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2010-04-13 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2770346

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
I am not sure if they are really harder on your body but more like less durable for everyday use.
The main thing is that they tend to be lighter and thus don't have all the needs to make them an everyday shoe.
Also I am not too sure about the support in them either they tend to be more of a neutral type shoe again to maintain their lightness. Although this may have changed....

2010-04-13 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2770346

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Pfafftown, NC
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!

I'm not tootin' my own horn.  I'm thanking everyone for all of the encouragement.  Sunday, I swam my 1st 100yds crawl, without stopping (did it 4X).

Today..............I went 200yds.

I did a total of 800yds (same as Sun) 2X50's; 1X200; 2X50's; 2X100's; 4X50's.  This was my 9th time in the pool.

I'm a happy camper.  I'm getting closer to signing up for an earlier sprint than my target.  As soon as I hit the dist. (300yds), I will........then continue to try to expound.

Thanks, again, so much.  THis group is GREAT!


Edited by nc452010 2010-04-13 9:32 AM
2010-04-13 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2770346

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
This week, I will try to up my swimming volume. I cannot go to the pool more than 3 times currently but I will try to go earlier and swim more.

Today was my first attempt. Instead of my usual 45-55 minutes I was able to do a 75 minutes session. Except w/u, c/d and drills I did 20x100 m as my main set. I tried doing 1:40's and resting more (about 30 seconds). But it was not to be. All my sets were between 1:50 and 2:00. I was able to do some 1:40's 2 or 3 weeks before, but I cannot do it now. I tried it on my previous sessions too.

Any suggestions? I'm really frustrated.
2010-04-13 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2786700

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
dcon - 2010-04-12 7:26 PM One more note on strengthening hip flexors:  there was a "kicking" thread where someone mentioned that kicking drills, done properly, will strengthen your hip flexors.   I've avoided doing kicking drills because I figured all I needed was a light 2-beat kick, but in another thread TJ Fry emphasized that you still need a good, strong kick for the 2 beat.   (I'm also really terrible at kicking so that is the real reason I avoided kicking drills). 

I love kicking's the one time I'll lap the big boys in the fast lane, ha! Try one legged kicking, those are fun. Kind of like one legged cycling drills. And yes, whole heartedly agree, fly kick sets will work the core majorly.

So, I've been a total slacker in all departments. Missed master's swim this morning b/c I overslept, walked yesterday instead of going on for a run, I haven't been on the bike in a week. Work has been beating me down and I just feel mentally and physically wiped out.....need to get my in gear.  
2010-04-13 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2787366

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
jgerbodegrant - 2010-04-13 5:37 AM

carlwithac - 2010-04-13 12:03 AM Zoot running shoes make running in the rain worry free. It is almost as fun as golfing in the rain.

I never new this. I can't find zoots anywhere near me. I live in the lovely northeast where tri stores are hard to come by, so ordering online is almost a must. I wish I could find somewhere that could fit me to a pair of these. Which ones are you wearing? I'm assuming there is a race and a training version.

To anyone: This is a stupid questions, but generally speaking, what is the difference between a race shoe and a trainer of the same brand?

first, if you have ever worn asics, they run pretty true to size (ie i wear a 10 in both).

zoot had until this year 3 models, and i think just introduced another one or two (one is totally run specific though, the is is a super ltwt shoe).

the 3 i would look at are

The ultra Race. This is a LIGHT shoe, its a racing flat. i would highly reocmend against this if you dont normally train/race in flats. there is not much to them.

The ultra TT/tempo +. these are teh same shoe, but the tempo has a bit of stability (i run in the tempo version).
this is a ltwt trainer/beefed up flat. I did all of my training/racing in this the last two years.

The Energy/Advantage. same as above, the advantage is the stability version. This is a trainer (although much lighter than most shoe brands), i use it for ALL of my training outside of track work, off season races, and longer run/triathlons.

The race, and the Ultra TT/tempo have holes drilled in the bottom to let water drain. frankly i never noticied these until i stepped in a wet patch of grass andwater came up from underneath. To me this is a wash.

For most people the ultra/Tempo is enough to race in, its a VERY light shoe, but has just a bit more structure to it than the race.
2010-04-13 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2787987

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
nc452010 - 2010-04-13 10:32 AM

I'm not tootin' my own horn.  I'm thanking everyone for all of the encouragement.  Sunday, I swam my 1st 100yds crawl, without stopping (did it 4X).

