BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-05-03 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2124004

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Sharie's Intro
ranchrunner - 2009-05-01 1:58 PM Name : Sharie/ranchrunner

Story: It is a long story but I will give you the short version!    I have always been athletic - competitive swimmer from age 6 through high school,  a sprinter and hurdler in high school track along with riding horses - jumping and showing.   Graduated from college, married a rancher, worked my tail off and then after the birth of #5, my body collapsed.   Spent lots and lots of $$ trying to figure out what was wrong and in the end they said chronic fatigue...go home and lay down!    Well, easier said than done!   I have spent the past 10 years looking for answers and seeking health.  It has been a long and interesting journey.   Finally, after almost a year of feeling better, I decided that it was time to reclaim the very out of shape body that had just been lying around for so many years.    I started running in August '08 using the C25K program.  I ran my first 5K in November crossing the finish line with tears streaming down my face as it struck me how far I had come.    I have since run several other 5Ks and joined a running club to run their Winter Series - 5 races: 2m, 5K, 4m, 5m and 10K.   I realized sometime last fall that somewhere, buried deep inside of me, was a desire to do a Tri.   I wrestled with it in my head  for months and then finally decided to take the leap on my 50th birthday...March 31, 2009!   I joined BT, started reading, started training and looking for a bike....and like all of you, I am now steadily marching forward to my first ever triathlon!  

Family Status: Married to Tyler for 25 years (good man, tough marriage), 5 awesome children (23yo son, 19yo son, 17yo son, 14yo daughter, 10yo son).    2 house dogs (Bichon and Mini Aussie) and 3 working cattle dogs.   We are working on finishing up our 17th year of homeschooling.

Current Training:  I train 5-6 days a week.  Have a mix of plans but for the most part I am following the Tri-Newbie plan.  I have one of the BT plans printed out too, but the TriNewbie plan has so much good information.  I also sometimes download from    I just got my bike last night (more on that later) so my bike training begins today!   I have to drive a minimum of 60 miles to swim, but I have been getting in at 1-2 swims a week.

This Year’s Races: Cheyenne Sprint Triathlon June 28th,  Then either Tri for the Cure, Denver OR Seeley Lake Tri, Montana.

Weight Loss:  When I first started running I lost about 10lbs.   I would still like to lose a few more but I am not too concerned about it.

Welcome aboard, Sharie!!!!!  Oooo.  A running club.  That sounds cool.  Congrats on going from couch to 5K!  You did come quite far!  A new bike, huh?  That is sooo exciting.  Have you had a chance to take it on the trainer yet?  I use SwimPlan, too, or at least I've signed-up and will be using it in the off season, 'cause my BT half iron plan has a great plan for the swim.  Now, that's committment to your swim!  Sixty miles?  Wow.  I'm impressed.  So, glad you've decided to join us, Sharie!

2009-05-03 9:41 PM
in reply to: #2127016

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Subject: RE: Sharie's Intro
Thank you all SO much for the warm welcome.   I look forward to getting to know each of you over the next few months.  I will let you all know from the start that I am terrible with names....sorry!  Lora, did you put together a list of everyone on the group?   If so, could you tell me which page it is on or post a link to it?    Also, it would be super if everyone would sign their names for a week or so.  

Christine - so sorry to hear about your health.   Take care of yourself.   Do you ever do any natural remedies?   They are the only thing that got me out of my CFS.   PM me any time on homeschooling.    We live 90 miles north of Cheyenne on the North Platte River.   10 miles to the closest town - public school, church and small grocery.   Closest bigger grocery, hardware, etc is 40 - 50 miles, closest mall or Walmart 70-90 miles.   (the mileage span accounts for which direction you drive!)

My youngest, 10yo ds, has been running with me a little.  He really wants to do a 5K.     The 19yo ds was an incredible 400m runner his senior year in high school.  He never ran track before that and he was the talk of the state.   17yo ds is running track this year - all sprints - he is doing well.   14yo dd just ran in her first meet Saturday - hurdles and sprints - she did well for her first time.   I am SUCH a competitive person and it is hard for me because none of my kids are very competitive...all really laid back.

LKC - good job on the run!   I remember well the day I ran for 10 min straight.  It was in the dark after working all day on putting up a huge grain bin.  I wasn't going to miss my run!   Keep going!   You will love the 5K!   And yes, ranching is a different lifestyle for sure.   Lots of hard work, lots of gamble...but also lots of freedom.

