BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks! Rss Feed  
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2008-03-25 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1291739

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Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!

teresa - 2008-03-25 10:47 AM There was an interesting talk at my tri club meeting last night. After a nutrition talk, a dentist spoke. He was raised in a family of dentists and had no cavities until he started training for triathlons. Within a year he had 10. Nothing changed in his diet so he did some research and discovered a trend of an increase in cavities in endurance athletes due to the slow infusion of sports drinks. A gatoraid has 8 tsps of sugar. Sipping on that adding shot bloks and in 1 hour you have coated your teeth with 14 tsps of sugar. Multiply that by multi hour workouts and the bacteria in your mouth are having a hayday. His suggestions were to chew gum during long rides with xylitol being the first ingredient. Xylitol increases your saliva production which is your natural defense against mouth bacteria. Next, drink your sports drinks quickly instead of sipping on them. Eat your electrolyes if you can and always rinse with plain water after you drink or eat carbs (sugar). There you go..great tips to keep your pearly whites gleaming at the finish line


Cool stuff, Teresa!  I would have never guessed!! 

2008-03-25 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1098972

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
That is amazing. I never would have guessed. Even my teeth get a workout.
2008-03-25 6:51 PM
in reply to: #1098972

Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
Hello All,
I need your advice again. I need to know what I should do as far as training goes for the week before my Du. I will be out of town the first part of the week. I plan to take my two teenagers camping in the mountains. Considering their ages, I don't think I will have many more opportunities to go camping and hiking with them. When I return, I don't know how much running or biking, if any, I should do before my event.

Your comments are very helpful.
2008-03-25 8:38 PM
in reply to: #1293290

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Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!

colewarren - 2008-03-25 7:51 PM Hello All, I need your advice again. I need to know what I should do as far as training goes for the week before my Du. I will be out of town the first part of the week. I plan to take my two teenagers camping in the mountains. Considering their ages, I don't think I will have many more opportunities to go camping and hiking with them. When I return, I don't know how much running or biking, if any, I should do before my event. Your comments are very helpful. Cole

Heya, have fun camping! 

Tapering.  The reading that I've done have indicated that you want to maintain the intensity level that you're accustomed to training at.  But the distance is shortened.  You want to give modest levels of stress to the various systems involved without taxing them to the degree that you're breaking down the body.

The day before, I'd suggest something like 15 minutes of each discipline.  Moderate pace, but enough to get the heart rate up to a moderate level. 

Basically, don't go near your long distances for either event.  Don't go high intensity in either event.  Do go at a moderate pace in each event.

Hope this helps!

2008-03-25 10:32 PM
in reply to: #1098972

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
Thanks Cole,
I am glad you brought this up. I was logging on to ask the same question. Have fun camping.
2008-03-26 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1098972

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Lake Tahoe, CA
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
Hi All,

I've had some opportunities arise for me this summer that will force me to invest time that I would otherwise invest in training. For this reason, I have chosen to scrap my race. I'll keep working out to some degree, but not at race level. It's taken me a week to finally arive at this decision.

It's been really great, and I hope some of you are still here next year.


2008-03-26 1:17 PM
in reply to: #1098972

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
I am really sorry to see you go. It is tough to fit the workouts in when things get hectic. I wish you all the best and hopefully we will see you back here later.
2008-03-27 7:32 AM
in reply to: #1294176

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Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!


I'm sorry to see that you've been forced to make these decisions.  Racing can be very encompassing.  But whether you race or not, I do hope that you realize that this is a lifestyle, being active and fit.  It is part of who you are versus what you want to try to do.

Not sure if that makes sense or not.  But regardless, best of luck to you with everything. 

2008-03-27 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1098972

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Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!

