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2010-05-31 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2891285

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-05-30 4:14 PM
slow turtle - 2010-05-30 8:32 AM I tried to go for a bike ride yesterday- got a flat about 2 miles from home and had to walk the bike back. The bike shop is closed for the weekend- so now I wont be aable to get a new tube until Tuesday.
I know-I should have one, but I just never got around to picking it up, or learning how to change one. I guess I'll put that on my list of things to do this week.

I did get to do a 3.3 mile walk/run this morning! So  far my foot feels okay.


Buy several tubes.  Practice changing the tube.  Be especially aware of not pinching the tube between the rim and the tire or you'll get more practice than you want!

I saw some pretty good videos a while back on BT showing you how to change a tire.  Pretty helpful if you haven't done it before;  or go to Youtube.

2010-05-31 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2892063

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-05-31 12:39 PM

Phil -- glad to hear that your rear end is now a cyclist as well.  It does take a while.  And meanwhile your secret solution is apparently making the rounds!

Sylvain -- some good looking workouts.  I know you're going to love going clipless!

Color me stupid, but here's a screen shot from my computer just a few minutes ago:

They let you do a pool run for the marathon, right?  Surprised

Hey stupid

You're little crazy aren't you? You're a sucker for punishement, maybe even a little sadistic. I guess you're injury is healing a little faster then expected. Well, you've got five full months to train for it, that should be plenty to heal and get your endurance up. All the best to you. I can't wait to read you race report that will state AG winner!!!

Edited by sstucker 2010-05-31 12:20 PM
2010-05-31 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Got out for a lunch time 40 min run at faster then normal easy pace without any HR boost. My avg HR only went up 2 beats for a minus 1 min/mile pace. I think I need to perform an LT test for the run to find my HR zones. Being consistent in last few weeks has definitely showed in my results of late. I'm feeling much better and learning to improvise my workouts has given me more consistency.

I believe I've decided which two races I will perform. Originally had four in mind but June has become a nightmare at work, first with the G20 summit happening right beside my work building, plus other major projects I've been assigned to and I'm going to Vegas for a week training. First race will be July 24 and second August 22.

I need some opinions from the folks that have performed multiple races in short period of time. The two races are only 4 weeks a part, do you think it would be wise for me to book these as both A races? I know everyone is different but I'm thinking it's only two races and will have plenty of time to recover till next year. The first sprint is 750m-20km-5km, second 750m-33km-7km. The distance for both are not a problem for me, well I don't think so anyway, as for the previous two years I've trained for three marathons. I think I've answered my question, this should not be a problem at all for me as long as I keep my training consistent. Key word CONSISTENT.
2010-05-31 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2892180

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-05-31 2:20 PM Got out for a lunch time 40 min run at faster then normal easy pace without any HR boost. My avg HR only went up 2 beats for a minus 1 min/mile pace. I think I need to perform an LT test for the run to find my HR zones. Being consistent in last few weeks has definitely showed in my results of late. I'm feeling much better and learning to improvise my workouts has given me more consistency. I believe I've decided which two races I will perform. Originally had four in mind but June has become a nightmare at work, first with the G20 summit happening right beside my work building, plus other major projects I've been assigned to and I'm going to Vegas for a week training. First race will be July 24 and second August 22. I need some opinions from the folks that have performed multiple races in short period of time. The two races are only 4 weeks a part, do you think it would be wise for me to book these as both A races? I know everyone is different but I'm thinking it's only two races and will have plenty of time to recover till next year. The first sprint is 750m-20km-5km, second 750m-33km-7km. The distance for both are not a problem for me, well I don't think so anyway, as for the previous two years I've trained for three marathons. I think I've answered my question, this should not be a problem at all for me as long as I keep my training consistent. Key word CONSISTENT.

Yep.  Consistency, consistency consistency.  That is the key to your improvement, and to being in good enough shape to do multiple races.  And as you said, one key to consistency is flexibility -- adapting your workout schedule to whatever life throws at you.

You can absolutely be in excellent shape for both of those races.
2010-05-31 7:57 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Michael-bold move on the B2B.  I may do the half or at least some half this fall.  Thinking next year for my first IM but who knows.  What are you hearing from the doc?

Heidi-what about you?  Any news?

Sylvain-agree with Michael that consistency is key.  Get the workouts in when you can but dont forget the rest days.  I think you will be fine since the races are relatively "short." Good job on the clip in pedals. 

Had a pretty productive Memorial Day. 3200 swim, good bit of yard work and 25 miles on the rollers. On the road tomorrow so maybe an easy ride or run before heading out.

Happy traning everyone



2010-05-31 8:25 PM
in reply to: #2892707

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
slornow - 2010-05-31 8:57 PM

Michael-bold move on the B2B.  I may do the half or at least some half this fall.  Thinking next year for my first IM but who knows.  What are you hearing from the doc?

