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2010-04-12 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2786700

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
dcon - 2010-04-12 8:26 PM One more note on strengthening hip flexors:  there was a "kicking" thread where someone mentioned that kicking drills, done properly, will strengthen your hip flexors.   I've avoided doing kicking drills because I figured all I needed was a light 2-beat kick, but in another thread TJ Fry emphasized that you still need a good, strong kick for the 2 beat.   (I'm also really terrible at kicking so that is the real reason I avoided kicking drills). 

I avoid them like the plague also.

2010-04-12 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Pfafftown, NC
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!

To you guys who sent me the inspires......thanks.  Don't think I didn't notice....or don't appreciate them.  I do.  I just have NO IDEA how to respond to them, apparently!

I got in a nice 1hr run, tonight.  It felt good!  I drove from NC to FL, today (9hrs).......and that's about all I could muster.  Gonna hit the pool in the AM.....and I found (brought my bike!) a trail here with NO auto traffic!  Gonna do at least 20mi., tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks, again.....all.


2010-04-12 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2786805

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
agreed on etting the rest, re-hydrate, and then get back at it.

Also on the plan, looks much better now, the formatting screwed up how it looked before.

I'm going to be spending the next two hoursbuilding my bike, finally have everything after mine was stolen a month ago. will post photos later tonight or tomorow once its done:- )
2010-04-12 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
I can't believe how active this group is. I can't even begin to keep up with everyone.  I have been expecting a page or so a day but thats not happening.  I have read a lot and seen a lot of good pointers I can learn from and plan to put then into practice.

I got 2 workouts in tonight.  That's great for me!  Usually I don't have that kind of time in the evening.

My first workout was a 3600 yd swim workout with some good speed sets 10x50 @ 35-37 with the rest of the workout either easy or moderately hard.  Then I got a good 4.5 miler in at an easy pace (7:55).  I needed the run tonight to get some tension off my chest so it really felt good.  I hope there are more of these 2-a-days in my future.

2010-04-12 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2786870

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
DirkP - 2010-04-12 7:36 PM

I can't believe how active this group is. I can't even begin to keep up with everyone. I have been expecting a page or so a day but thats not happening. I have read a lot and seen a lot of good pointers I can learn from and plan to put then into practice.

I got 2 workouts in tonight. That's great for me! Usually I don't have that kind of time in the evening.

My first workout was a 3600 yd swim workout with some good speed sets 10x50 @ 35-37 with the rest of the workout either easy or moderately hard. Then I got a good 4.5 miler in at an easy pace (7:55). I needed the run tonight to get some tension off my chest so it really felt good. I hope there are more of these 2-a-days in my future.

disk its awesome to see the easy run pace getting faster and the swim workouts longer!!

and agreed, this group is moving faster than any i have ever had
2010-04-12 9:19 PM
in reply to: #2786846

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-12 9:28 PM agreed on etting the rest, re-hydrate, and then get back at it. Also on the plan, looks much better now, the formatting screwed up how it looked before. I'm going to be spending the next two hoursbuilding my bike, finally have everything after mine was stolen a month ago. will post photos later tonight or tomorow once its done:- )

New bikes are awesome, even if the reason you have it is crappy.

The Tri this weekend is an A-, so important, the du is a solid B-.  I will sacrifice taper a bit to get the other training I need, but I don't like the idea of signing up for a race and not intending to go all out for it, but if i"m a little less rested than I could be, its OK. 
Thanks for the advice...those long bikes are from the plan, and they may be shortened a little and made up with the bike of the actual du, or shortened b/c of work stuff, we'll see. I'm one of those people who thinks its the end of the world if I miss a workout...I'm trying to change that.  Otherwise, I'm trying to rehydrate.  My roommate and gf think its a stomach virus, it definitely not an extended hangover (its very different), but yeah, i wasn't doing myself any favors (but could you turn down a few free 16 and 18 year old scotches???). 

2010-04-12 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2786791

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
carlwithac - 2010-04-12 9:03 PM
dcon - 2010-04-12 8:26 PM One more note on strengthening hip flexors:  there was a "kicking" thread where someone mentioned that kicking drills, done properly, will strengthen your hip flexors.   I've avoided doing kicking drills because I figured all I needed was a light 2-beat kick, but in another thread TJ Fry emphasized that you still need a good, strong kick for the 2 beat.   (I'm also really terrible at kicking so that is the real reason I avoided kicking drills). 

I avoid them like the plague also.

Ugh, kick drills do suck.  I've slowly been working up and able to do sets of up to about 300 at a time now.  I've also read that they aren't all that useful.  So I don't worry about replacing some kick with some regular swim.  Actually, I've also read that treading water by holding your arms still at your side and only kicking is good too, so sometimes I try that.  I've never looked into 2 beat 3 beat or anything and have no idea what I do, but I have noticed that I've built up my ability slowly by doing as much as I think I can at a given time and slowly adding more.  Back in Nov/Dec, I could barely do 100, so it is possible.
2010-04-12 10:30 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!