So sorry you had to choose between real life and triathlon life. I'm sure you made the right choice for yourself and keep up what you can. Have a great summer (how can you not in Tahoe)

2008-03-27 5:35 PM
in reply to: #1098972

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
Hi Ridge and group,
Just another question. As I sit here struggling through tapering (It is tough not to go out and do too much) I am wondering how to handle the next stage of training. After this duathlon I will go back to working out like I have been except for one issue, at what point do I say that I am doing enough mileage wise and should just work on going a little faster or working on technique etc? I rode 50 miles last weekend on my bike and ran 13.5 miles the week before. Do I keep pushing the mileage up or do I say good enough and just try to do better at those distances? Any advice is much appreciated. It feels really early in the year to be asking this question but I want to try and train the way I should. Thanks for your help.
2008-03-27 8:25 PM
in reply to: #1298487

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Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!

Scott, a good question.  And I'll respond with a few questions.

1)  What length races do you want to do?

2)  How much more training time do you reasonably have?

3)  How is your body taking the training volume/intensity that you've been putting in?

2008-03-27 10:24 PM
in reply to: #1098972

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
Hi Ridge,
My work is very flexible so I am up for whatever as far as time goes. So far I have signed up for two duathlons, one sprint in May that I am doing alone, two olys that I am letting my wife do the swimming (I am trying to get her hooked as well) Then I have a sprint and a oly at the end of summer. We are also trying out some 5k and 10k runs so my wife can get her feet wet running as well in a comfortable way. (Yep I am looking for a bike for her as well. This stuff is addicting. I have also lost over 50# and she likes that too) There is a half Ironman in July but this being my first year I am not sure I will be up for that. The idea is exciting but I still haven't gotten my feet wet so to speak. My body was feeling trashed every day. Since I have adopted the LSD training method, my body feels great and my distances have comfortably stretched out pretty quickly. I feel like I am not pushing myself nearly as hard and yet the results are coming a lot more quickly.
2008-03-28 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1298912

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Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!


Thats great that you have that much control over your schedule.  Defintely a huge help!

A few thoughts come to mind regarding training. 

1) Listen to your body.  And your heart.  Your body will tell you if its ok with what you're putting it through.  It seems that since you've cut back on your pace that you've really had good success with training effectively.  It would seem that you could reasonably go for more. 

If thats what you really want to do.  Some people are just thrilled doing sprints.  Others want the increased challenge of Olys, HIM, and ultimately IM.  Thats a call that you and your wife need to make.  I do think that you're smart to keep it to the sprints and olys your first year.   It takes a whole lot longer than most people realize to build up the endurance for even an Oly, much less a HIM. 

I guess my thought is to get some experience with doing tris and dus this year.  And as you continue this LIFESTYLE of fitness and health over the next year, if then you decide you want to go longer (HIM+), then you'll have a much better background to do that. 

But ultimately, listen to your body.  And listen to your heart.

2008-03-28 9:02 AM
in reply to: #1098972

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
Sounds good. I think I will continue with shorter distances during the week and longer on the weekends. Would it help to be doing different workouts on the same day? Right now I just swim,bike run on alternate days and rest on day seven. (Except for the last two weeks since I have just been focusing on a duathlon)
Thanks again for your help.
2008-03-29 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1098972

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
Well I got it done. Got the first DU under my belt. It was a lot of fun and I think the best part was thinking after I finished that only a couple of months ago I couldn't have even come close to finishing. It was also a little intimidating at first to see some of the people and their set ups but then I remembered I was there to have fun, not go pro and just enjoyed looking at what everyone had. The course itself was on the hilly side and had pretty much no flat sections. Well thanks again for all of the encouragement. It is fun to know I have people rooting for me. I have my general info on my page but the details aren't posted yet so when they are I will pass that on also.
P.S. I thanked every volunteer as I went by. They were very friendly.

P.P.S. I love the LSD style of training! Thanks Ridge.
2008-03-30 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1098972

Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
In my training, I have practiced biking and then running. I have rarely practiced running and then biking. I was wondering if you had any trouble with the first transition from running to biking. I appreciate the information you have posted about your race. I have certainly benefitted from this group's experiences. I am currently looking forward to my duathlon next Sunday, and will be smiling and happy even if I come in last. Currently, there is no forecast for snow.

I am headed to the mountains to go camping tomorrow. I hope the rain stops or we will all be soggy.

