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2014-02-25 12:29 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
I think I finally may have made a tiny breakthrough in my swimming. I went last Friday and I had a really horrific session but then again I've only been able to get out and swim once a week for the last 3 weeks plus I was pretty tired on Friday so I just attributed it to being tired and not swimming enough lately. I went back yesterday evening and I think I finally corrected one big flaw in my swimming that was very noticeable and really not allowing me to make any progress.

My catch and pull has not been so good but neither has my swimming In any case one of my friends posted a really good short video of the proper catch and pull technique. Now I've seen many videos on this and maybe I just didn't pay attention enough or really tried to correctly put this into practice but last night I made a real concerted effort to work on my catch and pull.

On my left side I have a tendency to have my hand up and elbow down I've been working very hard on trying to get my hand in the right position when entering the water. On the right side I tend not to bend my elbow and when I pull I just push the water straight down and not past me. Both those things obviously affect how well you can move through the water and as we know neither are good things if you want to go faster.

Well I just thought let's be the hinge, it is sort of what the video emphasized so I made a real concerted effort to make sure I was bending my elbows duirng the pull like a hinge. I also made sure my hands were going in the water down and not up and lo and behold what a difference this made. With little effort I was swimming faster, amazing! When I put more effort into it I actually swam faster still. Now mind you my fast and your fast are certainly two different things but there was a noticeable difference in the way I was moving through the water and how much energy I was expanding while doing this. Now it wasn't perfect for each set as my timing was off at times but when I got into a good rythym I was moving faster then I probably ever have so I now believe there is still hope for me yet in actually improving my swimming. I lost hope long ago that this was a lost cause.

There are still other things that I need to work on but for me this was a pretty big thing. I've not really seen much improvement in the last 3 years of swimming so I was very excited by this. I am actually looking forward to going to the pool on Friday to continue to work on this. I still can't say I love swimming but I'm trying to. The link to the video is posted below and you guys may have seen this one already but it was extremely helpful to me.

2014-02-25 3:47 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
We had a few warm days and a holiday last week...
5 runs = 32.54 miles
2 spinning sessions = one 1 hour and one 2 hour
5 hours in the pool including a 2-hour session with my swimming coach. She says I am improving but my reinvented stoke still does not feel natural.

Has anyone seen anything on the new Garmin Fenix2? WOW!

While you are there check out this too!

It is snowig on the chesapeake today but I will be in Orlando tomorrow, working but I am sure i'll be able to squeeze in a few shirtless miles. I love sunshine!
2014-02-26 4:58 AM
in reply to: Captain_Chris

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Very Quickly..........

Tony, Keep working on that drill until it's so buried in your muscle memory that you dream about it. If you are consistent with drilling you'll make the changes that will prove to make you faster over shorter periods of time.

Chris, I was able to spend just a couple of minutes this morning looking at the watch. It looks pretty good from the short time I could look at it. But I have to say I am not interested in getting something new until it's proven itself over time.

Finally for me. I'll be getting coached for my train up to IMWI. I meet with the coach last night and with Lisa's permission, and almost insistence, I have been given the green light to use him. He coaches people from various parts of the country, he's a professional triathlete who's spent time training with some of the sports big names, like the Raelert brothers. As we discussed my training and history I ot a good feeling about what he should be able to provide me. I can discus this more later but the biggest thing he said to me (realizing he had to sell himself) he told me I could cut 3-4 minutes from my Ironman Muncie swim, about 10 minutes from the Muncie bike and about 5 minutes from my run. This would put me at about 4:29 HIM at Muncie again this year...........I'm not counting those chickens yet!!
2014-02-26 7:15 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
has anybody heard of Pioneer Electronics power meters?
I saw something this morning (I've included some links) and am pretty excited about it.... any feedback?

thanks for the input...
2014-02-26 12:22 PM
in reply to: tmoons

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Chris good to see you checking in. I hope you have a safe trip and enjoy the warmer weather in Florida. The Fenix looks pretty good but I'm with Dirk it's fairly new and I already have the 910XT but it looks like it's got a few features the 910XT doesn't have. I think the big thing would be the pricing on this. If it's less then the 910XT it might be worth looking into. DC Rainmaker was saying it was not a replacement for the 910XT which is somewhat interesting to me. I guess we'll see where they go with this.