I was running today. and here comes the rain. and I mean rain
I turned my 4k run  into a 4x400.

when it rains
do you keep on running\riding. or do you stop to avoid an injury?
2010-04-12 10:58 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
When I am running I just run through the rain. When I am riding and it starts raining real bad I either find a nice place to relax until it stops, or hop on a sidewalk and just tread lightly until I get home. I have actually almost had a fall like Denis Menchov in last years Giro d'italia while I was riding too fast trying to get home because there was a thunder/lightning storm. Be careful in the foul weather
2010-04-12 11:03 PM
in reply to: #2770346

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Zoot running shoes make running in the rain worry free.  It is almost as fun as golfing in the rain.
2010-04-12 11:05 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
I have a question regarding a odd pain, tender spot. Its at the top of my left butt cheek and is actually a little swollen.. its about the size of a golf ball. It doesnt bother me too much when I run or ride but it hurts like hell when I sit weird or touch it. I have tried to rub it out and use heat and cold and stuff. Its tough to try to rub it because it hurts so bad. Any thoughts on how to make it stop hurting or to get rid of it would be greatly appreciated.

2010-04-12 11:08 PM
in reply to: #2787143

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
carlwithac - 2010-04-12 11:03 PM Zoot running shoes make running in the rain worry free.  It is almost as fun as golfing in the rain.

How are Zoots for the long haul? I know the pros use them but have heard mixed things here on BT. I would like to switch from Asics because I am just getting a bit tired of them.
2010-04-12 11:53 PM
in reply to: #2786996

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
its done:-)

I'll post photos with a bit more quality tomorrow, this was jsut a cell phone snap once i got it done.

(new bike.jpg)

new bike.jpg (81KB - 4 downloads)
2010-04-12 11:56 PM
in reply to: #2787148

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Thomasski - 2010-04-12 10:08 PM

carlwithac - 2010-04-12 11:03 PM Zoot running shoes make running in the rain worry free. It is almost as fun as golfing in the rain.

How are Zoots for the long haul? I know the pros use them but have heard mixed things here on BT. I would like to switch from Asics because I am just getting a bit tired of them.

I LOVE my zoots.

The flats and the tempos/ultras are the only ones with drain holes in the bottom (frankly i dont even notice these, and you are jsut as likely to get wet feet from them when you hit a damp spot as you are to drain your shoes), i do all of my training outside of track work, and most longer races in teh advantage (stability version of the energy).

shorter races/track work is done in the tempo (stability version of the ultras).

I too ran in asics before this, liked, but did not love them.

and I do continue training in the rain assuming its warm enough for a given workout.
2010-04-13 1:12 AM
in reply to: #2787145

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Thomasski - 2010-04-13 1:05 PM I have a question regarding a odd pain, tender spot. Its at the top of my left butt cheek and is actually a little swollen.. its about the size of a golf ball. It doesnt bother me too much when I run or ride but it hurts like hell when I sit weird or touch it. I have tried to rub it out and use heat and cold and stuff. Its tough to try to rub it because it hurts so bad. Any thoughts on how to make it stop hurting or to get rid of it would be greatly appreciated.

Any idea how you got it?  I use a hard rubber baseball to work on any really sore points - you can get a lot more focus than with a foam roller and its a lot cheaper at $5.   Try a tennis ball if it is that tender.  Approach from the edges and slowly work your way to the center.  Keep the pressure on for about 30 seconds and then back off for 15-20 seconds.  Repeat.  
2010-04-13 1:18 AM
in reply to: #2787111

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Prince of Denmar - 2010-04-13 12:30 PM
I was running today. and here comes the rain. and I mean rain
I turned my 4k run  into a 4x400.

when it rains
do you keep on running\riding. or do you stop to avoid an injury?

About the only thing that will stop me from running is lightning.  When I headed out yesterday morning, there was a combination of light rain, snow and sleet.  At least it wasn't windy.   On the bike, I head for home at the slightest drizzle.

For today's run, the sun came out after I started and it quickly got warm.  I was overdressed, but its never too early to start on getting acclimated for the summer running.  

2010-04-13 1:20 AM
in reply to: #2770346

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
I like the new bike Newbz....and your cat is cute too.
2010-04-13 1:36 AM
in reply to: #2787230

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
dcon - 2010-04-12 9:20 PM I like the new bike Newbz....and your cat is cute too.

Not as cute as the SNAKE!!!!  What is that...a python???

I like the handlebar setup...very aggressive.
2010-04-13 4:36 AM
in reply to: #2786945

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-12 10:07 PM
DirkP - 2010-04-12 7:36 PM I can't believe how active this group is. I can't even begin to keep up with everyone. I have been expecting a page or so a day but thats not happening. I have read a lot and seen a lot of good pointers I can learn from and plan to put then into practice.

