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2011-02-15 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
The running store's Singles Run last night did not result in me bringing home some smokin' hot 21yo chick.  My wife was pleased . . . I think.

2011-02-15 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3355771

Blacklick, OH
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
I spent Valentines day in the pool and on the treadmill.  Thank God my wife and I don't really celebrate that holiday.  She's the coolest chick on the planet for putting up with me and this training plan!

Happy V-Day to you too James!
2011-02-15 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3355991

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Sin City
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Yesterday was my day off SOOOOOOOO, I had to work out! 

Me wife did an "infomercial" some time ago for one of those P90x/CrossFit spinoff DVD workouts so she got them for free (as well as got paid).  ALSO, proving that the people doing the workouts on the DVD?  Didn't get in shape DOING the workouts on the DVD!  LOL! 

She wants to lose a couple pounds, so I joined her in the first day of that program.  So something we can do together!  The strength stuff, even as short as it was, burned, but the core and cardio were silly compaired to what I already do.

We then scheduled a Valentine's day massage, but couldn't get the couple's room.  It was booked by people more "on the ball" to arrange for that.
2011-02-15 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3266050

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Hope everyone had a great V-day.  Me and the wife went and saw True Grit last night (I know, not very romantic) and it was a great movie.

I am planning my 29 minute interval run this afternoon and tonight, the wife and MIL are going to a tennis tournament here in Memphis, so I will get the kids in bed and hopefully be able to ride. My wife and MIL are huge Andy Roddick fans and his first round match is tonight!
2011-02-15 3:26 PM
in reply to: #3356519

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Sin City
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

For those interested in calories/weight loss and conscious of calorie counts:

I have to give props to the BT calorie estimator for burn.  If you are a performance member (I think you need to be one), you put in some basic data and it will display your daily caloric burn.  After every activity or workout you log, it will adjust it without any extra work.

For sheots and giggles, I opened up every day's workout for a couple weeks for the software to do it's thing and add it to my daily log to see my total calories burned (I don't log food into BT, for reasons discussed below).  I was shocked how close the numbers it gave me are to what I found using other methods.

I have a body motion device, sort of like a pedometer, but more sensitive.  It measures all my movement through the day, adds in my basic matobolic rate, and I log in workouts and calores burned based on my Garmin or the software that comes with the device...  to get my total calories burned (this is also where I log in all my calories I take in, IE FOOD!).  And low and behold, BT's estimator is within 5%-7% or so of the calories burned found by my detailed method.  Since you log your workouts in anyway (well, you SHOULD be!  ), and if you are a performance member, it would benefit you to turn that feature on if you want to get a good estimate of what you are burning during the day.

2011-02-15 3:29 PM
in reply to: #3356519

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Sin City
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
jford2309 - 2011-02-15 12:38 PM Hope everyone had a great V-day.  Me and the wife went and saw True Grit last night (I know, not very romantic) and it was a great movie.

My wife and I love the movies...  And that's one we want to see.  I recorded the original on DVR to maybe compaire.  It's supposed to be good.  Nominated for best pic, I think.

We say 127 hours the other day.  That was good too.  Also nominated, I believe.  (along with 10-12 others, which I think is a bit overkill).

2011-02-15 3:53 PM
in reply to: #3266050

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
I heard the two versions of True Grit are totally different.

We wanted to see 127 hours also!
2011-02-15 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3266050

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

Sorry I disappeared, I have no excuse. lol.  Ok, let's see... for February, I'm a tad behind on my bike goal.  However, this isn't really my fault since I'm following a coach's plan now.  But I do have one long weekend coming where I'll head to FL for a few days and try to get in some long rides.  So hopefully that will even it out.

February's totals:
Bike:6h 25m 43s  - 98 Mi
Run:5h 48m 54s  - 34.46 Mi

3h 05m  - 7750 Yd



As for the calorie burn, a fellow BT'er posted this a little while ago, which I found very interesting and useful.  I'm curious as to how it compares to what you're using?