Sue - you get used to driving to do anything when you live where we do!  I have been able to plan my swims around going for tractor parts or groceries or something.  The only special trip for triathlons was last week when I got my bike.  I grabbed it from the UPS man and drove to Cheyenne to the LBS.   They were awesome, helped me get it set up and did a personal fit.   After that.... I swam!

Shannon - sounds like quite the run.   I have done that a few times....been running along and OMGosh...the HR is way, way up there!    I have been trying really hard with this Tri training to pay very close attention to my HR training.   Great run though and good to have come away with the confidence you share about your race.

Lora - I got a Specialized Ruby Comp from another BTer!  It is an awesome bike!!!!   And I got such a deal on it.   I am thrilled.   I took it out yesterday for an 8mile ride and then again today for another 8 mile.   I have a lot to learn about shifting but I am no longer afraid of the bike leg.   I am not going to be the speediest out there, but I know now that I can at least ride!    Me and bikes have had a long history of crashes - 3 of my front teeth at age 6, the skin off my upper lip and cheek at age 11...well, you get the picture!

I got in 2 swims last week - one was really hard and the other great!    I love having my body feel more and more in shape and capable!    The rest of the days I ran short - 2.5 to 3 miles.   Took one SDO and then the bike rides.    Will probably run tomorrow and take a SDO on Tues as dd has a track meet that afternoon.    Will plan my swim this week for Wed or Thurs since I have to take my bike back to Cheyenne for the final fitting once my new shoes come in.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you!

Edited by ranchrunner 2009-05-03 9:47 PM
2009-05-04 7:06 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hi Sharie and welcome (Sorry I'm a bit late!)

Yesterday I rode my bike from my work to my house : 43kms (26miles). It took me over 2 hours. I had a very hard headwind the whole way. As I was thinking it would get easier, well it got worse. The only time the wind was in my back was on the last 5k to my house, I was flying LOL I'm happy I did it although this morning I'm very sore. My new bike is a speed bike and every time I go over a crack in the road, it goes right to my back. So this morning my upper back is sore and my legs are also. I was suppose to run 15 minutes after the ride, I tried running around the block but my legs wouldn't follow! How do you do it in a tri? I figure that when I do my sprint, I won't be riding for 2 hours so I should be ok......

I'm very happy about my training week. I did every workout on the plan. I hope to be able to continue like this until my first sprint in June

2009-05-04 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Morning ladies!  I'll be back later to catch up from the weekend, but wanted to let you know that I DID IT!!  I am officially a triathlete nowSmile!  I don't have time to give the details now, but overall I was happy with how I did.  The swim was harder than I thought it would be, the bike was tough but doable and the run went well.  Finish time was 2:07:37.  I'll try to get a race report up later today with all the details. 

Quick question for you - how do you get the marker off my arm and legs?  I feel kind of silly with my age written in permanent marker on the back of my calfSmile.

2009-05-04 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2127910

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2009-05-04 9:20 AM

Morning ladies!  I'll be back later to catch up from the weekend, but wanted to let you know that I DID IT!!  I am officially a triathlete nowSmile!  I don't have time to give the details now, but overall I was happy with how I did.  The swim was harder than I thought it would be, the bike was tough but doable and the run went well.  Finish time was 2:07:37.  I'll try to get a race report up later today with all the details. 

Quick question for you - how do you get the marker off my arm and legs?  I feel kind of silly with my age written in permanent marker on the back of my calfSmile.

Congratulations, triathlete!!!!!!  Be sure to fill out your race report when you have time.  Let me know if you have any questions about filling it out.  Can't wait to read all the details.  Congratulations again!!!!!!!!!!

I have to confess:  I never tried that hard to get off the body markings.  I got a little sad, actually, when they started to fade.  After a few washings, they'll go away, so I guess you could spend a little more time scrubbing them during one shower to help expedite?  Good luck!
2009-05-04 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2127910

Subject: ...
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2009-05-04 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2127910

Subject: Janet's first Tri
I am really looking forward to your RR, too!  No pressure, huh!!??    When I have a few spare moments, I like to read the RR forum.   I especially look for women's sprint tri reports.   I have learned a lot of little tips and tricks.

One thing I have been pretty nervous about is the transitions.  I had the thought the other day that maybe there were some videos on youtube that would show me what it would look like since I have never been to or watched a Tri before.   Can you tell I am a visual person!!   Well, I was amazed at how many videos there are for newbies - T1, T2, what to pack in your bag, how to set up your T zone, etc.    

