BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-02-14 4:08 PM
in reply to: #4549367

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Just started a new subcontracting job which is much more hours so training will be difficult. I've not got the hang of getting up early enough for a 6am swim but I've got 4 weeks to learn!

2013-02-14 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4622808

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Sounds like we've all got a lot going on.  I've been horrible the last few days, too much work, not enough training.  Hopefully that comes to an end soon.  Everyone keep at it!
2013-02-15 6:39 AM
in reply to: #4620770

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
KiterChick - 2013-02-13 12:39 PM

I'll admit it, since I got sick early last week, I haven't done a single thing that would be considered exercise. I'm just too comfy in bed in the morning to get up on time, then, I'm too lazy or busy to do anything once I get out of work. I know the guilt will win out eventually, but it's difficult to find the motivation this time of year, especially since we got all of this snow.

Okay, my mini rant is over. I think I'm just going to take the rest of the week off to relax and stop stressing about it, then jump back into things next week. That will be the start of 12 weeks before my first race, so it seems to be a fitting time to remotivate. Keep up the good work everyone, I'll be using all of you as my motivation soon enough!

the lure of the bed in the morning is tough to beat, especially when you aren't feeling that great to start with!

Get some rest in and get ready for the first of the week

2013-02-15 6:41 AM
in reply to: #4621603

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Clempson - 2013-02-13 11:11 PM

adding a little bit more speed to my runs since i haven' had any tendinitis flair ups.  got my managers to confirm i will be going home next friday so i can finally start training like i should be! w00t

nothing against wichita....but yea...

Congrats on getting out of Wichita! Even when I'm on a "real" vacation, after a week or so away from home I'm ready to get back. I dunno how I'd handle a forced trip like that.

2013-02-15 7:47 PM
in reply to: #4623281

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Finally got back at it tonight with an easy bike ride.  40 minutes of climb, so not totally easy, but felt like I eased back into it.  Swim tomorrow, swim Sunday and I might try and sneak an FTP test in there too.  Foot is feeling better and I have a follow up appointment next week to get the go ahead to get running.  I'm tired of putting off starting to get into a rhythm.  Starting it now.  Screw it.
2013-02-16 12:20 PM
in reply to: #4549367

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Finally managed to get back to everything tonight, I got in a 2 mile run. Starting to get really frustrated with my lack of progress with running so I'm going to really focus on it!

2013-02-16 1:05 PM
in reply to: #4549367

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Visiting our family this weekend in Lancaster , got in 56 mins of running, 7.3 miles. Going to run again tomorrow, hopefully 6or so.Went to my LBS on thursday to look at them (didn't touch) do believe i am going to get a road bike vrse a triathlon bikeLeaning between trek madone and trek domane, but they also carry felt and cervelo too so after I am fitted I will make my final decision then.I am getting excited about this race season just need to get my butt in the pool more and out on the bike.
2013-02-16 6:40 PM
in reply to: #4625007

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed

I just went through the "Road vs tri" bike decision myself.  I went with the road bike.  Trek 1.5.  I already have 2 other bikes (mtn and old road) and when everyone was mentioning how they typically train on their road bikes it kind of made up my mind that I don't need a tri bike right now only to want a road bike to train for. 

Hit the pool this morning.  Felt all out of sorts for a while, don't know why, but I ended up doing back to back 300's which was a pretty good distance for me.  Back there tomorrow morning.

2013-02-17 2:15 PM
in reply to: #4625221

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Another pool session this morning.  My watch wasn't charged so I don't know on the distance, but I was in there for about 35 minutes.  I use my watch primarily to keep track of laps, and "pace", which is really just to determine if I'm going slow or super slow.  I did throw a 400 in there today though, so nice to know the distance is getting better.  Love to squeeze in a bike session tonight.  We'll see.
2013-02-18 10:47 AM
in reply to: #4549367

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Looks like we're all starting to get back in the groove. I've been getting some easy runs in, and got a long swim in yesterday.
I've also been working on my "roller" tricks. Finally got no hands down again without flying off the side
2013-02-18 8:13 PM
in reply to: #4626767

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed

Did an FTP test on Trainer Road tonight.  I was kind of disappointed by the increase, but then I remembered that before I did that Tour thing a few weeks ago I added 10 points because I knew it was low.  Then after the tour I added another 10 points, just because.  Then tonight the increase said 6 more points, so I'll take it as a 26 point increase all together over the last month or so.  Ok, now I feel a bit better.