My orthopedist (alas, yes, I 'have' an orthopedist, as I've had a knee and an ankle surgery -- both from non-athletics-related injuries prior to my taking up triathlon) deals with professional athletes and dancers all the time, so I trust him a lot.  He says 'no problem', but also that the vast majority of my running right now needs to be in the pool.  On his advice, I'll be slowly substituting road time for pool time over the next many weeks.

I don't have any great ambitions for the race; I just wanted to do another IM, and this one fits the bill.  (It's relatively cheap; it's close by; it's at roughly the right number of weeks from now that I can be trained for it.  And the venue is actually very nice -- my sister used to live in Wilmington, so I'm a bit familiar with it.)

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day.  I consumed WAY too much.  Time to get back on the wagon...

2010-06-02 6:48 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Had a good swim this morning, back was very stiff though from standing all day yesterday. I've been practicing bilateral breathing during drills set and today tried it during last four of 8x100 and can say that I'm at about 90% comfortable with it. The question is how will I do when in race mode. Hopefully June 19 I'll find out. Had talk with the wife and looks like I may be able to do a race. I'm hoping for the sprint but because of other commitment I may need to do the Try-a-tri. I'll be happy with either race.

2010-06-02 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2892118

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Color me stupid, but here's a screen shot from my computer just a few minutes ago:


Good luck with your training!  This is an ambitious goal, but doable with a good plan and an injury-free training period.

- Mark

2010-06-02 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Just got back from run and decided I needed to do some speedwork if I'm going to do race on June 19. I think my legs are on a plateau doing easy runs forever, so I did 4 x 2 min @ 6:45 pace which turned out to be about 400 meters. I wasn't sure about the pace so I just went with how I felt and 6:45 felt hard but not painfull. I think my legs needed a little kick to remember how to run fast. It was a fun run, must do that again next week.
2010-06-02 4:33 PM
in reply to: #2895914

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-06-02 7:48 AM Had a good swim this morning, back was very stiff though from standing all day yesterday. I've been practicing bilateral breathing during drills set and today tried it during last four of 8x100 and can say that I'm at about 90% comfortable with it. The question is how will I do when in race mode. Hopefully June 19 I'll find out. Had talk with the wife and looks like I may be able to do a race. I'm hoping for the sprint but because of other commitment I may need to do the Try-a-tri. I'll be happy with either race.

Bi-lateral breathing is very useful in training to even out your stroke.  It is also a useful skill in OWS, because sometimes the waves or sun make it difficult to breathe to one side -- it is nice to be able to breathe to the other side.  However, I think it is far from necessary (or even helpful) to breathe bilaterally during the race.  (Of course, if you are more comfortable breathing that way, then go for it!)

That's really great that you are quite comfortable with it already -- it suggests that your stroke is already pretty well balanced.
2010-06-02 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

I'm a little discouraged after a TT on the bike tonight. I have a loop by my house when completed twice equals 21.3 miles. I averaged 18.6 mph. I was keeping a pace close to 20 up to mile 14-15 then dropped off. The route has several "rolling" hills. I really thought I was in much better shape than that. My average HR was 77% and peaked at 87%. My tri is in 3 weeks and it has a 21 mile bike route. That route is suppose to be "super" flat. I hope I can squeeze out 20-21 mph. Just a personal thing. I really want to finish bike under an hour.


2010-06-03 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2897781

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-06-02 8:43 PM

I'm a little discouraged after a TT on the bike tonight. I have a loop by my house when completed twice equals 21.3 miles. I averaged 18.6 mph. I was keeping a pace close to 20 up to mile 14-15 then dropped off. The route has several "rolling" hills. I really thought I was in much better shape than that. My average HR was 77% and peaked at 87%. My tri is in 3 weeks and it has a 21 mile bike route. That route is suppose to be "super" flat. I hope I can squeeze out 20-21 mph. Just a personal thing. I really want to finish bike under an hour.


Phil, I'd say that 18.6 on rollers is pretty good.

The fact that you dropped off before the end strongly suggests that you were working just above your LT.  (LT is about what you can hold for an hour.  Looks like you held it for around 45 minutes.)

TT is a great workout and also a great benchmark test.  A great way to improve your LT (so maybe you can hold that 20mph for an extra 15 minutes!) is to do LT intervals.  Try something like 3x20' intervals at LT or even slightly above, with say 2-4' rest between, maybe 5 (especially if you went slightly higher than LT during the interval).  That'll get you an hour training at LT, but recovery time will be much less than it would be if you just did an hour straight at LT, and you won't be puking at the end.

