:17 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
My pool at the university is closed all of spring break this year - I am hoping it gets a little warmer in the next 2 weeks - not likely - but hoping.

2009-03-03 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Ran intervals on the treadmill this morning. I think I could have run harder but I finished pretty strong - 10 minute WU and then 5 x 5 minutes with 3 minute rest.

The intervals were as follows:

1. 9.2 MPH
2. 9.2 / 9.5 MPH
3. 9.5 MPH
4. 9.5 / 9.8 MPH
5. 9.8 MPH (for about 4 minutes)

Cool down for 10 minutes
2009-03-03 3:58 PM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
OK - This is the 3rd time I've caught the stomach bug in 5 weeks.  Ugh!  The first two times lasted 4-5 days.  I hope this one doesn't.  So, my training has been light, to say the least.  I am keeoing in there though.
2009-03-03 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1994862

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Rochester, New York
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Hang in there Ken...plenty of fluids and some rest will do wonders for you!
2009-03-04 9:07 AM
in reply to: #1994862

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

K Robert - 2009-03-03 3:58 PM OK - This is the 3rd time I've caught the stomach bug in 5 weeks.  Ugh!  The first two times lasted 4-5 days.  I hope this one doesn't.  So, my training has been light, to say the least.  I am keeoing in there though.

Sorry you are sick. That's too many times in 5 weeks. ou teach at a school right? You've seen the studies that there is more fecal matter on the fountains than in the bathrooms right. MMM, yummy to think about. Hang in there. Look at it as a diet plan  

2009-03-04 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1996183

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Nope, not a teacher, but I do have two little ones!  I am sure they are passing it to me or I just haven't gotten rid of the initial bug attack.

I plan on doing something tonight though.  Maybe a light ride.

2009-03-05 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
I got a swim in on Tuesday at lunch. I did another 1000 yard TT - this time I was 16:26 about 30 seconds slower. I am not sure what was up. Oh well.

With the lakes here still in the 50 degree range I decided that I needed to break the wetsuit out in the pool. I have heard horror stories about panic and what not so I have to ease those wetsuit fears.

I got dress at home and then drove to the pool Wednesday morning. The temperature was in the 30's so I was not overheating. I did get some looks walking into the gym. Chatted with Jen in the pool for a few and then did a quick warm up. The suit is so buoyant that you kind of just float. I did back to back 1000 yard TT's in the suit. My normal swimming TT best is 15:56 (1:35.6 / 100 yards). With the suit I clicked off a 14:23 (1:26.3 / 100 yards) and 14:48 (1:28.8 / 100 yards). I think that is pretty substantial. According to a swim calculator the 1:26 / 100 yards would equal a 28 minute half iron swim while my time without the wetsuit (the 1:36 time) would equal 31 minutes. It will be good to have the extra 3 minutes since I will probably be zig zagging all over the place - swimming any direction but straight. I realize that I am not a swimming speed freak compared to many of you but the improvement I have seen in the last couple of months (since Christmas) has been remarkable. The wetsuit fit perfect and I did not feel any since of claustrophobia. However, I did get very warm in the pool. My skin under the wetsuit was hot to the touch. I had a my one piece tri suit unitard on underneath so I took the wetsuit off in the pool and did some pool down laps. The water was very refreshing.

I am trying hard to embrace this TRAIN SMART NOT HARD mentality.

My diet has been in check also - I weight the least all year yesterday. I still would like to lose about 6 pounds this month!
2009-03-06 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

James-looking good. You are doing awesome with your swimming. 

I have been on the bike the most recently because of the bike challenge. Still though not as much as I should. I went for a 10 mile ride yesterday and I have a 30 mile ride planned with some friends tomorrow. They are much more advanced than I am but you have to start somewhere. The farthest I have ever ridden is 21 miles so this will be interesting.

I did lose 2.2 lbs this week so that felt good.

