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2011-02-13 11:10 AM
in reply to: #3256799

Longmont, Colorado
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Did a gait analysis this past week (soaked me for $250.00) and am in the process of transitioning to more of a mid-foot/fore-foot strike (I over stride a bit). The feedback was good; if not stingingly honest. The guy said "when you told me your pace, I expected you to be a biomechanical mess. You're fine, you just need to run faster..." same guy who has done analysis for Mirinda Carfrae and Criag Alexander - kinda hard to argue with him. Well here's for picking up the pace!

2011-02-13 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3352719

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
cam111 - 2011-02-13 11:10 AM Did a gait analysis this past week (soaked me for $250.00) and am in the process of transitioning to more of a mid-foot/fore-foot strike (I over stride a bit). The feedback was good; if not stingingly honest. The guy said "when you told me your pace, I expected you to be a biomechanical mess. You're fine, you just need to run faster..." same guy who has done analysis for Mirinda Carfrae and Criag Alexander - kinda hard to argue with him. Well here's for picking up the pace!

I would definitely pay $250 for a serious run analysis...although I think I would hear the "run faster" advice as well. Maybe some day I'll take that plunge.

Weekend of training has been nice, and the weather here today is going to be exceptional. The 30-mile bike session was nice, a little chilly to start, but nothing a few layers couldn't help. Had to deal with a good headwind for about 10 miles...just dropped down and did more spinning to save the legs. The return back was nice, though. I'm hoping to have the bike fitness up a lot more soon, because I anticipate lots of wind at the HIM this year.

About to head to the pool for 3200...then hopefully some time to relax before getting back to the work and training grind tomorrow.

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend and great training to go along with it.
2011-02-13 5:31 PM
in reply to: #3352774

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Just saw a commercial for "man vs. wild" where Bear literally uses a seal skin as a wetsuit. I wonder if it was USAT approved.
2011-02-14 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3350575

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
quincyf - 2011-02-11 11:45 AM Hi everyone...glad to hear it is warming up down south...we're getting a break up here too...looking forward to running outside again.  I don't mind the treadmill, but emotionally it is very beneficial to get outside during these dreary Chicago winters!  Yay!

I had a question about training plan modification.  I am using weeks 1-22 of Don Fink's be iron fit program...

His structure is to have a long bike, long run at the end of the training week.  I moved the days so the long bike marries up with my bike team long ride, but I can already see that when we go out on team rides I am probably going to exceed the time for the long ride, especially early on in the program.  I also will probably do some of the shorter weekday rides with the team as well which will probably go longer than the plan calls for.

So, does anyone see a problem with this?  Physically it is no problem for me.  I am viewing it as bonus exercise.  Am I missing any obvious or not so obvious drawback here?  I am more concerned about staying Zone 2 as I am a knucklehead and always want to ride as fast as I can...especially in a group, but that's just self discipline... 

Also, who here has continued with a strength program during training?  How often did you lift weights and do core work, and what was the structure (after a run, bike, etc?).  As a 40+ female I simply cannot afford to stop lifting weights during tri-training...but I do need to modify my program.  Thoughts?  Thanks!  Q 

Quincy, stay in the pace line and learn to draft when you start to go over, or back off all together. Women over 30 should lift weights in a maintenace problem 2-3x a week for 15-20 min (no more than 30) preferably after the KEY workout. The core should be treated just like lifting weights so 2-3x a week as well with at least a day of rest in between. (That was for cam).
2011-02-14 7:02 AM
in reply to: #3256799

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
I hope everyone had a good a weekend!!! I will have to catch up with your logs later this week.  It was a busy weekend w/ training and VDay weekend w/ the gf. Don't forget to take the night off from training and spend time with your SOs.
2011-02-14 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3256799

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Looked at the logs.

1) frequency (esp the swim)
2) more endurance/steady state intervals/brick sessions on weekends
3) less weights and core 2-3x a week max for 15-20 min.
4) some of you simply need to train
5) details in logs, heart rates, power, splits, HOW ARE YOU FEELING! How was the intensity.

