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2013-01-24 1:50 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I agree with AJ in regards to changing your diets, go cold turkey, and the best thing for me was making a list of what I could eat and shopping accordingly rather than concentrating on what I couldn't eat (which has a habit of creating cravings which only lead to cheating).

AJ nice job in the pool, don't worry the breathing will come with practice and eventually you'll be able to do lap after lap without stopping.

I am still really struggling with my running and my biking isn't much better, actually had a really crappy training day today, my head and heart just weren't in it. I am so painfully slow it is depressing. At least I did something I guess.

Spoke to the coach today about this run package I signed up for and she as much as told me I'll be running on my own until my pace increases, so I'm kinda wondering what the point is of doing it. Feel like I've just blown $70 for no reason! Have a feeling my HIM and IM training is going to be a self coached effort.

At least now with the 910XT I pretty much have an electronic training buddy.

Oh and regards to the treadmill discussion, I am trying to avoid using it, I think it gives me a false sense of security as far as pace goes, not only that, but my achilles is still struggling with the hard surface so I feel like running "soft" isn't helping strengthen my legs, ankles and calves.

Anyway hope everyone else is having a good week. Good luck with the nutrition everyone and also hope that those with lingering flu symptoms get over them quickly.

2013-01-24 7:46 AM
in reply to: #4592260

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Simone, that is so lame!!  It would have been nice if the coach had told you this BEFORE you invested $$ in the package.  I also feel like the coach could be more encouraging...  Maybe the faster runners will give you something to work toward and make you work harder! 

But it's no fun signing up for a group training program and being told you'll be training alone.  WTF??!!


kruzmeister - 2013-01-24 2:50 AM

Spoke to the coach today about this run package I signed up for and she as much as told me I'll be running on my own until my pace increases, so I'm kinda wondering what the point is of doing it. Feel like I've just blown $70 for no reason! Have a feeling my HIM and IM training is going to be a self coached effort.

2013-01-24 7:57 AM
in reply to: #4592260

New user
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
kruzmeister - 2013-01-24 1:50 AM

I agree with AJ in regards to changing your diets, go cold turkey, and the best thing for me was making a list of what I could eat and shopping accordingly rather than concentrating on what I couldn't eat (which has a habit of creating cravings which only lead to cheating).

AJ nice job in the pool, don't worry the breathing will come with practice and eventually you'll be able to do lap after lap without stopping.

I am still really struggling with my running and my biking isn't much better, actually had a really crappy training day today, my head and heart just weren't in it. I am so painfully slow it is depressing. At least I did something I guess.

Spoke to the coach today about this run package I signed up for and she as much as told me I'll be running on my own until my pace increases, so I'm kinda wondering what the point is of doing it. Feel like I've just blown $70 for no reason! Have a feeling my HIM and IM training is going to be a self coached effort.

At least now with the 910XT I pretty much have an electronic training buddy.

Oh and regards to the treadmill discussion, I am trying to avoid using it, I think it gives me a false sense of security as far as pace goes, not only that, but my achilles is still struggling with the hard surface so I feel like running "soft" isn't helping strengthen my legs, ankles and calves.

Anyway hope everyone else is having a good week. Good luck with the nutrition everyone and also hope that those with lingering flu symptoms get over them quickly.


Just a few questions on the running... How long have you been running (races and stuff)? What have you been doing the last few weeks in terms of cutting time? Are you doing any strength / explosive training?  Overall aerobic base?

IMO biking is more about having an efficient pedal stroke than brute strength regarding triathlon's.  However strength to weight ratio is still important since you are working against gravity and atmosphere.  Working in easier gears to get a smooth, quick and full (full being very important) pedal stroke can be a tedious process but well worth the time frustration and effort.

Also, if you have been hammering it the last several weeks you may just need an off day.  Being tire and not being able to focus are typical symptoms of over training.  

2013-01-24 9:02 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Good morning all! Finally feeling like I'm on the mend from the cold.

It's official...I registered for my first ever triathlon. There's no going back! Let the countdown to March 24 begin!


2013-01-24 10:14 AM
in reply to: #4590999

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

"I am the same way Jen. Two things have helped me. 1- I can't eat what I don't buy. And 2- Never go to the grocery store hungry.

