BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!! Rss Feed  
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2012-05-11 6:42 PM
in reply to: #4195754

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

In regards to the swim panic attacks:

In the last tour Quincy put up a link for swimming information (I don't have the link or remember the author, but it was a female swimmer; maybe Quincy you could post it again?)  Anyway, one of her pages was a "couple of suggestions for not dying in a triathlon".  On that page she says:  The beginning of the swim is the most stressful part of the whole race.  Unless you are really doomed to die at that moment, whatever ails you can wait a couple hundred strokes.  Bottom line: DO NOT RACE WHEN THE GUN GOES OFF.  She suggests counting 100 stroke cycles before you mentally enter race mode because by that point you have left your anaerobic mode behind and entered your aerobic. 

It seems to work for me in the pool.  I can't say anything about a race yet because I haven't done one and may very well have the same issues when I get to that point.  Any of the veterans have any thoughts??

2012-05-11 7:13 PM
in reply to: #4199763

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Lesandtj - 2012-05-09 10:58 AM

Life. Sometimes you just have to smile, (and/or cuss under your breath.)

My new friends. I am shaking my head and laughing at myself this morning. In times past I would have handled this a little differently. Thanks to God's grace and a good dose of his perspective on things I can just laugh.  (You can too.)

So yesterday was circled on the calendar. It was the 20 week OB appointment and the big ultrasound. I left work a little early, grabbed the boys from school and met my wife at the doctor's office. Everything is well. It was so much fun watching the boys look at the baby on the screen. Good times. Left the doctor and headed to the bike shop. Since I think my running may be limited for a bit due to foot issues I justified the purchase of puncture resistant tires. (By the way, I am a cheapskate. So new tires are a splurge. That is another problem that triathlon is helping to solve.) ..... Back to the story. I got home and proceeded, somewhat giddily, to install the tires. This is my first set of new tires. Stiff, difficult to install, new tires. The giddiness wore off quickly. With sore thumbs and mumbled cussing on my lips I resorted to tire levers for help. The package clearly says NOT to use levers but I gave in anyway. Hissssss..... Oops. Popped a brand new tube. Took a deep breath. Calmed my inner cheapskate and grabbed another new tube. I proceeded to destroy that one also. Awesome. In times past I might have thrown the tire across the yard. But the healthier me decided to put down the wheels and go help my wife weed the garden. Now i'm feeling more relaxed and a little proud of my handling of the situation. Mind you i'm hobbling around with a sore foot, but nothing is gonna get me down right? Well a good attitude didn't prevent me from catching my toe on a landscaping brick and ripping off a large chunk of toe. Double awesome. And yes it was the same foot.  I have a podiatrist appointment tomorrow. He's gonna think I stuck my foot under a lawnmower.

Like I said, sometimes you just have to smile.  Laughing

Sorry, I have been a lurker on the group lately.  I have kept up with the posts, but couldn't think of anything constructive to add....Laughing.  I wonder if anyone has any suggestions on either web links, books or whatever on bike maintenance.  If I were to get a flat at this point; I would be done.  I can change a flat car tire, but get one on a bike and I'd be walkin home.  Hopefully it doesn't happen tomorrow, planning on my first long outdoor ride. 


2012-05-11 7:57 PM
in reply to: #4203836

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Lesandtj - 2012-05-10 11:26 PM

I think it is funny to be happy that I have soft tissue damage. But it was good news! At this point he thinks I have the beginnings of a pinched nerve. The metatarsal joint of my 2nd toe is pretty swollen and he thinks that it is causing the nerve issues. I can still bike and swim and when the swelling and consequently the pain subside, I can start running again. Whoo Hooo! 

He prescribed anti-inflammatories and RICE.  I just ate a huge bowl of rice and my foot still hurts. Oh well....  

Thanks for all the words of encouragement! 

That's great news!  <Whew!>     Happy for you!  

