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2013-06-27 7:32 AM
in reply to: Sulcus

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
And a hearty "Hi everyone and sorry I've been MIA - yet again."

Some self induced turbulence has kept me away from here but things are again moving in the right direction. I've been painfully tracking my food (ugh!) and now that I am well acquainted with feeling hungry again, I am going to start moving my arse in this terrible NY heat and humidity. There's a good reminder of why I really need to start in the spring!

2013-06-27 4:54 PM
in reply to: Sulcus

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Hilde, you are indeed the most patient and sweet wife ever!

Janette, I hope your wound heals quickly and without further complications. You deserve a break!! (Oh god, hope I didn't just jinx you... You do NOT need any broken bones!)

I have a tri this weekend and am looking forward to it! It's the first tri I ever did (in 2011), so it's special to me... My legs have been feeling pretty fatigued the past few days, so I'm trying to get as much rest as possible before race day. A few easy workouts this week and that's it. Race day's forecast currently is low 80s with high humidity and a chance of t-storms. Hopefully the t-storms will hold off until the race is over! My sister-in-law is racing too, so she and my brother will be driving up from CT and staying with us. It will be nice to hang out with them, my kids are looking forward to it, too!

Hope you're all doing well!!
2013-06-27 6:18 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Hildebeast

And he says, "Do you have the receipt to the bike, I'm taking it back."  WTF, WTF, WTF???? 

Aren't I the most patient and sweet wife EVER????

to sum up your post in 2 sentences

2013-06-28 8:35 AM
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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Hilde- you are awesome- hope your hubby appreciates you!!!

Kristen- Hope you have a great race this weekend and a nice visit with your family!!

BT plans- So do you guys subscribe to BT? I have not but at 30% off I feel like maybe I should at least try one of the packages... I have really enjoyed BT and the support here. I would probably not have done my tri without it. Huggs to my fellow ((((Beasts)))), but I would not know you without the BT site.

So, for anyone who does have a package or has in the past- what are/were the best advantages for you? and which package do you think this the best & why?

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-06-28 8:36 AM
2013-06-28 9:50 AM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Melody here is a shot of Lake Superior taken during my run the other day. Will be leaving some time today for Dryden. Race on Monday visiting with family for the long weekend.

Lake Superior
2013-06-28 1:56 PM
in reply to: Jigger

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
For all of you racers this weekend - Good luck and know that luck is nothing compared to your preparation! For all of you doing long segments of your s/b/r - enjoy the fact that you have the endurance to pick one and "go long". For all of you taking the weekend to rest - sip a beer (or lemonade) and enjoy the summer day. For all of you doing bricks - enjoy the versatility of your body and that you have amazing talent to accomplish 3 feats where some athletes only concentrate on one.

As for me - for those of us injured - I am going to enjoy reading your race reports !!! I am also going to take some time to plan my comeback! I will be researching my late summer race, planning my training schedule and actually organizing the mass of gear (shorts, shirts, bras, socks, head covers, sleeves, tights, etc.) that has accumulated in the back of my closet. I also am going to take some of your advice to improve core strength and flexibility with a little yoga (although I suspect it may turn into me laying on my back, breathing and trying not to fall asleep!).

My leg is on the mend, finally. The antibiotics have taken hold and some of the leg swelling is going down which helps immensely on the pain. The wound appears to be healing, but it sure looks yucky still. My leg is pretty stiff as I did get infection into my knee and ankle. I have a medicated dressing and tight ace wrap up to my thigh. My mother thought she was being helpful when she brought over my grandmother's old walker to help me get around .... Uh, I still have my pride, but just barely!

Happy weekend, all.


2013-06-28 8:36 PM
in reply to: jaykayjay

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
hi guys, is it wise to follow a sprint triathlon training plan as a start since i have never joined any triathlon event? or do i jump to an olympic distance plan?
2013-06-28 9:03 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Hildebeast