2008-03-30 8:06 PM
in reply to: #1098972

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
Hi Cole and everyone,
First let me say that we had snow the night before our DU and it was 29 degrees at the start...the race went anyway. As far as the transition goes the transition from run to bike was almost but not quite as hard as bike back to run. Basically my quads just protested a little. Not sure if this is right but what I did after each transition was go slower. The first 3 miles on the bike were about 12 mph. I just tried to allow myself time to settle in to the bike and work out of the transition. I also went slower on the first 1/4 of the last run and it seemed to help. One thing I did learn though is that I will be doing a lot more bricks before my next DU. WHen I came in from the bike I was shaking so bad I almost knocked over the bike rack. My body was just not used to it and so that and just increasing my training distance before the next race are my two goals.

As far as finishing last. I had a big phobia about this before last saturday. A racer came in so late that he came in the middle of them handing out the awards. He almost ran around the finish line to save the embarrasement and just keep going to his car. We made him finish and I seriously have a lot more respect for him than for the "natural" athletes that blew my doors off by 25 minutes. His effort made me not mind finishing last anymore.

I hope this helps. Have fun on your camping trip. Don't you come back to a race?
2008-03-31 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1098972

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Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
Congrats, Scott,
Just finishing is a pretty amazing feeling, isn't it!?! Good job and what is up with this snow?? I ran yesterday in hail, snow and sunshine. CRAZY! Outstanding and keep up the good work.

I have my first tri in 12 days in Las Vegas and am totally freaked out about swimming in open water which I haven't done this year yet (snow, etc). Did alot last year, but not in an event of this size. Any pointers from the pros? Is it bad form to wait for everyone to go first? Is crying allowed??


Edited by teresa 2008-03-31 9:10 AM
2008-03-31 9:46 AM
in reply to: #1098972

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
The nice thing about crying at an event is you can write it off as sweat from your eyes I hear you are going to be at bloomsday. Is that true?
2008-03-31 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1098972

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Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
Yes, doing Bloomsday since it is the day after my birthday. Keep me sober since each birthday I feel the need to drink more and more. This sport does wonders for the liver as well as the rest of you since I am too tired to drink!!
2008-04-01 7:37 AM
in reply to: #1098972

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Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!

OK Everyone!  March is over and April is here.  Time for the (public) checkin to see how everyone is doing.  What went well last month?  What did not?  Whats your goal for April?

I'll start.  March was dominated by a foot injury that I suffered in late February.  The initial injury spot seems to be healed, but now I'm left with Plantar Fasciitis.  I have no idea how long this will take to resolve.  I've had it before, and its no fun. 

Because of my foot, I did minimal running in March.  I also did only a little biking.  Once the foot got well enough, I could bike.  But then I aggravated my knee.  An old injury that pops up every now and then. 

So thats the bad news.  The good news is that my swimming has really come on.  I've taken time that had been going to running and moved much of it to the gym.  My upper body is a lot stronger than it was 6 weeks ago.  And its showing up in my swimming.  I averaged a 1:47 per 100 meter pace in late January during the Postal Swim.  Last week, I swam a 1500 meter time trial in 25:25, or a 1:41/100 meter pace. 

I've also been able to stay active.  Despite the injuries, I only had 2 off days in March.  One can almost always find something to do. 

For April, it looks like much of the same.  I need to get my foot healthy.  My knee too.  With the weather finally turnign positive, I hope to get out and ride some.  And I'll continue my swimming.

2008-04-01 8:19 AM
in reply to: #1098972

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
Well lets see,
March was definately a learning month for me. Between LSD and my first DU I have had to change a lot of things. I know more now about what I need to work on and get better at.

For April I am going to continue to slowly increase mileage some but also work on routes that I usually do and try to work a little on going faster. My race pace was a whole lot faster than my training pace and I feel like I need to meet the two somewhere in the middle.

I also wrote out my training plan for the month instead of shooting from the hip everyday. Now I know what I need to do everyday to reach my goals.

I have also really enjoyed the tri training and my first race and am clearing some other things out of life so I can focus more on training. My family is also getting involved so that is fun.

