BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-03-05 9:11 AM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by bswcpa

Originally posted by pistuo One of my favorite parts of the trips that I take kids on to third world countries is the exposure they get to other cultures. Africa is my favorite... it's life-changing because you get over there and are surrounded by people who literally have nothing and the avg age is like 30... and you would expect them to be very sad about their situation... but that's not what I've found. I've found a people that have no possesions but yet still have joy. They sing and dance and clap and are genuinely happy. And it's in this moment that I realize just how much we get our joy and happiness from our circumstances. There's is more pure and not tied to circumstance. God ambushes every person I've ever took over there and they are never the same. Mexico is very similar, just not as extreme...


Loved reading this, Will.   Makes me want to go too.   I'll be praying for the "ambush" on each of you.  

X2 this put a big smile on my face!!

2014-03-05 10:29 AM
in reply to: tmoons

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by tmoons

has anybody heard of Pioneer Electronics power meters?
I saw something this morning (I've included some links) and am pretty excited about it.... any feedback?

thanks for the input...

That's new to me. It's promising, but real customer reviews will tell whether their implementation hits the mark.
I think that seeing your actual force vectors can be extremely valuable in improving pedaling technique. But I expected that to require the use of a pedal-based power meter. I'm skeptical that that you can measure the force vector properly from the crank arm.
However, if it works, then what an amazing tool for evaluating pedaling efficiency!!!
2014-03-05 10:31 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by pistuo

I hopped in the pool today and decided to just roll off 2000 meter straight (no warm up). I started out nice and easy at what I thought was a slow pace... I check my watch every 5 laps to see what my pace is and it also helps me not to lose count of laps. After 5 laps, I was rolling along at a 2:05 pace. I thought, wow that's pretty good for me considering I'm not even pushing it. In the end, I was able to easily hold that pace for the entire swim.

Anyway, I was surprised and excited about this swim... easily one of my best pool swims, especially considering that I wasnt pushing it.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Hey! This exact effort sounds like the ideal way for you to start a triathlon. In an actual race situation, if you can succeed in starting out at what feels like a "nice and easy...slow pace", you will be going faster than you think (as you found in this workout) plus you will be so fresh when you get to T1 that your entire race will be faster.
Keep working on this easy, relaxed pace so you can recreate it at will when you have adrenaline flowing.
2014-03-05 10:32 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

I am back from my hiatus in Ohio over the past couple of weekends. I had a great time with my brother and the rest of my family during the 2 trips over. The trips weren't without cost to my training but it was worth it. Last weeks training volume consisted of one swim session. I am planning to turn it back up this week and get closer to where I would like to be. Running however won't be part of the plan.

I have had a pretty horrible time this past week with my knee. I am not exactly sure what set me back but I was unable to walk for a while without some kind of pain in my knee. I tried to run tonight, after taking all of last week off, and I was able to run ily a mile before I felt like I needed to bag the run altogether. The pain from tonight's run is the "sweet spot" of my knee from past injuries. I'm not sure what my next moves will be but I am not going to give up on anything just yet.

I am glad to see that there has been a little less traffic in the group over the past couple of weeks. It means I have to read a lot less to catch up.

Warren, There will be no bragging about Cozumel! As we just got another 5-6 inches of snow last night and I am beginning to wonder if winter will ever end.

Dirk, I need to tell you that I feel horrible every time I hear about your struggles with your knee. Not just empathy, which I have in boat loads, but also guilt because that crash I got you into is what reinjured your knee in the first place.
I'm really sorry.
2014-03-05 4:38 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Brenda, I retweeted that very comment just before I left for work this morning! I think it's an awesome perspective. I felt the same way on each of the mission trips I have been on.
2014-03-05 5:03 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by JeffY

Originally posted by DirkP

I am back from my hiatus in Ohio over the past couple of weekends. I had a great time with my brother and the rest of my family during the 2 trips over. The trips weren't without cost to my training but it was worth it. Last weeks training volume consisted of one swim session. I am planning to turn it back up this week and get closer to where I would like to be. Running however won't be part of the plan.