So the workout might look like this:

WU: 10' easy (z1/2); 5x20"/40" at z4/z2 (z4 is LT); 5' z3
MS: 3x20'/3' at z4/z2
CD: 10' easy z1/2

Edited by Experior 2010-06-03 8:13 AM
2010-06-03 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2897781

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-06-02 7:43 PM

I'm a little discouraged after a TT on the bike tonight. I have a loop by my house when completed twice equals 21.3 miles. I averaged 18.6 mph. I was keeping a pace close to 20 up to mile 14-15 then dropped off. The route has several "rolling" hills. I really thought I was in much better shape than that. My average HR was 77% and peaked at 87%. My tri is in 3 weeks and it has a 21 mile bike route. That route is suppose to be "super" flat. I hope I can squeeze out 20-21 mph. Just a personal thing. I really want to finish bike under an hour.


If you're averaging 18.6 on a training ride with some rollers, I think 20+ on race day should be no problem for you.  The adrenaline that kicks your speed up a notch on race day is hard to duplicate on a training ride. 


I've been rather busy of late and apologize for my continued absence here.

Michael, glad to see you signed up for B2B.  I'll most likely be there for the 70.3.  Too bad you're doing the full IM...I was looking forward to beating you in the half.Laughing

Brian, good luck in your Oly!! 

Have a great day, y'all...

2010-06-03 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2898390

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Stone Cutter - 2010-06-03 9:09 AM

If you're averaging 18.6 on a training ride with some rollers, I think 20+ on race day should be no problem for you.  The adrenaline that kicks your speed up a notch on race day is hard to duplicate on a training ride. 

x2.  I haven't looked carefully, but I'm pretty sure that MOST of my training rides I average around mid 18s or less on rollers.  I have yet to average less than 20mph in any race except my IM.  There are lots of factors in play here for me, but certainly one of them is adrenaline.  Another is that there is no slowing for traffic in a race (we hope!).
2010-06-03 9:41 PM
in reply to: #2898380

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-06-03 8:04 AM
StlPhil - 2010-06-02 8:43 PM

I'm a little discouraged after a TT on the bike tonight. I have a loop by my house when completed twice equals 21.3 miles. I averaged 18.6 mph. I was keeping a pace close to 20 up to mile 14-15 then dropped off. The route has several "rolling" hills. I really thought I was in much better shape than that. My average HR was 77% and peaked at 87%. My tri is in 3 weeks and it has a 21 mile bike route. That route is suppose to be "super" flat. I hope I can squeeze out 20-21 mph. Just a personal thing. I really want to finish bike under an hour.


Phil, I'd say that 18.6 on rollers is pretty good.

The fact that you dropped off before the end strongly suggests that you were working just above your LT.  (LT is about what you can hold for an hour.  Looks like you held it for around 45 minutes.)

TT is a great workout and also a great benchmark test.  A great way to improve your LT (so maybe you can hold that 20mph for an extra 15 minutes!) is to do LT intervals.  Try something like 3x20' intervals at LT or even slightly above, with say 2-4' rest between, maybe 5 (especially if you went slightly higher than LT during the interval).  That'll get you an hour training at LT, but recovery time will be much less than it would be if you just did an hour straight at LT, and you won't be puking at the end.

So the workout might look like this:

WU: 10' easy (z1/2); 5x20"/40" at z4/z2 (z4 is LT); 5' z3
MS: 3x20'/3' at z4/z2
CD: 10' easy z1/2

Michael, thanks for the bike workout I'm going to work that into my ride tomorrow. I'm really hopining for that "adrenaline" kick for the race. It would really help if I could drop an additional 30lbs. over the next 20 days. Wink

Between the heat and the love of the new bike, I have avoided long runs over the past month. Well, tonight I HTFU and hit the Missouri River levee. It was 87 degrees, beautiful and more importantly 7.6 miles. Felt good  to run the "longer" distance again. Although slow, at least I didn't puke. I should be able to get a couple more longer runs in before the race.

2010-06-03 10:22 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
I'm pretty darn impressed with the bike training speeds you all have.  After I get through the two parties at our house this weekend (graduation, family in town), I'm gonna upgrade the old bike and go clipless and see if I can improve my speed / times some.  Definitely some low hanging fruit waiting for me there.  Did my usual bike home / bike to work which is just a lovely training ride (and only adds 40 min to my commute).  Thought you might enjoy seeing a profile of some of my "steep" hills on the ride... the middle part of the ride I'm going from high to low gear all the time.  Anyway, I promise to post some pictures sometime in the next few weeks just to make you all jealous ;-)

Michael and Mike... wtg on the B2B... I'm thinking about it (the 70.3 mind you!)

Love those Garmins!

