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2010-03-24 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Edited by Sharyn5 2010-03-24 7:40 PM

2010-03-24 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2746425

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2010-03-24 10:42 PM
in reply to: #2577385

Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
This is Sharon#1 saying "hi" to Sharon #2. "HI!"

I have not suffered personal loss in the way that you have. However, I've lost a parent to cancer and I lost my freshman year roommate to Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I went through terrible guilt for awhile because she was so young (we were just barely 20 years old when she died) and she and I had similar goals in life....we loved sports, both wanted to be physical therapists and ultimately she lost her life and I was left to wonder why she didn't get to see her dreams come to life while I deserved to continue my dreams?

I decided that the best way to honor her life was to continue living my dreams and be the best person I could be.

Life brings all sorts of disappointments and not every moment is happy and we will suffer loss and we will be afraid. I wish I was skinnier. I wish I was taller. I wish I was stronger. I've trained for a marathon for 4 months only to suffer a back injury that sidelined that dream. But the important thing is to find something that makes you happy and allows you be successful.

Frankly, I'm not the most positive person in the whole world. I can get down on myself and I can bully myself into beating myself up to a pulp. One thing I've learned....there will ALWAYS be someone better than you. ALWAYS. So....why be afraid of doing something? Just learn how to do it, train appropriately and just have fun with it. You don't have to win an event, you just have to finish!

I started doing Crossfit last October after my failed marathon training attempt. I was scared of Crossfit at first and well, I'm still scared with some of the crazy things we have to do, but I rely on the coaches and others at the box to help me scale the workouts so that I can do the activities safely and there is a certain joy in conquering your fear.

So dear Sharon #2.....YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Don't be afraid. Live fearlessly. Don't think of it as losing or failing. Think of it as an accomplishment no matter how you do because the fact is, you're the one doing it. No one else is doing it for you. Know that you can and that is why you train, that is why you spend the time getting better.

Hope some of this made sense. It's late and well, tomorrow's my birthday....perhaps I was just being introspective!!!!!

Welcome to the group!
2010-03-25 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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2010-03-25 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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2010-03-26 11:08 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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2010-03-27 1:13 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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2010-03-27 9:56 PM
in reply to: #2752389

Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Sharyn5 - 2010-03-27 1:13 PM I think I'm a threadkiller.

Nah. You're not.

I don't post as much on the forum simply because I don't have enough time. After I log for Crossfit and check my Facebook, I just don't even have time to log inspires and check on everyone.

It has been quiet in here somewhat. I know some groups around here are big talkers...I don't know where they find the time frankly!!!!! I get the evil eye sometimes when i use the computer too much!! There just is too much else out there to do and family time to spend.
2010-03-28 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2577385

Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED

You are not a threadkiller, we just seem to spend more time on the logs, inspires, and facebook.  I, myself, have reconnected with my inner runner, and have backed off on tri training so I don't always feel like I have anything to say, except to encourage others.  I did my 1st event in 2006, a marathon, only because.  I had no strong feelings, it wasn't on my bucket list, it wasn't something that I aspired to do.  I did it because I was stressed and it gave me reason to tell my boss, I had to leave early (because I had to get my runs in).  I chose the marathon because I knew I could comfortably run all the distances up to that, I didn't know if I could do a marathon.  So I signed up and did it.  No thought process, no nerves.

I think it is wonderful that you are going for your 1st event.  The accomplishment feels great.  You seem to have a lot of faith.  Adding prayer into your training just makes activity that much more special.  I pray on runs when I am by myself.  I try to enjoy the natural beauties that I see. I am never alone during an event.  I know that. 