Have you gals discussed changing the "Subject" bar to better represent the topic?   I was on another group and we tried to do it for specific questions or subjects cuz it makes it easier to go back and search for something later.   Just a thought.......

2009-05-04 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Congrats Janet! That is awsome!

I finally got to do and actuall bike/run brick today although it was a stationary bike and a treadmill.  35 mins for 11 miles on the bike and 35 mins. for 3.5 miles in the run. It was weird, my r. leg felt weak on the bike and then when I went to run, at first I thought I wouldn't make it, I tried to do the foothill program and got about 12 min. in and had to change to manual cause I couldn't get my HR out of the 170s. But I kept the speed up and alternated by mins. between 0, 1 and 2 incline and then got a little more speed at the end untill I started to have some lateral R. knee pain, the treadmill had an error about 3 min. before the end of my run so Im not sure about the exact distance. anyway, I hope that it was just a little muscle ache... altohugh it feels a bit sore already.

I'm starting to doubt my abillity to do the sprint now, exp. since the bike is going to be very hilly (595 ft. gain) and the run will be trail. I really hope I can make it out there to scope out the run....

2009-05-04 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: Free shirt and supplement
Here are a few more things that I will offer to  you first and then on to the PIF thread.   I did post the Lake shoes there last night and have had a few PMs on them. 

I have this shirt in a women's Medium.   I bought it from and have worn in a few times.  Love the shirt...BUT (and this may sound silly) the color stinks for my complexion.   I have some rosacea issues and my face tends to get rather red when I exert myself.   This color shirt doesn't help at all, but in fact makes me look worse.   People tend to gasp when they see my face anyway...don't need the extra help.   My sweet 14yo dd said "Mom, ditch the shirt!" LOL   So, if you would like this nice, lightly used running shirt, let me know.   The link shows the color - Persimmon.

I also won a bottle of Mannatech SPORT supplements at a 5K and I won't use them.  I have a line of supplements that I am already using and don't want to mix and match.   They are still sealed. If you would be interested in them, let me know....yours for free!

If no one from the group claims these in the next few days I will post on the PIF thread.

Edited by ranchrunner 2009-05-04 1:23 PM
2009-05-04 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

OK, ladies my RR is up.  I'm not sure how to link it here so for now you'll have to go over to the Race Reports forum to find it.  If I can figure out how to link it here, I will.  I'll also try to upload some photos my hubby took, but that won't be until I get home tonight. 

I'm going to take it kind of easy this week (promised myself and my husband that I would) and then next week get back into training for another sprint in August and a half marathon in Sept.  The sprint has a longer, hillier bike ride than the one I did yesterday so that's where most of my training will be concentrated. 


2009-05-04 3:21 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

2009-05-04 6:25 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Congrats Janet

I don't know how I would have waited 3 hours!!

Good job!!

2009-05-04 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Yay Janet!  You go girl!  I'm sure that waiting was tough, but it is awesome that you stuck it out.

Congrats to you!
Mary Sue
2009-05-04 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Congrats Janet - and thank you so much for the race report (Wow - 3 hrs - that must have been soooo frustating)

I ran a spur-of-the moment 5k Sunday.  We went to Madison,WI for a long weekend cuz our daughter plays in the U band and she had a concert.  I was looking for activities (mostly music stuff) and saw they were having a 5k on campus just 2 blocks from her dorm.  So I showed up and ran it - I was back-of-the-pack but had a 10:17 pace which is my fastest so far (only been on the treadmill at 10:30 so far this year).  Funny how you can run faster when it's a race.

Took today off and need to decide on my schedule for the week - a wedding and Mother's Day will interfere.  Oh well.

2009-05-05 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2068936

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Great job Janet! Way to conquer those hills on the bike, even after waiting so long to swim.
2009-05-05 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Thanks everyone - it was a great experience and I'm looking forward to doing the one in August.  That one is smaller (300 person limit) but is also a pool swim so another wait for my turn probably.  Hopefully it won't be as long at least!

Denise - congrats on your 5k! 

Lora - thanks for linking my RR.  I tried and couldn't get it to workFrown.

I'm thinking about running a 5k this weekend.  Actually I have a choice between 2.  One of them I have done for the last 2 years, I love the course (down in Frontier Park on the Katy Trail - totally flat), and benefits breast cancer research.  The other one is closer to home, a little cheaper (although the money for both goes to a good cause so that's not a major issue), benefits my kids' school district, but the course is not as nice.  I considered doing both, but I'm not fast enough to finish the one and get to the other before it starts.  I'm kind of leaning towards the one that's closer to home since its the earlier start and I have other things I want to get done this weekend.  Guess I'll decide once Saturday gets closer.

