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2009-06-25 8:20 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Ouch. I felt that, but it is absolutely true.

I have stopped logging 10-11 mile runs (at 10 min pace) and am focusing on shorter 5-6 mi
using some of Mike's workouts as well as some intervals... I never realized I could run sub 9 min miles until now.
Still, it'll be a while before I can match all of your speeds but now I have a targeted and effective plan.

2009-06-25 11:46 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Olman, that's not what I meant.  I apologize if that's what it sounded like.  I don't want you to think I'm saying if you aren't training at sub 6 minute pace then you're not training fast.  "Fast" is the term I use for race effort, whatever that may be.  If you have a goal race pace of 8:30, then you have to spend time training at that pace.  Not all the time, but you have to at least scratch it every now and then.  By no means did I mean that if you aren't training at the same paces someone else is that you aren't "fast."  There is ALWAYS someone faster, no matter who you are.  My idea of fast would be sub 6 minute for 10k, the guy who kicked my two Sunday's ago's idea of fast is apparently around 5:08 pace for a 10k, the guy that finished 25 minutes after everyone left would kill to run that 10 minute pace that has become too slow for you.  My point was, make sure you identify your "fast" and spend time at that effort.  I hope it didn't come off wrong. 

2009-06-27 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2244275

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
aesophs - 2009-06-26 12:46 AM

Olman, that's not what I meant.  I apologize if that's what it sounded like.  I don't want you to think I'm saying if you aren't training at sub 6 minute pace then you're not training fast.  "Fast" is the term I use for race effort, whatever that may be.  If you have a goal race pace of 8:30, then you have to spend time training at that pace.  Not all the time, but you have to at least scratch it every now and then.  By no means did I mean that if you aren't training at the same paces someone else is that you aren't "fast."  There is ALWAYS someone faster, no matter who you are.  My idea of fast would be sub 6 minute for 10k, the guy who kicked my two Sunday's ago's idea of fast is apparently around 5:08 pace for a 10k, the guy that finished 25 minutes after everyone left would kill to run that 10 minute pace that has become too slow for you.  My point was, make sure you identify your "fast" and spend time at that effort.  I hope it didn't come off wrong. 

Steve:  NOT AT ALL.  It seems like people are taking me too serious now.  I know exactly what you meant and believe me, I am working towards getting FASTer w/ every training run.  Don't worry about it - I am just pulling chains here to keep things from getting too serious.

On that note, I was in Ft Lauderdale last week and went running, thinking of some movements from this Chi Running video I found here on BT and they seemed to have helped.  I ran almost 6 miles at 9 min pace.  If I can transfer that to a race, I would cut between 1:30-3:00 min off my time.  Now, I feel that I am either falling back on the bike speed or my fellow riders are improving fster than me (I hate to think it was all the beer from the travel week).  So, this week, I'll hop back on the trainer and do some intervals.
2009-06-27 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2247138

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Olman, can you send a link on the Chi Running--I'd be interested in watching that.
2009-06-27 11:57 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

I always think of that Friends episode when I think of Chi running.  The one where Pheobe runs like when she was a kid.  I have read several articles on the topic, but have never seen it demonstrated.  I would be interested in the link as well.

2009-06-28 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2247943

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Brazoria County
Subject: Race day
Southeast Texas dawned hot and humid this morning, 82 deg at 0545, 84% humidity, no breeze...ahhh, but it is a fine day for racing!  Got to transition shortly after it opened, got set up, went to find my chip, saw lots of folks I train with, all real home-towney (it ought to be, this race starts and ends in the park I've run too many miles from to count).   Hit the head.  Ate a banana, and an energy bar a bit later.  Hit the head.  Slipped on my racing flats and jogged about a third mile, just getting loose, transition about to close, so replace shoes in transition, grab my goggles, head to pool.