I got 2 workouts in tonight. That's great for me! Usually I don't have that kind of time in the evening.

My first workout was a 3600 yd swim workout with some good speed sets 10x50 @ 35-37 with the rest of the workout either easy or moderately hard. Then I got a good 4.5 miler in at an easy pace (7:55). I needed the run tonight to get some tension off my chest so it really felt good. I hope there are more of these 2-a-days in my future.

disk its awesome to see the easy run pace getting faster and the swim workouts longer!! and agreed, this group is moving faster than any i have ever had

Thanks.  My workouts seem to be getting better for all the disciplines.  my bike seems like it is going faster than I figured it might be.  I think it has a lot to do with the suggestions for the trainer you gave during the spring mentor session.  It seems I can hold a faster pace for longer and feel less perceived effort.
2010-04-13 4:42 AM
in reply to: #2787111

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Prince of Denmar - 2010-04-12 11:30 PM
I was running today. and here comes the rain. and I mean rain
I turned my 4k run  into a 4x400.

when it rains
do you keep on running\riding. or do you stop to avoid an injury?

I'll run in the rain but won't bike in much more than a light rain.  I actually just started running in the rain this spring and find it kinda of relaxing.  That said, I wouldn't run in heavy rain and definitely not a storm.
2010-04-13 5:23 AM
in reply to: #2786996

Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
jsiegs - 2010-04-12 9:29 PM
carlwithac - 2010-04-12 9:03 PM
dcon - 2010-04-12 8:26 PM One more note on strengthening hip flexors:  there was a "kicking" thread where someone mentioned that kicking drills, done properly, will strengthen your hip flexors.   I've avoided doing kicking drills because I figured all I needed was a light 2-beat kick, but in another thread TJ Fry emphasized that you still need a good, strong kick for the 2 beat.   (I'm also really terrible at kicking so that is the real reason I avoided kicking drills). 

I avoid them like the plague also.

Ugh, kick drills do suck.  I've slowly been working up and able to do sets of up to about 300 at a time now.  I've also read that they aren't all that useful.  So I don't worry about replacing some kick with some regular swim.  Actually, I've also read that treading water by holding your arms still at your side and only kicking is good too, so sometimes I try that.  I've never looked into 2 beat 3 beat or anything and have no idea what I do, but I have noticed that I've built up my ability slowly by doing as much as I think I can at a given time and slowly adding more.  Back in Nov/Dec, I could barely do 100, so it is possible.

I always do some kicking in my warmup which is always the same - 200 x swim, kick, im (fly, back, breast, free), pull, swim or SKIPS for short.

Then lately I've been doing 6 x 100 alternating kick and swim and the different strokes so it would look like 100 fly 100 fly kick 100 back 100 back kick (no board hand in streamlined position over your head) 100 breast 100 breast kick, 100 free 100 free kick.

I swim the swim parts fast but not an all out sprint.  Its a fun way to get some kicking in without feeling totally bored, and you use different muscles with the different strokes.  Kicking fly is an awesome core workout.

On a personal note my husbands & my workweeks are at odds and I ddnt get anything in yesterday.  Im hoping to get a bit of a run in this afternoon, but not sure if it will work out.

2010-04-13 6:30 AM
in reply to: #2787176

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-13 12:53 AM its done:-) I'll post photos with a bit more quality tomorrow, this was jsut a cell phone snap once i got it done.

Awesome!  What is the drop on that bad boy?
2010-04-13 6:37 AM
in reply to: #2787143

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
carlwithac - 2010-04-13 12:03 AM Zoot running shoes make running in the rain worry free.  It is almost as fun as golfing in the rain.

I never new this.  I can't find zoots anywhere near me.  I live in the lovely northeast where tri stores are hard to come by, so ordering online is almost a must.  I wish I could find somewhere that could fit me to a pair of these.  Which ones are you wearing?  I'm assuming there is a race and a training version. 

To anyone:  This is a stupid questions, but generally speaking, what is the difference between a race shoe and a trainer of the same brand?
2010-04-13 7:25 AM
in reply to: #2770346

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
I believe from past experience racers are a lighter version of running shoes and trainers are you daily workhorse designed for everyday training.
The ones I had, had a little less in the support/cushion area. Designed more for speed.
You can get different types designed for short or long distances.
2010-04-13 7:44 AM
in reply to: #2787466

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
trisagain - 2010-04-13 8:25 AM I believe from past experience racers are a lighter version of running shoes and trainers are you daily workhorse designed for everyday training.
The ones I had, had a little less in the support/cushion area. Designed more for speed.
You can get different types designed for short or long distances.

That's sort of what I the race shoes are a little bit more hard on your body, so you wouldn't want to run in them all the time.
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