Made a dr appt for this Thursday to get the foot looked at and hopefully get the Ok to start running again.  Went for a little test jog yesterday and it felt good.  Still a bit tight but I can live with it.  Even tough there's 2'+ of snow everywhere I look, I can't wait to get back out and run again.

2013-02-19 10:21 AM
in reply to: #4627624

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
jonD81 - 2013-02-18 9:13 PM

Did an FTP test on Trainer Road tonight.  I was kind of disappointed by the increase, but then I remembered that before I did that Tour thing a few weeks ago I added 10 points because I knew it was low.  Then after the tour I added another 10 points, just because.  Then tonight the increase said 6 more points, so I'll take it as a 26 point increase all together over the last month or so.  Ok, now I feel a bit better.

Made a dr appt for this Thursday to get the foot looked at and hopefully get the Ok to start running again.  Went for a little test jog yesterday and it felt good.  Still a bit tight but I can live with it.  Even tough there's 2'+ of snow everywhere I look, I can't wait to get back out and run again.

Sounds like a good improvement on the FTP. I get excited when I add 1-2 watts :P

2013-02-19 10:22 AM
in reply to: #4549367

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed

So has everybody committed for an upcoming race? It's almost season.


April 7 is the Knoxville 1/2 Marathon for me! Hoping to be back in the big mileage weeks by then.

2013-02-19 10:29 AM
in reply to: #4628244

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed

I don't have my FTP dialed in like you do, so I'm sure my jumps for the first year will be pretty significant.

There's a HM I want to do at the end of April but it all hinges on how my foot responds to running again.  Tri's don't get started up here until May at the earliest because of the water being too cold, unless they are indoor pool ones but those are hard to find.

2013-02-19 3:53 PM
in reply to: #4549367

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Is anyone doing an Aquathlon? There is one about 4 months after the novice triathlon that im doing and thinking it might be a good intermediate type of race. For some reason in Scotland it seems like there are hardly any triathlons but there are endless aquathlons.
2013-02-20 11:32 AM
in reply to: #4628965

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed

Quintillion - 2013-02-19 4:53 PM Is anyone doing an Aquathlon? There is one about 4 months after the novice triathlon that im doing and thinking it might be a good intermediate type of race. For some reason in Scotland it seems like there are hardly any triathlons but there are endless aquathlons.

Never done one.  They don't have that many in my area.  Maybe one or two but it's really more traditional triathlons or just road races.

2013-02-20 11:47 AM
in reply to: #4630059

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed

Had my follow up Dr appt this morning for my foot.  As I already knew, the x-ray looked good, no sign of fracture, stress fracture or anything out of place.  5 toes per foot, so good sign in that regard.  He recommended a running store to me that will fit me with a good insert and make sure everything is in order.  He said to slowly get back into it, this week just 1 mile for a couple runs, next week 2 miles at a time, then after that pick it up as long as there is no pain.  I wanted to do a HM 9.5 weeks from today (4/28).  Assuming it will take me a month to get back to my typical 6-7 mile runs, that gives me 5 weeks to feel comfortable for 13 miles.  At 10% increase per week that puts me around 10-11 miles by race day.  That's the hard number version of it all, but it really all depends on feel.  I'm definitely going to ramp up slowly as I don't want to re-injure, so I'm thinking after this first month I'll see where I am and go from there.

