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2007-07-10 8:29 PM
in reply to: #878843

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

grnidone - 2007-07-10 9:38 AM I just saw a swimming plan that has different strokes, and patterns and... all I've been doing is swimming. If the plan says to swim for 39 minutes, thats what I do. Crawl for 39 minutes. I sometimes stop at the end of the lane and take a minute or so break to catch my breath, but other than that, I just...swim. Oh. And since I don't know how to 'flip' at the end of the lane, I usually just swim to the end of the lane, touch it, stand up, punch my lap counter thing and then turn around and start swimming again. Am I training wrong?

Hope not, since that is really what I do too!

2007-07-10 9:50 PM
in reply to: #878843

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Waco, Texas
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
grnidone - 2007-07-10 9:38 AM

And since I don't know how to 'flip' at the end of the lane, I usually just swim to the end of the lane, touch it, stand up, punch my lap counter thing and then turn around and start swimming again.

Most open water swims don't have walls where you can flip turn, anyway! My old coach used to say "just swim"...I think b/c I have a tendency to complicate everything by thinking too much ... is it the right kind? Is it enough? Is it too much...... He was on to me! So, just swim, says I.
2007-07-10 10:42 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Hello everyone!  I'm back from vacation.  We were up in northern Minnesota at my Dad's home town.  It was a blast, but it's good to be home.  I got a little bit of training in, plus other stuff that I guess counts as exercise, like water skiing.  I did a couple OWS in the lake, and did a 5k on the 4th.  My time was 19:59, and I got 2nd in my age group.

I hope everyone is doing well! 

2007-07-11 6:07 AM
in reply to: #880452

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
It is soooo hot and humid here. How do you people work out in Texas in the summer time? I feel like one of the "sea cow" manatees in FL....
2007-07-11 6:56 AM
in reply to: #880452

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
erjellum - 2007-07-10 11:42 PM

Hello everyone!  I'm back from vacation.  We were up in northern Minnesota at my Dad's home town.  It was a blast, but it's good to be home.  I got a little bit of training in, plus other stuff that I guess counts as exercise, like water skiing.  I did a couple OWS in the lake, and did a 5k on the 4th.  My time was 19:59, and I got 2nd in my age group.

I hope everyone is doing well! 

Welcome back!  Still plodding along here...

2007-07-11 7:09 AM
in reply to: #880514

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

grnidone - I think swim training can be as simple as what you are doing, or as complicated as you want it to be. There are tons of swim plans that have drills and time limits and what nots, or you can just go out in get your yardage in. I think it depends on where you are at and where you want to go.

kriscrn - Glad to see you settled! What part of Texas are you in?

erjellum - Grats on the run time in the 5k! That is my run time just about for a mile. :-P

gator22 - I live in Hotlanta so if outdoor workouts I go early morning or evening or indoors with the AC... or suck it up and go outside and hydrate lots.

2007-07-11 8:25 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED


I'm just outside Dallas. So far it seems like a nice place to live; everyone has been very friendly and welcoming.

Training is a serious issue though. It is so hot and humid (the humidity is unusal for this area, but not the heat) I can't imagine how I'm going to get outside to train. (Hubby is still working in PA for a few more months, and I'm not quite at the point where I feel like I can leave my two kids alone...they're 11 and 8)

I'm planning on going to tour two gyms near me to join up. I really need to get back into my routine.

2007-07-11 8:32 AM
in reply to: #880514

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Waco, Texas
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
gator22 - 2007-07-11 6:07 AM

It is soooo hot and humid here. How do you people work out in Texas in the summer time? I feel like one of the "sea cow" manatees in FL....

Here was the joke on me, as a Texas resident. My husband graduated from Texas Tech University in Lubbock. I had lived in the panhandle of Texas most of my life. It gets hot during the day, but the mornings and evenings in the summer are relatively pleasant, sometimes requiring a light jacket. The sunsets, if the wind isn't blowing, are spectacular. On a good day, again, if the wind isn't blowing, you can look out across the plains and see the back of your own head. Rainbows can be doubles, after a rainstorm, and the sky is breath-taking. So, spouse person graduated and he took the job he was offered in Waco....where we have loads of religious fanatics. I was overwhelmed by the trees and the grass and the green. Down here, we have four seasons, according to my spousal unit, and they are as follows: fall (consists of lots of rain), spring (consists of lots of rain), summer (consists of lots of mosquitos with aggression issues), hell (where the evening low is 88 and the humidity stays in the high 70s during the day with temps that can soar into the low 100's, but by the grace of Murgatroy, stay in the mid 90's), and finally, the last of summer. My mom still lives in the panhandle of Texas and now I know what she means when she says "But, it's a dry heat"....I miss that!
2007-07-11 8:37 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Heat is tough--I usually am complaining about the rain--but today's going to hit 98 degrees here. Few folks have air conditioning in their homes, so we do a lot of laying around and sweating. I will be at the lake after my bike ride, where I was all day yesterday. I guess that's a good way to work out-swim! Luckily it isn't humid, then I would really be whining.