Dirk congrats on getting yourself a coach. I think it's a good move for you and will take some of the stress of planning your training out. You'll be able to focus more on your training and you've got a great resource to help you get ready for IMWI. I also believe you can put up a really stellar time there I think the coach is going to help you get the most out of your training allowing you to do just that.

Terry I checked out DC Rainmaker's site and he has not done a full review on the Pioneer. Looks like it was first released in Europe and looks like it was released here later on in the US. There was a short review on his website but I don't think he's gotten a unit to test as of yet. I've not heard of it until now but I'd see if you can find some reviews on the product if you are interested in the Pioneer. I definitely did my homework before making the investment in the power meter, too much money not to.

Day off from training for me today, I did my 5K run test yesterday and had nearly a full minute improvement over the last 8 weeks, 59 seconds to be exact. I could've went a little harder but I was worried about setting the bar to high and not being able to realistically train at the new paces. Same for the bike testing. Either way it's good for me I am finding I can run faster than I ever thought I could run. I am realizing I never really put the effort into trying. So this old man does have a little speed in there not much mind you but I definitely can run faster than I thought I could. The first 5K test was a 26.51 and last night's was a 25:52. My goal is to try and get inside a 24:00 5K and break an 8:00 mile. I think I can realistically achieve those goals. I know this isn't really going help in the IM training or the race for that matter but I do want to be running a faster pace at IMMT. I think my pace for IMWI was an 11:50 overall. I'd like to get that down to an 11:00 or less if possible. We'll see but I can say after 7 and a half weeks the EN plan is working well for me.
2014-02-26 4:46 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Tony, I read the DC review as well but I had not heard of them before or since. I'm in the market for a meter so this is interesting stuff. I came very close on ebay the other day to snagging a SRAM Carbon Quraq for $850. So close. I'm hoping to use the tax return dollars to pick one up. I'm a little iffy on PM's that I haven't really heard much about. I'm iffy on the stages as well right now. I'm hoping to grab a crank based unit primarily based on the fact that I want yo upgrade my cranks, lol. Back to the pioneer, well they make other good products so I'm guessing they would put the same quality into this.

2014-02-26 8:25 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Derek if you can swing a power meter I will say it is one of the better investments you can make. I am very happy with the Garmin Vector pedals. The Pioneer looks pretty good. The preliminary info from DC Rainmaker seems very positive. I almost pulled the trigger on the Quarq Riken which was crank based but decided to go with the Vector. I've been listening to the EN webcast on training and racing with power that I recently purchased the more I hear the better I feel about having it. It's going to be a very valuable training and racing tool this season.
2014-02-28 8:50 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
I hopped in the pool today and decided to just roll off 2000 meter straight (no warm up). I started out nice and easy at what I thought was a slow pace... I check my watch every 5 laps to see what my pace is and it also helps me not to lose count of laps. After 5 laps, I was rolling along at a 2:05 pace. I thought, wow that's pretty good for me considering I'm not even pushing it. In the end, I was able to easily hold that pace for the entire swim.

Anyway, I was surprised and excited about this swim... easily one of my best pool swims, especially considering that I wasnt pushing it.

Hope everyone is doing well!
2014-03-01 8:07 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Terry!!! Congratulations on your back to back Ultras, and if I EVER saw an alligator while running I would freak out!!!

John good to hearyoubare better and congrats on your race!

Will congrats on winning the I pod, and on your swim! and I think it is probably a good thing you didn't get into the race, since you won't be able to train while you are away, is that this week or next week that you are leaving?

Matt, sounds like you had a good run/ walk a few days ago.

Tony, looks like you are having lots of improvements in everything that is awesome!

Derek sorry to hear you had the flu and a rough one at that 5# is 24 hrs is not good......but it sounds like you bounced right back

Dirk hope you had a great time with your brother, and that is awesome that you have a coach for IMWI,

As for me I am recovering (week 2) of this sinus thing, it is much better but not quite gone. Considering this and some work issues, I only missed a swim and will be doing a makeup bike tomorrow so Iam feeling pretty good about that.