2011-02-14 8:08 AM
in reply to: #3256799

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
I had a good weekend of training.  The weather was a lot nicer this weekend so that made outside workouts more enjoyable.  The 30 mile bike ride was good...dealing with the wind did not bother me as much as it usually does...and then the ride back was great because of the tail wind.  Sundays swim was a mental a wall a little over half way through and then it was just about finishing.  I tried to keep the pace up, but was not where I wanted it to be.

Looking forward to another week of solid training and not as many early mornings.  This morning and tomorrow morning are the only days I have morning workouts...I like that a ton. 

Hope everyone had a good weekend of training and have a great week of training ahead of them.
2011-02-14 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3352774

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
roadrhino - 2011-02-13 12:10 PM

I would definitely pay $250 for a serious run analysis...although I think I would hear the "run faster" advice as well.

I had one last year when I went to a podiatrist for foot pain during my build for the Chicago Marathon.  Insurance covered it...if you have health care coverage, it might be worth seeing if a sports podiatrist in your 'hood can do it for you.  My guy took video and everything.   

2011-02-14 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3353693

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
triritter - 2011-02-14 7:58 AM Looked at the logs.

1) frequency (esp the swim)
2) more endurance/steady state intervals/brick sessions on weekends
3) less weights and core 2-3x a week max for 15-20 min.
4) some of you simply need to train
5) details in logs, heart rates, power, splits, HOW ARE YOU FEELING! How was the intensity.

Looks like we all got taken out to the shed!  Haha!  

In my defense, I've been experimenting with the workouts I am starting out with to get an idea of how I want to approach scheduling around DH work (and workout) schedule, baby naptimes, gym childcare and DD's school schedule (it's quickly becoming Yanti's Ponzi Scheme).  Also trying to figure out zones and heart rate and how to fit strength training in on top of it all.  

I have a HRM coming tomorrow, which is perfect timing b/c I start training on Weds!!!  Be able to log more data, and hopefully nail down zone training.   So excited!  Ok, I am a geek, sorry 'bout that.

But thanks to William for being willing to tell us when he thinks we're nuts/off-base/etc...cheerleading is great, but I find real feedback extremely valuable...

2011-02-14 4:39 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Well I do know that I have been guilty of dropping my mid week run lately, as my training times go up its sometimes more difficult to squeeze in the time, I am also guilty of cutting some sessions short due to scheduling issues. I have to get back to the gym too, I think its time to move to a 27 hour day.
2011-02-14 5:32 PM
in reply to: #3354980

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
DaveL - 2011-02-14 4:39 PM Well I do know that I have been guilty of dropping my mid week run lately, as my training times go up its sometimes more difficult to squeeze in the time, I am also guilty of cutting some sessions short due to scheduling issues. I have to get back to the gym too, I think its time to move to a 27 hour day.

Word! Too much to do and not enough time!!!

2011-02-14 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3355060

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
triritter - 2011-02-14 5:32 PM
DaveL - 2011-02-14 4:39 PM Well I do know that I have been guilty of dropping my mid week run lately, as my training times go up its sometimes more difficult to squeeze in the time, I am also guilty of cutting some sessions short due to scheduling issues. I have to get back to the gym too, I think its time to move to a 27 hour day.

Word! Too much to do and not enough time!!!

Haha, at first I was all, "yeah, 27 hour day."  Then I realized that I had to be honest with myself...I would probably squander that extra three on BT.  haha. 
2011-02-14 9:08 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
I hope you all had a good valentine's day night and took the night off,  unless your SO is also a triathlete or a sporty person. We did ours up right this weekend where chef cooked for us with 3 other couples. We had argula salad, crab cake, steak, chicken asparagus, bluebell ice cream and more wine that I should mention. 
2011-02-15 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3256799

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
This sport is time consuming...but with a little planning it all can be done.  Did the run at 4:30 am...that means the evening is open.  The only thing on the schedule until Thurs. is strength and core.  I am looking forward to having a little down time.

2011-02-15 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3355244

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
quincyf - 2011-02-14 8:19 PM
triritter - 2011-02-14 5:32 PM
DaveL - 2011-02-14 4:39 PM Well I do know that I have been guilty of dropping my mid week run lately, as my training times go up its sometimes more difficult to squeeze in the time, I am also guilty of cutting some sessions short due to scheduling issues. I have to get back to the gym too, I think its time to move to a 27 hour day.