Seeded by 300m swim time, I'm just fine at 6:00 minutes, refuse to be hurried or come out gassed.  I hit the pool about 11 minutes after gun, swimmers doing a serpentine swim, down and back in a 50m pool, three lanes.  Some dude passes me at the 50m mark, clearly overestimated his swim time, no problem, I know what I am about.  Lanes start to get congested, swim on the left, pass in the middle, all just fine until at the 150m+ mark as I am passing this chick, I look ahead and see someone coming at me doing the same thing...ain't no way these lanes can hold four abreast.  Sooo, I plunge ahead, take about 5 quick strokes (didn't have the air to spare...but I guess maybe I did), and got around my swimmer just as the swimmers coming our way passed us.  The dude seeded right in front of me at the start wasn't so lucky.  I saw him a few meters ahead of me just prior to 200m, all of a sudden stand straight up in the water, before starting to swim again...??  Talked to him after the race and found out that he had been cold-cocked by someone coming at us trying to pass, he got a bloody nose from the other guy's hand hitting him square in the face.  Nice introduction to triathlons, as this was his first one.  Finished the pool about 6:15, 10 second quick run (I was moving) to T1.

Good T1, although my time shows as 1:03, it sure felt much faster than that...maybe it was the bike jog out of transition area?  Good layout, quick donning of shoes/glasses/helmet, run

Am at 18mph right off the bat, curvy course through park, already down in the bars, not gasping like a dying carp, all is well.  Exit park to streets, mph coming up, another shot of HEED, feeling pretty good.  Course all flat, protected intersections, no breeze...hotter-n-hell.  Sweat is poring off of me.  I slip out the pill bottle I had in my Bento box, 2 Endurolytes, 1 anti-fatigue capsule, 2 energy surge pills (all Hammer), take 2-3 tries to get them all swallowed, but OK.  Cruising at 22-23.5mph, goal was to average 20 mph, feeling good.  Drop down a gear or two regularly and let my legs spin out, unload the big muscles, need to have them limber for the run.  Passed a lot of people, spent good time down on bars, bike was feeling GOOD--unique for me.  Got passed maybe 3-4 times, but also passed 15-20.  2 oz Hammer gel in flask and some HEED at about mile 10 of 12 on the bike route.

Back into park for T2, spun out my legs last 200M, bounced in the pedals standing up to stretch my calves as I coasted in, good dismount.  T2 a bit slower (or so I thought), as I had to sit down and brush loose gravel/debris from parking lot off of my feet.  Helmet was already unbuckled running bike in, glasses off, hat on, grab Garmin, take off...3 steps later I run back for my race belt, now I am off.

Right calf a bit tight, had my buddy the chiro work on it prior to race, but these are my legs so no sweat, I know most of my aches and knots by their first names.  Hot.  Stayed as much in shade as possible, got first half mile (always toughest for me) over in under 4:00, I'm going to be fine.  Mile 1 was 7:45, mile 2 7:42, mile 3 7:06, a bit of Gatorade down my throat and a cup of water over my head...and I'm pushing some 25 year old over the finish line. 

Feet from mile 1.5 on were a mess:  blisters on bottoms of both feet (I don't wear socks), blister on top of little toes, etc.  Am going to have to reserve my racing flats for road races only, and find a more barefoot-friendly pair of tri shoes for shorter races.

Results now up:  damn.  I was racing a buddy of mine, he beat me at same tri last year, I trounced him at half marathon last fall...he beats me by 7 seconds, we finish 7-8 in the 45-49 age group.  Total time was 1:07:14.  Times below:

300m swim  6:25
T1  1:03
12 mile Bike  36:03  (20 mph)
T2  :53
3 mile run  22:54  (7:36 pace)

I had a good day, I left everything out on the course, but know I can shave time in transitions, but also can improve on the bike.  Over this exact course one year ago I ran 1:17:09 (my first tri), so I knocked almost 10 minutes off of my time.

My feet are a wreck now, lanced a couple of blisters and soaked them in ice water with epsom salts for about a half hour.  Got to get them rehabbed in time for a 5K on the 4th!

Edited by wildcat83 2009-06-29 2:49 PM

2009-06-28 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Mike, that's an awesome report - very ESPNesque....  LOL  I love it!    

Here's the  link (right no BT).  Essentially, I gotta think like I'm riding a scooter or something like it...

