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2015-06-11 10:17 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
Ha...the women of tri facebook wife Jamie is on that page and was posting all over it. You probably saw her posts!

Regarding sharks...honestly never a concern. (Although it's cool to talk about). Bay waters are brackish and the big great whites don't like that too much. I saw a seal from the beach, but other than that...nothin. The visibility was not too good and honestly...once you hit the cold water you don't think about too much other than sighting and getting to the city.

Regarding the lottery...I think you're right. From what I've heard, they like to take one from each state (at least) and as many internationals as possible. Additionally, it sounds like the odds are increased the more times you've done it. It seems for most people, it was their 1st time...but there were MANY who were on their 4th, 5th...10th time. I think they like to have a broad cross section and the experienced people help facilitate buzz over the entire event.

Rinny was cool. We didn't get as much time with her one on one. There were 4 tables and once we started having breakfast, Andy came in and sat at our table. Rinnie sat at one of the others.

I am on the bottom right, in the white t-shirt and you can see the back of my wife's head. Andy sat with us and talked for about 15 minutes. They also had about 30 minutes of Q&A. Since it was a small group, it was a pretty intimate environment. Rinnie was cool. Andy is much more charismatic and better in front of the cameras....but both are good. If Andy ever wins Kona, he'll become a very recognizable name because he's just very down to earth, great interview, etc. It was interesting hearing them talk about some of the changes over the years. One thing that stuck out to me with Andy was him talking about his race goals: he doesn't place emphasis on specific results, because anything can happen in a race. You never know who else is going to show up, mechanical, flats, etc. But he always wants to put out an effort that he can be proud of and his family and fans will know he gave it his all. Both talked about their career highlights as involving people....not achievements. Andy talked about being in tears when he sent an email to his mom, letting her know he qualified for the Olympics. Rinnie talked about winning Kona and crossing the finish line into the arms of Tim O'donnel, her fiance (at the time) who had just had a break through race at Kona.

2015-06-16 7:52 AM
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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
That is just so awesome -what an experience. You should be proud!
i bet I did see Jamie's posts!!! I think there were two women posting about it at the time! Ha! That's cool!

I had a few doubles last week and on Saturday I put on my big girl panties and biked up Smuggler's Notch (past our ski area) and back for my last long ride (did 54+). Between the up and back I had 3,940' of elevation gain. My quads were fatigued to say the least. I pulled off for 5 minutes on the way up to stretch my quads and calves so my actual moving time up I think was 2:03 (for only 27 miles that seems slow - and it is). There were multiple class 3,4, & 5 climbs and strung out together with not much of a break. I stopped at the top to stretch, use the port-o-john, and check in with the hubby to let him know I made it. I stopped my watch too and restarted for the ride home so it looks like two separate workouts.
I finally picked up an Aerofil system for my shorty Jammer GT's and what a game changer!!! I am so pleased!! I consumed at least 30 ounces of fluids including a Skratch Labs packet in there and other than tired legs, I felt great when I got home - none of the usual edema I get in my right ankle! Really, really pleased.
I wore my tri shorts and really worked aero position when I could, still trying to get comfortable. My sit bones were absolutely crying - can you say saddle sores?? No open wounds, fortunately. If I'm in the aero position - the seat is super comfortable, but if I'm in a traditional cycling position it's best to have some nice cycling shorts with good padding - then it's tolerable. I'm not sure where the happy medium is, but i'll have to suck it up buttercup for the race. I do love the saddle when I'm in aero position though - just have to get stronger there so I can ride it more! Lots of pictures below.
The second one has the messages the boys wanted to write on my arms to encourage me along this tough ride. The first is at the top of the Notch, and the third is just a pretty picture I stopped to take on the ride home.

Edited by aviatrix802 2015-06-16 7:54 AM



(ride home.jpg)

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2015-06-16 12:47 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
Great ride Jen!

I finally posted my race report and put some photos in there. Probably tons of typos as I pieced it together from my phone. Enjoy!
2015-06-16 9:06 PM
in reply to: #4998443

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
Cool! I'll check it out!
2015-06-23 10:21 PM
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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
What a great race report!! I love the detail - including the bit about the guy with the shirt on backwards! That was too funny and I felt like I could picture him. That course sounds really tough - the hills in San Fran are notoriously steep and it sounds like you handled it well.
I think it's so special you got to share this day with your wife - she must have had a blast working the race and seeing the pros come flying through and getting to cheer you on and meeting new people. What a great experience all around.
I love the post-race bit about "winning." While it says 3:18 to complete the race, what many don't realize or can't comprehend is that it's really 7 months, 3 hours and 18 minutes to complete the race. You are very correct - not just everyone can or will do this, put their body through the punishment and call it fun. (what is wrong with us???) LOL
Well done.

Edited by aviatrix802 2015-06-23 10:27 PM
2015-06-26 9:40 PM
in reply to: #4998443

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
Bib 3007. Very hilly bike - no flats. Bring it. (Toyed with taking the aerobars off..but they hold my key hydration..)