I have had a pretty horrible time this past week with my knee. I am not exactly sure what set me back but I was unable to walk for a while without some kind of pain in my knee. I tried to run tonight, after taking all of last week off, and I was able to run ily a mile before I felt like I needed to bag the run altogether. The pain from tonight's run is the "sweet spot" of my knee from past injuries. I'm not sure what my next moves will be but I am not going to give up on anything just yet.

I am glad to see that there has been a little less traffic in the group over the past couple of weeks. It means I have to read a lot less to catch up.

Warren, There will be no bragging about Cozumel! As we just got another 5-6 inches of snow last night and I am beginning to wonder if winter will ever end.

Dirk, I need to tell you that I feel horrible every time I hear about your struggles with your knee. Not just empathy, which I have in boat loads, but also guilt because that crash I got you into is what reinjured your knee in the first place.
I'm really sorry.

No apology is necessary at all!! Seriously!!

That crash is completely and totally on me, in every way. I was the one who lost confidence as I approached the corner and used only one brake to slow down and into a skid. I appreciate your concern and sense of responsibility but I would have been upset if I had known you decided to bypass that hill because you thought I might crash. I have told multiple people, on multiple occasions, that I plan to go back to that very hill and conquer it because I am unwilling to be defeated by my fear.

Since we are talking about my knee, and I was going to post about it today anyway, here is an update.....
I am getting an MRI done tomorrow and a follow up appointment to discuss options on Monday, March 17. At the risk of making Jeff feel worse (when he shouldn't), I am not looking forward to the prognosis. I have talked to my coach about the options and when a drop dead date for running might be in order to be ready for Ironman and he's saying May is when I need to be running. (Just typing this message is creating some anxiety.) Zach (my coach) seems to think I can run a full IM on a long run of 13.1 miles. He has done it himself and Lindsey Corbin did it this year at Kona. He said it will be painful but possible.

I was encouraged when made the statement but I am nervous to say the least. I feel I have the toughness to be able to finish a race under harsh conditions but that's not something I've had to plan for, EVER. I seem to be able to dial my mind up a little bit when I have to but for an additional 13.1 miles? I don't know!!!

I'll keep everyone up to speed as the training and potential surgery date moves forward. I'll also discuss some other things Zach has/is leading me toward for my training in general.

Finally, I have been waiting to let everyone know for about 2 weeks. Dina has dropped out of the Junkies. I thought I would wait to let everyone know to allow her a little bit of settling after her father passed away. I felt she was still struggling when she sent me a PM informing me of her intentions but she told me she wasn't. She'll be missed to say the least. So if you think about it, drop her a message and let her know we miss her.

2014-03-05 8:05 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Dirk you still have plenty of time to get your run training in for the IM. Don't get too stressed about it now it's still early and you do have time. I hope it's not a serious issue with your knee. Take care of yourself and your knee and get healthy.

I'm not surprised by Dina's decision she has been quiet lately and I think that is understandable considering the circumstances. I will miss not having her here with us but Dina will always be a Junkie regardless of whether she's active here or not.
2014-03-06 1:42 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
I have no idea that you will be one of those people that can exceed expectations when you need to show up less than fully prepared.
Your coach is certainly right about your ability to handle the 26.2 on a long run of 13.1, because if some people can do it, then you are one of them.

It might also allow you the opportunity to get your cycling proportionally stronger. And if you are super strong on the bike, it takes pressure off the run.

I'm going to keep hoping that you make it to and through your IM.
2014-03-06 2:12 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Dirk, we'll all wait your news. I completely agree with Jeff that if anyone can run the IM marathon with long runs of 13.1, you are one of them. And I know several people who have at least completed the run while never running longer than 90 minutes for a long run. That said, maybe if you can do some hiking it might help as well. I've heard several people say that an IM marathon is as analogous to an aggressive long hike as to a stand alone marathon. And of course Jeff is on point saying that super strong bike fitness can go a long way towards helping the run - that's assuming you pace the bike correctly. Sounds like the coach will be a great help on this journey.