There's a video and a few articles from Danny (?). 

Edited by TrkHilo2k 2009-06-28 2:01 PM
2009-06-29 10:27 AM
in reply to: #2248441

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Thanks Olman, I'll check out the video.

I posted my race report on my race log if you want to check it out.

Anybody have a good recommendation for tri shoes, ones that have a sock-like liner so as to avoid a) putting on socks, and b) blisters?  My feet are messed up.
2009-06-29 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2249998

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
for racing flats one of the guys I train with swears by his Zoots.   Tried Newtons and hated them (common thing I hear)
the one drawback is that it seems the Zoots are made to last about 100 miles only. so, they're strictly used for racing.

- I train on Asics Cumulus and love them but yes, they are bulky for a racer.
- The local tri shop will let you borrow (test drive) new shoes for a coupe of days.  Might want to check with your tri shop.
- Have you used your bike trainer yet?  Is it boring enought for you?  I guess all I can say is: it creates discipline.

Good luck!
2009-06-29 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2251014

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
I have considered the Zoots, but have heard a fair number of gripes about the high heel pull, so I guess I just need to go get some and give them a tri (good one, huh?!). 

Oh man, I have gotten one ride in on the trainer--put in "Saving Private Ryan" in the DVD player, and that barely saved me.  I lasted 40 minutes at a very steady 90-100 cadence, good workout but man was I sweating!  I had four--count 'em 4--fans blowing on me and it didn't seem to make any difference.

Mind-numbingly boring doesn't even begin to describe this Chinese water drip torture of a training experience...
2009-06-29 8:05 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Hey guys I'm here. Been occupied with the swim meet upcoming. But managed to get in some training last week. I'll write more tomorrow.

2009-06-29 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2251836

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
tri/tbay - 2009-06-29 9:05 PM

Hey guys I'm here. Been occupied with the swim meet upcoming. But managed to get in some training last week. I'll write more tomorrow.

Did you go off on SURVIVOR or some other isolated training?  I was beginning to file a missing person's report.  Glad u r back. 
2009-06-30 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2251037

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

"Mind-numbingly boring doesn't even begin to describe this Chinese water drip torture of a training experience..."

That is a fact, my friend.  I add to the experience of torture by placing my trainer in my unfinished, circa 1890 basement facing a blank cement wall with just a naked light bulb above me to cast a dim light in the room.  Then I don't allow myself to watch movies, just iPod or my Vision Quest Power or Race Day DVD.  No fan either.  Just torture myself for 2+ hours during the ND winter to better prepare me to enjoy spring, summer and fall.  Any thought of wasting a day where I can be outside disintegrates quickly upon flashbacks to trainer work.  Call me a masochist, but you won't catch me sitting on a couch with temps over 40 degrees, so the training works.

2009-07-02 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Greetings, sorry I've been silent the past week, just busy with planning and gathering the entries for our meet next weekend. Should be a fun meet. Looks like everyone is plugging along with their training, I've peaked at your posts so I kind of know what you've been discussing.

Great Job  Mike at your last event, pool swims are intersting but you know the distance is the same and a good comparison to last years event. Question, do you need to run barefooted? Use Yankz laces on your shoes, have your socks rolled and ready to put on, takes maybe 10 sec. each foot. A thought. Zoot shoes have funny sizing if your looking into those.

Steven is your event coming along as planned? I'm sure your anxious and ready to get on with it, like I am with the swim meet.

Olman, hows the bike build? And I saw you got some really good comments from your fishhawk tri, nice job. Just be careful and don't get yourself into any liability issues.

As for me the second half of the year may(I guess it better be) be a bit more productive than the first half, entered a couple of more events. Doing a HIM in Jacksonville in Oct, and MiamiMan Olympic with Maci in November her last event in the 15-19 age group. Then I am considering having a go at a Marathon in the last of December. WE'll see about that one.

Mike you'll get used to the trainer it will become a little less "mind numbing". Steven I don't know how you guys who live in the north can ride that long on a trainer, I guess you just get a mindset and do it. I"m going to try for a two hour session pretty soon, I'll let you know how it goes.