To half build on the foot/sneaker thing.  I did 99% of my running last year in Nike Dual Fusions.  Nothing fancy but they fit my feet well and I had no pain.  Wife got me a pair of Sauconys for xmas, did my 10k in those a week later and then the pain started.  I noticed on the Nike's that the bottom of the shoe is very flat and curves up at the back which to me makes it look like it would hit the ground smoother for a heel striker, which I am.  On my Saucony's, the back is not curved up and the bottom of the shoe in general is not one flat piece like the Nike.  I have no clue if this means anything.  Figure I'll pick the guy's brain at the running store as they are supposed to be one of the better stores in the area for running.

2013-02-20 2:49 PM
in reply to: #4628965

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed

Quintillion - 2013-02-19 4:53 PM Is anyone doing an Aquathlon? There is one about 4 months after the novice triathlon that im doing and thinking it might be a good intermediate type of race. For some reason in Scotland it seems like there are hardly any triathlons but there are endless aquathlons.


Auquathon is a swim and a run?

Sounds fun.

2013-02-20 2:51 PM
in reply to: #4630075

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
jonD81 - 2013-02-20 12:47 PM

Had my follow up Dr appt this morning for my foot.  As I already knew, the x-ray looked good, no sign of fracture, stress fracture or anything out of place.  5 toes per foot, so good sign in that regard.  He recommended a running store to me that will fit me with a good insert and make sure everything is in order.  He said to slowly get back into it, this week just 1 mile for a couple runs, next week 2 miles at a time, then after that pick it up as long as there is no pain.  I wanted to do a HM 9.5 weeks from today (4/28).  Assuming it will take me a month to get back to my typical 6-7 mile runs, that gives me 5 weeks to feel comfortable for 13 miles.  At 10% increase per week that puts me around 10-11 miles by race day.  That's the hard number version of it all, but it really all depends on feel.  I'm definitely going to ramp up slowly as I don't want to re-injure, so I'm thinking after this first month I'll see where I am and go from there.

Sounds like good news!

Good luck at the running store. I went to my local one a few years back, but the kid behind the counter was clueless :P Fortunately I fell into the Wave Riders and they've always been good to me.

2013-02-20 3:30 PM
in reply to: #4549367

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
This week has been really bad so far. Coming home late and just collapsing on the couch begging my wife to make me tea :P

No runs so far, even though I had planned to run 3-4 times and I will only manage one swim session.

Need to sort out a better routine!!

2013-02-20 9:45 PM
in reply to: #4549367

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
sorry for not posting in a while. no workout tonight since there is a snow storm.  getting a strain in my left quad, hopefully my flight isn't cancelled friday and i can roll it out for a saturday ride... supposed to be upper 60's!!!

2013-02-21 8:11 PM
in reply to: #4549367

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed

another snow day. didn't do anything. couldn't leave the hotel.  

i really hope my flight happens tomorrow.

2013-02-21 8:21 PM
in reply to: #4549367

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Holy hell.  I decided to make a custom ride through Trainer Road.  I wanted an hour long with 3 good 10 minute intervals.  Set it up: 5' WU, 2' sprint, 5'@50%, 10'@120%, 5'@50%, 10'@120, 5'@50%, 10'@130%, 7' CD.  The first two 10' intervals were awesome.  I was burning but I pushed through it and hit the target numbers.  The last interval was just bad.  I couldn't handle it.  I was at maybe 100-110%.  I didn't take long to set up the workout so in retrospect if I was going to do a higher effort I should have done a shorter time.  Didn't think that through too well.  Good to know I have a workout to go back to when I want to really get after it though.
2013-02-21 8:23 PM
in reply to: #4632494

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Clempson - 2013-02-21 9:11 PM

another snow day. didn't do anything. couldn't leave the hotel.  

i really hope my flight happens tomorrow.

That blows.  At least you'll be fresh once you get back home.

2013-02-21 8:35 PM
in reply to: #4631015

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed

Clempson - 2013-02-20 10:45 PM sorry for not posting in a while. no workout tonight since there is a snow storm.  getting a strain in my left quad, hopefully my flight isn't cancelled friday and i can roll it out for a saturday ride... supposed to be upper 60's!!![/QUOTE

I was more worried about what you said about your left Quad than your snow storm. 

just my 2 cents though,  sounds like you could use a night or 2 off your legs.


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