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2010-04-28 8:44 AM
in reply to: #2821561

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
corstan - 2010-04-27 10:43 PM I decided to do my own thing tonight, on the advice of many and did a race pace 5km, felt really good despite the wind, rain and hail I encountered on the way.  

Tomorrow night I have bootcamp, Thursday I'm hoping for some sun to shine and getting on my bike for an outdoor ride...fingers crossed.

Sounds like a much better plan!

2010-04-28 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hope everybody had a good day today!

I felt really good for the first half or so of my run, then Nadie thought she saw something, so she came to a dead stop RIGHT in front of me.  I tried to sidestep her, my foot caught the side of the path, and I turned my ankle pretty bad.  It's pretty sore still.  I'm bummed about it, and I'm just hoping it's okay to bike in the morning and run again on Friday.  I'm scared to take a day off because then I'll get back into the routine of not working out! 

UGH, talk about an exhausting week! 

Which leads me to a question:  Does anybody else workout with their dogs?  Or know anybody who does?

Ryan and I walk/run Nadie all around the city, and I can honestly say I've only ever seen like 2 or 3 people running with dogs.  For such a big city, that seems odd to me!  So I'm just curious.
2010-04-28 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2824345

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2010-04-28 8:12 PM Hope everybody had a good day today!

I felt really good for the first half or so of my run, then Nadie thought she saw something, so she came to a dead stop RIGHT in front of me.  I tried to sidestep her, my foot caught the side of the path, and I turned my ankle pretty bad.  It's pretty sore still.  I'm bummed about it, and I'm just hoping it's okay to bike in the morning and run again on Friday.  I'm scared to take a day off because then I'll get back into the routine of not working out! 

UGH, talk about an exhausting week! 

Which leads me to a question:  Does anybody else workout with their dogs?  Or know anybody who does?

Ryan and I walk/run Nadie all around the city, and I can honestly say I've only ever seen like 2 or 3 people running with dogs.  For such a big city, that seems odd to me!  So I'm just curious.

Hope you are feeling better in the morning.  We are recently dogless but I never ran with either of our dogs.  One of them was an English bulldog and he could not run but I never had a desire to take our other dog out with me.
2010-04-29 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Probably a good 25% of all runners in my town/area run with dogs (on and off leash).  Sorry to hear about your ankle and hope it is feeling better today.

My friend killed me on our hilly bike ride yesterday, but I did better than I thought I would and feel good that I did it.  Does anyone have a bike route in their town that they hear people talk about all the time about how hilly/hard it is?  That is what this route is for me.  I think after hearing that so many times I kinda psyched myself out about how hard it would be.  I had never done it before, mostly b/c I thought I couldn't handle it due to all the super hard talk I heard from everyone.  It was tough but not crazy hard.  Super good workout though.

Plan on doing a run and swim today.  What's everyone else going to do today?
2010-04-29 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2824917

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-04-29 7:56 AM Probably a good 25% of all runners in my town/area run with dogs (on and off leash).  Sorry to hear about your ankle and hope it is feeling better today.

My friend killed me on our hilly bike ride yesterday, but I did better than I thought I would and feel good that I did it.  Does anyone have a bike route in their town that they hear people talk about all the time about how hilly/hard it is?  That is what this route is for me.  I think after hearing that so many times I kinda psyched myself out about how hard it would be.  I had never done it before, mostly b/c I thought I couldn't handle it due to all the super hard talk I heard from everyone.  It was tough but not crazy hard.  Super good workout though.

Plan on doing a run and swim today.  What's everyone else going to do today?

Glad you survived the bike!  I love a good hill ride.  I think I am crazy though.  I am planning a run today and tomorrow so I can hit my 20 miles for the week and then take a rest day on Saturday! 
2010-04-29 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I think I have decided on a few sprints for the summer.  I just need to run the dates passed the hubby tonight!  One is a no brainer and I know he will be good for it.  One of his good college buddies (who pressured me into all of this!!) is one of the organizers!  Last year was the first year for it and it sold out!  A few of our friends did it last year and will do it again this year.  I also need to find out when my nephew's first birthday party will be before I can make a final decision on another one.  I think we have offered up our house, backyard, and pool for his party so I don't want to be doing a tri the morning of us hosting a party!

2010-04-29 10:41 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

I run a little bit with my dog, and over the summer will probably run with him more, I just don't want to take any chances of having an incident like you had and hurting myself with 3 races coming up.  So right now we just jog up and down the forest path behind our house and try and avoid people who are walking their dogs off leash where they shouldn't be.

Had a really great bootcamp last night, the weather was great and we did a travelling class with just the resistance bands and our waters...I had several cards with me with different strength & cardio exercises that we could do without equipment and after a trip up and down the big hill we headed up and over another big hill to the wharf by the river, stopping along the way periodically for someone to pick a card blindly and we would do whatever the card said, everything from pop squats to pushups and mountain climbers were on the table.  It was a lot of fun and hard work, and amazing how the time flew by.

Today, I have (crossing fingers) an outdoor bike ride, the weather has been full of everything these days, if not an outdoor ride, a short run in the rain.

