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2013-01-26 11:00 AM
in reply to: #4592588

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Sweet! The hard part is over now haha!

phishinphan - 2013-01-24 9:02 AM

Good morning all! Finally feeling like I'm on the mend from the cold.

It's official...I registered for my first ever triathlon. There's no going back! Let the countdown to March 24 begin!


2013-01-27 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!  It has been SO COLD here in New England this past week.  I went for a 6 mile run today and actually ran outside!  I was not too confident that I'd be able to complete the 6 miles at first b/c of the low temps (about 20 degrees) and icy/snowy sidewalks, but I did and it felt great!  This was one of the best runs for me in a long time.  I had a slow run due to the conditions, but just felt really good mentally and physically - felt like I could have kept running a few more miles!    This rarely happens to me, so I'm cherishing the feeling while it lasts, haha!
2013-01-27 3:48 PM
in reply to: #4595608

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Great ideal Tim!  When I first started riding I thought my cadence was quite high till I monitored it and saw that it was only about 65.  I am still struggling to keep it at an avg of 85 RPM.  I will definite include that workout Tim as I know the more you practice the higher cadence it will become automatic.  I have also been told that I tend to ride in a harder gear then what I should be riding in so that is another reminder to save the legs.

tmoran80 - 2013-01-26 11:59 AM

One great workout that I did every week last year was a 30 minute high RPM (100+) staying in Z1.  It really helped get my cadence up and now when I hop on the bike I automatically pedal at 85 RPM without even thinking about it.

2013-01-27 7:24 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

AJ - Thanks for the running tips, I'm going to have another week off running and then see how the achilles goes. So far it is feeling much better and the swelling & soreness has completely gone. I think I need to be more diligent with massaging and stretching my calves to keep the pressure off.

Timmer - Bless you for the work you do in Guatemala. Hope you have a rewarding trip and manage to get some training in.

Kristen - Nice work with the run, glad you enjoyed it so much!

DC - The stationary swim trainer sounds interesting, I guess that would be a good way to train for open water swims.

Gil - Really glad to hear your heels and ankles are doing much better, that is great news!

Pierce - How did the first road ride go?

I've been off sick for three days. On Friday I became violently ill thanks to a food allergy, still not 100% so taking today off as well. No running for another week because of my achilles, so will be a light week on the bike, in the pool and in the gym till I'm fully recovered. Good time to do some healing.

Hope everyone has a good week of training!

2013-01-27 7:45 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Team.

Had a busy last few days. 3 solid days of a curling bonspiel, a bit tired but had a great time. Back in the pool in the morning and a busy week ahead. Friday is sign up day for Ironman Lake Placid 2013 volunteer - can't wait.

I hope everyone is doing great.

Check in tomorrow - off to bed.


2013-01-27 7:56 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Got a question for the group.

Do you think 9 weeks is enough time to train for a half marathon?

I entered one about a month ago on the 7th April, the cutoff time for the race is 2 hrs 45 mins. At the moment I can do an 8km at about 7:45min/km pace (and could push out a 10km a bit slower) and if I have another week off for my achilles it will mean 9 weeks left to train for it.

I'm just wondering whether I should withdraw and concentrate on the half marathon I have on the 21st July instead or throw caution to the wind and go for this one as well. I just want to get one under my belt before my HIM in Nov.

Any thoughts?

2013-01-28 7:43 AM
in reply to: #4597042

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Simone, I personally would hold off on the April half marathon.  The shortest training plan I've ever used for that distance is 12 weeks and I felt like that was even pretty aggressive.  Especially with your achilles not cooperating.  Best to let that injury heal so you'll be ready to give it your best effort in July!! 

Sorry, probably not the response you were looking for


kruzmeister - 2013-01-27 8:56 PM

Got a question for the group.

Do you think 9 weeks is enough time to train for a half marathon?

I entered one about a month ago on the 7th April, the cutoff time for the race is 2 hrs 45 mins. At the moment I can do an 8km at about 7:45min/km pace (and could push out a 10km a bit slower) and if I have another week off for my achilles it will mean 9 weeks left to train for it.

I'm just wondering whether I should withdraw and concentrate on the half marathon I have on the 21st July instead or throw caution to the wind and go for this one as well. I just want to get one under my belt before my HIM in Nov.

Any thoughts?