I met a friend from BT (ScotInSeattle) at my in-law's and swam last night. It was my first time meeting someone from this board, and it was fun. We spent too much time talking, but had a nice swim anyway! Send her some inspires if you are bored. (Send me some, too... ) She's really cool and a good swimmer, too.....I have a lot of swimming to do in order to get fast!!!! Yes, she kicked my butt.

It's nice having everyone back on board again, home from vacations and moved.....and it's the heart of tri season. Is there anyone doing a race this weekend?
2007-07-11 8:46 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Glad to hear everyone is doing well.. and erjellum - a sub 20min 5k is awesome. You were flying! Congrats.

I have yet another race this weekend.. a sprint in Montauk LI. It's a little longer than last weekend's sprint - and I hear even has some hills. I'm going to push it hard and see what I can do. Weather looks like it will pretty good - not too hot! If only I didn't have to get up at 4 in the morning on a weekend I know I could do better!

After this weekend I can finally get back to 'real' training instead of this weird perpetual taper that I've been doing for weeks now. It will actually be nice to get long sessions in again.

Anyone else racing this weekend? Who in the group still has their first Tri coming up?

2007-07-11 8:52 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

"weird perpetual taper"  That made me laugh! Laughing

I still haven't done one.  Early on I thought it would take until August until I was ready.  Then just like that, our summer got locked up, and even though I would have loved to do one in June or July, there's not a weekend available.  At least the training is fun!

I even had to push back the one I planned in August.  So now I'm booked for 8/26 and 9/16 for two sprints, and a 10k on 9/30.  Next year will be different...

2007-07-11 9:30 AM
in reply to: #880652

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
kriscrn - 2007-07-11 8:25 AM


I'm just outside Dallas. So far it seems like a nice place to live; everyone has been very friendly and welcoming.

Training is a serious issue though. It is so hot and humid (the humidity is unusal for this area, but not the heat) I can't imagine how I'm going to get outside to train. (Hubby is still working in PA for a few more months, and I'm not quite at the point where I feel like I can leave my two kids alone...they're 11 and 8)

I'm planning on going to tour two gyms near me to join up. I really need to get back into my routine.

Be careful when choosing a gym!  I got stuck in a 3 year contract at a gym that saved my $2 a month.  They just said, "Here, sign this.  It will save you a couple bucks a month."  Yeah, it was a binding contract.  Luckily, I started teaching spin class there and they let me out of the contract.  Otherwise it would have costed a fortune!

2007-07-11 9:44 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

It IS really great to see everyone back on board!  I am so glad to see everyone doing so well!  You guys really are inspirational!  You should all be so very proud of yourselves!

OK, so....I have a tiny confession to make to you all.  I am sorry that this didn't come earlier, but the past few months have been a bit of a mess.  I haven't been much of a mentor lately nor have I been setting a good example in my training.  But here is why:  My husband and I decided to go our separate ways and get a divorce.  I will save you all the details, but I am okay now and will be going forward.  I hope to be back on track and up to par soon.  And I will do my best to keep track of your progress like a proper mentor should.

You guys all really do kick @$$!  Its so cool to see how you all progress over time!  I promise to be more involved around here!  Thanks to everyone for your patience!

2007-07-11 10:15 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Hey Robyn,

No need to apologize for anything at all!  You've done a great job for 6 months(!) now stepping up and answering questions and offering advice all the time.  Even look throughout this thread since May, and you'll see that you haven't let anyone down!

No matter what, everyone (including you) needs to take care of their own lives first.  Then hopefully you're able to continue this very time consuming lifestyle - then as an added bonus, maybe help others through this website, this forum, and even live with your friends!

I've enjoyed all this time and have learned a lot from you! 


P.S. Now shut up and train! Laughing

2007-07-11 10:27 AM
in reply to: #880911

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
willie05 - 2007-07-11 10:15 AM

P.S. Now shut up and train! Laughing

Thanks, Bob!  You rock!

^^^ and I am getting some help with that.

2007-07-11 3:06 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED


I'm sorry to hear about your personal trials, and I'd like to remind you that taking care of yourself is much more important than taking care of us. BUT, I want to say that I think you've been a very supportive and helpful mentor. I know I've really appreciated all of your advice and experience, and I'm sure everyone else feels the same way.


2007-07-11 4:21 PM
in reply to: #880664

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Lubbock, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
vmax3000 - 2007-07-11 8:32 AM

gator22 - 2007-07-11 6:07 AM

It is soooo hot and humid here. How do you people work out in Texas in the summer time? I feel like one of the "sea cow" manatees in FL....

Here was the joke on me, as a Texas resident. My husband graduated from Texas Tech University in Lubbock.

Wreck 'em Tech!!!!! (sorry I couldn't resist...its in my blood).

Edited by erhoffma 2007-07-11 4:24 PM
2007-07-11 4:38 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Lubbock, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Robyn - Hope everything gets better! I think you've done a great job on here and I really do appreciate all of your help and advice.