2012-05-11 8:23 PM
in reply to: #4203806

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
quincyf - 2012-05-10 10:45 PM
oriolepwr - 2012-05-10 10:05 PM


Were you able to get out and run on this B-E-A-utiful  Chicago day??    Hope so.   It was awesome out there!


Update  for Mr. White-  OMG   I overnighted my application for the JFK ultra marathon!!  Hope I get in,  but more than a little intimidated by the thought of it.      Things will change if they say "YES you are in"  Oh yes there will be changes.  

YO Mr. White. I was too busy getting old high school friends hooked up into our new "business." Ya, that's right Eva and I go back to the bad hair, bad skin, bad boyfriend days...spent under the shadow of Mt. Diablo. She was smart and so much...

And no, I did intervals in the pain cave. Yes, it was as horrible as it sounded. But not as horrible as running with this terrible sore hip I've got going on.

And on a happier note, Costco is selling ASICS Gel's for 65 freakin' dollars!!! Peeps might want to check it out...

Eva was holding back that little piece of info wasn't she!   You think you had bad hair.   I had a freaking afro!!   LOL!

Sorta like  THIS guy!    Oh ya  I was cooooool  Cool          But while I was stylin    No where did I have anything like a

Mt. Diablo   to get my riiiiiiiide on. 

Ugh  sorry to hear you are "hippy"  

2012-05-12 8:08 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Hi everyone!!! wow....I have missed sooooooooo much, how do I catch up??Surprised

My trip was fantastic! Spain and Portugal were incredible, and Oh! the wine, the food...yummy in my tummy!!! Needless to say, eventhough I did alot of walking I did nooooo running. I HAVE to get back to my tri training as I am starting to get cranky about it.

Congrats to everyone who has raced! and for those who have experienced panic attacks in the water...have no fear you will get over them...I did and I had them bad! remember I was the one who would actually get out of the water and not even finish the swim. I have never done an indoor tri, hmmmmm I think that for me would be more intimidating due to the closed in space. the new addition to the family!!! wow, so are the kitties doing with him? do the girls just lovel him?

PF has shown its ugly faceYell, I am icing, rolling and wearing my sexy sock at nightWink. I hope it goes away quick, I feel that I can not get on with things here because when it is not one thing is the other. Oh yeah, the neuropathy in my hands is really making my biking hard!!! arggggggg....

k, I told you guys I was getting

happy and safe training to all...hopefully now that I am back I can keep up with the posts!


2012-05-12 4:49 PM
in reply to: #4206036

New user
Wauwatosa, WI
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while (understatement)! Just feeling the triathlon blah's. Frown

It's 9 Weeks to my Half Ironman on July 15 in Racine, WI. I know that some of the Magical Mys-tri tour members will be there. Who is coming and where are going for drinks afterwards? I'm planning on having a cooler in my car with some Sprecher Amber!!!! 

So, the last few weeks that I have been starting to burn out (training since January).  But, since I am already registered, and as I don't want to drown in the Lake Michigan or collapse in the July heat & humidity, I have been plugging along.

Having said that,  I had a couple of good workouts this week.

Wednesday, 11 mile run, 10 minute miles, but really 8-9 minute pace for the first 7 miles, and then a nice walk/run to finish. I was pretty beat, but glad that I finished.

Saturday, 58 mile bike, 3 1/2 hours, 16.5 mph.  This was hard as it was the farthest I have ever biked and it got really windy on the way back. I had to stop twice for bathroom breaks and was starting to bonk (even though I brought 2 goos) with about 10 miles to go (bought a gatorade and Snickers, then felt better).

The fun part was that I just bought clip in's and this was my first ride with them. About half way through the ride, I was at a stop sign. Well, I thought that the car next to me was going stop, but I was wrong Smile So, I tried to unclip my foot, and couldn't!  I fell over like a tree, (really, it was pretty funny) and I got a nice bloody knee for the rest of my ride! After that, I got much better at unclipping.  I feel pretty beat, but after a shower and more food, I'm feeling pretty good. In fact, my legs were in good shape, it's just that I get a cramp between my shoulder blades and neck (any ideas?). Also, the clip ins really made a big difference, I was faster and the ride was easier than with my shoes on.