2013-01-28 8:27 AM
in reply to: #4595483

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
kp, The trainer is all alone. The pool is elsewhere. The trainer is just really convenient, otherwise I would not bother. I think spending enough time in it will result in getting a technique down to make it a better experience but I still don't think it will be my favorite swim workout.
2013-01-28 8:30 AM
in reply to: #4596492

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
kp, Not sure about others, but I really enjoy cold weather running. Starts out cold but once you are up to operating temperature it feels good to just keep cruising. Plus it cold weather around here often means snow and that makes the run beautiful. There is a point where it is too cold when your nose and lungs are burning but not very often.

Just bundle up and hit the road!
2013-01-28 8:33 AM
in reply to: #4597042

Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

What type of mileage are you currently doing a week? 9 weeks is enough time to put in the long runs runs needed to complete the distance but if you don't have a strong enough base right now you will hurt yourself.


- dcolman

kruzmeister - 2013-01-27 8:56 PM

Got a question for the group.

Do you think 9 weeks is enough time to train for a half marathon?

I entered one about a month ago on the 7th April, the cutoff time for the race is 2 hrs 45 mins. At the moment I can do an 8km at about 7:45min/km pace (and could push out a 10km a bit slower) and if I have another week off for my achilles it will mean 9 weeks left to train for it.

I'm just wondering whether I should withdraw and concentrate on the half marathon I have on the 21st July instead or throw caution to the wind and go for this one as well. I just want to get one under my belt before my HIM in Nov.

Any thoughts?

2013-01-28 8:35 AM
in reply to: #4597042

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Simone, Depends on how well your healing. kp is right, 26.2 miles is a LOT of pounding and the mileage to work up to that distance is significant. I would recommend seeing if you could do a half at that race and schedule another one later in the summer too.

If just completing the full marathon is the goal, you could probably do the run/walk routine.

Just remember your HIM goal. If this hurts your chances there, I would consider skipping.


2013-01-28 9:30 AM
in reply to: #4597042

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Simone, I am with everyone else, skip this half marathon and let yourself heel.  I wanted to do a half marathon in March and was going to sign up at the beginning of December and my coach talked me out of it saying I wouldn't be ready to run the pace I would want to run, now if I wanted to do it very conservative she would let me but she also knows I have a hard time doing that.  (I was also coming off an injury)

Remember we want you healthy and injury free at your HIM!  

kruzmeister - 2013-01-27 8:56 PM

Got a question for the group.

Do you think 9 weeks is enough time to train for a half marathon?

I entered one about a month ago on the 7th April, the cutoff time for the race is 2 hrs 45 mins. At the moment I can do an 8km at about 7:45min/km pace (and could push out a 10km a bit slower) and if I have another week off for my achilles it will mean 9 weeks left to train for it.

I'm just wondering whether I should withdraw and concentrate on the half marathon I have on the 21st July instead or throw caution to the wind and go for this one as well. I just want to get one under my belt before my HIM in Nov.

Any thoughts?

2013-01-28 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
I am so sad that I will not be signing up to volunteer for Lake Placid.    With the hubby still unemployed there is no need to spend money where we don't have to.  However, Deb, if things improved by race day I still want to come up and cheer you on!
2013-01-28 10:00 AM
in reply to: #4597042

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Sorry Simone, Thought your post said full marathon. Same info the the half. Better to get well and focus on your HIM>
2013-01-28 3:10 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

My current stats for HIM (obv to improve upon by July 21st):

6-mile run: 44:32, 16.6-mile bike: 60:00, 3x500m swim ~11:00 per 500M with 2:00 min btw rests

Goal HIM 5:45:00

Edited by t-royboy 2013-01-28 3:10 PM
2013-01-28 9:10 PM
in reply to: #4597042

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Simone - It's better if you don't put that kind of pressure on yourself. I'm glad this is the off season for me otherwise I would be training very hard and I don't think that I would be recovering as well as I have been. I also have a half marathon in March scheduled but at this point I'm just running 13.1 miles with a bunch of other people that also thought it be a good idea in the winter to do a half in the spring.

Give the injury some time to heal. Trust me you'll be glad you did.

kruzmeister - 2013-01-27 7:56 PM

Got a question for the group.

Do you think 9 weeks is enough time to train for a half marathon?