2010-04-29 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I got my swim and 2 mile run in this morning.  I am going to see Jimmy Buffet tonight so I won't be working out tomorrow.  I am heading out of town tomorrow after work and I hope to get my 4 mile in this weekend whiile staying with my friend and will probably use her eliptical on the other day. 

Tim-nice on the bike ride!  It is always nice when you expect worse and it isn't as bad. 
2010-04-29 8:45 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I was stuck on the treadmill tonight thanks to a sick kid but at least I got a run in! 

It is supposed to be gorgeous here this weekend so I am hoping for lots of time, playing, and chilling on the deck!

Tim and Sandra...any goals for your races this weekend?
2010-04-30 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2827391

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-04-29 6:45 PM I was stuck on the treadmill tonight thanks to a sick kid but at least I got a run in! 

It is supposed to be gorgeous here this weekend so I am hoping for lots of time, playing, and chilling on the deck!

Tim and Sandra...any goals for your races this weekend?

I am running with someone else supporting them in trying to get as close to 2hrs, but we have a good, better, best time range of 2:10 - 2:05 -1:59:59.  It will be a push for my friend, but I think she can pull of the "best" if the weather is cooperative. 

I was going to ride last night and the weather was even somewhat nice enough, but my Mom arrived in town for a visit, so I opted to take the night off.  Tonight is our carbo-load dinner, tommorow morning bootcamp at which I'll be doing very little except maybe a few laps around the track and then it's laze about time until the evening when we head off to see Don Rickles for a few laughs.
2010-04-30 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Don that should be a good show.  Best of luck with the run and hope the weather cooperates. 

I am hoping I can break 24min on my 5k.  They have not posted the course yet so I have no idea what it will look like.  It is mostly a flat area but there could be some hills if they have us go certain ways.  We'll see.  It's at 7pm so it'll be nice not having to get up early on my weekend.

Got in a good bike ride this morning and am about to head to the pool.

Have a great Friday!!

2010-04-30 3:23 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
While at the expo to pick up my race package for Sunday, I signed up for a full marathon in October....eeek!
2010-04-30 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2829228

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
corstan - 2010-04-30 3:23 PM While at the expo to pick up my race package for Sunday, I signed up for a full marathon in October....eeek!
2010-04-30 9:18 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Good luck to those racing this weekend!!!

So, I'm done with my second exam of the semester!  All I have left now is Constitutional Law on Monday and a take-home quiz that I'll probably get done later tonight.  Since I don't have a job yet for the summer, it looks like I'll have plenty of time to train!  Tongue out

Anyway, I'm going to try and bike again tomorrow after taking yesterday and today off.  I'll probably just test out how long I'm comfortable on the bike, and maybe try to make up some of the calories from the last couple days not working out!  My ankle has been feeling a bit better, so I'm hoping it's okay. 

Have a good weekend!
2010-05-01 7:21 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I just got back from a short run.  I hit my 20 miles for the week with 20.02!  I left Logan at home so I ran some trails down at the river.  It was a fun run!  I am upping it to 22 miles for the next two weeks.  I still don't know what we are doing this weekend.  I still want to head to the beach but Logan has been fighting a fever for a few days.  He is fine other than the fever.  He gets grumpy when the Tylenol wears off but is fine otherwise.  He slept like crap last night though.  That is the only thing that may keep us home.  I don't think he will sleep that great down at the shore. 

I was checking out some races last night on my local running store's website.  How do I get past the whole "I am not a fast runner" thought?  This is the only thing holding me back from doing a 5k.
2010-05-01 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2829987

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-05-01 7:21 AM I just got back from a short run.  I hit my 20 miles for the week with 20.02!  I left Logan at home so I ran some trails down at the river.  It was a fun run!  I am upping it to 22 miles for the next two weeks.  I still don't know what we are doing this weekend.  I still want to head to the beach but Logan has been fighting a fever for a few days.  He is fine other than the fever.  He gets grumpy when the Tylenol wears off but is fine otherwise.  He slept like crap last night though.  That is the only thing that may keep us home.  I don't think he will sleep that great down at the shore. 

I was checking out some races last night on my local running store's website.  How do I get past the whole "I am not a fast runner" thought?  This is the only thing holding me back from doing a 5k.

Awww I hope Logan feels better!  He sounds like a great training partner!

And congrats on the mileage!  I always think I'm not a fast runner, too, but then I remind myself that I will always be faster than SOMEONE, so that makes me feel better.  Instead of trying to be competitive overall, I try being competitive with some people who are around me.  Plus, I've been learning that I don't ALWAYS need to be competitive, sometimes it's just for fun.  I say just do it and have a good time!

I got my bike in today, and I feel great!  70 minutes!  I could have kept going, but Ryan yelled at me to stop, since that's by far my longest ride in a while.  Plus, he wants to take our bikes outside later today if the weather holds up, and maybe go for an hour long ride.  We'll see how that goes, being clipped in and all.  Ohhh boy!

OH, and only one more exam until I'm done with my first year of law school! Yay!!!