Caloric Requirement Sheet(2).xls (47KB - 12 downloads)
2011-02-15 5:11 PM
in reply to: #3266050

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

Oh sorry, obvioulsly just enter your own numbers, I didn't realize I had it saved with info.

2011-02-15 5:13 PM
in reply to: #3266050

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

Oh yea, and keep your fingers crossed, I MAY have a date in the near future.  I'll update when confirmed. lol

2011-02-15 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3356792

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Monday V-Days don't work out very well around my house.

My wife and I watched episode 4 of Shameless on Showtime while I was on the trainer - ain't that romantic.

Have date night scheduled for Saturday to make up for my poor performance.  As a prelude, we are both running a 5 miler on Saturday morning - expected starting temp 30 degrees.  As you can tell, my wife is a great sport and totally supportive - she's running her second sprint this summer and possibly a half mary in the fall.

2011-02-15 9:23 PM
in reply to: #3356792

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Sin City
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
jessica71980 - 2011-02-15 3:13 PM

Oh yea, and keep your fingers crossed, I MAY have a date in the near future.  I'll update when confirmed. lol

*fingers crossed!*
2011-02-16 3:51 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Hey Group,

Sorry for not being a part of the group these last few weeks.

I'm not doing so well at the moment.. The last weeks has been the worst ones in my life so far. Don't remember if i told you about my mother, but she got diagnosed with lung cancer and slim chances of making the year out. I managed to get fired after 9 years at Dell, the son got diagnosed with full blown autism. Not a happy 6 weeks.

So i just let it all slip, no working out. Didn't keep the diet going.

I'll try to get the energy levels up a bit now. Been at home moping for 2 weeks. It's time to get of my butt!

2011-02-16 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
V-Day - worked out early, had gourmet meal of mushroom ravioli with crab and tomato cream sauce and sparkling wine with wife.

Good week of training so far.  Great brick today, 30 mins bike, 3 mile run.
2011-02-16 10:44 AM
in reply to: #3357286

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Sin City
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
FlyBoy172 - 2011-02-16 1:51 AM Hey Group, Sorry for not being a part of the group these last few weeks. I'm not doing so well at the moment.. The last weeks has been the worst ones in my life so far. Don't remember if i told you about my mother, but she got diagnosed with lung cancer and slim chances of making the year out. I managed to get fired after 9 years at Dell, the son got diagnosed with full blown autism. Not a happy 6 weeks. So i just let it all slip, no working out. Didn't keep the diet going. I'll try to get the energy levels up a bit now. Been at home moping for 2 weeks. It's time to get of my butt!

Really sorry...    That sounds just terrible...

I wouldn't worry about the group or training if you are not up for it (those are back burner items)....  Just do what you have to do.
2011-02-16 4:24 PM
in reply to: #3266050

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Mats, sorry to hear about everything going on in your life right now, don't worry abou the training part but know that you are always welcome to come in here and BS and take your mind off things.

2011-02-17 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Well, getting the new wetsuit on & off went fairly well.  Thanks to everyone for the tips and sorry no video.  I'm going to give it a spin in a saltwater pool this weekend.
2011-02-17 8:32 AM
in reply to: #3359467

Blacklick, OH
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

So sorry to hear about your news.  Hang in there my friend, we're all thinking of you!

I am soooo looking forward to my rest day today.  It is supposed to be 63 degrees today in Columbus and we might actually get to let the kids play outside!!!  We're just going to open the door and let 'em loose (with proper supervision of course   The weekend is almost here!  Weighed in at 216 this morning, I think I'm down 18lbs.  Using a loop on my belt that I've never used before.  Kind of strange!
2011-02-17 9:02 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Hey gang!

I'm in a much needed step back week in my plan right now and enjoying every minute of it.  It's nice to go from long tough sessions to 30 minute max out at RPE 3 sessions.

Though I just looked at what next week entails and my tush is already aching from the hours on the bike. 