One last thing I am going to try and do for April is go to a couple of clinics. I know I have improvements to make on my technique and it is tough to do that alone. I have a swimming clinic where they video you under water etc. Should be helpful. There is also a tri101 class that I am going to take. Hmmm guess I am hooked.

Oh yeah and I want to continue to lose weight. I am trying to take that slowly because I want to keep feeding my training but I know another 30 lbs would help my race enjoyability as much as anything.

Guess there are only 30 days this month so I will stop there.

Edited by holt1997 2008-04-01 8:20 AM
2008-04-01 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1307256

Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
March came in like a lamb, but out like a lion for my training ;0)

A recurring chest cold or flu that I could not seem to kick effectively stopped my for a week+ last month, and more for the swimming. I was afraid that being cold and wet for an hour would only bring back my cold. Second half of the month was great though. After the time change, having sun for a few hours in the evening made exercising much easier, and the weather is finally warming here so I can comfortably run outside. Might even get in some outdoor biking this weekend if the snow melts a bit this week. (Supposed to be a balmy 8 degrees and sunny on Thursday, I can't wait.)

I had set workout goals for last month which I did not achieve, but if you factor in the fact that I lost an entire week, then I am happy with the results. I managed to do over 75% of my total goals in running and biking, and almost hit the same level with swimming.

That being said, since I did not actually hit them, I am going to keep my training goals from last month:

Run: 60k
Swim: 10k
Bike: 300k
2008-04-01 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1307256

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
Ridgelake - 2008-04-01 5:37 AM

OK Everyone!  March is over and April is here.  Time for the (public) checkin to see how everyone is doing.  What went well last month?  What did not?  Whats your goal for April.

Greetings Everyone,
Thanks for the updates. It's interesting to see where everyone is at.

For me March was a pretty good month. Although I had to give up my half-marathon training plan due to sickness (throat again) and not being able to build the distance fast/safely enough, the good news is that I've built up to running 3-5 miles with no knee problems. I finally feel like a runner (albeit a slow one) and I actually enjoy running! Who da thunk it?!!

I have started swimming and biking again and have enjoyed that. I even did all three sprint tri distances last Sunday and felt pretty good. It was indoors in a controlled environment, but it still felt good to do all the sports in a row at the tri distances.

For April I hope to continue to work with the ENT to get rid of throat problems, build up my immunity somehow, strength train 2-3 days per week, and continue to add speed and distance to my swim, bike, run using Ridge's "slow is fast" training, which really works for me!

I hope you all are having a great April Fool's Day. Don't fall for any stupid pranks!

2008-04-01 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1098972

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Subject: RE: Ridgelake's Group - Filled up with Fantastic Folks!
It has been a crazy month. I rode my bike outside one week and had to break out the muc-lucs and dog sled the next. Ah, springtime in north Idaho!!

Since I joined the running club, I have become a runner. I like the hill drills, the short runs are fun and I can almost classify my long runs as, well, long. I have shaved about a min/mile off my time and am really exited about being not quite as slow. The slower people in the running club have quit coming, so I am now dead last (in a group of veteran marathoners) but that is ok.

I took my bike off the trainer, so I have not gotten bike time in, but am uping the intensity in spin classes. Riding outside has been great, but I dumped my bike for the first time (on a patch of snow, no less) and escaped with a couple bruises, so as a rookie, it is great to get that out of the way. Riding with snow I turning into one of those hare-core people??

It has become more difficult to get a swim lane, so haven't gotten the time in there, but doing my mile distance is very comfortable. I have signed up for a swim class with the local Ironman swim coach so that will help. She does 4 weeks on and 1 week off with homework, so this summer should see alot of improvements.

April will be my 1st tri (in less than 2 weeks) then 10 days in Mexico on the beach...yippee!! I will take my running shoes and swim in the ocean, but basically a vacation. Starting in May another crazy tri girl is trying to get me started on the 1/2 iron training program with a trainer so we can do a HIM in September, so we'll see. It's all about the sleep/work/training balance.

Thats all I have for now. Everyone have a great week.

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