So this is why the bike "saga" frustrates me.... Hubs came home for lunch and since I had cut my morning ride short, I thought it would be perfect to pick up some extra mileage by asking him if he was going to ride when he got off work, which he said he was.  So I asked did he want to do a short one or did he want to do it by himself (perfectly understandable when you're getting used to a new bike and want to experiment with stuff) and he said yes, he was going by himself.  No problem... then he asked how far I was talking about, I told him 13 miles and told him the route which he is familiar with and he said okay, around 6.  So I'm dressed and ready to go by the time he gets home, I had made sure his aero water bottle was set up for him and waited for him to get changed and ready to go.  We get out in the driveway, and for some reason he can't get his first foot clipped into the pedal, now the pedals, shoes and cleats are NOT new, he's had them for awhile, Speedplays.  So he gets frustrated because he knows he looks like an idiot and tells me, "Just go."  And after almost 30 years of marriage I know not to even say anything so I took off and did a very nice 13 miles that felt damned good considering it was 98 degrees out there!  Come home, put up my stuff, log my ride on BT and sit down in the living room to watch the premeir of Big Brother, my summer trash TV fave.  And he says, "Do you have the receipt to the bike, I'm taking it back."  WTF, WTF, WTF????  He just cannot handle the whole cockpit part of the bike, doesn't like that the brakes are in a different place than the shifters, the handling is twitchy, same ol' blah blah blah as the last time he HAD to have a tri bike.  I will say, that he is nursing a pretty wrecked up shoulder, should probably be having surgery but he is trying to avoid that, so the weight on the aerobars was painful for him.  I get that part... of course the tri store is not happy with him wanting to bring back the clearance bike they finally sold, but said they would.  Then comes the brilliant idea, "What if I put a road bike handlebar and shifters on it?  I really like the bike?"  I told him people do it, not sure they do it with a freaking Cervelo, but they do it.... so we're going to talk to the LBS today to see if they can switch out the tri cockpit for a roadie set up and then give ME the SWEET carbon 3T cockpit (that's a win for me for sure!).  Either way it's gonna end up costing more than if he had just gotten a really nice road bike in the first place.... All this and he hasn't even done a race yet! 

Aren't I the most patient and sweet wife EVER????

Yes, Hilde, you are! I ride a P2 and LOVE it, but the aero setup DOES take some getting used to. Would also echo Shawn's caution about shoulders and swapping aerobars, particularly on a tri-specific frame: the angles wouldn't necessarily line up for a happy experience with roadie bars, methinks-- I know there are significant differences in feel between my P2 and my roadie, which is also a Cervelo. So I echo Shawn again: might be worth encouraging him to enjoy the newness of it all and build up gradually? None of us became the tri superstars we are without practice... (And yes, we Beasts are ALL tri superstars and I will brook no arguments! Enjoy your weekends, everyone! )
2013-06-29 6:28 AM
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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Originally posted by oldSAP hi guys, is it wise to follow a sprint triathlon training plan as a start since i have never joined any triathlon event? or do i jump to an olympic distance plan?

Hey Charlie- I am probably the least experienced to answer this- but my initial response is pick an oly plan - they have some 12, 16 & 20 week oly plans .....

When is your tri?  and what SBR distances are you comfortable doing now?

If you have 20 weeks you could do an 8 week sprint plan and then a 12 week oly

I'm sure Hildi or someone with some actual experience will chime in :-)

BTW- its only around $35 for the 6 mo BT silver plan right now- but only for another day or two. I really like the build your own plan feature which is free but I like looking at the other plans for inspiration and being able to import a plan into my log so it is 'there'

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-06-29 6:32 AM
2013-06-29 6:49 AM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!



I think BT has "maintenance" plans... I use a plan for a specific race because they are built to get you ready for a particular date.  That said, you could pick either a Sprint or Oly distance plan and follow it and then when you pick a race, count backwards and repeat your plan from there.  I find that the plans for beginners are only meant to get you to the finish, if you want to be competitive they're a little light.  Especially on the swims.  I have done Oly plans to get ready for a sprint for just that reason, I find the extra distance works better for ME, might not for you.  I don't worry about doing MORE than the plan asks for, in fact I pretty much just swim the way I always have on the swim days... my plan calls for 750 yards and I'll do my normal 2800.  If a bike is supposed to be 15.3 miles, I don't worry if I end up at 18 or 23 miles, especially if I'm feeling good!  Hope that helps on the training plan....

As far as the bike saga... we dropped both the bikes off at the LBS on Thursday.  I was surprised the bike owner/mechanic didn't try to talk him out of the Cervelo conversion, but seems like he's done a few of these conversions.  MY bike is supposed to be ready this afternoon with the new carbon cockpit off the Cervelo, his will take longer because they had to order the parts, but he still has his road bike to train on in the meantime.  I did get a call from the bike shop I ordered my Air Attack helmet from and it is now backordered, not due till the end of July .  Gotta drive down and get my credit card refund and hope I can find one online before then.  I guess they are super popular!

We are taking the grandsons and daughter to the zoo today, before it gets too HOT... I'm gonna get in a quick run before we go...

2013-06-29 7:20 AM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
@Melody, i don't have any tri in mind yet but the closest one i'd love to join is on December this year (if it pushes through).