2009-03-06 11:23 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
I rode the tri bike 3 times yesterday - morning, lunch and dinner - total 58 miles.

In the pool this morning I did a 1500 yard TT - 24:30 - I took splits every 500 yards - they were all a little slower than my best. Still feeling good about the swim.
2009-03-07 6:02 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Friday was another beautiful day so I got a nice and easy 7 mile run in at lunch. The pace was easy and my heart rate stayed where I wanted it, but the perceived effort was higher than I wanted. I'm getting a little tired.

Today (Saturday) was a big volume day. I rode the race bike for 50 miles and limited my heatrate to the 140's. I saw a friend and rode with him most of the way back from the out and back.

Transitioned into a brick and a couple of miles into it I saw another friend and ran with him for a while. My times were not great but that was not the purpose.

50 mile bike - 2:33
13 mile run - 1:58

Dog tired now.
2009-03-08 10:16 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

James-good job keeing up with the training.

I  realize for a lot of you the 27.397 (yes I'm countin those .397 miles!) I rode yesterday was a stroll in the park but it was my longest ride I've ever done and the hardest.

When April mentioned a ride for yesterday I asked about it and she said:

         "The route I was thinking:

It has a lot of rolling hills, nothing to hard.  The average speed, I'm not sure, I think we might be having a mixed bunch.  Lets say around 15/16 mph, nothing to hard core more of a social ride."

I looked at the map and elevation before we went out but didn't really know what it would be like. Remember I'm new to all of this. Those were NOT rolling hills!(&(*&$#

I finished it and was proud of myself. I was told by all of the riders that it will be much easier when I get clipless. I'm riding right now in running shoes and regular bike pedals. One thing doing yesterdays ride did make me realize was that I probably will not be ready to ride 70 miles for Tour of the Tucson Mountains in 7 weeks. That was at least something good that came out of the ride. I think I may sign up for the shorter race and work on my endurance and feel good after the race. I don't want to DNF on my first bike race. That would really make me sad Cry

I may do a swim today.


2009-03-09 5:20 AM
in reply to: #1994862

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

K Robert - 2009-03-03 4:58 PM OK - This is the 3rd time I've caught the stomach bug in 5 weeks.  Ugh!  The first two times lasted 4-5 days.  I hope this one doesn't.  So, my training has been light, to say the least.  I am keeoing in there though.

Feel better, no fun getting sick this time of year

2009-03-09 5:22 AM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

So I have been MIA for a week. Came down with what started as the flu, then migrated into some sort of throat, head and everything else type cold. Missed a full week of training and with my first race 4 weeks out I am feeling very underprepared.

Time to knuckle down and try to get this season off to a good start. So when is everyone elses first race of any kind?

2009-03-09 8:28 AM
in reply to: #2005600

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Shermbelle - 2009-03-09 5:22 AM

So I have been MIA for a week. Came down with what started as the flu, then migrated into some sort of throat, head and everything else type cold. Missed a full week of training and with my first race 4 weeks out I am feeling very underprepared.

Time to knuckle down and try to get this season off to a good start. So when is everyone elses first race of any kind?

Sorry you were out. Don't come back to quickly. Make sure you are fully recovered or it may come back.

My first race will be April 26th. I am trying to decide between the 27 or 70 mile Tour of the Tucson Mountains bike race.

2009-03-09 2:25 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Hi everyone! Just checking in...

Finished off quite a big volume week for me last week (12,300 yrds swimming, 32.1 miles running, 63 miles biking) I am thankful that this week is a recovery week. The March challenge that I'm doing on another forum is neck and neck between the men and women right now.

As for races, I have a 5-mile race this Saturday, St. Patrick's Day Parade Run, 9,000 runners lots of fun and I get to roll out of bed and walk a few blocks to the starting line, can't beat that! I think it is my first race of any kind in 2009. I have a 10 miler at the end of March. First tri is not until April 26th at St. Anthonys.