Have a good day!

2009-05-05 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2130191

Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
LadyNorth - 2009-05-04 10:22 PM
Congrats Janet - and thank you so much for the race report (Wow - 3 hrs - that must have been soooo frustating)

I ran a spur-of-the moment 5k Sunday.  We went to Madison,WI for a long weekend cuz our daughter plays in the U band and she had a concert.  I was looking for activities (mostly music stuff) and saw they were having a 5k on campus just 2 blocks from her dorm.  So I showed up and ran it - I was back-of-the-pack but had a 10:17 pace which is my fastest so far (only been on the treadmill at 10:30 so far this year).  Funny how you can run faster when it's a race.

Took today off and need to decide on my schedule for the week - a wedding and Mother's Day will interfere.  Oh well.


I love it!  That is just sooo cool.  Congrats on that PR, too!
2009-05-05 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: ...
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2009-05-05 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2131640

Subject: state forum
Easiest way I know.

Scroll to the bottom of this forum to the "jump to" box.   Click on the drop down arrow....scroll all the way down until you see the State on Florida!

2009-05-05 4:47 PM
in reply to: #2128817

Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Janet's first Tri
ranchrunner - 2009-05-04 1:56 PM I am really looking forward to your RR, too!  No pressure, huh!!??    When I have a few spare moments, I like to read the RR forum.   I especially look for women's sprint tri reports.   I have learned a lot of little tips and tricks.

One thing I have been pretty nervous about is the transitions.  I had the thought the other day that maybe there were some videos on youtube that would show me what it would look like since I have never been to or watched a Tri before.   Can you tell I am a visual person!!   Well, I was amazed at how many videos there are for newbies - T1, T2, what to pack in your bag, how to set up your T zone, etc.    

Have you gals discussed changing the "Subject" bar to better represent the topic?   I was on another group and we tried to do it for specific questions or subjects cuz it makes it easier to go back and search for something later.   Just a thought.......


There's also a cool video on here about how to best do transitions.  I can't immediately find it, but it had a ton of great ideas.

I'm cool with changing the topic.  I'm just so in the habit of not that I don't even think about it.  Works for me.
2009-05-05 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2131640

Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
ChrisFL - 2009-05-05 1:49 PM Ladies- how do I find the Florida BT forum on this site?  There's a guy on this site from Tampa who invited me to join it and I have no idea how to locate it.  Thanks- Christine

This is a great one to do for everyone on here who hasn't yet.  It'll pull up your state's forum where you can interact with other BTers who have or are doing your races or where there's good training, etc.

First, go to "Settings" at the top of your page.  You'll see various boxes to fill out, but there are two at the top that pertain to your location.  One is called "Location (Optional, displayed to others)."  You don't have to fill that one out unless you want.

Next, you need to select your country from the drop-down menu.  Then, right below that, you need to select your state or province from that drop-down menu.

Finally, hit "Update."  Now, when you click on "Forums" at the top of any page, you'll have the Mentor Program section, then you'll see "Tri Talk," then Introduce Yourself" and then your state which will be between "Introduce Yourself" and "Race Reports."

Please let me know if you have any problems with any of this.  I'll be glad to help!

- Lora

2009-05-05 5:28 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: ...
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2009-05-05 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2132504

Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
OK, great!  Glad to hear it, Christine.  Our Ohio group is really awesome and it's been a great source of support.  Hope Florida's like that for you!
2009-05-05 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I've not been doing that well lately...working out is OK, but my eating is not good.  I'm trying to let myself "off the hook" so I can move on and get back into the groove.

Suggestion for the marker #'s - besides those given already:  did you try waterproof eye make-up remover?  (Which is similar to baby oil I believe)

Ran today at the park today, but wasn't able to make it as long.  I think my pace was up and I couldn't slow myself down...I had the same problem as last Tuesday where I could feel my lunch - even though it was 5 hours ago!!

I got a DVD rented for swimming....lets see how it helps tomorrow!

Hope everyone is having a smoother week than I am!
2009-05-05 11:37 PM
in reply to: #2132801

Subject: Lisa's week
Hey Lisa!   Sorry to hear you are having a tough time with your training.   We all have days/weeks like that.   Just keep at it...slow and steady wins the race!


Edited by ranchrunner 2009-05-05 11:39 PM
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