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2011-01-31 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Congrats Mel on getting settled in.  Glad you have been able to get some runs in before you get your bike back.

I had a Graston treatment today at the sports doc.  Hopefully that gives me a little relief for Sunday.  Doc says Ok for the race, that is good news.  I think if I can get through the first couple miles I will be ok.

I am enjoying the rest day. I have a short tempo run on wednesday that is the key workout for the week.  I will know for sure if I am racing after that workout.

Hope everyone is having a great Monday. 

2011-01-31 7:52 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed

Hello, been MIA.  Weekends are ususally busy so not much time to get on and catch up.  I've still got this lingering cough and it is really starting to wear me out.  I had a rest day on Saturday, watched my son wrestle.  He took 1st in his weight class. Yay!!

Yesterday I went on a bike ride with some friends.  River Mnt Loop, its about 36 miles or so.  It was fun, tough and I was exausted by the time we got home.  Took about 4.5 hours.  Lots of hills and gradual climbs.  The wind didn't help and it was a bit chilly. 

Sounds like everyone is doing great with training and all.  Very inspiring to read about all that everyone is doing.  Have a great week.  I have swim training classes starting tomorrow for the month of Feb. 2 times a week. I hope to learn something.

Take care!!

2011-01-31 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Sheila - River Mountain Trail is tough no matter what direction you take it.  Great job.  I hope you kick that cough soon.

For those that have races coming up, here's something to think about.  You should have your prerace routine dialed.  Everything from nutrition to what you are wearing needs to be tested before race day.  Nothing new on race day.  If you pick your key workout for the week to practice and try new things during training, you won't have any surprises on race day. 
2011-02-01 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Morning everyone.  Easy spin on tap for me with a short Tempo run tomorrow. 

What is everyone doing this week?  We have a couple races this weekend!  The year is getting kicked off.
2011-02-01 11:56 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Morning, checking in.  First swim class this morning. I feel like Im already swimming better, lol.  A couple things I learned.  Im so new....catchup, zipper, fist (already tried that from Chets suggestion), breathing techniqes.  It was about an hour.  Don't know how many lenghts/laps, just kept swimming and practice.  It's going to be a great month for getting my confidence up for the swim part of the Tri.

Chet, I hope your heel holds up for the race.  Sounds like you have been doing all you can to heal and take good care.

Mel, how are things?  Have you reunited with the bike?  Good to hear you got right to your training when you got there.

Chris, I see groups of riders when Im out and  I would be to scared to even try joining them at this point.  Maybe someday, I would need to find a beginner, beginner class. Keep up to good work.

David, how are you doing? 

Jeff, you getting some rest so you can get some training in?

So are the gatorskins the tube or a tire?  What is tubeless, you'll never get a flat?  I really fear a flat as well.  Also using the C2o.  I havent really ever changed tires.  My hubby showed me and I did it on my mnt bike but not the new one yet.  Im sure I'll forget everything when it does happen to me.

Well gotta get going, hope everyone has a grand Tuesday.  Take care!!

2011-02-01 3:32 PM
in reply to: #3333295

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
ibeshela - 2011-02-01 12:56 PM

So are the gatorskins the tube or a tire?  What is tubeless, you'll never get a flat?  I really fear a flat as well.  Also using the C2o.  I havent really ever changed tires.  My hubby showed me and I did it on my mnt bike but not the new one yet.  Im sure I'll forget everything when it does happen to me.

Gatorskins are a clincher tire, they still need a tube to hold the air.  The difference between a clincher and a tubular is the way the tire attaches to the rim.  A clincher is the normal/standard type of tire that has a lip or ring that catches in a groove on the rim.  The tube fills the space created inside the tire and rim void.  A tubular is more like a tube on steroids. There is no lip on a tubular so they must be glued to the rim to hold them in place.  The tread is part of the tube itself.  I run clinchers because that's what came on my bike and I am comfortable with changing them.

There is a pretty good video on changing a tire at the following link:

ope this helps.

2011-02-01 7:18 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Chris covered it.  I run tubulars on my Zipps and have had great luck with them.  The difference with today's tires are so minor that the best choice is what you are comfortable with.  Both have some pro's and con's. 

If you do get a flat though here are a couple considerations:

1)  Try to find the spot where the tube burst on the tire.  There may be something through the tire or a slit in the tire.  You have to repair that before inflating the next tube or you will flat again.  I carry a small patch kit for the inside of the TIRE, not the tube.
2)  Run your finger around the inside of the tire and rim to make sure there are no burrs or sharp anything before putting the next tube in.
3)  Make sure you know how your CO2 inflater works before you are on the road. 
4)  Have a good multi tool with levers in your bag.  For my training rides I also make sure I have one that has a chain break on it.
5)  Oh and never ever go without your phone  

Anyone else have suggestions?
2011-02-02 1:04 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Hey guys!

