BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-06-11 2:15 PM
in reply to: #4255427

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
jaycee6 - 2012-06-11 12:36 PM

Hey GPs! 

Apologies for the absence and so sorry to hear about the injuries that have been going on. 

@Mitch : Wishing you a speedy recovery with your fractures. I can definitely relate to the discouragement that's felt. 

@Brian : congrats on the graduation!! i'm sure it was absolutely adorable 

As of right now, I think I'm going to nix the idea of racing this summer. My knee still isn't feeling great and I know that racing is going to place unnecessary pressure on myself and I just can't risk pushing too hard and facing another round of this recovery/healing process. Hopefully I can start doing some base building again come July and maybe look into doing some running races in the fall and maybe some additional open water swimming races. 

Anyhow, I hope everyone else's training is going well. Definitely inspiring to see how hard some of you all are training! Keep up the good work! 

Understand your thoughts on racing.  I'm grappling with those decisions as well.  In truth, I can't commit to any races right now because I have no idea if I will be ready to run in 6 to 8 weeks.  Then I have no idea how fast recovery will be to get back into running form.  I am going to force myself to go very slow from a run perspective hoping to avoid any similar situations in the future.

I may do a tri in September if I didn't get a full refund for my race next weekend (working to get a refund or moved to a tri on same course in the fall).  Also considering being part of a marathon relay team in October.  I feel I am being conservative planning to be able to race a 10-K-ish distance in Mid-October. That would be give me Aug, Sept and half of Oct to train.  Thoughts?

2012-06-11 2:27 PM
in reply to: #4255875

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

dangremond - 2012-06-11 3:15 PM
jaycee6 - 2012-06-11 12:36 PM  Considering being part of a marathon relay team in October.  I feel I am being conservative planning to be able to race a 10-K-ish distance in Mid-October. That would be give me Aug, Sept and half of Oct to train.  Thoughts?

2 and a half months should be fine to "train up" for a Relay (10K in distance or so).  I would treat the 1st month (August) as Base Building.  Just run easy and build up the weekly mileage, and recapture any lost fitness you may have.  Then in September add a Tempo run to your weekly running plan, and throw in an MLR with a Fast Finish on the weekend.  By the beginning of October you'll be back in form and can start tapering down the last 10 days to 2 weeks.


2012-06-11 2:52 PM
in reply to: #4255906

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
breger1 - 2012-06-11 3:27 PM

dangremond - 2012-06-11 3:15 PM
jaycee6 - 2012-06-11 12:36 PM  Considering being part of a marathon relay team in October.  I feel I am being conservative planning to be able to race a 10-K-ish distance in Mid-October. That would be give me Aug, Sept and half of Oct to train.  Thoughts?

2 and a half months should be fine to "train up" for a Relay (10K in distance or so).  I would treat the 1st month (August) as Base Building.  Just run easy and build up the weekly mileage, and recapture any lost fitness you may have.  Then in September add a Tempo run to your weekly running plan, and throw in an MLR with a Fast Finish on the weekend.  By the beginning of October you'll be back in form and can start tapering down the last 10 days to 2 weeks.


Thanks for your thoughts Bill.  I'd like to do the Half Marathon but not sure I can honestly keep myself from trying to train like I would if I were racing for a PR.  Afraid I would pressure myself into doing too much.  I feel like the relay may be more doable.

2012-06-12 8:30 AM
in reply to: #4124019

Toronto, Ontario
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

@mitch: Have you thought about doing some water running to maintain your run fitness? the only issue with that is you need to be able to go pretty frequently from the research that I've done. Also, the water running seems to be more about intervals than time/endurance though I'm sure others can speak more to that. 

Just speaking from what I've experienced these past couple of months, it might be better to set your expectations a little lower for what's to come in the fall. For me personally I kept thinking "I can start training in a week, I can start training in a week" and that emotionally has been tolling. Wishing you a speedy recovery

I keep trying to plan out the rest of the season and have been hoping to get some races in but the harsh reality is that, with my first tri (that I had registered for) coming up in just over a month, it's unrealistic for me to compete in it and expect good results. 

Anyways, I had a nice hour in the pool last night. My ankle was hurting while kicking so I just used a pull buoy and was quite pleased with my pace times. Averaged around 1:40/100yd and swam a total of about 2200 yds. Hoping to work my way up to some 3-3.5k workouts starting next week. 

