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2007-06-14 10:00 AM
in reply to: #633528

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Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
I'll be in Orlando for a conference from Sunday-Thursday. I'm taking my oldest son with me so we can play a little while we are there. Are you in Clearwater? I do have a rental car and if it's not too far would love to meet you for dinner one night.

2007-06-17 3:44 PM
in reply to: #633528

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Edited by betsy 2007-06-17 3:44 PM
2007-06-20 6:23 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-06-20 9:29 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Hey guys! Hey betsy!

I'm super busy in my internship, but I'm still trying to get out for runs and the occasional swim. My bike should be arriving here tomorrow, just in time for a weekend ride.

I've really been eating poorly. Too many treats (cookies, ice cream) and not enough hydration. What I could really use would be some sort of healthy-eating challenge (for life!) But maybe the way to go about it is one cumulative diet-related challenge per week. Like, next week, I should try to limit myself to one sugary dessert-treat a week. Like Friday or Saturday night, I could splurge for those cookies or a sundae. Or try to eat 4/7 lunches as some type of salad. Something like that.

Anyone else up for that sort of challenge? Other ideas?
2007-06-21 7:52 AM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-06-21 9:19 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
I'm in on this one and here's my advise....I don't believe in diets but I do believe in moderation, healthy choices and eating through out the day. I've learned to eat 5-7 times per day (healthy choices) and this keeps my metabalism working at all times (burn more calories) and it keeps my sugar levels even so I don't crave the pastries and sugar snacks. For women, it's important that we take a multi vitamin that's high in folic acid and calcium...the viative chews are best. I take an herb called barley grass to maintain my digestive system and keep my iron levels in check (can't take iron tablets.) Drink water, water and more water. I consume 88 ounces a day. Hydration is the best thing you can do for yourself and it helps flush out toxins. When I get tired of drinking plain water, I add a little Crystal Light to my bottle. It's all about balance and moderation. When your system is balanced you don't have the ups and downs of cravings, you have more energy and you don't feel deprived. The best advice I can give is DON'T starve yourself and do treat yourself at least once a week. I LOVE pastas and Italian food and I make sure to have it at least once a week...again, everything in moderation.

Some suggestions for health snacks during the day, I keep all of these things on hand:
bowl of oatmeal
10-14 natural whole almonds
apple with reduced sugar/fat peanut butter
dry cereal such as All-Bran with yogurt bites (sweet and filling)
raw vegetables with a low-cal dip
fresh fruit - as much as you want
dried fruit - watch the sugar
1-2 oz of cheese and whole wheat crackers
natural granola
Low fat yogurt (add granola for a more filling snack)

Also, eat your biggest meal at lunch so your body can properly digest and burn off the extra calories before bed time. Don't eat after 6:00 pm at night if at all possible, this will help you sleep better as well!

2007-06-22 4:13 PM
in reply to: #633528

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

Zoinks! Only 16 days until my first sprint. I'm flipping out w/ worry. I really need to get more outdoor cycling in before race day.  I printed out copies of the course maps so I can get out and practice on course ASAP.  (i live in the same city as the race site) Ugh.... i need some kind of checklist or something to go over before the big day that will reassure that I can do this-- All I want is to finish the course in 2hours (or less)

... 2:15 is the cutoff where they will actually pull your from the course. gulp. At the advice of a friend I changed my registration from Athena to Age Grouper... so I won't get whacked in the head in the water.....etc.... and will start in a wave, etc., oi veh.

any --first sprint race (ever) advice anyone wants to give?  I'm more than open to advice : )

My sprint is a: 750m OWS (some say the distance falls shy of 750m), a 15mi bike (hilly), & a 5K Run (two hills at the end!-mostly shaded course though).

2007-06-23 9:05 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Hey guys,

So, I've got some ankle-tendon pain in my right foot. Seems like I've graduated from ITB pain to this. Emailed my coach- he says I shouldn't run for 10 days. (UGH. It's seriously a death sentence.) But the timing is pretty good. I should get my bike from the shop here today... sometime...

Just thought I'd say haaaaay....

ifocus: re: 1st Sprint Triathlon

1. Don't even think about time. You'll be having fun, enjoying yourself, nervous, etc. But you'll still make it under the cutoff with plenty of time to spare. This is a race to thoroughly enjoy!

2. Make sure you do a LITTLE warm up before the race. If you can, swim. If not, maybe bike to the transition area if you live close by. Otherwise, just jog around a little bit to get your blood flowing. I find that helped me feel more calm and prepared mentally as well.

3. On a personal note: I found in both of my tri's, it was the first part of the swim that I had to be the strongest, mentally. It's the start of a race, your adrenaline's flowing, etc, --for me it was hard to breathe, I felt panicked, had no form, etc. If this happens to you, just remember to PUSH THROUGH. I tell myself while I'm swimming "It will feel better after 400 yards. Air is coming to my muscles now, my form is going to get better... this will get easy, I just have to push through till 400 yards."

4. WHAT TO BRING (from the back of my USAT card)...Some of it may not apply due to the nature of the race (i.e. if you don't have a timing chip system or don't use salt tablets, etc.)