I finally arrived in Amsterdam..  and hooray for free exercise via commuting!   After a full day of appointments, I ran to my storage container (35 mins), picked up my commuter bike (omafiets), stuffed the bike bags w/ my junk, and biked back to my apartment (35 mins).   I'll go back soon for my other bikes..    :-)

As for fixing flats:  I'm primarily a commuter (not a racer), but I always carry a bike pump (not CO2 cartridges) -- that works well for getting me home (w/ repeated filling) if I have a slow leak.  (Note: be careful about buying hand pumps.  The cheapest ones sometimes have trouble generating enough pressure to fill the tube -- which might make your flat even worse!  So save the store receipt until AFTER you've tested the pump with your bike(s) for the first time!)  For fast leaks, it's best to carry a spare tube (previously-patched or new), so you can change it quickly en-route (and save the patching for when you get home.)  

The real pain-in-the-butt factor with flats though, in my experience, is with crappy bikes.  My racing/touring bikes have quick release, which makes it easy to fix flats on the road.  But my heavy "clunker" commuting bike, on the other hand, has some rusted bolts, that require a major effort with a wrench to get the wheel off.  (That's why I put Schwalbe Marathon tires on that bike -- the hassle of flats was too large, and the extra weight doesn't matter so much when I'm commuting.)

Anyways..   happy training everybody!   :-)

2011-02-02 3:19 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Hi, some great advice regarding punctures, I feel much better having coped with my flat tyre last weekend. Being able to to unclip the wheel easily makes a big difference compared to my old MTB or my kids rusty old bikes.

I'm just doing short easy workouts this week before the sprint-tri on the weekend, legs were a bit tired after Sunday's ride/run.
Had a nice swim this morning, my 12 year old came along too and we had coffee/hot chocolate after at the cafe by the pool, very pleasant...
Cyclone Yasi is due to hit far North Queensland tonight up near Cairns, we'll be ok but will get dangerous surf conditions so I'm hoping the swim is ok on Sunday! 
2011-02-02 10:25 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Good morning everyone.  Short tempo run today that will tell me a lot about Sunday, cross your fingers.  

My wife finished her last real run yesterday in her marathon training.  This will be her first and she looks great!!  She did give a small heart attack because she said she wanted to switch to the half.  She said she would totally PR  She is back on track for the marathon now.  Her training cycle was fantastic and is a better runner than I have ever seen her.  When she started a few years ago, she couldn't run a half a mile without stopping.  Now she is running about a 4:10 ish marathon.  Proud of her. 
2011-02-02 12:56 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
So I am going to at least start the race on Sunday for sure.  Whoohoo!  So here is my pre-race routine and race plan.  This is what works for me, everyone needs to have there own tested routine.

I stop eating red meat 2 days out.  I don't overeat like some.  I usually gain a pound or two just during taper so I really watch my portions.  I try to keep it to easily digested foods.

Night before I try to eat fairly early in the evening so it is completely digested before race morning.  

Morning meal is coffee (an absolute must), PB and honey or bagel and cream cheese 2 hours before.  I usually have something like a gel just before the race starts.  Trying not to give to much information but a good bathroom stop before the race is a must.  I hear of some getting up at 4 and drinking tea or coffee.  Whatever it takes, this needs to be figured out.  If not, it will ruin your race.  

I break the marathon up into 4 parts.  First 6.5 is warm up and get into a sustainable pace.  Next 6.5 try to relax and concentrate on stride and being efficient and smooth.  Pounding early is paid for later.  Next 6.5 concentrate on nutrition and hydration and gearing up for the finish.  A marathon is a 10K with a 20 mile warm up.  Last 6.5 is all mental.  I try to get to a good place and hang on.

Mike Tyson said, " everyone has a plan until they get hit".  It helps me to have a plan though

Robert is doing the half, hope to see him there.  David is doing a Sprint too.  Big weekend for the group.  Anyone else racing?

Edited by cbarnes1 2011-02-02 12:58 PM

2011-02-02 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3256537

Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Great news that you are getting to race! Hope it goes well and your heel doesn't play up.

Sheila: those swimming lessons sound great. As far as I can see technique seems to be everything in swimming. (At least thats what I tell myself when getting passed in the pool all the time) I will have to find me some lessons soon.

Chris: Queensland is having a rough year so far with the floods and now the cyclone. Take care down there!

Mel: Love the commute plan! Amsterdam is so well set up for biking eh? I was nearly knocked down many times by the cyclists there cos I am not used to cycle paths like that. We have hardly any cycle tracks in the towns here which make cycling a little dangerous at times. Gonna start the commute again soon though as it is almost light enough at either end of the day now.