@Hilde, when following half marathon and full marathon plans, i usually do more than what the plan requires. The only problem with a tri plan is the swim part. i am really really poor at swimming.

i would agree with both of your suggestions, using an oly plan, so that if i'd join a sprint event, i'd have extra gas in my tank. i'm still kinda scared at joining any tri, or plan to join one, mostly because of my swimming level right now. i have "tried" simulating a SBR before and overall i was "ok" with the result, except for the swim, since i was sooooooo slow and had to stop several times.

btw, right now i tried to use a sprint tri program suggested by connect.garmin in my calendar coupled with a sub 1:50 half marathon program. i hope i don't die :P

2013-06-29 8:38 AM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Hildebeast



I think BT has "maintenance" plans... I use a plan for a specific race because they are built to get you ready for a particular date.  That said, you could pick either a Sprint or Oly distance plan and follow it and then when you pick a race, count backwards and repeat your plan from there.  I find that the plans for beginners are only meant to get you to the finish, if you want to be competitive they're a little light.  Especially on the swims.  I have done Oly plans to get ready for a sprint for just that reason, I find the extra distance works better for ME, might not for you.  I don't worry about doing MORE than the plan asks for, in fact I pretty much just swim the way I always have on the swim days... my plan calls for 750 yards and I'll do my normal 2800.  If a bike is supposed to be 15.3 miles, I don't worry if I end up at 18 or 23 miles, especially if I'm feeling good!  Hope that helps on the training plan....

As far as the bike saga... we dropped both the bikes off at the LBS on Thursday.  I was surprised the bike owner/mechanic didn't try to talk him out of the Cervelo conversion, but seems like he's done a few of these conversions.  MY bike is supposed to be ready this afternoon with the new carbon cockpit off the Cervelo, his will take longer because they had to order the parts, but he still has his road bike to train on in the meantime.  I did get a call from the bike shop I ordered my Air Attack helmet from and it is now backordered, not due till the end of July .  Gotta drive down and get my credit card refund and hope I can find one online before then.  I guess they are super popular!

We are taking the grandsons and daughter to the zoo today, before it gets too HOT... I'm gonna get in a quick run before we go...

If the air attack is unavailable take a look at the new aero helmet for
LG Course.

2013-06-29 1:01 PM
in reply to: Jigger

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Well, we hit the zoo at the perfect time, it wasn't crowded and not too hot... I didn't really break a sweat until the last 15 minutes or so.  It was fun!  Then we stopped at a bike store up there where we had shopped last week during the bike saga and I had noticed they had the Air Attack... I really wanted it in white, but they had it in shiny black with silver accents, so went ahead and got it.  Now to take back the shoes and exchange them down in Austin and get a credit for the special order Air Attack,...  I just don't feel like driving down there now... probably Monday I'll take care of that, and I still need to go pick up my bike... but I'm feeling like a little nap might be nice!
2013-06-29 3:20 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Hildebeast

Well, we hit the zoo at the perfect time, it wasn't crowded and not too hot... I didn't really break a sweat until the last 15 minutes or so.  It was fun!  Then we stopped at a bike store up there where we had shopped last week during the bike saga and I had noticed they had the Air Attack... I really wanted it in white, but they had it in shiny black with silver accents, so went ahead and got it.  Now to take back the shoes and exchange them down in Austin and get a credit for the special order Air Attack,...  I just don't feel like driving down there now... probably Monday I'll take care of that, and I still need to go pick up my bike... but I'm feeling like a little nap might be nice!

Would love to hear a review of the Air Attack, Hilde-- please do post what you think of it when you try it out! Long bike and a shorter run brick today-- a bit of a slog, but done. (Can't wait to be allowed to take iron supplements again!) Hope all you beasties are having a great weekend!
2013-06-30 7:11 AM
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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
LOVE the LG helmet but its way out of my budget for now. I want to hear a review of the one Hildie got too.----------Picked up my bike yesterday!!!!! I also picked up a bike computer so I can track cadence but the guy did not have time to install. It is wired. If I can not figure out how to install it he said I could bring it back and he would do it. I'm pretty sure I will be able to figure it out. I also plan to put my new pedals on this week. ----------9 month old (sweet, beautiful) grandson is here for weekend. There should be some way to be able to log this as a workout - just sayen... We did walk about 1 1/2 miles with stroller yesterday. He is so funny he bear crawls on his hands and feet (instead of knees) super fast. Realizing my house is NOT baby proof :/-------His Moma should be here about 2:30 today and my plan is to jump on my bike as soon as they pull off :-)-------posting from iPad again #squishedtogether

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-06-30 7:13 AM
2013-06-30 9:50 AM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Melody,  I didn't now you had a grandson!  I have 2, one turns 5 in July and the other is 10 months and I know what you mean about logging a workout with watching him... mine took his first steps yesterday, so cute!  And he crawls like that too, on his hands and toes almost, it's too funny.  He is FAST!!!

Super happy your bike is back, I know you'll be itching to get back on it.  I had a wired computer, just one thing to be careful of... I think I wound mine around the fork, but be sure there is enough slack in the wire for you to fully turn your handlebars left and right!!  The one bad thing is that your magnet will go on your front wheel which means it won't work on the trainer,( when you get one!).  It is super nice to have data while you are riding...