-USAT membership card
-Photo ID
-Registration confirmation
-Race uniform
-Race numbers and timing chip
-Gels, energy bars, drinks, salt tablets
-Water bottle/s (filled!)
-Body glide
-Extra clothes
-Family & Friends to cheer you on

-Swim goggles (+1 extra, if possible)
-Swim cap (ditto)

-Bike shoes
-Socks or baby powder
-Spare tubes & CO2

-Running shoes
-Race belt
-Socks or baby powder

Good luck! You're going to do awesome!
2007-06-23 11:57 AM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-06-23 2:10 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

Hey everyone.....Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! I have drastically changed my eating habits. Started south beach phase 1 this week. Already lost 7lbs. My eating habits are similar those of a person who is dependent on alcohol. I know what I have to do, but, I have to change it drastically to get out of the downward spiral.

I have started running a couple miles at a time. Seems to go well. My hip butt pain is now gone, I gave it time to heal completely. Just trying to get back into a normal routine is hard. Did some swimming yesterday and it felt good. Time to make time to start back with the bricks. Since I fell off the horse the hardest part is climbing back on.

 Have a great weekend......xoxoxoxoxoxox

2007-06-30 11:59 AM
in reply to: #633528

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Edited by betsy 2007-06-30 12:07 PM

2007-07-01 12:17 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Okay! Betsy's right! Let's pick it back up! We have strong group dynamics... let's help each other reach our goals. (Boy, do I sound like a camp counselor or what?!)

I've got to set definite goals for myself, too. I hope they will compliment each other...

1) Maintain low volume of yoga/stretching. I've recovered (I think) from my ITB issues, mostly due to rest and stretching/yoga. I plan to continue yoga as a means to stay stretched and keep my muscles toned. (Plus, I like the calming, om-tastic benefits too.)

2) There's a half marathon coming up I'd like to run (comfortably) with my boyfriend... the race is at 7000feet, so that requires some special/new training for me.

3) I unfortunately missed my marathon this year, but Betsy's right. If I set the date, I'll be more motivated. I will pick a marathon, probably late 2007/early 2008 to race.

4) I've got my eyes set on finishing the SOMA 1/2 Ironman 2007. That's in October. Which means, I've got to kick it up into high gear NOW.

5) I would like to weigh just a little less, 133.7 would be my weight of choice. (Tell me if you know why!) I know I can achieve this if I watch my portions more carefully and limit my sweets. I'm not too far off either.

This group, I know, can definitely help me reach these goals.

What are yours!?

What can our group challenge/communal goal be?
2007-07-01 10:41 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

We closed on our house Friday and our new neighborhood has a gym that is included in our homeowner's association. The neighborhood is where my first triathlon was! We joked about it last year when it was Matt's first tri that we would buy a house there! I am excited b/c I will actually get to stay there for 2 weeks in July and 2 other weeks I will be at our current home!! Here are my July goals:

1. be a better BAMF'er and motivate my other team members!!

2. FIX this patella tendon - I am ditching my PT/Doctor and going to see another PT so I can get on with my life and I won't have to keep hearing, "you will probably have to have surgery." Ok, I am off my soap box.

3. START jogging again - have to attain goal #2 first.

4. Start lifting weights and back to my core workout.

5. Get into a stretching routine.

6. Eat better - why is it that we are six months into the year and going back to sweets?? I got an ice cream cake for my b'day 2 weeks ago and that thing is SO good....


2007-07-02 9:46 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
I'M BACK and so refreshed. A vacation was just what the dr. ordered. I was in Orlando part of the time and then flew in Wednesday, packed up the RV and headed out to the piney woods of East Texas to camp with the family. Call me crazy but jet lag wasn't bad and my training this spring and summer gave me all the energy I needed to keep going. Anyway, here was my training for the week:

Orlando training sessions:

Swim - for fun at the resort (hit the hot tub every night)
Bike - RODE roller coasters and water rides...does this count?
Run - walked my legs off at the convention during the day and at the theme parks at night


Swim - in the lake and paddled a canoe for an hour (talk about upper body work out)
Bike - watched my boys ride their bikes and then took a long nap in the RV
Run - hiked 4 miles along the trails for 2 days in a row

I'm back on track for some real training this month. I have one more tri on August 5th and I might completed an Olypic in the fall if I can work it out. Here are my goals:

1. Get back to 4 days of training to include 2-3 swim work outs a week
2. Increase my running distance, I'm stuck at 3 mile runs and I need to re-incorporate sprints (I dread sprints!)
3. Keep working on my swim and endurance. I've lost a little ground since the Danskin Tri
4. Change up my gym's getting boaring and demotivating.
5. Stay positive and keep balance in my life
2007-07-03 9:28 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Hey BAMFs!

Work is going very well this week... I've made a lot of progress on my math/computer model of a protein pathway involved in lung cancer. Feels good to finally gain some ground!