I'm still fighting the cold, but I can't stand not working out any longer. I don't think a swim sounds like a good idea given that it's my least confident sport. Plus I have new gear to try out. I followed Tim's advice and went with a Garmin FR70 with foot pod. My bike has a flight deck on it so I skipped on the speed/cadence sensor for now. I figure I will do an easy pace run and go as long as I feel like I can. I'm hoping for at least 4 miles but we will see."


I'm am good about not buying "bad" things at the grocery store. It's too many vacations and celebrations lately. Tongue out I just need to get back on my schedule.

Hope you get over your cold soon. That's no fun.

Edited by WillTriForBeer 2013-01-24 10:18 AM
2013-01-24 10:16 AM
in reply to: #4591161

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I agree! If I wouldn't drink the high calorie beers that I drink I could be soooooo ripped! But there's no chance of me giving up that. ha ha.

arock84 - 2013-01-23 10:38 AM
WillTriForBeer - 2013-01-23 10:10 AM

Looks like everyone is making progress!

We've been in Utah skiing so I feel like I'm starting over again on training

What I really need to get dialed in is my nutrition. I've been eating poorly since December and can't seem to get a hold of it. It's kind of like the "see food" diet...I see food and I eat it. I really need to shed a few pounds to make my running easier. Must. try. harder.

Happy Wednesday!


From two years ago my diet has drastically changed.  A month ago is when it went into full over drive.  Have been working out more and feeling better than ever.  Eating well makes a ridiculous difference.  Sleeping helps too but I am totally sold on the 80% diet 20% workout in terms of what makes the biggest difference in feeling good, getting results and wanting to get out of bed the next day.  

And really aside from pizza and buffalo chicken wraps, neither of which I have easy access to, I don't have any cravings or desire to eat garbage.  Making a list before going to store and not buying anything extra is key.  You just have to get on the horse and ride.  

2013-01-24 10:20 AM
in reply to: #4591319

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Ha ha. I love veggies and healthy stuff but I just eat sooooo much of it. Also can't pass on the nachos. Yum.

LDC - 2013-01-23 11:49 AM Jen, That is killing me right now too. I love to eat and have been on the same diet as you. Slowly weaning myself and getting back to smart choices but it is hard. I love me some food! DC

2013-01-24 10:21 AM
in reply to: #4592588

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Glad you're feeling better! And congrats on signing up for your first tri! You will love it!

phishinphan - 2013-01-24 8:02 AM

Good morning all! Finally feeling like I'm on the mend from the cold.

It's official...I registered for my first ever triathlon. There's no going back! Let the countdown to March 24 begin!


2013-01-24 11:33 AM
in reply to: #4550197

New user
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Willpower / Diet strategies:

2013-01-24 1:34 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hey Team.

Just checking in to say hello.

Feeling much better and counting down to IM plan start date on Feb 4 Smile

I was on the bike trianer for the first time last night since I get sick - a little rough but a good 45 minute ride. I have been in the pool about 3 times per week - still working on total immersion drills and having fun at it.

Things have been busy for me at work and a bit hectic trying to sell my damn house so I am sorry I have not been in here as much as I normally am.

I hope everyone is ok and I will check previous posts tonight.

I have a big curling bonspiel this weekend and I am looking forward to it.

Have a great day everyone.


2013-01-24 7:50 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Team.

OK - I did it Smile see below.

As a good friend of mine once told me a long time ago - "Kevin, your either in or your out and if you aint in, your out" I decided, I'm in for Kona - if Kona chooses me.

Have a great night everyone.


Edited by kcgolf 2013-01-24 7:54 PM


konaentry.jpg (56KB - 18 downloads)

2013-01-24 8:21 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Kristen - I agree, I am a little p*ssed off to be honest and I definitely wouldn't have joined if I knew that was the case. This woman prides herself on this group being welcoming and non threatening to new runners and helpful etc, etc and then she pulls this cr*p on me. I honestly don't even feel like going, in fact I think my achilles may have made up my mind for me cause it is killing me today and I feel like I should have a few weeks off running to get it right before I start training for my half marathon in July. I have one in April too, but I can make that a 10ker if need be.