2010-03-28 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2749425

Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Sharyn5 - 2010-03-25 7:32 PM Yay...I had a great workout tonight. No foot pain at all...which was great. No shin pain, another plus. I ran for 1/2 mile without stopping, then walked, then ran another 1/4 mile without stopping...I remember this...I missed this...running. I feel like I'm coming back into a comfortable pace, and my goal now is to run a 12 minute mile by end of April. I actually believe in myself again, and those negative thoughts are slowly vanishing...earlier today, I was down...feeling like I ''can't do this,'' I'm not a baby, I'm a grown woman...time to stop whining at every obstacle. Life has challenges and's not so much about bad vs good. And just because I suffered losses earlier in my childhood, doesn't mean there is danger and bad stuff lurking around every corner...I'm so happy everyone. Thanks for your support, and again, dexter, for inviting me here.

How is everyone else tonight? here's a secret...I hate running. Sorry Jo!!! I know you love it!! I have never loved was always something I knew I had to do in order to finish triathlons. I much prefer cycling. Maybe it's the whole pounding or bodyweight thing? Not sure.

Anyhow...Sharon#2....I used to do triathlons. I haven't done one in a couple of years. I got into Crossfit back in November of 2009 and since then I've pretty much been comitted to just doing Crossfit. We don't run much there, but running is part of the workouts and it's my weakest point. For example...the workout today was a time trial of 1 mile. Luckily it's my rest day!!!! Convenient, eh?

I know you can meet your goal of 12 min mile by April!! I'm doing mostly speed intervals when I run and I will need to do some sort of time trial run soon....last time I did any mileage at all I was running about a 13 min/ we can cheer each other on!!!!

Just jump and inspire and we'll be around!

2010-03-29 5:55 AM
in reply to: #2754211

Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED

zeefraugtries - 2010-03-28 10:23 PM
Sharyn5 - 2010-03-25 7:32 PM Yay...I had a great workout tonight. No foot pain at all...which was great. No shin pain, another plus. I ran for 1/2 mile without stopping, then walked, then ran another 1/4 mile without stopping...I remember this...I missed this...running. I feel like I'm coming back into a comfortable pace, and my goal now is to run a 12 minute mile by end of April. I actually believe in myself again, and those negative thoughts are slowly vanishing...earlier today, I was down...feeling like I ''can't do this,'' I'm not a baby, I'm a grown woman...time to stop whining at every obstacle. Life has challenges and's not so much about bad vs good. And just because I suffered losses earlier in my childhood, doesn't mean there is danger and bad stuff lurking around every corner...I'm so happy everyone. Thanks for your support, and again, dexter, for inviting me here.

How is everyone else tonight? here's a secret...I hate running. Sorry Jo!!! I know you love it!! I have never loved was always something I knew I had to do in order to finish triathlons. I much prefer cycling. Maybe it's the whole pounding or bodyweight thing? Not sure.

Anyhow...Sharon#2....I used to do triathlons. I haven't done one in a couple of years. I got into Crossfit back in November of 2009 and since then I've pretty much been comitted to just doing Crossfit. We don't run much there, but running is part of the workouts and it's my weakest point. For example...the workout today was a time trial of 1 mile. Luckily it's my rest day!!!! Convenient, eh?

I know you can meet your goal of 12 min mile by April!! I'm doing mostly speed intervals when I run and I will need to do some sort of time trial run soon....last time I did any mileage at all I was running about a 13 min/ we can cheer each other on!!!!

Just jump and inspire and we'll be around!

Sharon #1, you have that advantage.  You hate the run. I love it, yes.  I hate all the rest though.  I am not a fan of cycling, it makes my girl parts cranky.  Swimming gives me migraines.  And I was recently abused by a trainer so I dread my weight training sessions. 

Sharon #2, you can definitely meet your goal.  I have just tried run/walking, sort of galloway stuff, and its made me faster.  The intervals of walking really help me mentally to run faster when I am running.  For a 12 min/mile, I would suggest starting with a 1min run/1 min walk warm up for 1 mile and then the body of the run, do 2 min run/1 min walk.  It has amazed me and I just smashed my old PR in the 5k by 2 minutes. It might be something to look into. It doesn't matter how you get to the finish line as long as its by your own power.  The same thing with tri's.  There are all sorts of people that have fancy bikes, but you will see people on mountain bikes or single speeds too.  Its the engine that counts.  You are that engine. 