2012-06-12 10:38 AM
in reply to: #4124019

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED


IT IS OK TO NOT RACE....IT IS OK TO NOT RACE.  And just in case you didn't get my 'veiled' meaning is OK to NOT RACE.

Speaking for myself, I have NO notions of being a professional athlete; none, nada, zip.  Triathlons/races are simply a means to an end for me; to promote and encourage a healthy lifestyle, to set examples about fitness and physical activity for my kids and family/friends (hopefully) to follow.   Let's face it, to me, it's always been kinda silly to pay 40.00 for the 'opportunity' to race on roads I've ran on (for free) hundreds of times while drinking warm gatoraid and eating stale bagels.  Oh, and those low-cost, 'tech' t-shirts that scratch the beejeezus out of you.   No thanks, I'll pass.  Now there are a small handful of races I'll set my training sights on, but If I miss them...oh well, there's another race next weekend. 

Sometimes we get hurt.  Our bodies fail us...or, more often than not, WE fail our bodies.  Gather some perspective, do what you can to stay active WITHOUT increasing your risk of significant injury, and enjoy life.  We're TRIATHLETES by golly!

2012-06-12 12:00 PM
in reply to: #4124019

Toronto, Ontario
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

thanks jeff - always good to have an outside (read: sane) voice of reason 


2012-06-12 12:25 PM
in reply to: #4257581

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
jeffnboise - 2012-06-12 11:38 AM

IT IS OK TO NOT RACE....IT IS OK TO NOT RACE.  And just in case you didn't get my 'veiled' meaning is OK to NOT RACE.

Blasphemy.  Wink


Edited by breger1 2012-06-12 12:26 PM
2012-06-13 11:46 AM
in reply to: #4124019

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Ok, this is a little 'test' to see how many GPs are still with us.....come on, you know the words...(the Mouseketeer Theme song).  Just hit 'Reply' after you've entered your name.

Guinea Pig role call count off now....


2012-06-13 11:54 AM
in reply to: #4124019

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Jeff - how did you get to be so wise?  Are you really a lot older than your picture looks?Laughing   I agree that often the most unnecessary pressure we feel is from ourselves.  I can understand, though, the little bit of mourning that a person feels when they can't do something that they have built up in their mind is important. 

I had a great long run this morning after an unplanned 3 day hiatus.  My route was a shamrock starting from the south of town and running in and then looping out of town to the east, then the north, then the west.  I pictured a three leaf clover for my route.

Good training to the rest of you!

2012-06-13 11:57 AM
in reply to: #4124019

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
Yo, yo, yo - Janette here.
2012-06-13 11:58 AM
in reply to: #4124019

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Mitch reporting....

Racing keeps me honest - sets a dealine on the calendar to motivate me to do the training and work to keep my body healthy and my mind sane.

2012-06-13 12:18 PM
in reply to: #4124019

Toronto, Ontario
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Hello sir! Joey here reporting to duty (though on the injured list

For me, racing feeds my love for competition. People who know me personally know that I have a great tendency to put way too much pressure on myself which is why this WHOLE ordeal has been so difficult. but really - enough about this. 

Anyone racing this weekend? 

2012-06-13 12:31 PM
in reply to: #4124019

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
Bill is here too!
2012-06-13 4:18 PM
in reply to: #4124019

New user
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
I'm still here, lurking away...

My knee seems to be doing much better, as long as I don't do anything stupid***, I don't even notice it. I have been biking and swimming, but have lost the drive to run outside of my team sports. I'm always good once I get myself going (and have yet to regret going for a run), it's the getting going part that is tough...

*** stupid = quick lateral cuts to the left in soccer, long clearing kicks in soccer, running on really uneven ground, and the breaststroke.
2012-06-13 5:57 PM
in reply to: #4124019

Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Brian here too.

Been on the road for the past two days for work, so no training. I brought my running shoes, but the only running I've been doing is from airport to dinner to working in my hotel room to all-day meeting to airport...looking forward to getting home and back in the swing of things.  (BTW, airport food is...well, you know pretty crappy...)

Hoping to (or perhaps need to) get a run in tomorrow.  My flight is already delayed 1 hr, so I hope it doesn't get delayed any further.  Fingers crossed.