Today..............I went 200yds.

I did a total of 800yds (same as Sun) 2X50's; 1X200; 2X50's; 2X100's; 4X50's.  This was my 9th time in the pool.

I'm a happy camper.  I'm getting closer to signing up for an earlier sprint than my target.  As soon as I hit the dist. (300yds), I will........then continue to try to expound.

Thanks, again, so much.  THis group is GREAT!


Nice work Jeff....keep it up and you'll be first out of the water come race day!

RogerWilco - 2010-04-13 10:51 AM This week, I will try to up my swimming volume. I cannot go to the pool more than 3 times currently but I will try to go earlier and swim more.

Today was my first attempt. Instead of my usual 45-55 minutes I was able to do a 75 minutes session. Except w/u, c/d and drills I did 20x100 m as my main set. I tried doing 1:40's and resting more (about 30 seconds). But it was not to be. All my sets were between 1:50 and 2:00. I was able to do some 1:40's 2 or 3 weeks before, but I cannot do it now. I tried it on my previous sessions too.

Any suggestions? I'm really frustrated.

I suggest that you not worry about your time on one particular day.  And the fact that you did 20 x 100 is friggin nuts to me.  I would be pushing 1:50 also!!  If you feel like you are slipping with respect to time, you are more than likely slipping with respect to your form, so you probably want to do more drills focussing on length and smooth out your stroke. 

Also, hook us up with some more info...are you getting tired?  What hurts?  Are you out of breath?  Are you getting frustrated during the workout by looking at your watch?  These are all factors related to my personal performance in the pool that may affect you also.

2010-04-13 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2787987

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
RogerWilco - 2010-04-13 8:51 AM

This week, I will try to up my swimming volume. I cannot go to the pool more than 3 times currently but I will try to go earlier and swim more.

Today was my first attempt. Instead of my usual 45-55 minutes I was able to do a 75 minutes session. Except w/u, c/d and drills I did 20x100 m as my main set. I tried doing 1:40's and resting more (about 30 seconds). But it was not to be. All my sets were between 1:50 and 2:00. I was able to do some 1:40's 2 or 3 weeks before, but I cannot do it now. I tried it on my previous sessions too.

Any suggestions? I'm really frustrated.

agreed, a bit more info, what were you doing swim wise the few weeks prior, how many did you do when you did the 1:40s, how much are you training now?

I know for me last year, i was swimming in a typical wee kabout 15-18k, and i could NEVER hit good times in practice. typicall about 4-8 sec slower than if i was well rested. but once races rolled around i was much faster with the rest.

As an example one staple set i was doing last year was 10x200 on 2:40 (so every 2:40 you push off the wall), and was coming in around 2:30 for each (1:15 pace). could never go any faster than that. sprint races would roll around and i would have no issue going under 1:10 for them.

if you have not been swimming a lot 20x100 is a nasty nasty set.

to 808, about the snake, its a 3 year old ball python.
2010-04-13 11:23 AM
in reply to: #2788010

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
tnguyen1 - 2010-04-13 5:58 AM
dcon - 2010-04-12 7:26 PM One more note on strengthening hip flexors:  there was a "kicking" thread where someone mentioned that kicking drills, done properly, will strengthen your hip flexors.   I've avoided doing kicking drills because I figured all I needed was a light 2-beat kick, but in another thread TJ Fry emphasized that you still need a good, strong kick for the 2 beat.   (I'm also really terrible at kicking so that is the real reason I avoided kicking drills). 

I love kicking's the one time I'll lap the big boys in the fast lane, ha! Try one legged kicking, those are fun. Kind of like one legged cycling drills. And yes, whole heartedly agree, fly kick sets will work the core majorly.

So, I've been a total slacker in all departments. Missed master's swim this morning b/c I overslept, walked yesterday instead of going on for a run, I haven't been on the bike in a week. Work has been beating me down and I just feel mentally and physically wiped out.....need to get my in gear.  

I never take any kicking advice from a's just not legged kicks???  are you nuts??? Tongue out

In any case, when life gets in the way for me, I like to start with small workouts.  If I don't have time for a 1 hour run, I'll just do some body weight squats, pushups, and some crunches in the living may not do much for me physically, but mentally it keeps the momentum going that I'm not totally slacking.
2010-04-13 11:31 AM
in reply to: #2788271

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
agreed, i try to get out for even a 2 mile run, some core work, whatever, jsut to get out and moving. training wise it wont do a lot, but its something and keeps me feeling like i am still working towards something.
2010-04-13 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2788307

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-13 11:31 AM agreed, i try to get out for even a 2 mile run, some core work, whatever, jsut to get out and moving. training wise it wont do a lot, but its something and keeps me feeling like i am still working towards something.