Well guys I hope all is well talk at you soon.



Edited by tri/tbay 2009-07-02 8:47 AM
2009-07-03 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2257828

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
tri/tbay - 2009-07-02 9:45 AM

the bike build? And I saw you got some really good comments from your fishhawk tri, nice job. Just be careful and don't get yourself into any liability issues.

As for me the second half of the year may(I guess it better be) be a bit more productive than the first half, entered a couple of more events. Doing a HIM in Jacksonville in Oct, and MiamiMan Olympic with Maci in November her last event in the 15-19 age group. Then I am considering having a go at a Marathon in the last of December. WE'll see about that one.

The new bike is up and runnign, I am now trying to sell the Trek to recover some of the investment.  

There were only 4 of us at our tri and yes, I realize I have to watch the liability thing, so I am keeping it covered as well as any other residents.

I was looking at Miami man as my first OLY.  Maybe we'll meet there.  So, you over the empty nest thing yet? I am trying to get my daughter involved as well. 

Next 2 weeks I'll be "home alone" and then meetting the rest of the family in Puerto Rico for one week of vacation.  Can't wait to give undivided attention to my swimming skills for 2 weeks. 

I will be doing the MORTON PLANT race in Clearwater in 10 days.  I hear it has some good sized hills (aka bridges).  I am ready to rock there.  I can swim so much better in the ocean, especially crystal clear water.

I figured you were busy with the swimmers.  I gotta get back on that too.  Been swimming only 1/wk and not efficiently at all, just plugging in some yards.  My run times have improved though.  This comes from changing the long slow Sunday run for an interval session.  I'm getting used to going faster now, at first it felt like red lining, but it really isn't.  Got a Garmin 305 for my BD and it gives back sooooo much info.  I see I'm increasing the HR, but not really redlining it, so I should be fine. 

See you all in the next couple of days - everyone have a wonderful INDEPENDENCE DAY weekend, and get out and sweat!  I might need to recover with a Corona Light though. 

Edited by TrkHilo2k 2009-07-03 12:41 PM
2009-07-03 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
with the increasing expectation of showers on Independence Day weekend I went ahead and swim n the AM and bricked in the PM.  Almost totalled a sprint today.

Not bad times but the energy levels feel low, today my brick run avg 10+ pace.

Will start noting my diet in detail again and see where I have deviated.  I know I have been taking some level of good carbs, so I m not sure why I am feeling like this - maybe my sleep pattern (all crazy, sometimes 5hr sometimes 8 - i normally sleep 5-6).  Anyways, I feel great!

2009-07-04 12:54 PM
in reply to: #2260830

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Got up early and my two boys, (22, 20) and my wife and I went into Houston to do a 5K.  We did this last year and had a lot of fun, so decided to give it another go.  This was going to be a time trial for me, something to see where I am at in my marathon training in addition to being a max effort race where I can calculate my VO2 Max and other measures of HR for training.  Goal was to start out at 7:10, then 7:00, then under 6:50 for last 1.1 miles.  I wanted to finish under 22 minutes, which would beat my best time on a 5K course (this race last year, same course) by almost a minute.

These are from my Garmin so not exact, but close enough:  Mile 1 7:05, mile 2 6:57, mile 3 6:46, last .1 5:29.  Time was about 21:43, over a minute faster than my 22:50 last year.

Depending on how many miles you figure are in 5000 meters (by my calculation there are 3.107), then I just squeaked under 7:00 minute miles on average at 6:59, a first for me in anything over 2 miles...well, since I was knocking out 5:20-5:30 miles on a two-mile cross-country course in high school anyway!

It was a good race, I maintained my breathing throughout, HR was probably 160 when I finished.  I could really tell the benefit of all the 6:50-7:05 pace strides I've been doing in the middle of my 4-6 mile training runs during the week.  But the tarsal pads of my feet really got HOT.  I developed several new blisters, even though I was wearing socks inside my racing flats, so clearly those are going to become just comfortable bumming around shoes and not racing/training shoes.