AJ - Over the years I have always run, but primarily for fitness cause I competed in martial arts competitions. I've never run in races other than triathlons (did open water tris 18 years ago, since I've been back last year I did two sprints). At the moment I am just concentrating on base fitness, I do a short, medium and long run each week on the shorter runs I try to push the pace a little more, the long runs I just try to keep an even comfortable pace. I am currently carrying an extra 15 kgs (33 pounds), when I was lighter (about 7 years ago) I could run at 6min/km pace easy, but now I'm struggling to run 7:30min/km pace on the road. My achilles is also hindernig my progress. Last season I got my run distance up to 12km at 8min/km pace, but had a bad winter (because of my bipolar) and didn't do much training, so this summer I've had to start from almost scratch again. I am having plenty of rest days so I don't feel as if I am over training.

With regards to my bike riding, I mostly do high cadence/small chainring work. I have a friend who used to be a professional cyclist and he keeps telling me speed and strength will come and to just keep doing high cadence, but yes it is frustrating! I also do weights, mostly heavy weight, reps of 10 for strength, and also some core work.

Pierce - Congrats on signing up for your first triathlon! Glad to hear you are also feeling better.

KC - Glad to hear you are feeling better and good luck with the Kona lottery!

2013-01-24 8:37 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Team,

Hope everyone elses training is going well.

I've decided to have a few weeks off running. I could barely walk upon waking this morning my achilles was so sore from yesterday's run and that's a signal to me to get off it for a while. I can still swim and ride and do weights, so there is plenty to work on and I'd rather take extra time now to let it heal properly than be struggling with it all year. I really do not want to end up with a chronic injury on top of everything else to deal with.

So yeah I'm a little bummed, but that's life, better to deal with it now rather than weeks out from my HIM!

2013-01-25 8:35 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Everyone!

Simone, so sorry to hear about the running clinic.  It almost sounds like the group I joined a few weeks back.  They tell you all levels are welcome but if you have no one else running your pace then yes, you do tend to run by yourself but that doesn't mean they still can't coach you.  Plus the faster ones tend to cheer you on, which is nice.  I haven't been back to my running group because last week they cancelled and last night I didn't get back home in time to go.  I will go back.  Do what feels right for you.  Remember they also might give you running tips like kick more or you are swinging your arms things you don't know if you are doing.  

Pierce, congratulations on signing up for your 1st triathlon.  Where is it, I might come and cheer you on.

KC, all I can say is WOW!  I so want to sign up but is scared to death.  I think after I get one more IM under my belt I will do it.  I hope Kona picks you!  I feel a road trip coming.  

2013-01-25 8:39 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Early this morning I was planning on going to pool and swim, my head was all for it but the body was telling me to stay in bed and get some more sleep.  The body won.  I have been coughing a lot so I am wondering if I am getting something so I thought it would be better to listen to the body and take another day off.  I think I will do some yoga this afternoon instead of a swim, stretching will be better anyway.

Hope everyone is feeling better.  Take it easy and if you feel sluggish, take another day off as there are some nasty stuff going around and it will be better to take it easy now versus when we really need to start training.

2013-01-25 9:08 AM
in reply to: #4594146

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Simone - I agree that is BS! I would confront the "coach" if it were me, but then again tact is not one of my personality traits. I'm working on it though :p

Krazy - I signed up for the Downtown Columbia Tri on March 24.

Got my bike tuned up this week at a LBS. Found out the cause of my repeated flat rear tires was not my largeness or overinflation but a thorn. I took the bike for a test spin and shifting down the front derailleur (sp?) it threw the chain. NOT EXCITED about that given I just had it at the LBS. Easy fix though. I'm really excited about my first road ride tomorrow in a couple months! I'm curious to see how my fitness is compared to spin and stationary rides at the Y.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend full of long rides/runs and family time!