In response to Tom's question on shoes, I agree with everyone's comments, more money does not equal better shoes. Having said that, I went to a specialty running shoe store where they had recorded me running on a treadmill. It seems that I really pronate my left foot, which is why I probably always sprain my left ankle every year playing soccer! I actually turned it once in the parking lot of the YMCA. So, they put me in a pair of Brooks which has worked out pretty well. I also had a heel-toe strike so I have been trying change to more a mid sole strike  (supposed to be better for you). The weird thing was that I really didn't know how I'd been running all of these years until I actually saw it on the screen.   I highly recommend it!  Same thing for swimming, my stoke is so much better since I saw all of the things I was doing wrong.

So, 9 weeks to go! Ugh, 9 weeks to go.  I'm going to have to take a break from s/b/r after Racine. Maybe rock climbing? lol

Thanks Everyone!  Rob

2012-05-12 6:36 PM
in reply to: #4206422

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Turner100 - 2012-05-12 4:49 PM

Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while (understatement)! Just feeling the triathlon blah's. Frown

It's 9 Weeks to my Half Ironman on July 15 in Racine, WI. I know that some of the Magical Mys-tri tour members will be there. Who is coming and where are going for drinks afterwards? I'm planning on having a cooler in my car with some Sprecher Amber!!!! 

So, the last few weeks that I have been starting to burn out (training since January).  But, since I am already registered, and as I don't want to drown in the Lake Michigan or collapse in the July heat & humidity, I have been plugging along.

Having said that,  I had a couple of good workouts this week.

Wednesday, 11 mile run, 10 minute miles, but really 8-9 minute pace for the first 7 miles, and then a nice walk/run to finish. I was pretty beat, but glad that I finished.

Saturday, 58 mile bike, 3 1/2 hours, 16.5 mph.  This was hard as it was the farthest I have ever biked and it got really windy on the way back. I had to stop twice for bathroom breaks and was starting to bonk (even though I brought 2 goos) with about 10 miles to go (bought a gatorade and Snickers, then felt better).

The fun part was that I just bought clip in's and this was my first ride with them. About half way through the ride, I was at a stop sign. Well, I thought that the car next to me was going stop, but I was wrong Smile So, I tried to unclip my foot, and couldn't!  I fell over like a tree, (really, it was pretty funny) and I got a nice bloody knee for the rest of my ride! After that, I got much better at unclipping.  I feel pretty beat, but after a shower and more food, I'm feeling pretty good. In fact, my legs were in good shape, it's just that I get a cramp between my shoulder blades and neck (any ideas?). Also, the clip ins really made a big difference, I was faster and the ride was easier than with my shoes on.

In response to Tom's question on shoes, I agree with everyone's comments, more money does not equal better shoes. Having said that, I went to a specialty running shoe store where they had recorded me running on a treadmill. It seems that I really pronate my left foot, which is why I probably always sprain my left ankle every year playing soccer! I actually turned it once in the parking lot of the YMCA. So, they put me in a pair of Brooks which has worked out pretty well. I also had a heel-toe strike so I have been trying change to more a mid sole strike  (supposed to be better for you). The weird thing was that I really didn't know how I'd been running all of these years until I actually saw it on the screen.   I highly recommend it!  Same thing for swimming, my stoke is so much better since I saw all of the things I was doing wrong.

So, 9 weeks to go! Ugh, 9 weeks to go.  I'm going to have to take a break from s/b/r after Racine. Maybe rock climbing? lol

Thanks Everyone!  Rob

Rob, Like you I did my longest ride so far this morning (65 miles in 4 hours, so same pace).  I wouldn't say I had a cramp between my shoulder blades and neck, but I would say they was definitely some ache there, so I would also appreciate any input on this if there is a remedy. 