2014-03-01 9:19 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Will nice swim and yes I can finally say I know how that feels. I swam yesterday and my times are continuing to come down. I cannot believe it! Finally after like 3 years I am making the sort of break through that you experienced yesterday. I can tell because like you I am swimming easier and moving faster. My stroke is not feeling natural yet but I'm going to get there with it.

JoAnne sorry to hear that you've not been feeling well but it's good to see you be able to get your workouts done even though you've been working through a busy schedule. That is important, training consistently is the key to being ready for IMWI. The more you can stay with your trainin schedule the better off you will be.

My workouts have been very good lately. I got another really solid swim in yesterday morning and then I did a very tough 90 minute interval session. I swear the last 30 minutes seemed like an eternity. I did a 2x15, 1x5 @95-100% of FTP and then over 30 minutes at 80-85%. To be honest while the intervals are tough enough the last 30 minutes were killer. I was totally trashed after that. I'm planning on getting an hour of easy paced running in today. I have to work overnight tonight so I pushed my schedule up so I can take tomorrow off from training. I also thought we might be done with the snow and was hoping to get back on the trails but we are expecting another 6 to 12 inches of snow on Monday. I'm really hating winter right now, spring where are you? lol.
2014-03-01 3:14 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Hey folks, checking in. I didn't mention I was going away for vacation with the entire clan to Mexico. We were at the Mayan Riviera - the area just south of Cancun almost directly across from Cozumel. High of 85 every day, low of 68. Just like New Hampshire!

We had no internet or phone access, which was actually quite awesome, so I wasn't able to check in at all. I did get in some nice training sessions, though the entire family spent at least one day with stomach issues. My favorite part of the vacation was the trip my oldest son and I took to Chichen Itza - it's a Mayan ruins site and the main pyramid is one of the updated ancient wonders of the world.

One thing to come from the trip is that Kathy said if I ever choose to do an Ironman event she'd be in favor of IM Cozumel. I can't fathom doing 140.6 miles in that heat, humidity, and wind, but the scenery would be nice.

I'll catch up on the weeks postings and get back in the game.

2014-03-01 9:17 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Jo, I leave for Ecuador this Friday and will be over there 9 days. We will be doing some construction work to help people in poverty. We'll also be doing my favorite thing - telling people about Jesus. Gonna take some shoes and see if I can get a couple runs in...

I continue to be amazed by my training this year... even though I'm not currently on a plan, I continue to be stronger than I think I should be... The last 2 Saturday rides I have managed some solid efforts and even been able to keep up with the lead group (which I've never been able to do before). Today I did the first 1.5 hrs of my ride at almost 20 mph and that's with lots of hills. I guess all of that base from last year has really helped me.
2014-03-02 6:12 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Warren, I am a bit jealous right now and if you ever decide to do IM Cozumel I would do it with you, I would love to swim in tthat blue water

Will, that is awesome at you can take the kids there to help, my son went to Guatamala and Argentina, and they worked with the people who lived there, he said people from the US who think they are poor should go there then they migh appreciate what they have.....anyway have an amazing trip!!

We are having a team building at the salon today Pizza, cleanup and fun I am going to get a ride in before I go nd then my daughter and I are going to run after. We got another 4 or so inches of snow yesterday, ok....I am finally done with it all and am ready for some warm weather escpecially after warren posted about Mexico!!
2014-03-02 5:38 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
I am back from my hiatus in Ohio over the past couple of weekends. I had a great time with my brother and the rest of my family during the 2 trips over. The trips weren't without cost to my training but it was worth it. Last weeks training volume consisted of one swim session. I am planning to turn it back up this week and get closer to where I would like to be. Running however won't be part of the plan.

I have had a pretty horrible time this past week with my knee. I am not exactly sure what set me back but I was unable to walk for a while without some kind of pain in my knee. I tried to run tonight, after taking all of last week off, and I was able to run ily a mile before I felt like I needed to bag the run altogether. The pain from tonight's run is the "sweet spot" of my knee from past injuries. I'm not sure what my next moves will be but I am not going to give up on anything just yet.

I am glad to see that there has been a little less traffic in the group over the past couple of weeks. It means I have to read a lot less to catch up.