Good luck to all the racers for this weekend. I am slightly jealous even though I am nowhere near readay to start racing yet this year. Those build up nerves are kind of a nice feeling. Enjoy!

Edited by eejit 2011-02-02 2:58 PM
2011-02-02 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
For those of you that drink alcohol, what is your favorite post race drink?  I am an IPA or Pale Ale guy.  Something nice and hoppy that goes good with a burger.  It is my reward for completing a race!
2011-02-02 9:31 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Very warm and humid today, 32 c and 85% humidity; went for a relaxed run and sweated buckets!

I think my sprint starts around 10:45am so it's going to be a hot run at the end. Swim should be ok, swell will drop off by then (predicted to be up to 3.5 meters later today).

Anyway, I'm feeling fit and healthy, my main worry is getting through the transitions and not looking too weird in my skin tight tri shorts and topEmbarassed!

Good luck to all who are racing this weekend, hope your heel behaves itself Chet, remember pain is only temporary (easy for me to say!

Cheers Dave 
2011-02-02 9:39 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Sheila - good on you for having swimming lessons, great idea.
I'd like to do a Total Immersion swim course some time, they do one near me in Brisbane called fish-like freestyle.
I watched some of their Youtube videos when I got back into swimming, seems very relevant to open water swimming

2011-02-02 10:06 PM
in reply to: #3336510

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
cbarnes1 - 2011-02-02 10:22 PM For those of you that drink alcohol, what is your favorite post race drink?  I am an IPA or Pale Ale guy.  Something nice and hoppy that goes good with a burger.  It is my reward for completing a race!


2011-02-03 12:30 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Checking in Group!
Sheila- Yeah! Getting some rest and back at it double time (while I have the time). WhaaaaHooo it's better than sex ...well no...not really.

Chet- Congrat to your wife. Great progress for her she must be proud. My wife is working toward her first 5mi. run this year. In answer to the question: I must partake of the microbrews. I am a fan of the darks. Love the dark beer, after a race and possibly a big aaaass burger.

Robert- Good luck on your race. Killer progress.

David- Take care to stay out of Yasi. Cool that you are bonding with the kiddo and bringing him into the lifestyle of endurance and healthy living. We do that too. Unspoken actions by the parent just breed their curiosity to join in and try it. All my kids also do some kind of endurance. I have a trail runner/ cross country runner, a adenture racer/ soccer player, an all year long soccer player, and a starter cross country runner/ mt biker.  I can't keep up with them.

Chris- that is quite possibly the sexiest can of Ultra I have ever seen. You go boy.
2011-02-03 2:47 AM
in reply to: #3336510

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
cbarnes1 - 2011-02-03 12:22 PM For those of you that drink alcohol, what is your favorite post race drink?  I am an IPA or Pale Ale guy.  Something nice and hoppy that goes good with a burger.  It is my reward for completing a race!

2011-02-03 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Chris, nice. That looks like it was a good day. Last day of work before the race. Easy spin then a short run tomorrow.David, there is always a guy wearing just a speedo that is too small for him. Everyone else is dressed like you. No one will judge
2011-02-03 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3256537

Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Favourite post race drink? I second the micro brewery call. My local brewery does an excellent blonde beer. Failing that I have to be patriotic and say single malt scotch whisky, preferably from the western isles.

New experience today. Got myself a speedo mp3 player and had my best swim so far. Kept the water out of my ears and kept me from the boredom that I sometimes find ruins a pool session. Fun toy. Also my tri bars arrived in the post! Fitting them tomorrow.
2011-02-03 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed

love new tri gear but it is better with pictures!

2011-02-03 10:27 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Loving this recovery week.  Never thought I would be excited by 13 minute miles.  Good luck to all racing this weekend.
2011-02-04 1:14 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Just a quick update: after a barefoot walking experiment, my calves have been mildly sore.  So in the past two days, I only ran about 20 minutes.  Cross training is okay..   I biked ~15 miles yesterday, just running errands around town, with no soreness.    I think I'm gonna take the smart route, and cross-train (bike, walk) this weekend, just to give my calves a chance to rest.  (And I'll curb further experiments for a while..)

In other news: next Monday, I just booked an appointment to run for an hour in a giant hamster wheel:    Yippie!   :-)

Edited by grrlrunner 2011-02-04 1:14 AM
2011-02-04 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Mel - That looks like a lot of fun. I wish I could learn more about it but the website is in Dutch.
2011-02-04 7:10 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
This one is in English: , although it looks like someone used Google Translate to produce the text..    ;-)


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