Dina will certainly be missed. I hope no one feels pressure to contribute at a certain level and though we love to hear from everyone all the time, we all have to read and contribute as we are able.
2014-03-06 10:46 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Dirk, I think that extra bike fitness will definitely translate into fitness on the run (even with lower running volume).

Well, as I've been posting, for the first time in over a year I've been dialing up the effort in workouts (since I have no race to worry about getting injured before and I'm doing less WO's, which means more recovery). Last week it was an awesome bike and swim effort. Tonight it was the run... 6 miles at 7:20 pace. I was amazed that I could hold that pace (since I'm usually around 8 min miles). Of course, I'm realizing that I'm much faster in the cooler temps (as opposed to the normal 100 degree TX heat). But still, I'm thinking I need to find a local 10K to enter... ha.
2014-03-06 10:46 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
On a plane to Ecuador in the morning... let's keep the activity low so I dont have too much reading to do when I get back... ha!

2014-03-07 5:55 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Dirk I am so sorry you have having issues with the knee, I am hoping somehow you won't have to have surger, is it a possibility your new bike fit has aggrivated it?

Will have an amazing trip, can't wait to hear about it!

So after 7 long months it all came down to this week with the bank with out going in to details it got VERY dicey earlier in the week and then my lawyer laid down the law and the bank caved, I signed documents yesterday and can now finally breath a huge sigh of relief.

I also need some prayers for my oldest sister, she had put off having valve replacement for months and was finally scheduled for today, but ended up in the hospital on Tuesday because she couldn't breath, she had fluid in her lungs that they can't get rid of, so her "routine" surgery has turned into a risky one, but the other risk if she waited, was a stroke and she is a farmer and doesn't want to end up in a wheel chair, I will be heading up to the hospital in Madison later today to see her.
2014-03-07 6:05 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

A little more on Zach and some of the things he's having me do to get ready right now.  
Swim workouts (2) for this week have had a couple of variables that are testing me on a a couple of fronts.  Wednesday's swim was pretty brutal.  The workout called for 5x(4x100 hard on 1:30; 100pb easy on 2:30) and at first glance I didn't think it would be miserable, and I guess it wasn't quite that bad but it was a test I suppose.  Due to the time the pool was opened I didn't have time to get all 5 of the sets in and knocked it off after 4 complete sets.  But that wasn't what had me straining so much, it was the fat that I told Zach I was only getting about 6-8 seconds rest for the final 4 intervals.  He said he'll adjust the workout so I am getting the proper amount of rest............3-6 seconds!!!!  What???  I may pass out!!  I was struggling to keep myself in the right time interval, maintain my form and keep from drowning myself or throwing up in the pool already and he wants to knock my intervals down to 1:25????

Then, the bike.....
he is giving me some flexibility on the bike to allow me to create my own workouts on TR but they must fall in line with his training parameters.  Sunday I was on my own since he was officially kicking me off on Monday.  Then Monday, since I had done some minor interval work the day before, he wanted me to do all zone 2 riding.  But since I am a glutton for punishment I designed the workout to hit the highest peaks of zone 2, something he said he might have designed similarly but he wouldn't have dialed up quite as high ( I was actually 6 watts higher than prescribed).  

Last nights ride?  I think I passed out 4 times and nearly aspirated on my own vomit.  Ok, seriously, it was brutal!  Again, I was allowed to design my workout and I kept the intensity as outlined but it really was a insane workout.  It was 15x1' in zone 6(2' recovery)  and I designed it as 15x1' @ 120-135% FTP w/2' rec.  Broken down it looked like this; 1@120%, 1@125%, 6@130% and 7@135%.  It was horrible!  With about 6 intervals left on the docket, Lis came in and wanted to talk.  She came in during a recovery but I was about to head into a interval.  I told her I was headed into hell and she said; " I guess I'll leave you to walk down that road alone" and she turned and left.

Here is my workout.............




Capture.PNG (107KB - 2 downloads)
2014-03-07 6:18 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Dirk, that definetly looks brutal...... Congrats on getting it done and on your swim test even if you apparently slacked with those long rests in between in my swim set my rests are 20 seconds I guess I better stop being a slacker myself lol

Speaking of swimming....... Brenda how is you masters swim class going?
2014-03-07 8:31 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by pistuo

On a plane to Ecuador in the morning... let's keep the activity low so I dont have too much reading to do when I get back... ha!