2010-05-01 5:18 PM
in reply to: #2829987

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Because you don't care what other people think!  The 5k (or any other race) is all about you.  It is about you setting a goal for yourself and doing it.  It is about getting out and getting some exercise and enjoying the day and being able to run with hundreds of other people.  For me, I like to schedule them in between my triathlons b/c it gives me a chance to push myself more than I would by myself in training.  It gives me a chance to gauge where my run fitness is at.  And it gives me a chance to just get used to getting up and dealing with the race morning atmosphere. 

Erica - hope the final exam goes well for you!  Almost there.  You've put in a lot of good work with all the school and it has been impressive.  Can't wait to see what you can do once you have some free time.

Mrschach - 2010-05-01 7:21 AM I was checking out some races last night on my local running store's website.  How do I get past the whole "I am not a fast runner" thought?  This is the only thing holding me back from doing a 5k.
2010-05-01 5:37 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Thanks guys!  We got word today on the date and place of our nephew's first birthday party so now I can start to check out some things in July.  I am hoping to find some stuff down the shore since we are hoping to spend a lot of weekends down there this summer. 
2010-05-01 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
First bike ride outside today!!!  We probably pushed it wayyyy too hard, but it was so nice riding outside for a change.  Weather was gorgeous until about 5 miles left, then it started drizzling a little.  And that's about when I started hurting a bit. 

I about got hit when this woman decided that she deserved to turn right while I was CLEARLY riding right next to her.  No, I wasn't in her blind spot or anything.  I was actually right in front of her at one point, so she knew I was there.  When I yelled "HEY" just to get her attention because I was trying to stop and not get hit, she sped up and kept turning, and then she made this gesture like I was the one who did something wrong!  It's not like this was my first time on a bike outdoors, I've ridden my mountain bike before, so at least I knew what I was doing enough to stop in time.  Drivers scare me, but as a driver, I've seen some bikers who scare me, too.  It's a no-win.

So then, I was doing a REALLY good job at clipping in and out at lights (it was a city ride, so we stopped A LOT), Ryan and I were coasting down the last couple blocks to get to our apartment, and I clipped out my right pedal, but on the rough road, my bike starting going left instead.  So I fell.  Two blocks to home. pride.  Funny thing is too, we were JUST talking about how I was doing really well with the pedals for my first time outside!  Luckily, I don't get embarassed easily, so I just got up and rode home. 

We saw a lot of people riding today, it made me feel special because I'm finally "one of them" on my road bike and whatnot.  I waved to them with pride! Laughing

Sorry about such a long post, but I'm just so excited that I got time in OUTSIDE!  Now that I've biked for like 2.5 hours today, I need to study.  Have a good night!
2010-05-02 5:19 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
How do you guys deal with running in the heat and humidity?  Last summer I just ran on the treadmill.  I can't get out early in the moring most days so I am running 6pm or later
2010-05-02 6:24 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Any race reports from the weekend?

2010-05-02 8:20 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Erica - sorry about the fall but welcome to the club!   good to hear you getting outside and enjoying the bike so much

Meggan - about the heat, while I do live in a hot area (we are currently hitting the low 90s and usually break 100 most summer days) I am not sure I can answer you very well.  I think I am conditioned to this heat and actually enjoy it (my wife still calls me crazy).  One thing I have to run with when it is hot is a visor.  I would highly recommend (if you don't already) finding a good visor/hat to run with.  Mine is made by headsweats and I love it.  Discovered them a few years ago as I hated running outside cuz I would sweat so much and end up getting in my eyes.  This stops all that and makes me feel so much better.  Wear light colored clothing.  I recommend sunscreen if you're not used to it.  Drink plenty of fluids on a day you plan to run outside.  If i am doing a longer run, I will sometimes take water and just pour it on me as I go. 
2010-05-02 8:45 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
New project for this week...I want everyone to send a minimum of 3 inspires to people in our group.  Not a reply to someone else's inspires but a new one.  Report back here when you've done it. 

This is the time when these groups get a little tough.  People kinda get over the "high" of joining the new group and life can really start to get in the way.  I hope everyone can stay committed to this group and pitch in when you can. 
2010-05-02 8:54 PM
in reply to: #2831817

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-05-02 4:24 PM Any race reports from the weekend?

Haven't done a race report yet, but did a 2:11 half mary today.  I  was doing great, had lot's of energy, everything felt good, no pains, until the 15th KM when I had my calf start to seize and then started with some GI issues.  I've learned lessons on this run and it was my first race, I gave it my all and I'm happy with my results:-)

Edit:  Race Report is up

Edited by corstan 2010-05-02 10:28 PM
2010-05-02 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2832085

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-05-02 6:45 PM New project for this week...I want everyone to send a minimum of 3 inspires to people in our group.  Not a reply to someone else's inspires but a new one.  Report back here when you've done it. 

This is the time when these groups get a little tough.  People kinda get over the "high" of joining the new group and life can really start to get in the way.  I hope everyone can stay committed to this group and pitch in when you can. 

Thanks for this Tim, I know I've been a little behind on inspires lately, so this assignment will get me back on track!
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