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2010-04-23 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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Extreme Veteran
Fleetwood, PA
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Woo hoo!  I got another goal checked off my sports list for this year!!  A 5k in under 24 minutes.  Officially, it was a 23:05- I think that's a 7:27 clip!!  That means that in less than a month, I cut 3 minutes off my 5k time!  On 3/28, I did it in 26:08 and felt good doing it then- no physical problems at all.  Tonight?  Felt good, too!  Kept telling myself when I felt like slowing that it was all in my head...I did a mental check of my physical body - specifically knees, sciatic, lactic burn- nothing!  All clear, keep going hard!  It worked!  I am friggin stoked!!!!!!

2010-04-27 2:29 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
It was fun chatting with you guys. If I'm going to be a orphan, I'm glad it was with you!
2010-05-24 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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Extreme Veteran
Fleetwood, PA
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Did my first tri of the season and was happy with my times for each section!  PR for a 500 yard swim (11:20), PR for a 5k (22:21) and got 5/588 on my T1 and ended up 150/588 overall!  Got the Nerve here in PA was an excellent race!  Also did the Tough Mudder a few weeks back- a 7 mile, 17 obstacle race and did it in 1:48!  Fun times!!
2010-05-28 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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Extreme Veteran
Fleetwood, PA
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Woo hoo!  Met another goal!  I did 10k non stop (10.86 to be exact!).  I did it in 1:16 and had quite a bit of knee pain on the way back.  I guess it wasn't quite non stop as I stoipped twice to stretch my legs hoping to help my knees.  I wasn't sure how far I was going to run as I was having some back pain (3/5 pain) but decided to go for a couple miles.  It felt better as I went, so I kept going!  Left knee started hurting at about 6k and right knee around 8k.  Pain got bad at times.  Pain was central to outside of lower knee on both.  Had the same pain in my right knee for the 5k of the triathlon last week.  Hopefully I'll start some of those non stop swimming goals!  Though, I did set a 500 yard speed PR last weekend.
2010-06-21 12:19 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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Extreme Veteran
Fleetwood, PA
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Yikes!  Already 3 weeks and still have only run 2x, both with pain, once with a close call with a skunk.  Finally got to the pool again and did 1250 (1x50 warm-up, 5x100, 10x50, 1x200).  My breathing felt REAL good!  So happy with it!  Need to get back on the bike...moving took time from training and now adding a new bathroom, redoing the kitchen, replacing 3 lights, painting the hallway, spreading 6 scoops of mulch takes time as well...thankfully I am a teacher and my wife picks up extra hours in the summer so I can stay with the kids!  But, training has still been sparse and I still have an Oly coming up in August...yikes.  My main issues are swimming distance and pain in my knees when running.  Chiro helped, but I have not run since my last chiro visit to see how they feel (man did my left on pop!  Knee and feet!).  See ya!  If anyone is still reading!!
2010-07-24 6:21 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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Extreme Veteran
Fleetwood, PA
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Another month, another post.  My running has still slacked off because of knee pain.  I have run 2 or 3 times since the last post, which I think makes 5 runs on 2+ months.  Not good considering I have an Oly in a couple weeks.  Now?  A back injury  that has sidelined me for a week...stupid heavy dryer...stupid me pulling it upstairs by myself...stupid back...

I haven't been doing much at all the past couple months except swim.  Biking has slacked off because of moving and then working on the house (we added a bathroom, redid the kitchen and painted a couple other walls) and then did only a little when temps were in the upper 90's, low 100's for a couple weeks.  But, I have to keep reminding myself, each week builds for the next, each month builds for the next and each year helps build up for the next.

On the plus?  I swam 1.3 miles last Sunday before the dryer incident!!!!  That makes another goal checked off my list!  A 1 mile non stop swim!  So, as of now my plan for the Oly is swim, bike, and see how my knee feels.  Probably walk/run or DNF it...we'll see.  Either way, it'll be another nice long open water swim and a nice bike! 

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