I got video recorded swimming 2 weeks ago and you are right it is well worth it.  I thought I was keeping my legs straight while kicking, but the video proves I am not, so something to work on.

I am also signed up for Racine and willing to imbibe after the race, provided I survive.

And...I also rock climb (top rope only so far; so very safe), so if you want to go to Devils Lake sometime later in the year let me know. 


2012-05-12 7:38 PM
in reply to: #4206525

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

my roadie - the Black River below the Hatfield dam

picture from my ride this morning - the Black River below Hatfield Dam

a rest spot going uphill near Saddle Mound

a rest break on a hill below Saddle Mound

2012-05-12 7:41 PM
in reply to: #4206591

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

And one more.  A Shameless Spawn Pride photomy kids running their first 5k in LaCrosse

My kids running their first 5k in LaCrosse

2012-05-12 11:44 PM
in reply to: #4202833

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
evaseto - 2012-05-10 2:09 PM


I'm Eva. New to the group. 

I'm not an athlete.  My husband claims that I've run too many marathons, etc. to claim that anymore...but it's all about perception.

So maybe I'm a runner but I would love to tri. BUT I'm scared.  probably the same kind of scared I was before my first marathon but it was so long ago that I've forgotten.  

I'm currently in the stage of getting to know the other parts of tri - bike and swim.  

I first tried to ride my mountain bike (20 years old and my undergrad commuter bike - but it was the only bike I had.)  Just got my first road bike - last week and love it!  Been riding around locally - but that's Mt. Diablo and my route is part of the Amgen Tour of California that is next week.  So not too shabby.  I'm getting into bike shape slowly...but working on it.

Swim terrifies me.  I'd say that I only swim well enough not to drown on a good day.  I'm trying to find time to get lessons so I have more confidence.

Time...wishing I had more.  Work full time and spend 1.5 hours a day commuting.  Have a husband and 2 small kids (just turned 5 and about to turn 3).  Have been rushing out of work on these wonderful spring days to run and bike with my friends.  I tend to do better in groups - it distracts me and I get longer distances in!

Excited to learn from all of you. 

Hi Eva,
Welcome to the group. I think getting lessons on the swim is probably one of the single best things you can do starting out. It made a huge difference for my swim. And at least you've got the most important part figured out- not drowning. That is the priority- hehe.

Congrats on the new bike also. Now we need pics. I love to see new bikes.

2012-05-12 11:46 PM
in reply to: #4206591

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
trei - 2012-05-12 7:38 PM

my roadie - the Black River below the Hatfield dam

picture from my ride this morning - the Black River below Hatfield Dam

a rest spot going uphill near Saddle Mound

a rest break on a hill below Saddle Mound

Very pretty. Looks like great riding scenery.

2012-05-12 11:55 PM
in reply to: #4201844

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Mr. Bones - 2012-05-10 8:47 AM

TLakatos1259 - 2012-05-10 8:18 AM

Today's question!

Now that I have about 80+ miles on my new/old running shoes, and Road Runner Sports is having a sale; should I get a second pair and/or different than my current pair?  Does price, ie higher, mean a better shoe?


Road Runner sports is always having a sale. So do not feel like you have to get another pair.   

On the other hand,  if you want to go right ahead!   If you love the shoes you are in, then by all means get a second pair of the same model.    

Price does not mean a better shoe.    It means that shoe has been advertised heavy,  has  a lot of material used.    So not always better.     Here is an example. 

I run mostly in Asics Kayano   an expensive shoe.   one that features a ton of cushioning for my fragile feet.    typically I can through discounts, closeouts or whatever I can get them for around $100     Now my beloved  Asics speed-stars   which are way more flexible, and much lighter, I could buy them at $75      to me the speed-star is the better shoe, though I cannot wear it for daily training cause it places too much shock absorption  on my feet/legs.    There is less stability/cushioning/advertising  built into that shoe.      