2013-01-25 12:42 PM
in reply to: #4593755

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Simone - Sorry to hear about your injury. I have been dealing with what appears to be the same injury as you. I believe that I am turning the corner with. For example, I ran last night and today I don't have pain. This is something that I haven't experienced for about a year now. Stretching and icing has really helped. I also used a foam roller under the Achilles tendons. That was what helped the most. Time off from running will help you but I think that you will have to keep working on healing it. Don't forget about it because it will take longer to heal.


kruzmeister - 2013-01-24 8:37 PM

Hi Team,

Hope everyone elses training is going well.

I've decided to have a few weeks off running. I could barely walk upon waking this morning my achilles was so sore from yesterday's run and that's a signal to me to get off it for a while. I can still swim and ride and do weights, so there is plenty to work on and I'd rather take extra time now to let it heal properly than be struggling with it all year. I really do not want to end up with a chronic injury on top of everything else to deal with.

So yeah I'm a little bummed, but that's life, better to deal with it now rather than weeks out from my HIM!

2013-01-25 12:43 PM
in reply to: #4593691

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

KC- Hope you get picked!


kcgolf - 2013-01-24 7:50 PM

Hi Team.

OK - I did it Smile see below.

As a good friend of mine once told me a long time ago - "Kevin, your either in or your out and if you aint in, your out" I decided, I'm in for Kona - if Kona chooses me.

Have a great night everyone.


2013-01-25 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
KC- Best of luck on the draw. Maybe someday for me. Pretty cool and exciting to think about.

Had a great week of training this week. Lot's of road miles but did sneak in a spin and a swim.

First time in a stationary swim trainer (pool). Felt real strange for the first time. Spent most of the swim trying to figure out a technique to stay in the current and not over swim or under swim. Pretty frustrating really but plan to keep working at it.

It is free access and very convenient to stop in when I want. Plus it is January and open water is out for a few months.

Anybody else have some tips for getting comfortable in the trainer/pool set up?

Felt like I was in a fist fight with the water most of the time.

2013-01-25 1:32 PM
in reply to: #4593734

New user
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
kruzmeister - 2013-01-24 8:21 PM

Kristen - I agree, I am a little p*ssed off to be honest and I definitely wouldn't have joined if I knew that was the case. This woman prides herself on this group being welcoming and non threatening to new runners and helpful etc, etc and then she pulls this cr*p on me. I honestly don't even feel like going, in fact I think my achilles may have made up my mind for me cause it is killing me today and I feel like I should have a few weeks off running to get it right before I start training for my half marathon in July. I have one in April too, but I can make that a 10ker if need be.

AJ - Over the years I have always run, but primarily for fitness cause I competed in martial arts competitions. I've never run in races other than triathlons (did open water tris 18 years ago, since I've been back last year I did two sprints). At the moment I am just concentrating on base fitness, I do a short, medium and long run each week on the shorter runs I try to push the pace a little more, the long runs I just try to keep an even comfortable pace. I am currently carrying an extra 15 kgs (33 pounds), when I was lighter (about 7 years ago) I could run at 6min/km pace easy, but now I'm struggling to run 7:30min/km pace on the road. My achilles is also hindernig my progress. Last season I got my run distance up to 12km at 8min/km pace, but had a bad winter (because of my bipolar) and didn't do much training, so this summer I've had to start from almost scratch again. I am having plenty of rest days so I don't feel as if I am over training.

With regards to my bike riding, I mostly do high cadence/small chainring work. I have a friend who used to be a professional cyclist and he keeps telling me speed and strength will come and to just keep doing high cadence, but yes it is frustrating! I also do weights, mostly heavy weight, reps of 10 for strength, and also some core work.

Pierce - Congrats on signing up for your first triathlon! Glad to hear you are also feeling better.

KC - Glad to hear you are feeling better and good luck with the Kona lottery!


Voluminous running will help a little bit.  Working in intervals, threshold runs and hills when not during pure distance is going to be key when healthy.  Those are all progressive and dependent on goal distance.  On long runs take maybe the last 5th of the distance and try to run that faster than the rest.  

Proper fitting shoes will help as well especially with the injury part when running at higher intensities.   