Warren, There will be no bragging about Cozumel! As we just got another 5-6 inches of snow last night and I am beginning to wonder if winter will ever end.
2014-03-03 6:25 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Warren welcome back and glad to hear that you had a great trip. Yes I've heard Cozumel is a great place for the family if you do the IM over there. The swim was pretty rough though a couple of years ago.

Will good luck and have a safe trip. Sounds like you're going to be pretty busy but it sounds like you don't have to worry much the way you've been swimming and riding. Enjoy the downtime and I hope you have a successful trip.

JoAnne I hope your team building event went well and you all had a great time. We got lucky over here it was so cold that the 6 to 12 inches of snow they were predicted for us wound up staying to the south. We just got a dusting but it is freezing here now. It seems like this winter is never going to end.

I got a great run in on Saturday outdoors no less. It was in the upper 30's, the sun was out but it was windy. I was supposed to do an easy paced run but I put the hammer down and ran just under 8 miles at under half marathon pace. I've definitely made some progress with improving my pace. I would not have been able to have done that last season. The swimming is also coming along as well. I swam the fastest 2000m set I think I've ever swam and the the good thing is I wasn't swim that hard for the duration. I was just too tired to otherwise I would have put in more distance and would have swam some harder sets. After 8 weeks of the outseason plan I'm making a little progress on all fronts.
2014-03-03 6:30 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

I am back from my hiatus in Ohio over the past couple of weekends. I had a great time with my brother and the rest of my family during the 2 trips over. The trips weren't without cost to my training but it was worth it. Last weeks training volume consisted of one swim session. I am planning to turn it back up this week and get closer to where I would like to be. Running however won't be part of the plan.

I have had a pretty horrible time this past week with my knee. I am not exactly sure what set me back but I was unable to walk for a while without some kind of pain in my knee. I tried to run tonight, after taking all of last week off, and I was able to run ily a mile before I felt like I needed to bag the run altogether. The pain from tonight's run is the "sweet spot" of my knee from past injuries. I'm not sure what my next moves will be but I am not going to give up on anything just yet.

I am glad to see that there has been a little less traffic in the group over the past couple of weeks. It means I have to read a lot less to catch up.

Warren, There will be no bragging about Cozumel! As we just got another 5-6 inches of snow last night and I am beginning to wonder if winter will ever end.

Dirk welcome back, glad to hear you got to spend some quality time with your family. I'm sorry to hear about your knee acting up on you. I hope your feeling better and that the knee is feeling better and soon. if you can't run but you can bike then keep biking.

2014-03-03 8:30 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

What's up Junkies??

Like Warren, I went on a vacation for all of February with my clan, aka - the voices in my head. Hahahaha.... just kidding, or am I?

After the marathon, I had a few other things landed on my plate which made for a very busy February. I did my best to keep up with my training plan, even though I was terrible at logging my workouts the past few weeks. And, I abandoned my watch and ignored my times for all my runs after the marathon in an effort to simply enjoy my runs and to listen to my body. Oddly enough, when I did get back into the pool, I realized that I have been able to maintain the distance. I was feeling decent about my swim, until I read Will's 2000 meter swim at that so not shabby pace. LOL!

Dirk - Glad to her about the coach for IMWI, I can only imagine how much you are going to be learning. Sorry to hear about the knee flare up.

Tony- thanks for posting the video about catch and pull , I found myself laying on the floor evaluating my hinge--- this is going to make some getting used to. I noticed the swimmers in the video are almost completely submerged when they are swimming. I know I do not look like that.


2014-03-03 8:36 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Ok, seriously who gets this work out done in 1hr 15m

WU: 400+ 3x200 with 20" rest

MS: 2x50 on back on 1:30

3x200 with 20" rest

2x50 back on 1:30

3x200 with 20" rest - descend each set of 200s. 100 easy swim

6x75 kick

600 pull

100 easy

Swim 12x75 (3 * 1st drill, 2nd Stroke, 3rd easy, 4th FAST) 20" rest ^

CD: 200 warm-down

? Any one?

I only had 45 minutes and made it to 1800 yds, I am officially ridiculously slow!