2010-06-03 10:56 PM
in reply to: #2900337

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
juneapple - 2010-06-03 11:22 PM I'm pretty darn impressed with the bike training speeds you all have.  After I get through the two parties at our house this weekend (graduation, family in town), I'm gonna upgrade the old bike and go clipless and see if I can improve my speed / times some.  Definitely some low hanging fruit waiting for me there.  Did my usual bike home / bike to work which is just a lovely training ride (and only adds 40 min to my commute).  Thought you might enjoy seeing a profile of some of my "steep" hills on the ride... the middle part of the ride I'm going from high to low gear all the time.  Anyway, I promise to post some pictures sometime in the next few weeks just to make you all jealous ;-)

Michael and Mike... wtg on the B2B... I'm thinking about it (the 70.3 mind you!)

Love those Garmins!

Oh that looks like a sweet ride!  I wish we had hills like that around here.  I occasionally get to ride in the mountains of NC (my sisters live there) but otherwise have to make do with the small rollers around here for my hills.  I'm jealous even without the pics!
2010-06-03 11:41 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Hey Everyone,

It has been a pretty raining may and start of June so they are movnig the parking lot off the grass at the County Park the Start of the Race is at and moving the parking to a Marina Lot that is paved nearby.  Abouth 1.5 miles away.  I'll park the car and ride over.

I want to thank everyone for their encouragement and support.  I am really fired up about this race.  I took the day oiff tomorrow to take care of getting our New Tri Club Website up and live, traveling to Portland, OR to pickup my race packet and do a little shopping by myself.  Might pickup a better race belt and new timing strap.  The new Trisuit came and it fits great.

I'll post a race report on Sunday evening which is about 4 hours later your time on east coast so you may not see it until Monday.
2010-06-04 6:35 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Good luck Brian!  You have alot of solid training behind you.  Have a great race.


2010-06-04 10:03 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Had a good swim this morning. Did some experimenting with my stroke during the 10x50m sprints to see how it would affect my time. It was pretty neat to see a plus 5 second to lap when I tried to speed my RPMs then if I powered through each stroke. So when I use power I'm much faster, but question to myself is how long will I last. 50 meters does not seem to be a problem. I guess I'll find out next time I perform test.

Brian, good luck this weekend. Trust your training and now enjoy the race. Don't sweat the small stuff and smile when you arrive at the finnish line, you earned it.

On a sad note, I was about to register for a June 19 Try-a-Tri so I can have a race under my belt and when I checked the website it was sold out (both sprint and Try). That's what happens when you wait till last minute. Oh well! now I must wait till July.

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

2010-06-04 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Have a great race weekend Brian!

I just got back from a ride that was billed to me as '25 miles easy' but turned out to be 40 miles hard.  Not what I was expecting, but it was good for me.

2010-06-05 8:19 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Good luck Brian!

I saw the Doc yesterday. MRI results showed bruising of the talus bone with significant inflamation around it. That probably explains the nerve pain. He instructed me to go back to pool running for the next 2 weeks- nothing on the road. And I had to go shoe shopping for work shoes. Unlike most women, I hate shoe shopping-so that was not fun.

I am attending the Freihofers Run for Women today.  I've been training a group of girls from the local Girl's Inc. since January, and they are participating in the race! We are all very excited!

2010-06-05 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2902327

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
slow turtle - 2010-06-05 9:19 AM

Good luck Brian!

I saw the Doc yesterday. MRI results showed bruising of the talus bone with significant inflamation around it. That probably explains the nerve pain. He instructed me to go back to pool running for the next 2 weeks- nothing on the road. And I had to go shoe shopping for work shoes. Unlike most women, I hate shoe shopping-so that was not fun.

I am attending the Freihofers Run for Women today.  I've been training a group of girls from the local Girl's Inc. since January, and they are participating in the race! We are all very excited!


That bruise sure is taking long to heal. Well, now at least you know what's going on inside. Sending you fast healing vibes.
2010-06-05 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2902327

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
slow turtle - 2010-06-05 9:19 AM Good luck Brian!

I saw the Doc yesterday. MRI results showed bruising of the talus bone with significant inflamation around it. That probably explains the nerve pain. He instructed me to go back to pool running for the next 2 weeks- nothing on the road. And I had to go shoe shopping for work shoes. Unlike most women, I hate shoe shopping-so that was not fun.

I am attending the Freihofers Run for Women today.  I've been training a group of girls from the local Girl's Inc. since January, and they are participating in the race! We are all very excited!


Glad you finally got some definitive info on that injury.

Have a great time at the race!
2010-06-05 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
It's official, I signed up for a Try-a-tri (400m-10Km-2.5km) for next Sunday. I was very sad yesterday when my other planned race was sold out but today I'm very excited. I don't care how I finish this race but being very short I won't have any problems completing it.

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