I did buy a pair of Zoot Energy lightweight cushioned neutral trainers yesterday though--they have a great sock-like liner and feel light and fast, so am looking forward to getting in some miles on them.

The boys had a good run today, oldest knocked about 2 minutes off his time from last year (came in about 23:30), other son somewhere around 25 and change, probably 20 seconds faster, and my wife ran about 25:10 (she jogged it last year with our daughter).  Temp was about 85, humidity a bit north of that number (91%), so we definitely worked up a sweat!

Y'all have a great Independence Day--fly those flags high and proud!

Edited by wildcat83 2009-07-04 12:58 PM
2009-07-05 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2261625

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Official results are now in, time was 21:40, 6:59 pace, so I did just squeak in under the 7 minute per mile mark.  Finished 13/61 age group, 128/1288 overall.

Oldest son ran 7:32, middle son 8:14, wife 8:08...not a bad family outing!
2009-07-05 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2262556

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Mike: awesome results!!! and meeting all your expectations.  Two (actually 5) awesome reasons to celebrate.
That is an incredible pace and effort - why was I so worried of hitting 40?  We're priming right now...  LOL
2009-07-05 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2262695

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
"...why was I so worried of hitting 40?  We're priming right now..."

DEFINITELY!!  All you have to do is look at some of the times guys in your age group are laying down--incredible.  By training smarter, I still feel that my best runs are ahead of me, and yesterday's race was an example of that.  The 2008-09 training/race year was a good one for me, as I PR'd in the marathon (twice), half marathon, 5K, and drastically improved my time in sprint distance triathlon.

Come on 2009-10!!
2009-07-07 6:32 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Still looking for Spinerval DVDs?  I have purchased from Price Point w/o any problems.
They have the first two in the series on sale for 26 bucks. Here's a link to #1... can fiund the other in the same site

2009-07-08 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

I have my "A" race this weekend.  Took Sunday, Monday and Tuesday off from running, biking and swimming.  Doing a short brick tonite, a fast short run tomorrow and course work on Friday.  Registration starts at 4:30 AM on Saturday morning.  There are 3000 participants in this race, so I will be getting there right at 4:30 to avoid crowds as much as possible. 

2009-07-08 7:51 PM
in reply to: #2270710

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

aesophs - 2009-07-08 2:37 PM

I have my "A" race this weekend.  Took Sunday, Monday and Tuesday off from running, biking and swimming.  Doing a short brick tonite, a fast short run tomorrow and course work on Friday.  Registration starts at 4:30 AM on Saturday morning.  There are 3000 participants in this race, so I will be getting there right at 4:30 to avoid crowds as much as possible.

Hey Steven good to hear from you. Are you feeling good and strong. 3000 is  definitely a crowd, I always like to be one of the first to get to the facilities. Don't like lines. Just get yourself situated in transition as quickly as possible. With this kind of numbers they'll have a good amount of body markers so it shouldn't be to bad getting through. But go ahead and get there early. Let somebody else be in a panick.

Let us know how it goes, my swim meet is this weekend. So I'll also let you all  know how that goes.

Good Luck.

2009-07-09 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2270710

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
aesophs - 2009-07-08 2:37 PM

I have my "A" race this weekend.  Took Sunday, Monday and Tuesday off from running, biking and swimming.  Doing a short brick tonite, a fast short run tomorrow and course work on Friday.  Registration starts at 4:30 AM on Saturday morning.  There are 3000 participants in this race, so I will be getting there right at 4:30 to avoid crowds as much as possible. 

Success to you.  With all the training you've done, there's not a whole lot of room for luck - but if any, let it be good!
2009-07-10 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2274338

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Echoing the "good luck" Steven.  Hope your weather is better than ours.  It has been beyond brutal here--temps are still right at 100 deg, but the humidity has increased, so my Wednesday evening run was at 100 deg + 45% humidity = 111 heat to near died.  While I know the acclimatization I am earning will pay great rewards when cooler race weather arrives, it is killing my weekly distance and workouts.  Sure makes me look forward to swimming though...biking?  What bike??
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