A couple questions for everyone who is willing to give me a little advice:

1) I talked to a girl in my program at school who is a year under me. I happened to see her at the buffalo springs tri and we now talk on a regular basis about tri stuff, as we are both newbies. And she is doing a tri in September in Amarillo(about 2 hours away). Its a short sprint(400m/10mile/5K) and the benefits go to Children's Miracle Network(the type of kiddos I am super passionate about helping when I get out of school). Anyway...its a month before the tri I am registered for in Austin. Should I tri it??? I'm on a 5 month plan and the last month is an extra volume builder. I've done the distances for the swim and bike and I should accomplish the run distance this week. Suggestions????

2) My litte brother came to visit with my family last week, he's 10, almost 11. When he came I was shocked to see how much weight he'd gained...hes probably 5'5" and close to 150...hes a chunk to say the least. Well I guess he was interested when he looked at all of our books, and pictures from my husband's tri, and heard our stories because hes been asking my mom about kids triathlons. I'm going to send them the couch to sprint training plan and get them to start there...I doubt they will get into it but my mom sounds interested too(which would be great for her too, I'd venture to guess she's nd at least 75lbs overweight). Anyway I was just wondering if there were many Kid specific tris and if training would be any different for an overweight kiddo versus us adults???

Edited by erhoffma 2007-07-11 4:39 PM
2007-07-11 6:59 PM
in reply to: #881958

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

erhoffma - 2007-07-11 4:38 PM Robyn - Hope everything gets better! I think you've done a great job on here and I really do appreciate all of your help and advice. A couple questions for everyone who is willing to give me a little advice: 1) I talked to a girl in my program at school who is a year under me. I happened to see her at the buffalo springs tri and we now talk on a regular basis about tri stuff, as we are both newbies. And she is doing a tri in September in Amarillo(about 2 hours away). Its a short sprint(400m/10mile/5K) and the benefits go to Children's Miracle Network(the type of kiddos I am super passionate about helping when I get out of school). Anyway...its a month before the tri I am registered for in Austin. Should I tri it??? I'm on a 5 month plan and the last month is an extra volume builder. I've done the distances for the swim and bike and I should accomplish the run distance this week. Suggestions???? 2) My litte brother came to visit with my family last week, he's 10, almost 11. When he came I was shocked to see how much weight he'd gained...hes probably 5'5" and close to 150...hes a chunk to say the least. Well I guess he was interested when he looked at all of our books, and pictures from my husband's tri, and heard our stories because hes been asking my mom about kids triathlons. I'm going to send them the couch to sprint training plan and get them to start there...I doubt they will get into it but my mom sounds interested too(which would be great for her too, I'd venture to guess she's nd at least 75lbs overweight). Anyway I was just wondering if there were many Kid specific tris and if training would be any different for an overweight kiddo versus us adults???

Question 1 - Do what you are comfortable doing.  Do push yourself too hard because you risk injury.  Personally, that is a really short sprint and I think you would probably be fine... but you need to be consistent in your training.  Get your volume up there and you would probably be just fine.

Question 2 - Yes, there are LOTS of kids triathlons, especially in Texas.  Go to and see what they have there!

As for the training thing, kids need to be especially careful when they exercise because they are still growing.  I am still suffering from the effects of too much exercise as a kid.... I have Osgood Schlaughter's disease in my knees and it still bugs me from time to time.  Just keep him on a plan that obeys the 10% rule and he should be okay.  And once mom gets involved and sees all the excitement that comes with tri-ing, she might catch the bug too!

2007-07-11 8:15 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

I think you can do that sprint in Sep.  You can even treat it as training for your race in October.

Regarding your nephew, I completely agree with Robyn.  There are even a couple of kids ones here in Pittsburgh - I believe that's one more than adult tri's.  However, in addition to the training, they need to have a serious look at why he got that way in the first place and change that behaviour.  Is it TV, games, or just bad eating?  Unless that changes, the training isn't going to help. 

If they take care of that stuff and start on the training, he'll do great and be very proud of himself!

2007-07-12 9:38 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

So who is racing this weekend?!?!?

I AM!!!!  My first race since the marathon in April!  Chris Brown Duathlon!  I did this race last year and I am interested to see how I do.  I was training A LOT during this time last year, but I think I am faster now than I was.  I plan to just go out, give it hell, and see what happens.  Hopefully it will be enough to get me moving for HIM training!

I need a serious kick in the @$$.

2007-07-12 10:03 AM
in reply to: #882650

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Lubbock, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Good Luck Robyn!!! Give 'em hell!!
2007-07-12 11:58 AM
in reply to: #882650

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
If you win, Aaron will sing some of his favorite Neil Diamond songs on the trainer!!!
2007-07-12 1:17 PM
in reply to: #883032

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

gator22 - 2007-07-12 11:58 AM If you win, Aaron will sing some of his favorite Neil Diamond songs on the trainer!!!

I want to train with you guys one of these days.  Neil Diamond sucks.


2007-07-12 1:21 PM
in reply to: #883032

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

gator22 - 2007-07-12 12:58 PM If you win, Aaron will sing some of his favorite Neil Diamond songs on the trainer!!!

I'm glad you posted this after my ride.  I would have fallen off my bike from boredom if any of his songs popped into my head! Laughing

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