Will have a safe trip. I hope you all have a great experience. I look forward to hearing about it.
2014-03-07 8:44 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
JoAnne glad to hear that you've finally gotten past all the troubles you've been having with the bank. You must feel very relieved. I hope your sister is feeling and doing better. I'll certainly keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

Dirk that is a killer workout out for both the swim and the bike. If your coach doesn't kill you in the process of your training I have no doubt you'll be in fantastic shape come race day. It is funny you mention this, the guys I train with were discussing some of their VO2 workouts yesterday and the Sufferfest Revolver workout which is 16x1/1's @120%. They somehow knew about workouts worse then that. Here is what they've done and have been doing:

Machine Gun - 25x1/1@120%, 1@70-73%
A-Bomb - 15x2@120% rest not sure guessing 1' or 2' on recovery
8x3@120% with 3' on recovery

And I thought Revolver looked pretty challenging until I saw those workouts. I will say they are appropriately named. I'm sure I'll give them a try at some point but not just yet

2014-03-07 10:51 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Dirk, check with your coach about that swim interval test.
He wants you to get less rest, which tells me that he is assuming your pace is aerobic. So it's likely that the only adjustment that needs to be made is for you to swim slower so that when you get done with your 100, you have less time left before you go again.

Otherwise...on the bike front...enjoy!
2014-03-07 8:17 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Joanne, keep us posted about your sister. In the meantime I'll keep her in my prayers.

Hopefully all of the hassles with the bank can settle after all this time. I'm sure it feels good to have this put behind you and you can get back to your business without that distraction.

2014-03-08 6:12 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Tony,  I have seen some of those Sufferfest rides on TR and considered doing them but I have been either following a plan or now I'm under the direction of a coach.  Matt and Derek would seem to be the resident experts on some of those rides as I have seen they have ridden them multiple times in the Junkies TR team stats.

Jeff,  I'll check with him to see exactly what he's looking for, although I think I may be about right with most of my paces.  The first ones I swim are always (and have been) to fast.  It seems easy to do because I'm well rested and warmed up nicely but after a couple of those faster intervals things begin to slow into something more and I can seem to get dialed into where I can make the intervals stick more closely.  I suppose if I were to get a speed down from the beginning I would be more likely to be able to hold a given pace for longer with less rest, but I've never been able to start correctly.


More swimming from yesterday;

My MS was 9x500!  How about that for crazy long?  Okay, it really wasn't bad at all.  He had given me no time interval to hit, only rest intervals to use.  The rest interval was only 15" and that was where I thought I might crash but it really wasn't bad.  The paces were easy enough that I didn't seem to have a problem with holding a pretty tight time.  The first 6 intervals were all at 7:18 or faster (not much) and a couple I apparently began to daydream and relax a little more.  All 4500 yards complete in 1:08:30.  As I prepared for the workout the night before I was ready for a long 1:20 workout so I was pleasantly surprised when I finished so much ahead of where I thought I might have ended.  Truth be told I didn't even think about the general times I might have expected to hit my intervals and the short rests between.

So far I am really enjoying using a coach!  Having someone lay out some specific workouts targeting the best prospective workouts seems to be somewhat relaxing.  All I have to do is show up and workout.  

2014-03-08 7:14 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
My sisters surgery has been postponed until Monday, her Dr had an emergency surgery and he had been in surgery for over 12 hrs and was still in surgery when they decided to cancel hers, I can not imagine as a dr operating on someone for 12+ hrs.... We are thinking he must of been doing a heart/ lung transplant.

So it was a long day. But I got to see Madison and of course that bring lots of good feeling about September )
2014-03-08 9:08 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Dirk it sounds like you had a great swim workout yesterday. I would agree the biggest benefit of having a coach is not having to worry about figuring out what you need to be doing. I think that really takes a lot of stress and pressure off of you. He's not only going to get you prepared for IMWI but you'll probably be able to maintain a better balance in your life not having to worry about some of those things.