This confidence, I can tell, has flooded my workouts, because I picked an event to "race" in Massachusetts! (Wild Fish 1 Mile open water swim! --see my training log for link)

I need more practice, but I know I can swim the distance, it just isn't very fast or comfortable yet. But this goal will definitely get me to the pool more often... and I get a T-shirt
2007-07-07 7:58 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Hey Betsy's Awesome Male and Females!! :D

Just so you remember how absolutely HARDCORE we are:

Good job training!!!

2007-07-08 2:39 PM
in reply to: #633528

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs


Ok... so today

 I officially became a triathlete!

I completed my first sprint

my times weren't spectacular but I did it.. and that was the goal to complete. RR will be filed tomw night after official times are posted. and I'll put in all the juicy details ya'll crave hehehe.. along w/ a few race pics + silly stuff.

Great Video C! I've seen it b4 but I love it.... all time great clip...

Great Video C! I've seen it b4 but I love it.... all time great clip

2007-07-08 2:57 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

Dana, congrats! Thats awesome. Best feeling in the world.

Hey everyone! I'm still in Europe, we're in Oxford for the time being but we travel so much its really hard to get internet time! I have been reading all the inspires yall have left (thanks Betsy) and through the forum a little bit, I sure missed yall!

I'm glad to see all these tri's being completed! I'm so jealous.

So, in case you don't remember, I couldn't bring my bike and have only once found a pool so I have become a runner! finally! Its been AWESOME. I will go back one day hopefully and fill in my log even, thats probably far-fetched though, lol. I have been following Galloway's plan so every other day I walk at least 30 mins but my runs have come soooooo far. I've gotten up to a 7 mile run (I walk for a min or so at the end of each mile, gives me something to look forward to). The hardest part by far has been the consistancy of it...I was never very good at that and its working out pretty well....I'm happy when its time for a run now, esp. if its a short run day. I run about 12 ish miles a week...I guess thats not so far when I put it down on paper but its about 11 miles a week more than I was doing! I miss my bike more than anything but I'm loving not having a choice about it---its run or nothing. That used to get me out of workouts all the time, planning one thing, missing it, not doing anything.

On the trip I've also become a vegeterian...I haven't had red meat in a year or so but now I've dropped everything except fish and shrimp too. It sure is cheaper! Don't worry, I take care to get enough protein. I just got over a cold and missed a couple runs but I've been making it up. I've got renewed motivation lately. I'm doing a half marathon in early Dec. and then the Disney marathon Jan 13. I'm so nervous. Its all I think about when I'm running. I can't wait to cross the finish line.

Anyways, I just wanted to pop in and say hey and let yall know that even though this log is blank, I have several pages of logs here on paper!

I miss yall!
2007-07-09 4:34 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-07-13 2:09 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-07-13 5:28 PM
in reply to: #633528

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs


okay i finally wrote my race report yest;also loaded up a photo album in my personal album of the race. read it & weep!

2007-07-16 10:45 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Making noise........GO BMF's!!!!! I struggled last week and then got a migrain Thursday that I just could not shake. However, I recovered and ran Saturday, Sunday and swam this morning. I'm headed out for a family vacation to the beach on Wednesday but plan to run at least 2 mornings and I'm taking my bike....there's nothing better then riding on Beach Blvd next to the surf!

My next tri is August 5th but I'm not as ready as I want to own fault for slacking this month. I'll have 2 full weeks to hit it hard before the event. Betsy, you are a racing fool, ready your log and I'm impressed. I think August is my last event for the season. I do want to run a 10k this fall so I might switch my training focus to longer distance runs. This was one of my 2007 goals and I want to knock it out before the end of the year.

Keep posting and logging!
2007-07-24 7:35 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Hey team!!! WHERE's EVERYBODY!!!

I sucked it up and registered for my first ocean swim. It's a 1 mile up in Salem, Mass. My goal is to finish. Time is not an issue, although I would like to be sub-40:00. I am not a fast swimmer, and I will be without a wetsuit. Water temp is predicted to be high 60's. (Nationals, in which I was gasping even in a wetsuit was low-60s.) It will be cold, but tolerable, I think.

Really, I'm in it for the shirt.

Also, sad that I couldn't register for a sprint Tri up here-- my family is visiting me that weekend. It's bittersweet. My teammates have had great race schedules back in AZ, so I'll be a bit behind, but my boyfriend is keeping me excited about running this half marathon with him.

What do you guys know about elevation training as far as running goes?? What differences should I feel/see in my performance at sea level vs. 7000 feet, and how much elevation training do I need to minimize that difference? Thoughts?

Keep it up, guys, don't lose momentum. Something small every day. Even taking the stairs. )
2007-07-24 8:27 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-07-25 8:20 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Not sure about elevation training either but I'm sure you can google it.

I have 2 weeks until my next sprint tri. I'm going to do it because I've commited to the race but I'm not where I want to be as far as training. I'm planning to get on the saddle this weekend and run on Saturday. My focus this week is swimming and conditioning. I will say that I'm ready for a break. Having an event to look forward to keeps me motivated but I want to get back to enjoying my workouts and change things up a little. I'm thinking about signing up for a spin class and try my hand at Pilates as well.

What's going on with everyone else? Sign on and let us know.

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