I entered one about a month ago on the 7th April, the cutoff time for the race is 2 hrs 45 mins. At the moment I can do an 8km at about 7:45min/km pace (and could push out a 10km a bit slower) and if I have another week off for my achilles it will mean 9 weeks left to train for it.

I'm just wondering whether I should withdraw and concentrate on the half marathon I have on the 21st July instead or throw caution to the wind and go for this one as well. I just want to get one under my belt before my HIM in Nov.

Any thoughts?

2013-01-29 1:00 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Thanks for the advice everyone, I was steering towards pulling out of the race and you've all convinced me. I have a sprint tri on the 17th Feb, so I'll rest my achilles till then and see how it goes, it is only a 4km run so shouldn't be a problem.

I had a good weight session today at the gym, my core strength is definitely increasing, and I'm starting to feel like my old "warrior" self again! Think I will concentrate on my strength workouts a little more, while running is on the back burner. I've got a few new routes to try out on the bike also which will test my legs and fitness.

2013-01-29 8:30 AM
in reply to: #4550197

New user
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Eating... Kind of important... 

2013-01-29 7:19 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Team.

I hope this note finds everyone well.

Just want so say hello. I read over some posts from the past few days:

KTC - sorry to hear you cant sign up for IM LP as a Vol. Sign up is this Friday and I am thinking you should sign up anyway and just in case things don't get a bit better, you could always contact the race director and pull out? You should consider it. BTW - what kind of work does you husband do? You never know maybe one of us has a contact in your area?

Lori - my plan last year was 28 weeks and so is the one I am doing this year - and it starts Monday Surprised

Simone - hang in there, you are making the right decisions.

Pierce - I am pumped for you that you signed up for your first Tri - congrats.

Timmer - awesome that you are helping out like that. Hope you are having a safe trip - God Bless and safe travels.

OK - Full Ironman plan starts Monday. I am a bit worried right now because I was hoping that work would slow down a bit but as of right now I am thinking I may have a tough time sticking to the plan and getting all my workouts in - but I will do my best. I have been swimming and doing a few runs here and there as well as a couple of bike rides since I have recovered from the flu but  I have not been logging anything. I will start up again as of Monday.

I am a bit worried about the run part since my ex-wife took my tredmill - LOL - sure hope the weather is ok to run outside because I dont want to have to invest in a tredmill right now. This is one of the reasons I am thinking about joining a gym that is close to the college. I would have good access to good tredmills and of course I would start doing my weight work in the gym instead of in my basement. Do any of you have gym memberships?

I have a swim planned for tomorrow morning - still working on TI drills and technique but I think tomorrow I am just going to swim.

OK - that is all I have for now team.

Stay safe everyone.

IM LP Volunteer sign up starts Friday - looking forward to it.

OH - one more thing - I forget, who in our group is doing MUNCIE 70.3?


2013-01-29 9:26 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hey guys - sorry I have not been around lately.  I am trying to catch up the posts and it looks like everyone is doing great.  A couple things going on right now with me...

I have been crazy busy with work - (back story) I neglected work pretty bad for the past year with IM training and i have a huge project that is coming up that requires alot of my time -especially lately hopefully I am all caught up.

I also play in a band that takes a lot of my time and one of the members decided to quit so we are going through auditions.

I also am having some minor health issues.  On X-mas eve I had a colonoscopy and two weeks ago I found out that the biopsy's showed  I have the early signs of Chrones Disease.  It kind of came as a shock to me since I have never had ANY health issues and I just came off one of my healthiest years with IMWI and pretty much felt invincible haha - that brought me back down to earth real fast.  While it is nothing major I just get worried because my Mom has had major issues because of this.  Now I live a much different lifestyle then her with diet and no smoking but it still worries me.

Any ways... just trying to plug along the past week or so.  I got a good 30 minute bike in tonight and gonna hit the pool tomorrow.  Feel much better after the bike.  I just need to get back in the swing of things.Laughing

2013-01-29 9:29 PM
in reply to: #4592423

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Agreed! I would have told that coach to stick it you know where.  That is total crap.  She should have either asked you your pace before you signed up or at least offered your money back if your pace didn't "fit" her training group.  

kpringle - 2013-01-24 7:46 AM

Simone, that is so lame!!  It would have been nice if the coach had told you this BEFORE you invested $$ in the package.  I also feel like the coach could be more encouraging...  Maybe the faster runners will give you something to work toward and make you work harder! 