BTW, I agree with Jeff about how we don't have to race.  First priority should be to get and stay healthy, and then racing if everything works out.  That said, I agree with Mitch too about using races to help focus training and setting goals.  

In any case, hope everyone is doing well today.  And despite all the folks out injured, I hope we can keep this group active.  I definitely appreciate bouncing ideas off you and learning about your training plans.


2012-06-14 4:04 AM
in reply to: #4124019

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
Okay guys.... I'm crawling back to you with my tail between my legs and owing you all yet another apology... It seems I grossly under-estimated the amount of time I would need to commit to the combination of IM training and working toward starting a business. Add to that 3 busy kids and a packed end of school year schedule, and my life has been pretty hectic the past several weeks. The kids finish school tomorrow, things on the business front are at a bit of a lull right now, and I'm tapering for an HIM this weekend, so I feel like I can catch my breath for a bit. I'm not sure where to go right now since I've let you guys down with regard to "coaching". At this point, I'm not sure if it makes sense for me to try and catch up with you all on training plans, or just try to offer advice as posted to the group. I'm going to go back through the thread now and try to answer any specific questions you have posted, although I suspect some of them may be out-dated at this point.... I also know I have a couple of PMs to answer, and will do my best to get to those as well.

Sorry again for letting you guys down ...

2012-06-14 4:13 AM
in reply to: #4124019

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
Okay, read back through the posts, and I guess I don't necessarily see any specific questions to answer.

Mitch -- so sorry to hear about your stress fracture.... I know you've been working really hard and have made a lot of great progress, I know it must be incredibly frustrating. I'll second Joey's suggestion to consider water running. It's not likely to IMPROVE your running, but can help you MAINTAIN some of the running fitness you've gained. How long does your doc want you to stay away from running? Of course when you come back, make sure you ease back into it to avoid re-injuring yourself....

2012-06-14 7:24 AM
in reply to: #4124019

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

No worries Jenny.  We all have lives to live and conflicting priorities.  Sometimes a few things have to be kicked to the curb.

I got in the pool last evening for the first time in 5 weeks I think, and as might be expected I felt like a total swim-newb again.  I didn't count laps and didn't really time anything.  Just out there trying to get a feel for the water again.

This morning I Biked 20 miles at a pretty good clip (for me).  Still a little skittish taking corners but it will pass as I keep at it.  I felt pretty good today and happy I went a few more miles than I had planned to.  The Base Building continues ...

I have a Sprint Tri on the 4th of July.  It'll be good practice/training.  I'm not expecting a good time on any of the legs, though with the new lightning Bike I'll easily have a faster bike leg than I had on my other Sprint Tri.


Edited by breger1 2012-06-14 7:26 AM
2012-06-14 9:46 AM
in reply to: #4124019

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Forgive me for I have sinned...

I've been working at it and finally got my weight under 150 lbs.   But yesterday I had a moment of weakness; I ate a bacon cheesburger AND chili fries.  I didn't leave a crumb big enough for a rat.  I didn't work out...and had a big beer before bedtime.  I slept like a baby. 

Today's workout (providing I can still fit into my wetsuit); OWS then a bike brick. 

Hey, Jenny!  Glad yer back!

2012-06-14 11:45 AM
in reply to: #4124019

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Jeff - sometimes the only reason I do this is exactly so that I can eat the huge piece of cake and drink 4 glasses of wine with my steak!  Glad to hear you slept well.

Jenny - good luck on your HIM this weekend. 

Brian - happy travels.

Bill - having crashed my bike a couple times, I can totally relate to feeling a little skittish on corners.  One thing, though, I know for a fact that I am more likely to get in balance trouble when I am tense in my stance and posture.

Well, gang, I did another OWS early this morning.  It was a little better, but still sketchy.

My sprint race is July 22.  #1 - I am most worried about freaking out on the swim.  I have been OWS 4 times this month.  I have had spotters on the shore, but no one with me in the water.  I actually think I will be better if I have other swimmers near/with me.  My breathing needs some real work.  I am not a super swimmer, but I know I can make the distance so long as I don't hyperventilate.  It is very frustrating when I know the gasping is from fear which is totally controllable in my head, but I still keep going there.