X2. If I only have a half an hour in between school and work you bet I will take off and try to get at least 4 miles in before I have to leave for work. Anything is better than nothing in my book. To bad I have done nothing as far as swimming this year.
2010-04-13 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2788680

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Thomasski - 2010-04-13 9:17 AM
newbz - 2010-04-13 11:31 AM agreed, i try to get out for even a 2 mile run, some core work, whatever, jsut to get out and moving. training wise it wont do a lot, but its something and keeps me feeling like i am still working towards something.

X2. If I only have a half an hour in between school and work you bet I will take off and try to get at least 4 miles in before I have to leave for work. Anything is better than nothing in my book. To bad I have done nothing as far as swimming this year.

Unless you have a pool at home, swimming isn't the easiest thing to do when your short on time.

2010-04-13 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2788715

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
tri808 - 2010-04-13 1:25 PM
Thomasski - 2010-04-13 9:17 AM
newbz - 2010-04-13 11:31 AM agreed, i try to get out for even a 2 mile run, some core work, whatever, jsut to get out and moving. training wise it wont do a lot, but its something and keeps me feeling like i am still working towards something.

X2. If I only have a half an hour in between school and work you bet I will take off and try to get at least 4 miles in before I have to leave for work. Anything is better than nothing in my book. To bad I have done nothing as far as swimming this year.

Unless you have a pool at home, swimming isn't the easiest thing to do when your short on time.

I could make the time to swim... I just cant yet... well I can just not effectively because I am still working with my physical therapist because of the arthritis I have in my shoulder. I will hopefully be in the pool within the next month.
2010-04-13 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2788680

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Thomasski - 2010-04-13 2:17 PM
newbz - 2010-04-13 11:31 AM agreed, i try to get out for even a 2 mile run, some core work, whatever, jsut to get out and moving. training wise it wont do a lot, but its something and keeps me feeling like i am still working towards something.

X2. If I only have a half an hour in between school and work you bet I will take off and try to get at least 4 miles in before I have to leave for work. Anything is better than nothing in my book. To bad I have done nothing as far as swimming this year.

As long as what you are doing is quality work.  Injuries and ingraining poor technique are always things to look out for.
2010-04-13 1:57 PM
in reply to: #2788768

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
carlwithac - 2010-04-13 1:41 PM
Thomasski - 2010-04-13 2:17 PM
newbz - 2010-04-13 11:31 AM agreed, i try to get out for even a 2 mile run, some core work, whatever, jsut to get out and moving. training wise it wont do a lot, but its something and keeps me feeling like i am still working towards something.

X2. If I only have a half an hour in between school and work you bet I will take off and try to get at least 4 miles in before I have to leave for work. Anything is better than nothing in my book. To bad I have done nothing as far as swimming this year.

As long as what you are doing is quality work.  Injuries and ingraining poor technique are always things to look out for.

So you are saying I dont know how to run?

EDIT: Just so you know I am only joking.

Edited by Thomasski 2010-04-13 2:05 PM
2010-04-13 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2788855

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Thomasski - 2010-04-13 2:57 PM
carlwithac - 2010-04-13 1:41 PM
Thomasski - 2010-04-13 2:17 PM
newbz - 2010-04-13 11:31 AM agreed, i try to get out for even a 2 mile run, some core work, whatever, jsut to get out and moving. training wise it wont do a lot, but its something and keeps me feeling like i am still working towards something.

X2. If I only have a half an hour in between school and work you bet I will take off and try to get at least 4 miles in before I have to leave for work. Anything is better than nothing in my book. To bad I have done nothing as far as swimming this year.

As long as what you are doing is quality work.  Injuries and ingraining poor technique are always things to look out for.

So you are saying I dont know how to run?