But it's no fun signing up for a group training program and being told you'll be training alone.  WTF??!!


kruzmeister - 2013-01-24 2:50 AM

Spoke to the coach today about this run package I signed up for and she as much as told me I'll be running on my own until my pace increases, so I'm kinda wondering what the point is of doing it. Feel like I've just blown $70 for no reason! Have a feeling my HIM and IM training is going to be a self coached effort.

2013-01-29 9:33 PM
in reply to: #4597042

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Simone - I would definitley hold off on the April 1/2.  Your training is going so good right now and pushing too hard especially this early in the season is good cause for burnout and injury with a November "A" race.   Focus on building that endurance up and have a good 1/2 marathon in July.

kruzmeister - 2013-01-27 7:56 PM

Got a question for the group.

Do you think 9 weeks is enough time to train for a half marathon?

I entered one about a month ago on the 7th April, the cutoff time for the race is 2 hrs 45 mins. At the moment I can do an 8km at about 7:45min/km pace (and could push out a 10km a bit slower) and if I have another week off for my achilles it will mean 9 weeks left to train for it.

I'm just wondering whether I should withdraw and concentrate on the half marathon I have on the 21st July instead or throw caution to the wind and go for this one as well. I just want to get one under my belt before my HIM in Nov.

Any thoughts?

2013-01-29 9:41 PM
in reply to: #4600434

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Good luck with your plan KC.  Are you just doing the same plan as from IMNYC?  

I saw you entered the lottery! I am thinking of too but not sure I can afford (or at least convince the wife of it importance) to go there if i got in.  We'll see....Laughing

kcgolf - 2013-01-29 7:19 PM

OK - Full Ironman plan starts Monday. I am a bit worried right now because I was hoping that work would slow down a bit but as of right now I am thinking I may have a tough time sticking to the plan and getting all my workouts in - but I will do my best. I have been swimming and doing a few runs here and there as well as a couple of bike rides since I have recovered from the flu but  I have not been logging anything. I will start up again as of Monday.

2013-01-30 12:48 AM
in reply to: #4600601

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Thanks Tim, yeah I have pulled out of the April 1/2, only cost me a $5 admin fee to get my refund, so that was a bonus!

I got my $70 refunded from the group run package too, so I'm happy I didn't lose my money. I'll put it towards the money mum gave me and my HIM entry fee is pretty much paid for now.

Entry for Shep 70.3 is tomorrow and I am so darn excited I can barely breathe, I just hope my internet doesn't poop itself!

I've already decided that once my entry is confirmed I am going to drive over there (about 90 min from my home) once a fortnight and train on the bike/run course, might see if I can do some swimming in the lake too with the Shep tri club. If I familiarise myself with the locality that should ease whatever anxiety I have that my meds wont take care of! Haha

BTW Tim, real sorry to hear about your illness, I hope the doctor's can help you keep the symptoms to an absolute minimum. I know how it feels to have an illness screw with your life, so I hope things work out okay for you. Sounds like they got it early anyway and that should make a big difference!

KC, good luck with the IM training mate. I have no doubt you'll find a way to get things done, remember too that you are a seasoned Ironman now, not a beginner, so you have all that base to work from, you are not exactly starting from scratch. I have no doubt you'll be a well oiled machine by the time the big race comes around. Also I'm a gym member and I say join up!! Been going to the same gym for 11 years and a lot of the trainers and members are close friends. I have dumbbells and a fitball at home for emergencies, apart from that all of my strength work is done at the gym. I do PT sessions too once a week, which have been amazing for my fitness, self confidence and motivation. Sam my PT instructor, is so supportive too and has taught me just how far I can push myself. So I highly recommend joining a gym!


tmoran80 - 2013-01-30 2:33 PM

Simone - I would definitley hold off on the April 1/2.  Your training is going so good right now and pushing too hard especially this early in the season is good cause for burnout and injury with a November "A" race.   Focus on building that endurance up and have a good 1/2 marathon in July.

2013-01-30 12:54 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Here's a link to an iPhone app that I've found really handy in calculating pace/time for triathlon races, it's only really simple but it is very useful for the various distances from sprints to ironman. Not sure if there is an android version.

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