2010-03-30 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2577385

Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Hi Sharon 2-sorry not been around in the last week or so - just catching up to the forum and checking in on everyone. My work is typically very busy at the end of the month and keeps me from being more active here. Any who-welcome aboard the Dex Train.
Everyone is very supportive here and there is a lot of experience to draw from. I think it's great you have pilates and cycling for cross training. That is a huge key in staying injury free. I have struggled with some foot and knee issues and know that cross training and alternating days really helps keep me going.
Hope everyone is doing well this week. Take care, train hard and have fun!
2010-03-30 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2577385

Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
I was watching some tri training on the tube while I was sick...figured if you cant join them might as well watch them...anyway saw a book called "Nutrient Timing"  sounded very interesting anybody ever heard of it ?

Talks about what nutrients to take and when while your in training. I will be ordering it soon and will let you all know what pearls of wisdom come out of it....if any
2010-03-30 5:37 PM
in reply to: #2758739

Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED

bfwhitt - 2010-03-30 5:42 PM I was watching some tri training on the tube while I was sick...figured if you cant join them might as well watch them...anyway saw a book called "Nutrient Timing"  sounded very interesting anybody ever heard of it ?

Talks about what nutrients to take and when while your in training. I will be ordering it soon and will let you all know what pearls of wisdom come out of it....if any

Did someone say nutrients, as in food?  Please share any pearls of wisdom.  I so struggle with this.  Usually 4 miles into a run, I am famished.  You know that gnawing hunger feeling.  I usually have some clif shot blocks or the gu chomps at that time but I am not sure if that is too late.  Sounds like an interesting read. 

2010-03-31 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2758230

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2010-04-04 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2577385

Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Happy Easter all

Easter sunday brings a hard start to the day. Went out with brother and some of his tri club on one of their sunday rides. Was promised an easy ride!!!! yeah turned into a 50km 1500 foot climb fest! I did enjoy it though. One of the riders was a 21 year old girl who has just been selected to represent Great Britain at the triathlon world championshps, she currently does the 400m swim in 5 minutes! There were some nice bikes on show, cervelo, trek madone to name a couple. Feeling tired now but a great day. Legs towards end did not want to do the short but steep climbs but made it through. found riding in a group so much nicer than doing it on my own as you can sit on other peoples wheel if needing to take a break. Will have to look into a local ride club. Hope your all having a good day

2010-04-04 3:03 PM
in reply to: #2577385

Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Hey guys happy Easter.    MAC good job getting out there.   It was too nice this morning to stay in bed so got a little run in.  We have a girl in Master that went to Berth Aus. last year and is suppose to go to Budapest this year. 
Hope the rest of ya are having a good day. I ate my weeks worth of calories in one sitting. Yum. 

Push up challenge is coming along.  I really need to start doing some crunches.
2010-04-05 9:00 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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2010-04-06 5:14 PM
in reply to: #2577385

Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Hey all - sorry I've been so quiet, but I was in Arizona for a week and spent the whole week hiking and studiously avoiding technology. Added it all into the log today tho.

Jo, it's definitely too late to eat when you're already feeling hungry. Make sure you have enough fuel going into a longer training session (my nutritionist says easy-to-digest carbs and some fiber an hour ahead, carbs every hour minimum). You're probably also short on salts if you're waiting that long. That's for especially tough workouts or those over an hour, though. Anything under an hour and you're fine with water.

I'm struggling big time with heel pain - it appears I've got two separate problems (PF and a lump on the back of my heel), so back to the podiatrist I go. My husband sagely points out that I can still do the rest of my non-running training while the heel heals, however, so I'm not off the hook for the Ironman. I'm planning on using this opportunity to add back in the yoga and strength training that I never seem to have time to do, and focus on getting in great bike/swim workouts for cardio.

