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2010-02-02 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2650263

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
wisprunner - 2010-02-02 12:47 PM Swim 1000yards, 5K run....I figure it should take me less than 3-4 hours! Yes I am kidding but I accept I will probably be last. Hey, at least I am doing it. I would be even more last if I was just sitting on the couch!

Sounds fun!  Have you done one before?  Can't wait to hear about it!!

2010-02-02 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2556282

Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
No I havent done one before! I haven't even seen one before. I just know that I have to do it. I am nuts like that. Plus having goals makes me keep to this!
2010-02-02 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2650246

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
wisprunner - 2010-02-02 10:41 AM The aquathon I am going to is a swim followed by a run(or in my case pathetic slog)!

That is so awesome,  way to commit and in my view you are anything but pathetic in your running, you are a star to come so far in such a short time!
2010-02-02 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2650263

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Yes, and I like to count all those who didn't enter as behind me in the standings!  So see, by doing it you aren't in last!

wisprunner - 2010-02-02 12:47 PM Swim 1000yards, 5K run....I figure it should take me less than 3-4 hours! Yes I am kidding but I accept I will probably be last. Hey, at least I am doing it. I would be even more last if I was just sitting on the couch!
2010-02-02 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2650263

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
wisprunner - 2010-02-02 12:47 PM Swim 1000yards, 5K run....I figure it should take me less than 3-4 hours! Yes I am kidding but I accept I will probably be last. Hey, at least I am doing it. I would be even more last if I was just sitting on the couch!

There's an old saying that goes, "DFL > DNF > DNS".  Which means, "Dead F'ing Last is better than Did Not Finish is better than Did Not Start".
2010-02-02 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut

Forgot to mention that I ordered a wetsuit yesterday,  the Vortex 3 full suit (login code = BT) .  With the way our winter has been here in the pacific northwest, open water swims will be just around the corner:-)

2010-02-02 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2650930

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
corstan - 2010-02-02 4:51 PM

Forgot to mention that I ordered a wetsuit yesterday,  the Vortex 3 full suit (login code = BT) .  With the way our winter has been here in the pacific northwest, open water swims will be just around the corner:-)

Awesome!  I love it when it's warm enough to swim in the lake.
2010-02-02 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2650870

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2010-02-02 4:24 PM
wisprunner - 2010-02-02 12:47 PM Swim 1000yards, 5K run....I figure it should take me less than 3-4 hours! Yes I am kidding but I accept I will probably be last. Hey, at least I am doing it. I would be even more last if I was just sitting on the couch!

There's an old saying that goes, "DFL > DNF > DNS".  Which means, "Dead F'ing Last is better than Did Not Finish is better than Did Not Start".
Love it Ken!!!
2010-02-03 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
So what are we all committing too today??

I am going to squeeze in a short trainer ride, as I will be spending the rest of the night (according to my wife) cleaning the house and getting it ready for my nephew and some other family coming into town. 
2010-02-03 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2651962

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
chichitao - 2010-02-03 9:03 AM So what are we all committing too today??

I am going to squeeze in a short trainer ride, as I will be spending the rest of the night (according to my wife) cleaning the house and getting it ready for my nephew and some other family coming into town. 

I did 4 of my 7 intervals on the treadmill this morning until Logan decided he wanted some snuggle time on the couch at 5:45.  I am on my own with the kids tonight so I will finish my run after getting Logan to bed.  Joe is great in the basement with me.  Of course he is, we have a movie theater basement!  He loves going down with me.  I will finish my intervals and then hop on the trainer if it is not too late.
2010-02-03 9:43 AM
in reply to: #2651962

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Louisville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
I'm on the hook for an upper body strength session at lunch and cario city tonight.

Might do a swim-run brick tonight.  that would be ambitious with a upper body strength session over lunch. 

We'll see.

2010-02-03 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
My swim is done for today.  I MIGHT get a trainer ride tonight - depends on the family.
2010-02-03 3:24 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Would you guys do a pool sprint tri?  There is one in April in the next town over for us.  Seems like a no brainer to do it but I know a decent amount of people on here will not do one. 
2010-02-03 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2653140

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Mrschach - 2010-02-03 1:24 PM Would you guys do a pool sprint tri?  There is one in April in the next town over for us.  Seems like a no brainer to do it but I know a decent amount of people on here will not do one. 

I would, just for experience, good practice for transitions.  The first Tri I am doing in May is actually a pool Tri, but I'm doing the Olympic distance, I thought about doing a pool sprint a month earlier, but it required a mountain bike for the bike portion, so I am thinking about volunteering at that one instead.
2010-02-03 4:05 PM
in reply to: #2651962

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
chichitao - 2010-02-03 7:03 AM So what are we all committing too today??