We're an anti-v-day household, so this year in celebration we watched "Chasing Amy" and then went out and sang bad karaoke.  It was fantastic.  Admittedly, I did end up with a diamond necklace out of the deal... but that was only after I earned it with Billy Joel's "Only the Good Die Young."

In other news, found a half mary that I will be running in April, about  a month out from my HIM that I'm super excited about.  It's part of the Iron Girl series and is over on Clearwater beach.  Great venue and perfect time of the year, so I'm pumped.

2011-02-17 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3357286

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
FlyBoy172 - 2011-02-16 4:51 AM Hey Group, Sorry for not being a part of the group these last few weeks. I'm not doing so well at the moment.. The last weeks has been the worst ones in my life so far. Don't remember if i told you about my mother, but she got diagnosed with lung cancer and slim chances of making the year out. I managed to get fired after 9 years at Dell, the son got diagnosed with full blown autism. Not a happy 6 weeks. So i just let it all slip, no working out. Didn't keep the diet going. I'll try to get the energy levels up a bit now. Been at home moping for 2 weeks. It's time to get of my butt!

Big hugs your way man.  Anything we can do to help, just let us know.
2011-02-17 9:47 AM
in reply to: #3359595

Blacklick, OH
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Nicole83 - 2011-02-17 10:02 AM Hey gang!

I'm in a much needed step back week in my plan right now and enjoying every minute of it.  It's nice to go from long tough sessions to 30 minute max out at RPE 3 sessions.

Though I just looked at what next week entails and my tush is already aching from the hours on the bike. 

We're an anti-v-day household, so this year in celebration we watched "Chasing Amy" and then went out and sang bad karaoke.  It was fantastic.  Admittedly, I did end up with a diamond necklace out of the deal... but that was only after I earned it with Billy Joel's "Only the Good Die Young."

In other news, found a half mary that I will be running in April, about  a month out from my HIM that I'm super excited about.  It's part of the Iron Girl series and is over on Clearwater beach.  Great venue and perfect time of the year, so I'm pumped.

2011-02-17 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3359716

Blacklick, OH
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Not sure what happened with my last post.  Sorry! 

We'll be in Clearwater Beach later this year visiting the sis-in-law.  Love it down there.  I'll spend a good amount of time at Rockaway's drinking ice cold beer, staring at the ocean and basking in the sunshine!  Can't wait!
2011-02-17 3:35 PM
in reply to: #3266050

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
I could very easily be talked out of my runthis afternoon.

Isn't it funny how quickly one can go from can't wait to train to not wanting to train?

P.S. I will run, but I think it will turn into one of those mental toughness runs.
2011-02-17 4:13 PM
in reply to: #3360484

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
jford2309 - 2011-02-17 4:35 PM I could very easily be talked out of my runthis afternoon.

Isn't it funny how quickly one can go from can't wait to train to not wanting to train?

P.S. I will run, but I think it will turn into one of those mental toughness runs.

Play the "20 minutes game."

As in, you only have to do it for 20 minutes.  If you're still miserable after then you can stop.

Chances are, you won't be.  You will like it and you will finish.

I play this game with myself all the time.

That, or play the "if you do it you can have an ice cold beer when you're done" game.  That one works wonders as well. 
2011-02-17 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3360580

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Sin City
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Nicole83 - 2011-02-17 2:13 PM
jford2309 - 2011-02-17 4:35 PM I could very easily be talked out of my runthis afternoon.

Isn't it funny how quickly one can go from can't wait to train to not wanting to train?

P.S. I will run, but I think it will turn into one of those mental toughness runs.

Play the "20 minutes game."

As in, you only have to do it for 20 minutes.  If you're still miserable after then you can stop.

Chances are, you won't be.  You will like it and you will finish.

I play this game with myself all the time.

That, or play the "if you do it you can have an ice cold beer when you're done" game.  That one works wonders as well. 

I agree!  I like the 20 minute game...  It applies to SOOOO much! 

But recently?  I'm playing the, "do this run and continue to burn calories and get the hot bod" game...

OR  "IMAZ is in Nov." game.
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