EDIT: Just so you know I am only joking.

haha no.  I'm just saying that since your don't get stronger my training, but recovering, sometimes it is better to rest that to train when your technique has broken down.  I have encountered this personally several times.  When I take a day off of swimming, I always feel stronger when I return.
2010-04-13 2:12 PM
in reply to: #2788855

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Thomasski - 2010-04-13 2:57 PM
carlwithac - 2010-04-13 1:41 PM
Thomasski - 2010-04-13 2:17 PM
newbz - 2010-04-13 11:31 AM agreed, i try to get out for even a 2 mile run, some core work, whatever, jsut to get out and moving. training wise it wont do a lot, but its something and keeps me feeling like i am still working towards something.

X2. If I only have a half an hour in between school and work you bet I will take off and try to get at least 4 miles in before I have to leave for work. Anything is better than nothing in my book. To bad I have done nothing as far as swimming this year.

As long as what you are doing is quality work.  Injuries and ingraining poor technique are always things to look out for.

So you are saying I dont know how to run?

EDIT: Just so you know I am only joking.


And he'd be right.

2010-04-13 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2788902

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
jgerbodegrant - 2010-04-13 3:12 PM
Thomasski - 2010-04-13 2:57 PM
carlwithac - 2010-04-13 1:41 PM
Thomasski - 2010-04-13 2:17 PM
newbz - 2010-04-13 11:31 AM agreed, i try to get out for even a 2 mile run, some core work, whatever, jsut to get out and moving. training wise it wont do a lot, but its something and keeps me feeling like i am still working towards something.

X2. If I only have a half an hour in between school and work you bet I will take off and try to get at least 4 miles in before I have to leave for work. Anything is better than nothing in my book. To bad I have done nothing as far as swimming this year.

As long as what you are doing is quality work.  Injuries and ingraining poor technique are always things to look out for.

So you are saying I dont know how to run?

EDIT: Just so you know I am only joking.


And he'd be right.

2010-04-13 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Hey gang.

I am trying to catch up on all that I missed. Many when it rains it pours because I got pages to read!!! LOL

Update on me: training is going well. I am loving my new tri bike. Two rides on it and I am in love. I just ordered a new seat for it because I have has some issues with the Bontragger seats on my tri and road bike in the same area. I am going to try out a Cobb V Flox max so wish me luck. Once I get the right seat i will finally go for my professional fitting on the tri bike so that I can truely start building for my HIM.

2010-04-13 10:48 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!

do any of yall know of an ''aggressive'' training plan for a sprint tri.

the biggest tri club in town is hosting? a tri on June 6th.

a friend of mine convinced me that I could do REALLY well. but hell I need to train.
I usually don't follow plans and I would take this one a tweak it to make it more personalized.

2010-04-13 11:14 PM
in reply to: #2789809

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
stefanier - 2010-04-13 8:14 PM Hey gang.

I am trying to catch up on all that I missed. Many when it rains it pours because I got pages to read!!! LOL

I agree. Hard to keep up.

Update on me: Yesterday, I got a little overwhelmed & didn't do any training. On Mondays, I usually do some running and weights after work, but I ended up staying at work until the last possible minute before I had to leave to get my kids. My husband had to work a night shift, so I was on my own to get the kids to bed & the house cleaned up. It's times like this I think getting a trainer for my bike would be a good idea.

I got some swimming in today & did what you guys have suggested. I tried to swim faster for shorter lengths with 1 min breaks in between. I did a 200 warm up, 6x100, & a 200 cool down.

The distances you guys go is inspiring me to push myself a little with running. I'm getting in a rut where I only run about 2.5-3 miles 3xs a week. I want to try and get to the point where I can run a 10K this summer (and maybe an Oly tri next year) and I know what I'm doing is just comfortable & is not making me get better. 

Any suggestions for how to get out of my rut and increase my distance? I always want to stop after 3 miles. Don't know how much of that is mental vs. physical. Should I maybe take some walking breaks in between 1 mile runs?
2010-04-13 11:40 PM
in reply to: #2790112

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
jpbis26 - 2010-04-14 1:14 PM
stefanier - 2010-04-13 8:14 PM Hey gang.

I am trying to catch up on all that I missed. Many when it rains it pours because I got pages to read!!! LOL

I agree. Hard to keep up.

Update on me: Yesterday, I got a little overwhelmed & didn't do any training. On Mondays, I usually do some running and weights after work, but I ended up staying at work until the last possible minute before I had to leave to get my kids. My husband had to work a night shift, so I was on my own to get the kids to bed & the house cleaned up. It's times like this I think getting a trainer for my bike would be a good idea.