Jill, WTG on your ride, 27 is not a walk in the park! Keep it up.

James. nice workouts lately, I envy your speed. Do you have a sleeveless wetsuit?

Sherm, hope you are feeling better! What race do you have coming up in 4 weeks?

Ken, hope you are feeling better also.



Edited by stlboilermaker 2009-03-09 2:32 PM
2009-03-10 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

does anyone know if they will cancel the swim potion if the water temperature is to cold?  I am starting to worry a little since I have 3 inches of new snow and my even it only 4 weeks away.



2009-03-10 2:00 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
I have a sleeveless wetsuit.

Down here in the south they will generally only cancel the swim if the water is contaminated. At 70.3 New Orleans if the water is contaminated they will substitute a 5 mile run. If the water is too rough you can skip the swim and start after the last swimmer finishes and be ineligible for any ranking.

I am not looking forward to any cold swims. It is starting to warm up around here though.
2009-03-11 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
This has been a reduced volume week and I am digging it - I normally have trouble throttling back but not this week.

I had a good running interval seesion yesterday and today had an easy 1500 yard swim PR (23:54) - wow - feeling good.

I have a 5k after work on Friday and then a big BRICK on Saturday. There are about 10 of us doing a 50 - 60 mile bike followed by 6 - 12 mile run. It will be a blast.

I am also getting back into bike commuting to work - I have missed it!
2009-03-12 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2011338

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

microspawn - 2009-03-11 2:14 PM This has been a reduced volume week and I am digging it - I normally have trouble throttling back but not this week. I had a good running interval seesion yesterday and today had an easy 1500 yard swim PR (23:54) - wow - feeling good. I have a 5k after work on Friday and then a big BRICK on Saturday. There are about 10 of us doing a 50 - 60 mile bike followed by 6 - 12 mile run. It will be a blast. I am also getting back into bike commuting to work - I have missed it!

nice job on the swim!

2009-03-12 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2008457

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
tlstacy - 2009-03-10 12:51 PM

does anyone know if they will cancel the swim potion if the water temperature is to cold?  I am starting to worry a little since I have 3 inches of new snow and my even it only 4 weeks away.



Wow, can't believe they would schedule a tri so early if there is still a possiblitliy of cold water or SNOW!!!

2009-03-12 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Rochester, New York
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Been MIA for a few days as I fell to the GI bug and now my 5 yo and 8 mo daughters are marinating in the same.  Back to training somewhat, but trying to offer some support boh as a parent and a nurse (I am an RN).

2009-03-15 7:33 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Friday Nights 5K went well - a new PR - 19:09 . I got 3rd overall (out of 220) and 1st in age group. I went out way too fast - positive split by about 25 seconds.

Due to weather I ended up taking Saturday off. Today I did another nice brick - 62 bike / 8 run. Nothing fast but a good effort.
2009-03-15 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2014817

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

rjdorman - 2009-03-12 9:33 PM Been MIA for a few days as I fell to the GI bug and now my 5 yo and 8 mo daughters are marinating in the same.  Back to training somewhat, but trying to offer some support boh as a parent and a nurse (I am an RN).

Sorry about being sick, just got over it myself, absolutely no fun Frown

2009-03-15 9:14 PM
in reply to: #2019475

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

microspawn - 2009-03-15 8:33 PM Friday Nights 5K went well - a new PR - 19:09 . I got 3rd overall (out of 220) and 1st in age group. I went out way too fast - positive split by about 25 seconds. Due to weather I ended up taking Saturday off. Today I did another nice brick - 62 bike / 8 run. Nothing fast but a good effort.

great job on the PR, heck of a workout today also

2009-03-15 9:15 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Had a good weekend of training myself. Got in a nice 9 miler Friday night after a swim earlier in the day, Then on Saturday I finally got outside on the bike for the first time this year. Nice 3 hours worth. Anxious to start building that back up again.
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