Just remember in the long run,  shoes are cheap no matter which one you buy.    cheap meaning  if they keep you on the road running in them and way from the doctor,  they are really cheap items.  So get what you want and feel great in. 

Whoops  just realized I'm posting this under Bones the dog account.      Tongue out

can you give me a cookie?  just wondering....

Maybe Mr. Bones should join this Magical band, as its mascot!

Mr. Bones
Just wanted you to know I left you two cookies in the introduce yourself forum thread. I picked them out especially for you. No chocolate so you won't get sick.

And my Zoey just loved watching your race video. She wishes she could run that fast.
2012-05-13 9:11 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN


I'm actually thinking of signing up for a HM in Disney World on Nov. 10th

2012-05-13 2:08 PM
in reply to: #4206596

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
trei - 2012-05-12 7:41 PM

And one more.  A Shameless Spawn Pride photomy kids running their first 5k in LaCrosse

My kids running their first 5k in LaCrosse

Awesome your kids did a 5k!  

2012-05-13 2:10 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
First race of the season was this morning and I PR'd this sprint course by 5+ minutes!  Good start to the season.
2012-05-14 5:02 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Hi all.  Been a crazy week!  I'm going through my semi-annual low back pain issues again, sigh, so lots of:   rest, ice, strengthening and chiropractor visits.  No training, though, which leaves me feeling like a lazy cow.  But, good news is that it seems to be getting better and hopefully I can get back out there this week!

I too am lurking, keeping up on the happenings of the Tour.  Keep up the good work everyone! 


2012-05-14 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4207326

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

ransick - 2012-05-13 3:10 PM First race of the season was this morning and I PR'd this sprint course by 5+ minutes!  Good start to the season.

AWESOME!  Way to Go

2012-05-14 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4207326

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

ransick - 2012-05-13 3:10 PM First race of the season was this morning and I PR'd this sprint course by 5+ minutes!  Good start to the season.

So that's what you've been up to!! Great job - must feel good to start the season with a PR!

2012-05-14 12:38 PM
in reply to: #4207326

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

ransick - 2012-05-13 2:10 PM First race of the season was this morning and I PR'd this sprint course by 5+ minutes!  Good start to the season.

Awesome work!

2012-05-14 2:22 PM
in reply to: #4206863

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
fitmomma2010 - 2012-05-12 11:55 PM
Mr. Bones - 2012-05-10 8:47 AM
TLakatos1259 - 2012-05-10 8:18 AM

Today's question!

Now that I have about 80+ miles on my new/old running shoes, and Road Runner Sports is having a sale; should I get a second pair and/or different than my current pair?  Does price, ie higher, mean a better shoe?


Road Runner sports is always having a sale. So do not feel like you have to get another pair.   

On the other hand,  if you want to go right ahead!   If you love the shoes you are in, then by all means get a second pair of the same model.    

Price does not mean a better shoe.    It means that shoe has been advertised heavy,  has  a lot of material used.    So not always better.     Here is an example. 

I run mostly in Asics Kayano   an expensive shoe.   one that features a ton of cushioning for my fragile feet.    typically I can through discounts, closeouts or whatever I can get them for around $100     Now my beloved  Asics speed-stars   which are way more flexible, and much lighter, I could buy them at $75      to me the speed-star is the better shoe, though I cannot wear it for daily training cause it places too much shock absorption  on my feet/legs.    There is less stability/cushioning/advertising  built into that shoe.      

Just remember in the long run,  shoes are cheap no matter which one you buy.    cheap meaning  if they keep you on the road running in them and way from the doctor,  they are really cheap items.  So get what you want and feel great in. 

Whoops  just realized I'm posting this under Bones the dog account.      Tongue out

can you give me a cookie?  just wondering....

Maybe Mr. Bones should join this Magical band, as its mascot!