I am going to squeeze in a short trainer ride, as I will be spending the rest of the night (according to my wife) cleaning the house and getting it ready for my nephew and some other family coming into town. 

Today, I commit to doing another 5k and I'd like to get bike ride in, but I may be fighting hubby for the trainer.   I'm still trying to get an outside ride in, but the weather hasn't been compliant and I have been getting home well after dark from work...I'll have to see what the weather is doing tomorrow and Friday and maybe take a day to get that outside ride in.  I long for Daylight Savings Time to kick in and less rain
2010-02-03 5:55 PM
in reply to: #2653140

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Heck ya...would've been good experience before the OWS races and a good way to start the season.  They just started having a few here this year, but you have to be a member at that particular gym to participate. 

Got my 30min bike ride in...time to start cleaning house and grocery shopping! fun

Mrschach - 2010-02-03 3:24 PM Would you guys do a pool sprint tri?  There is one in April in the next town over for us.  Seems like a no brainer to do it but I know a decent amount of people on here will not do one. 

2010-02-03 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2653140

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Mrschach - 2010-02-03 3:24 PM Would you guys do a pool sprint tri?  There is one in April in the next town over for us.  Seems like a no brainer to do it but I know a decent amount of people on here will not do one. 

Yep.  I've done two so far.  They're closer, & usually cheaper. 
2010-02-03 6:49 PM
in reply to: #2653451

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2010-02-03 6:01 PM
Mrschach - 2010-02-03 3:24 PM Would you guys do a pool sprint tri?  There is one in April in the next town over for us.  Seems like a no brainer to do it but I know a decent amount of people on here will not do one. 

Yep.  I've done two so far.  They're closer, & usually cheaper. 

I was kinda surprised at the fee.  I don't know what the norm is where you guys are but this pool sprint tri for the earliest registration is $75.  The OWS I did last year was $60 and that was pretty last minute.  And it was part of a big series around here.
2010-02-04 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Here was my mini-goal as stated last week...

My goal by next Fri is to have my weight at 212 regularly (not just a fluky I didn't eat at all the day before 212).  I've been hovering around the 213 mark this week. 


Goal #2 is to do 6 workouts.

It is not over until tomorrow but my weight is at 211 today and I've done 4 of 6 workouts
2010-02-04 2:40 PM
in reply to: #2654791

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Louisville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Finish the job, Tim!!!  Excellent update.

chichitao - 2010-02-04 12:17 PM Here was my mini-goal as stated last week...

My goal by next Fri is to have my weight at 212 regularly (not just a fluky I didn't eat at all the day before 212).  I've been hovering around the 213 mark this week. 


Goal #2 is to do 6 workouts.

It is not over until tomorrow but my weight is at 211 today and I've done 4 of 6 workouts
2010-02-04 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Pretty quiet day in here today!  What is everyone up to today?

Not much here, been a busy day but now I just don't want to work.  I just joked with our secretary we should change all the clocks to 5 and head home.  I have nothing planned for dinner which is never a good thing!  Thursdays usually end up being some kind of takeout.  Heading to the Y to swim after the little monster is in bed.  Gotta go figure out my workout.

2010-02-04 4:16 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
I've been out at a customer's site for the last two days.  So limited internet time.

I've done well on the "only 1 dessert per day" goal.  And 2 out of 3 runs done so far.  I might do the 3rd run on Friday.  If not then, it will be Sat.
2010-02-06 10:55 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
I had two desserts yesterday.  A couple of cookies when I came home from work.  And then at the movies, my wife bought me some Raisinets.  I can't turn down Raisinets.
2010-02-06 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
I took the last couple of days off work for mental health break,  I did okay on my mini challenge goal, fell down on the swimming only getting in 2 out of 3 swims done.  I have all the excuses as to why, but reality is I just hate pools and making myself go is a weekly battle. 

Today, is going to be a bit of a rest day for me, at the very least for my legs it will...I may slip in some upper body/core strength later today.  The plan is to finally see Avatar at the IMAX.  Tomorrow after my long run in the morning, I am meeting up with my BF for a catch up session and some lunch, it's been a while since we had a face to face.

Monday the new set of bootcamp starts up again, I enjoy the week off, but am always happy to get back at it.

2010-02-06 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut kids are still alive.  Of course who knows what will happen by the end of today since we are snowed in!  I did ok with lunches.  I really need to plan ahead more.  I actually did not eat breakfast or lunch yesterday.  Crazy morning at home and then ran to the store at lunchtime.  I did kinda stick to my plan on the fridge.  I have done all the workouts but had to mix up the days.  I changed it for the next few weeks.
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