Word! Too much to do and not enough time!!!

Haha, at first I was all, "yeah, 27 hour day."  Then I realized that I had to be honest with myself...I would probably squander that extra three on BT.  haha. 

You're kidding right?  An extra 3 hours would mean SLEEP.  Oh how I miss sleep.
2011-02-15 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3356392

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
thndrcloud - 2011-02-15 1:20 PM
quincyf - 2011-02-14 8:19 PM
triritter - 2011-02-14 5:32 PM
DaveL - 2011-02-14 4:39 PM Well I do know that I have been guilty of dropping my mid week run lately, as my training times go up its sometimes more difficult to squeeze in the time, I am also guilty of cutting some sessions short due to scheduling issues. I have to get back to the gym too, I think its time to move to a 27 hour day.

Word! Too much to do and not enough time!!!

Haha, at first I was all, "yeah, 27 hour day."  Then I realized that I had to be honest with myself...I would probably squander that extra three on BT.  haha. 

You're kidding right?  An extra 3 hours would mean SLEEP.  Oh how I miss sleep.

What is this sleep of which you speak? 4:15 was rather early today. Wink

2011-02-15 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
On the subject of consistency, I need to figure out my training for this week.  Right now the schedule is as follows...

W-30m bike, 40m run (brick)
R-60m swim, 45m bike
F-30m run
Sa-1:45 bike
Su-60m run

Except I'm going down to Springfield for a long overdue visit to a friend for the weekend.  I'm leaving Friday night and coming back Monday afternoon.  I thought I'd swap my long ride to Friday then just do two runs from my friend's house except that I have appointments all day Friday. 

Should I just leave my schedule as is and take my bike with me with my fingers crossed that I can get in an outdoor ride at some point?  Is there another logical way to juggle the schedule to get the long ride done?  And please don't even go to the early morning place.  If I get up at 5am then the kids get up at 5am so I end up not training but feeling exhausted anyway.
2011-02-15 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Does anyone use Nuun tablets for their long workouts? 
2011-02-15 7:28 PM
in reply to: #3356414

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
thndrcloud - 2011-02-15 2:33 PM On the subject of consistency, I need to figure out my training for this week.  Right now the schedule is as follows...

W-30m bike, 40m run (brick)
R-60m swim, 45m bike
F-30m run
Sa-1:45 bike
Su-60m run

Except I'm going down to Springfield for a long overdue visit to a friend for the weekend.  I'm leaving Friday night and coming back Monday afternoon.  I thought I'd swap my long ride to Friday then just do two runs from my friend's house except that I have appointments all day Friday. 

Should I just leave my schedule as is and take my bike with me with my fingers crossed that I can get in an outdoor ride at some point?  Is there another logical way to juggle the schedule to get the long ride done?  And please don't even go to the early morning place.  If I get up at 5am then the kids get up at 5am so I end up not training but feeling exhausted anyway.

If you plan to take your bike and ride, plan out a ride on google maps or some other map system. This will help you make sure you get out the door and get that ride in, also it will allow you to keep the rest of the schedule as is and not try to wrestle in a run on the other day you mentioned that you had a bunch of appointments.
2011-02-15 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3356414

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
thndrcloud - 2011-02-15 1:33 PM On the subject of consistency, I need to figure out my training for this week.  Right now the schedule is as follows...

W-30m bike, 40m run (brick)
R-60m swim, 45m bike
F-30m run
Sa-1:45 bike
Su-60m run
 If I get up at 5am then the kids get up at 5am so I end up not training but feeling exhausted anyway.

move the long bike to Thursday, short bike to Friday and short run to Saturday. Its not ideal because you are doing back to back on the bike and runs but it would get it in.

As for 5am;  there are very few things in this world where 5am and Fun go together. biking, running or swimming arent in that list. (for me!)
2011-02-15 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3356477

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
adubtri - 2011-02-15 2:09 PM Does anyone use Nuun tablets for their long workouts? 

I have never tried them but I do use gatorade powder and mix it so its very diluted. On the bike 2+hrs I usually go through 1 water, 1 gatorade then finish off with a water. When running over 1hr I usually go with the gatorade but am going to try a gel or 2 next weekend because I am scheduled for 20km.