Mr. Bones Just wanted you to know I left you two cookies in the introduce yourself forum thread. I picked them out especially for you. No chocolate so you won't get sick. And my Zoey just loved watching your race video. She wishes she could run that fast. Shelly

Shells,   You are SO nice!  Ya those cookies were the BOMB! Tongue outTongue outTongue out

I'm happy you got to see my race vid.    Regrets.. You know,  I ALWAYS thought I would catch ole "Rusty"  you know the rabbit?   Well I never did.   I won 10 races yet never NEVER did I catch Rusty.   WTF   I always thought there would be another day.   I didn't realize that those 95 races I was in would be the ONLY days.      God I love running. 

Me and Mr. Oriolepwr    we run windsprints in the back yard. 

I let him get a head start, then I chase after him and beat him to the other side.   Sometimes, I even stop and get a lil drink of water from that Pail they have out there for me.   But get this.. I STILL beat the old dude.    And HE aint the retired one!   lol   seriously I think he has been eating too many cookies..  Know what I mean?    I'm svelte!    And I still got the moves like Jagger.  Tongue out

thanks again for the cookies and say hi to Zoey for me will ya?

2012-05-14 2:57 PM
in reply to: #4207326

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

ransick - 2012-05-13 2:10 PM First race of the season was this morning and I PR'd this sprint course by 5+ minutes!  Good start to the season.

Yes Very good start Mike!   Another PR for next weekend now  right??  

2012-05-14 2:59 PM
in reply to: #4206596

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
trei - 2012-05-12 7:41 PM

And one more.  A Shameless Spawn Pride photomy kids running their first 5k in LaCrosse

My kids running their first 5k in LaCrosse

Congrats kids!!   Super congrats to Dad!   They are following in your footsteps  literally I think! 

2012-05-14 3:00 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
I thought y'all might get a kick out of of my five year olds wrote this as part of her mother's day booklet in kindergarten.

(lake swimming - vidi.jpg)

lake swimming - vidi.jpg (60KB - 12 downloads)
2012-05-14 3:07 PM
in reply to: #4206036

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
trirun26 - 2012-05-12 8:08 AM

Hi everyone!!! wow....I have missed sooooooooo much, how do I catch up??Surprised

YA you have missed much!  But we are still here waiting for ya.   So glad you are back!

My trip was fantastic! Spain and Portugal were incredible, and Oh! the wine, the food...yummy in my tummy!!! Needless to say, eventhough I did alot of walking I did nooooo running. I HAVE to get back to my tri training as I am starting to get cranky about it.

Ok so where are the pictures?

Congrats to everyone who has raced! and for those who have experienced panic attacks in the water...have no fear you will get over them...I did and I had them bad! remember I was the one who would actually get out of the water and not even finish the swim. I have never done an indoor tri, hmmmmm I think that for me would be more intimidating due to the closed in space. the new addition to the family!!! wow, so are the kitties doing with him? do the girls just lovel him?

So far the kitties and Bones are not buddies.  Hoping for the best.     Yes the girls just adore him.   In fact...  I located his brother (Venom Von Bones)  In a Fort Myers Greyhound adoption group.   we are getting ideas...  hmmmm

PF has shown its ugly faceYell, I am icing, rolling and wearing my sexy sock at nightWink. I hope it goes away quick, I feel that I can not get on with things here because when it is not one thing is the other. Oh yeah, the neuropathy in my hands is really making my biking hard!!! arggggggg....

WTF?  PF and the Neuropathy?  is it not getting better?    Sorry to hear it.  

k, I told you guys I was getting

happy and safe training to all...hopefully now that I am back I can keep up with the posts!


2012-05-14 3:10 PM
in reply to: #4209127

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Sarah73 - 2012-05-14 3:00 PM I thought y'all might get a kick out of of my five year olds wrote this as part of her mother's day booklet in kindergarten.

HA!  funny!   Looks like you are floating on your back in the pic. 

Now SAVE IT   and show it to her when you have conquered the swim as a life lesson.   That WILL be awesome! 

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