JoAnne I hope everything goes well on Monday for your sister. We'll be thinking about her for sure. Let us know how things go.

So against my better judgement I decided to go in on some of the Sufferfest videos. I know Matt and Derek have been training with them and were crazy enough to do the ToS. My friends I train with have also been using them as well and have been recommending them so I figured I would give a few of them a try since the workouts do fit into the plan I am following and could be a nice change of pace to keep the training interesting. I'm not really sure why I listen to those guys for and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be sorry after doing these workouts but I'm sure they'll be beneficial in trying to improve my biking and in raising the FTP. I picked up Revolver, Blender, Hell Hath No Fury and ISLAGIATT.

2014-03-08 3:10 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Hi Junkies, Just a quick check in here.

JoAnne, your sister is in my prayers.

Will, I know you wont see this until you are home, but be safe. You are in my prayers too.


I ran in the final Frosty Fun Run series race today and did 4.3 miles at better than 9 minute/mile pace. I didn't exactly race it but I went harder than a regular training run so I feel pretty good about that effort. Next week is the St Paddy's Day 5k fundraiser for my daughter's school. I'm in no shape to go for a PR in that one so I'm just going to go into it as a fun run and see what happens.

I picked up a new pair of Brooks Adrenaline 13's this week on sale at Dick's Sporting Goods online. Shipping was free and I saved about $40 from regular price local. I like to have at least 2 pairs in rotation so I always buy one online and then one from my local running shop. That supports the local guy and saves me some money too.


Happy training all!

2014-03-08 5:01 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Dirk that sounds like a really good swim!!!!! In an 1:08 holy moly!

Tony good luck with your new training DVDs )

John, congrats on your run and new shoes

I was not feeling at all like a ride today but somehow dragged myself to get it done, it was a little rough but I pushed thru it, now time for a quick nap before everyone comes over to celebrate my daughters birthday, her pick was lasagna and german chocolate cake, I always have to make one regular and one gluten free for me and my hubby, makes a little more work but Iam not passing up those two choices )

2014-03-08 5:25 PM
in reply to: 0

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Jo, all the best to your sister and family. Tony, great purchases. I'm not a huge fan of revolver, but thats mostly because I spent the last 5 minutes staring at my stem trying not to puke. But I love the others. ITSAGIATT is one of my favourites. I could ride it a few times a week. I'm off to Mexico in the morning. So I'll have lots of time to get caught up on posts, and get caught up on my swim workouts. Running has been getting better, getting my milage is up. Just hoping I can get back to riding more when I get home. Getting really pumped for my 70.3 in July. They just announced that Marinda Carfrae and Tim O'Donnell are both racing and Macca and Simon Whitfield will be doing promo stuff. Should be fun. I'll be sure to post a pic pool side with a ice cold beverage.

Edited by BigDaddyD79 2014-03-09 5:02 AM
2014-03-09 8:33 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Vero,  It sounds like the running is going pretty decent.  Are you having any issues with your shins at all right now?

Keeping racing fun should be the biggest part of all of our triathlon experience and supporting charities is a bonus.  

I used to be a part of Dick's points club but when they removed rifles from their stores as a political point I stopped going there at all.  Another place you can check for pricing on running shoes and apparel is the Running Warehouse.  They have had some really good prices in the past.  I think it's a good idea to rotate shoes, primarily if you run in back to back days but I rotate regardless.  I also try to balance using local and online stuff too.  I bounce between my team store and a local running store.  Both stores have buying programs that save me money, enough so that I can buy more stuff at them and still save over online purchase much of the time.

Joanne,  Italian food and German cake?  Sounds interesting. Enjoy the day with your daughter and the rest of the family.

Derek,  Enjoy Mexico!  And enjoy racing with Rinny and TO in July.  Remind me though which race your doing.

On the riding workout front; I put the insanity Zach had me doing on TR for the team/group to try.  I would like to see what a couple of you guys think about it.  The intensity factor is .88 so it's lower than some of the Sufferfest rides.  But in contrast, the TSS is comparable.


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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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