#2 - a distant second worry is transitions especially swim to bike.  I have practiced a couple times, but I guess it is just the unknown.  Getting out of the water, I feel all disconnected.  I wear glasses and can't wear contacts so part of it is not being able to see until I get to my sport glasses.  I have tried the optical goggles, but they don't help much given my really bad eyesight.  I think that also contributes to my fear in OWS because I can't see anything on the shore or the island I swim to.

# 3 - my third little worry is getting my legs under me in the first mile of the run.  I did a brick last week with a longer bike ride followed by a 5K run distance and boy did I feel sluggish on the run.  It was late in the day and hot, but I was surprised that I didn't have more zip.

Just my ramblings -

2012-06-14 12:44 PM
in reply to: #4124019

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

JKJ, I can't help you with #1.  You need to get comfortable.

On #2, how about if a friend holds your glasses for you so that as soon as you exit the water they can hand you your glasses.

On #3, practice a few more Bike/Run bricks - once a week or so.  Even for me as a Tri-newbie, that dead-leg feeling is almost gone now after I bike.  Another technique is, is for the last 1/2 mile or so on the Bike, shift onto the small ring and spin fast rather than power thru.  This helps flush the garbage out of the legs as you approach T2.


2012-06-14 1:34 PM
in reply to: #4124019

Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

@Janette - when you line up on race day, there will be alot of other folks just like you, some using wetsuits and some not, who have the same fear/anxiety as you do.  You'll realise that alot of folks are in the same boat you are...and I think that might help/comfort you somewhat.  Right now, you're swimming by it's probably a bit lonely/scary as you practice in open water...this probably adds to your uncomfortable feeling.  On race day, there will be other swimmers and a number of kayaks in the water with you.  I'll bet that alot of your nerves will go away on race day because of the community of athletes around you, coupled with the fact that you know you can swim the distance.

Also, I would also study the maps provided by your sprint RD.  Is the swim leg a triangle, or an out and back or some other shape?  Do you turn right or left around the bouys?  Knowing this will also help you visualise the course better as you swim, and should help ease your uncomfortable feeling.  (And I would also study the maps of the bike and run courses, so you have a good sense of how they look, where the turns are etc...)

Another item about the swim leg that could be a bit weird is rounding the bouys.  Folks take all sort of paths to get to the bouys, but they all seem to turn right next to them.  So there can be a fair amount of jostling/positioning as your round the bouys.  The swim start is known to be chaotic, but I've also found that it can be quite chaotic at/around the bouys. 

#2 - this is a good point, but on race day the swim course is marked with big red/orange bouys and that should help you sight in the water.  I like Bill's suggestion, but I don't think USAT rules allow outside help during the race.  Perhaps you can put your glasses at a designated spot near the swim finish?  One of the races that I've done has a 1/4ish mile run from the lake to T1, and we all leave a pair of shoes/sandals at the edge of the lake.  If your sprint has something similar, perhaps you can leave your glasses with your shoes.

#3 - the bike to run transition can be a bit weird too, but trust your training.  You know your legs are strong enough, so just relax, get into your rhythm and run.  Easier said that done, granted, but don't stress about this part.  Your lack of zip could have been due to a number of factors...late in the day probably played a role.  We're all fresher in the am (or at least most folks are), and your race is probably an AM start, right?  So, I would not get too stressed about that one brick.

Just my two cents...


2012-06-14 3:28 PM
in reply to: #4261371

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Edited by dangremond 2012-06-14 3:29 PM
2012-06-14 3:28 PM
in reply to: #4261371

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Edited by dangremond 2012-06-14 3:29 PM
2012-06-14 3:28 PM
in reply to: #4261371

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
jeffnboise - 2012-06-14 10:46 AM

Forgive me for I have sinned...

I've been working at it and finally got my weight under 150 lbs.   But yesterday I had a moment of weakness; I ate a bacon cheesburger AND chili fries.  I didn't leave a crumb big enough for a rat.  I didn't work out...and had a big beer before bedtime.  I slept like a baby. 

Today's workout (providing I can still fit into my wetsuit); OWS then a bike brick. 

Hey, Jenny!  Glad yer back!

As I took last week off (to digest the stress fractures and also "why not", no races to train for) I allowed myself to binge on a few good items.  Amazingly got on the sacle yesterday and I hadn't gained an ounce.  It's all good - you have to reward yourself every once in awhile for being discilpined.

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