I got some swimming in today & did what you guys have suggested. I tried to swim faster for shorter lengths with 1 min breaks in between. I did a 200 warm up, 6x100, & a 200 cool down.

The distances you guys go is inspiring me to push myself a little with running. I'm getting in a rut where I only run about 2.5-3 miles 3xs a week. I want to try and get to the point where I can run a 10K this summer (and maybe an Oly tri next year) and I know what I'm doing is just comfortable & is not making me get better. 

Any suggestions for how to get out of my rut and increase my distance? I always want to stop after 3 miles. Don't know how much of that is mental vs. physical. Should I maybe take some walking breaks in between 1 mile runs?

One simple trick is to take a course that forces you to run longer, i.e., go out 2 miles away from your house and you will have to come back 2 miles - whether or not you run it is mostly mental.  Take your time on cranking up the distance.

Getting a trainer is a good investment.  It gives you a lot more flexibility for getting the ride in and even though it can be boring, it gives you a darned good workout - my opinion after owning one for about 2 months.

Edited by dcon 2010-04-13 11:42 PM

2010-04-13 11:43 PM
in reply to: #2790091

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Prince of Denmar - 2010-04-14 12:48 PM hey.

do any of yall know of an ''aggressive'' training plan for a sprint tri.

the biggest tri club in town is hosting? a tri on June 6th.

a friend of mine convinced me that I could do REALLY well. but hell I need to train.
I usually don't follow plans and I would take this one a tweak it to make it more personalized.


Have you looked at the free plans available on BT? 
2010-04-13 11:46 PM
in reply to: #2790091

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Prince of Denmar - 2010-04-13 9:48 PM


do any of yall know of an ''aggressive'' training plan for a sprint tri.

the biggest tri club in town is hosting? a tri on June 6th.

a friend of mine convinced me that I could do REALLY well. but hell I need to train.
I usually don't follow plans and I would take this one a tweak it to make it more personalized.


How much time/energy do you want to put into it?

The amount of training you do is more related to the goals you have/how much time you have, than the distance you are training for.
2010-04-14 1:37 AM
in reply to: #2788243

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
jgerbodegrant - 2010-04-13 7:11 PM I suggest that you not worry about your time on one particular day.  And the fact that you did 20 x 100 is friggin nuts to me.  I would be pushing 1:50 also!!  If you feel like you are slipping with respect to time, you are more than likely slipping with respect to your form, so you probably want to do more drills focussing on length and smooth out your stroke. 

Also, hook us up with some more info...are you getting tired?  What hurts?  Are you out of breath?  Are you getting frustrated during the workout by looking at your watch?  These are all factors related to my personal performance in the pool that may affect you also.

Jonathan and David, thanks for the replies. Here is some more info upon your requests:
I'm not getting particularly tired and I'm never out of breath. But you said it, the watch upsets me a lot. I'm thinking of leaving the watch for a few swim sessions and see how it goes? Is it realistic or should I just do what I can do and use the watch? Most probably my form degrades with time but there is nobody to point out and correct my flaws at the pool.
I'm doing 3 swim sessions per week. My usual practices:
Session 1:
200-250 m warm-up
300 m drills (catch-up, fist, one-arm)
15x100 m, leave every 2:00-2:05, completed on 1:55
200 m cool-down
Session 2:
warm-up, cool-down, drills are the same
Main set: 500 m, 400 m, 300 m, 200 m, 100 m, with decreasing amounts of rest

Session 3:
Main set: 100 m, 200 m, 300 m, 400 m, 300 m, 200 m, 100 m with proportional amouns of rest

I was able to do 3 or 4, 1:40's but I think my form changed somewhat so that I cannot do any 1:40's now.

I'm increasing my training times this week. yesterday my main set was 20x100, today it was 3x1000 meters. I think I need more drills but I do not know which drills to use. Of course they may change according to my stroke, so I'm posting my last swim recording again in case you may want to watch it: my swimming video

Thanks in advance for ANY help.
2010-04-14 3:45 AM
in reply to: #2770346

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!

One more question.
Does anybody use?? drills/plyometrics for running? ????????I?f? ?y?e?s?,? ?w?h?a?t? ?k?i?n?d?s? ?d?o? ?y?o?u? ?u?s?e???

I found this link? searching BT's archives. I may try some of these in one of my easy short runs, but I would like to hear the groups' thoughts.?

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