Warren, that trip to Mexico sounds great. The wife and I went there on a cruise back in the day, and also went to the ruins. Not sure if they were the same ones, because honestly at that point in my life I was more interested in the Mexican beer than a silly ruin . But they were pretty cool, especially the huge lizards that were running around everywhere. Those things looked like they have eaten a few tourists over the years. What was odd was the crazy bus ride 2hrs into the country side, at one point I thought it was going to take a large ransom to get us back to the boat.
2014-03-03 10:37 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Matt, yeah I know what you mean... I used a BT plan and NONE of the swim WO's were as short as they had them listed... ha
2014-03-04 4:26 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by Jo63

Will, that is awesome at you can take the kids there to help, my son went to Guatamala and Argentina, and they worked with the people who lived there, he said people from the US who think they are poor should go there then they migh appreciate what they have.....anyway have an amazing trip!!

I have been on 3 mission trips to Mexico and I can second the sentiments about poverty in America. People in the US have no idea what real poverty looks like and the poor here have many times what the poor in other country's lack. This is not to say that we don't have people who don't need things here, but the people of Mexico that I saw and worked with would have loved to have one light bulb.
2014-03-04 4:30 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by pistuo

Jo, I leave for Ecuador this Friday and will be over there 9 days. We will be doing some construction work to help people in poverty. We'll also be doing my favorite thing - telling people about Jesus. Gonna take some shoes and see if I can get a couple runs in...

I continue to be amazed by my training this year... even though I'm not currently on a plan, I continue to be stronger than I think I should be... The last 2 Saturday rides I have managed some solid efforts and even been able to keep up with the lead group (which I've never been able to do before). Today I did the first 1.5 hrs of my ride at almost 20 mph and that's with lots of hills. I guess all of that base from last year has really helped me.

Congrats on feeling the strength of all of last year's training. Remember last year when you were struggling all of those times you were base building and gaining fitness. Now you get the chance to rest when you choose and tackle hard workouts when you choose allowing for stronger performances more frequently. The adaptive processes have certainly been kind to you. Enjoy the speed!!

2014-03-04 4:41 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by jenbmosley

Tony- thanks for posting the video about catch and pull , I found myself laying on the floor evaluating my hinge--- this is going to make some getting used to. I noticed the swimmers in the video are almost completely submerged when they are swimming. I know I do not look like that.


You may not need to look like the people in the video. The most important thing to concentrate on is being parallel to the surface of the water as much as possible. A good position will create less drag, allow for faster speeds and reduce the fatigue on your body from fighting the water. However, I feel the best position is as close to the surface of the water as you can be while remaining in the above position. The more shallow you can swim the more likely you won't over rotate while breathing. While spending time rotating to take a breath is an obvious requirement it does slow you down. This why you'll see short course swimmers do "no breathers" for 50's and only take a few breaths for 100's.
2014-03-04 11:55 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
One of my favorite parts of the trips that I take kids on to third world countries is the exposure they get to other cultures. Africa is my favorite... it's life-changing because you get over there and are surrounded by people who literally have nothing and the avg age is like 30... and you would expect them to be very sad about their situation... but that's not what I've found. I've found a people that have no possesions but yet still have joy. They sing and dance and clap and are genuinely happy. And it's in this moment that I realize just how much we get our joy and happiness from our circumstances. There's is more pure and not tied to circumstance. God ambushes every person I've ever took over there and they are never the same.
Mexico is very similar, just not as extreme...
2014-03-04 11:59 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Dirk, you have a good point. I never pushed it in WO's last year b/c I was too worried about getting injured, straining a muscle, etc and having to miss WO's... now that I dont have a race on the schedule, I can go hard more often without worry...
2014-03-05 6:25 AM
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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Originally posted by pistuo One of my favorite parts of the trips that I take kids on to third world countries is the exposure they get to other cultures. Africa is my favorite... it's life-changing because you get over there and are surrounded by people who literally have nothing and the avg age is like 30... and you would expect them to be very sad about their situation... but that's not what I've found. I've found a people that have no possesions but yet still have joy. They sing and dance and clap and are genuinely happy. And it's in this moment that I realize just how much we get our joy and happiness from our circumstances. There's is more pure and not tied to circumstance. God ambushes every person I've ever took over there and they are never the same. Mexico is very similar, just not as extreme...


Loved reading this, Will.   Makes me want to go too.   I'll be praying for the "ambush" on each of you.  

Edited by bswcpa 2014-03-05 6:27 AM
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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