2013-01-25 4:02 PM
in reply to: #4550197

Sheboygan, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Nutrition just is killing my quest to lose 25 lbs. I work out in the morning, work all day, eat very little, and then come home and splurge on a pizza, or junk food. How stupid?!?! Just when I'm tired, and don't have much willpower, the munchies come out! I've heard eating protein help a person feel more full, and drinking more water. Guess I will try that, and just try to have more willpower.

Well, I just want to wish everyone a great upcoming week of training. I am off to Guatemala on a dental mission tomorrow. We will be treating patients in Puerto San Jose on the Pacific side. Sad to say, people here in the US do not come close to knowing what it means to be poor. As a dentist, I hear many people complain about costs and how many bills they have, but they don't realize that they make more in 1 week than some people make in a year in Guatemala. We (Americans Australians and Canadians - hope I included everyone) are so lucky to be in a first world country. Well, enough of the lecture. I'll try to put in some running miles, but will miss the computrainer and the pool.

Good luck!

2013-01-25 9:48 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Maybe you should try to eat a substantial lunch? I know when I skip lunch my willpower for junk and relentless snacking is nil. I also recommend a smoothie. They are quick, healthy and delicious. My personal fave is frozen blueberries and strawberries with a fresh banana flax seed meal French vanilla yogurt honey apple juice and spinach. It sounds a bit strange but its fabulous and will keep my hunger at bay for a while.
2013-01-26 8:29 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

DC - I have never used one of those stationary swim trainer things.  Sounds terrifying to me actually!  Do they also have a regular pool there?

Timmer - That is awesome that you do that work in Guatemala!  It is so admirable that you use your skills/expertise to help those in need.  It really is crazy how much we take for granted sometimes in our part of the world!  Hope you have a good trip and find it rewarding! 

2013-01-26 8:42 AM
in reply to: #4595018

New user
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

tkaufmann60 - 2013-01-25 4:02 PM Nutrition just is killing my quest to lose 25 lbs. I work out in the morning, work all day, eat very little, and then come home and splurge on a pizza, or junk food. How stupid?!?! Just when I'm tired, and don't have much willpower, the munchies come out! I've heard eating protein help a person feel more full, and drinking more water. Guess I will try that, and just try to have more willpower. Well, I just want to wish everyone a great upcoming week of training. I am off to Guatemala on a dental mission tomorrow. We will be treating patients in Puerto San Jose on the Pacific side. Sad to say, people here in the US do not come close to knowing what it means to be poor. As a dentist, I hear many people complain about costs and how many bills they have, but they don't realize that they make more in 1 week than some people make in a year in Guatemala. We (Americans Australians and Canadians - hope I included everyone) are so lucky to be in a first world country. Well, enough of the lecture. I'll try to put in some running miles, but will miss the computrainer and the pool. Good luck! Timmer


Refueling post workout and keeping up with nutrient rich snacks and a lunch during the day is key.  Bell peppers, carrots, other raw vegetables or 1 pouch of whole grain oatmeal, maybe a fruit or yogurt mid morning or afternoon for a snack to keep apatite down and blood sugar up. 

And you know what the problem is so it should be very easy to fix but having an appropriate amount of calories during the day while still getting your body the nutrients it needs to meet the demands of the next work out will help tremendously.


And I can only imagine.  One of my friends has gone there and Africa.  Pretty crazy difference.  Heck, the difference in utility services and the standard of living here vs the UK is pretty tremendous.  Not much appreciation regarding how good we have it. 

Edited by arock84 2013-01-26 8:44 AM
2013-01-26 10:59 AM
in reply to: #4592434

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Great point AJ - everyone should know what  your average cadence is.  Triathletes should be in the mid 80's to 90 in order to save your legs.  If you are cranking at around 65-75 then your legs are gonna be cashed.  One great workout that I did every week last year was a 30 minute high RPM (100+) staying in Z1.  It really helped get my cadence up and now when I hop on the bike I automatically pedal at 85 RPM without even thinking about it.

arock84 - 2013-01-24 7:57 AM IMO biking is more about having an efficient pedal stroke than brute strength regarding triathlon's.  However strength to weight ratio is still important since you are working against gravity and atmosphere.  Working in easier gears to get a smooth, quick and full (full being very important) pedal stroke can be a tedious process but well worth the time frustration and effort.

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