None of that helps me for this weekend's half marathon, but I've given myself permission to walk it if necessary to get it done! (Shameless self-promotion - I'm doing it to support Girls on the Run, and I'm still looking for donations. If you've got an extra $10, will you help? Thanks Chipster!)

Made it to spin class yesterday after flying for half the day, and think I'm going to skedaddle now to make it to yoga. Hope everybody's doing well!
2010-04-06 6:50 PM
in reply to: #2577385

Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Hey kids...nice to see some action on these pages...I am half back from the dead...cough still does not want to go away...but I can not stand doing nothing so I went out and pushed it a little on the bike...

MAC nice ride you are in the big time now....soon you wont be talking with us beginners anymore...LOL

Hope everyone has a great week....big presentation tomorrow...been a little stressed....
2010-04-09 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2772381

Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED

HNewman - 2010-04-06 6:14 PM Hey all - sorry I've been so quiet, but I was in Arizona for a week and spent the whole week hiking and studiously avoiding technology. Added it all into the log today tho.

Jo, it's definitely too late to eat when you're already feeling hungry. Make sure you have enough fuel going into a longer training session (my nutritionist says easy-to-digest carbs and some fiber an hour ahead, carbs every hour minimum). You're probably also short on salts if you're waiting that long. That's for especially tough workouts or those over an hour, though. Anything under an hour and you're fine with water.

I'm struggling big time with heel pain - it appears I've got two separate problems (PF and a lump on the back of my heel), so back to the podiatrist I go. My husband sagely points out that I can still do the rest of my non-running training while the heel heals, however, so I'm not off the hook for the Ironman. I'm planning on using this opportunity to add back in the yoga and strength training that I never seem to have time to do, and focus on getting in great bike/swim workouts for cardio.

None of that helps me for this weekend's half marathon, but I've given myself permission to walk it if necessary to get it done! (Shameless self-promotion - I'm doing it to support Girls on the Run, and I'm still looking for donations. If you've got an extra $10, will you help? Thanks Chipster!)

Made it to spin class yesterday after flying for half the day, and think I'm going to skedaddle now to make it to yoga. Hope everybody's doing well!

Hey Heather, I am the lead cyclist for the Martian Marathon 10k this weekend.  I'll look for you.  Tell me what you are wearing.  I will be at the finish line cheering tons and tons of friends from BT and my running group in on the half and the full.  The 10k is going to be fast, Kenyans scheduled and a big purse, so I will actually have to bring my legs with me to cycle in front of them, especially if they are doing world record pace.  My ego so could not handle being beaten on my bike by a runner. 

2010-04-09 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2577385

Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Ha ha - that sounds awesome!! I'll definitely look for you. I figure I'll just show up at the BT meetup beforehand, so you should see me there - what I'm wearing depends on this nutty weather we've been having. Probably will bring my bumblebee jacket for before the race, though.

Edited by HNewman 2010-04-09 1:54 PM
2010-04-09 4:47 PM
in reply to: #2779509

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2010-04-09 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2780729

Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED

HNewman - 2010-04-09 2:54 PM Ha ha - that sounds awesome!! I'll definitely look for you. I figure I'll just show up at the BT meetup beforehand, so you should see me there - what I'm wearing depends on this nutty weather we've been having. Probably will bring my bumblebee jacket for before the race, though.

When I first read this, I read "I'm wearing depends".  I thought that was an odd thing to post, TMI. 

I'll look for you at the BT meetup.  Good Luck!!!  I'll probably be wearing black.  They want the cyclists to dress like Men in Black (you know whole martian theme and all). 

2010-04-10 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2577385

Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
I'm so sorry I missed you - was running late for the meetup in advance and not fast enough to see you leading the 10Kers in, apparently.

It was a great race, though, both in general and for me personally. And I did stop to shake hands with Smoak!

Maybe we should just get together for coffee or something, sometime...

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