Got MY bike back yesterday and I would have taken it out for a spin, but it was late afternoon after spending the morning walking the zoo, AND it was around 106 and that did NOT inspire me to get out there.  Did a few tweaks on the aerobar pads and got all my stuff back on it except I still need to zip tie my Garmie mount onto the stem.  Hubby is working today, so daughter and the grandbabies are going to go with me down to Austin to exchange my bike shoes and get my helmet refund.  (And of course get some lunch out, it IS a road trip after all!).

2013-06-30 6:18 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Hi Beasties!

Hope everyone had a good weekend... I had a good race today. I PR'd by over 10 minutes, so I was very pleased!!!

The biggest highlight of my race experience today was I averaged over 18mph on the bike. That is HUGE for me as I usually average about 16mph!

The weather held out and was actually gorgeous - they had been predicting rain and thunderstorms. It was a spectacular day - had lots of fun seeing friends and racing with my sister-in-law (who actually beat me by 7 minutes, bi%ch! just kidding.) This is by far my favorite race... It has the best atmosphere, beautiful coastal setting and Team Hoyt (father who races with his grown son who has cerebral palsy) raced again this year which is always so inspiring to witness. For those of you who haven't heard of Team Hoyt, here's their website So just a great day to experience!

Hope all you beasties are doing well!!

2013-07-01 7:24 AM
in reply to: kpringle

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Kristen, a PR by 10 minutes is HUGE!!!!  And so is over 18 mph!!!!  AWESOME race, you've worked hard and the results show it, way to display your beastliness!!!!
2013-07-01 7:54 AM
in reply to: 0

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Kristen! 18 MPH!!!! I hope some of that beastly speed you guys have rubs off on me!!!! PR by 10 minutes is also great!!!

Scott- love the lake shot!! Beautiful!!

Jannett- Good for you for the positive attitude and keeping going- you WILL succeed!!!

Hilde- I have two grandsons, the one yesterday was actually 11 months (oops) and I also have a 6 year old grandson. Now i feel force to attach pictures to show cuteness and other big even of weekend- Baby boy's Jeep purchase

I am a little frustrated I slept through my 4am alarm so no run (AGAIN) this morning. I WILL bike this afternoon and am realizing this flying by the seat of my pants Wo plan is not working!! I am going to work on my training plan now!!! 


(sorry the pics are so big- I went to photo shop and shrunk way down...)

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-07-01 8:03 AM

(gsons 001.jpg)

(gsons 002.jpg)

(Nate jeep.jpg)

gsons 001.jpg (116KB - 17 downloads)
gsons 002.jpg (148KB - 16 downloads)
Nate jeep.jpg (108KB - 17 downloads)
2013-07-01 10:43 AM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Look at those cute kids!! 


So I took my maiden voyage on the new and improved Beastie Bike only to find out it needed some big tweaks (more explanation in my blog), and I needed to do them at home.  But I got them done and I think she is ready!!  Wore the new Giro Air Attack and although it's not hellishly hot right now, the venting felt fine... I'll report more tomorrow after wearing it a couple of hours.



And here are the grandkids (Melody started it!)


                                     Kane, age amost 5



                              My daughter Kati, and L.J. (Louie Jr.) age 10 months

2013-07-01 12:48 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

I am back from vacation.  I am sorry I didn't post this on the board.  It was a vacation at NC's Outer Banks.  Sort of crept up on us with all things we've been up to.  Kept away from computers and TV for an entire week.

I will catch up on this thread over the next few days.

2013-07-01 1:56 PM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by hoffsquared

I am back from vacation.  I am sorry I didn't post this on the board.  It was a vacation at NC's Outer Banks.  Sort of crept up on us with all things we've been up to.  Kept away from computers and TV for an entire week.

I will catch up on this thread over the next few days.

that sounds like the best vacation ever! i love the outer banks and no tv/computers = HEAVEN. hope it was fun and relaxing!!!
2013-07-01 1:58 PM
in reply to: kpringle

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
holy cute grandkids, hilde and melody!!

and hilde, i LOVE your new helmet! i especially love the "hildebeast" decal on front, that's so bada$$!!
2013-07-01 2:29 PM
in reply to: kpringle

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
The decal is actually on the back.... hope it helps so that it doesn't get ripped off!
2013-07-01 4:41 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
First tri in the bag. Race report is up.

Overall felt like a good race. Cut my heel during swim. Entering or exiting the water. Likely on the exit. Need work on the swim. Bike was good likely could have went a little quicker. Next race ill push it a little harder on the bike. Run was sub par for me put do to the fact that I cut my heel. The run wasn't to bad. Good race my wife decided to enter the race last minute. She beat me out of the water then I beat her out of T1
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