I think the best bet is to try them and see how it goes. I know the lime gatorade makes me feel sick so I wont be buying that one again.

PS, I know that gatorade isnt the best, but its cheap and easy to get so I use it plus I aint no world class athlete

2011-02-16 6:35 AM
in reply to: #3356414

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
thndrcloud - 2011-02-15 1:33 PM On the subject of consistency, I need to figure out my training for this week.  Right now the schedule is as follows...

W-30m bike, 40m run (brick)
R-60m swim, 45m bike
F-30m run
Sa-1:45 bike
Su-60m run

Except I'm going down to Springfield for a long overdue visit to a friend for the weekend.  I'm leaving Friday night and coming back Monday afternoon.  I thought I'd swap my long ride to Friday then just do two runs from my friend's house except that I have appointments all day Friday. 

Should I just leave my schedule as is and take my bike with me with my fingers crossed that I can get in an outdoor ride at some point?  Is there another logical way to juggle the schedule to get the long ride done?  And please don't even go to the early morning place.  If I get up at 5am then the kids get up at 5am so I end up not training but feeling exhausted anyway.

why are your kids getting up at 5am? That is awful early for any kid I would reccomend staying with the schedule you have now anything give your some flexibility of 1:15-1:45 min ride.
2011-02-16 6:37 AM
in reply to: #3357030

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
DaveL - 2011-02-15 8:24 PM
adubtri - 2011-02-15 2:09 PM Does anyone use Nuun tablets for their long workouts? 

I have never tried them but I do use gatorade powder and mix it so its very diluted. On the bike 2+hrs I usually go through 1 water, 1 gatorade then finish off with a water. When running over 1hr I usually go with the gatorade but am going to try a gel or 2 next weekend because I am scheduled for 20km.

I think the best bet is to try them and see how it goes. I know the lime gatorade makes me feel sick so I wont be buying that one again.

PS, I know that gatorade isnt the best, but its cheap and easy to get so I use it plus I aint no world class athlete

see the response I made to your facebook post on my wall. The main thing that I know is to find what works for you to keep you bonking on long workouts. However this is all relative to other factors such as what you have eaten prior, sleep, stress, and itensity of the long workout, weather conditions.
2011-02-16 8:57 AM
in reply to: #3357356

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
triritter - 2011-02-16 6:35 AM
thndrcloud - 2011-02-15 1:33 PM On the subject of consistency, I need to figure out my training for this week.  Right now the schedule is as follows...

W-30m bike, 40m run (brick)
R-60m swim, 45m bike
F-30m run
Sa-1:45 bike
Su-60m run

Except I'm going down to Springfield for a long overdue visit to a friend for the weekend.  I'm leaving Friday night and coming back Monday afternoon.  I thought I'd swap my long ride to Friday then just do two runs from my friend's house except that I have appointments all day Friday. 

Should I just leave my schedule as is and take my bike with me with my fingers crossed that I can get in an outdoor ride at some point?  Is there another logical way to juggle the schedule to get the long ride done?  And please don't even go to the early morning place.  If I get up at 5am then the kids get up at 5am so I end up not training but feeling exhausted anyway.

why are your kids getting up at 5am? That is awful early for any kid I would reccomend staying with the schedule you have now anything give your some flexibility of 1:15-1:45 min ride.

Normally they get up between 7 and 8 when left to themselves.  My husband gets up at 4:45 and is out the door by 5:30 and they sleep through that.  However, if I even get up to go to the bathroom after his alarm has gone off they just know and the day begins.  My body is trained to wake up at 4:40, stumble into the bathroom then back into bed.

It looks like Saturday is supposed to be in the 40's and sunny so I should be able to get outside.  Time to dig out the cold weather cycling gear.  And find my helmet.
2011-02-16 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3256799

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Next two days will be nice enough for me to run outside during my lunch hour.  I'm pretty excited about it actually.  Temp should be around 40 today and close to 50 tomorrow.  More importantly, the roads and walks are clear.

My wife was going to get me some arm & leg warmers for V-Day but didn't realize the LBS closes up after Christmas for 3 months.  I get to pick out what I want now and can't wait to get outside on the bike.  400+ miles so far this winter on the trainer and it's getting old.
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