2015-06-29 1:31 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed did it go?
2015-06-30 12:50 PM
in reply to: dprocket

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
Okay, I'm back home from Tupper Lake. I did a lengthy race report but no idea how to link it in this body so if you want to read it I think you have to click on me, choose profile, then on the right hand column you'll see race reports - choose Toughman Tupper Lake Aquabike.
This was the first year they've offered it with the HIM, sprint, and relay so there were some growing pains - such as not having a defined finish for us and not putting food vouchers for the night before carb loading dinner (I had to pay but it was supposed to be included). LOL I asked so many people how we finished and no one knew! I finally found a friend of the race director and he said he was making the call to have us cross the T2 mat and call that our finish. No finish line pictures or anything, no music, and almost no food. To get our medals we had to go to the real finish and collect it. We were allowed to run across the finish line if we wanted to - pure cheese but I did it anyway (and felt a little embarrassed doing it). LOL. All this being said, I'm so happy they offered it so I could race!!! What a great opportunity and I thanked anyone associated with the race for offering the Aquabike! It was great!! I totally encourage anyone to try this kind of race if you're having any issues with running! It really helps keep you fit and focused and off the sidelines.
The highlight was watching my sis-in-law come in from the HIM. This was her first tri ever and she went right to the HIM! Her goal was to do it in under 6 hours and she did!! 5:59:47!! She did great, I was so proud of her!!
The bike course was nice and I'd do this again. The lake took a minute to get used to - it was coffee brown with almost no visibility, but the volunteers were phenomenal and there were plenty of aid stations. I heard on the run there was an aid station every mile!! Is that normal on a HIM? That's great! Anyway, we got 2 free beers after the race so I had a Saranac Pale Ale.
My true post-race beer happened last night when we all got home and had a Heady Topper! whoop, whoop!! The stores were out and a friend happened to have a 4 pack she got last week and she gave it to me!!! Now that is a true friend. I will go tomorrow to meet the delivery truck at the beverage center to pay her back (and get some more for myself!).
Sis-in-law is on left, I'm on the right. We're eating Vietnamese food and drinking our Heady!


(Before start.jpg)

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2015-06-30 12:51 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
One more picture. I happened to be waiting for my free chiro adjustment near the tent where they were doing awards and they were giving out the Aquabike awards. Glad I was there because I got one. Family was hanging on the green by the motel with another couple we knew so they weren't there and it was a little awkward when they called my name and I walked up to get it - not a soul clapped. Crickets. LOL. The poor announcer, I felt a little bad for him - he kept telling people, hey, let's give her a hand! I slinked over for my adjustment - it was great. I felt like a million bucks after.


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2015-07-01 9:49 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
That's awesome! Thanks for the report. I'll read the entire thing later today. Glad you go to do it. It's easy to mope when you're injured and this race seems like it was a good antedote for keeping on-keeping on!

I like to post-race beer celebration. I've never had that Heady Topper before. Not even sure it's available here in KC. Is this a local brewery?
One of my post-race rituals is a beer-in-the-shower. Don't know why. I always do it as part of a way to wind down.

I've hit a snag.

A week ago, while doing one of my super hot summer lunch runs, I got one of those calf cramps. I got it again on Wed. I took the next several days off and ran again yesterday. The ol' gastrocnemius seems to be flared up and I'm not running on it right now. It's sort of frustrating: I've been eyeballing a race in IA on 7/19 which is the USAT Midwest Regional Championship. It's a special qualifier for USAT Nationals. I haven't signed up, but I've been thinking I'd do it to try to grab a championship qualifier slot (which I'm sure I'd probably end up finishing DFL in, haha). Anyway, 3 weeks out and I can't run. So, I'm sort of moping around and frustrated. Too bad they don't have an aquabike!

We're leaving town on Friday morning for a week in the Outerbanks NC. We'll see how training goes during that time. I am signed up for an HIM on October, with a couple really tiny local sprint races before then. I'm sort of hurt and aimless right now.
2015-07-02 8:48 PM
in reply to: #5125151

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
Where on your gastrocnemius, Dave? Upper? Lower? Do you have a foam roller? They work wonders. If not, you can use a rolling pin and dig it in. Or a tennis ball could help.
Did it all of a sudden come on during the run or cramp after - I think you said during.

2015-07-02 8:53 PM
in reply to: #5126418

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
Or, how was your nutrition/hydration leading up to the run? If it was hot, that could certainly have something to do with it. Maybe sip a little electrolyte drink prior to help and roll prior and again after? Just shooting some ideas out there.
2015-07-07 1:10 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
I'm back after 8 days of NOTHING! i can't believe I survived that long with no workouts - not entirely by choice, but it's all good! - had lots of fun in there!
We had a great holiday weekend at camp, from Thursday to Sunday. I brought my bike...didn't ride it. I brought my wetsuit....didn't swim. Brought my running shoes...never put them on. But darn it I had some nice Grey Goose martinis and random summer ales and ate Zweigle's beer brats and far too much chicken crack (aka buffalo chicken dip), and it was good. We had our first annual family Olympics at camp - had about 30 people there, broke into 3 teams, did things like a relay (3 legged race, wheelbarrow, sack-race, etc), came up with festive skits, paddle race sitting in a tube - out around the raft and back, and finally cornhole. It was a good time. Just as we finished barbecuing in the evening the sky opened up and it poured buckets. It was cool and windy all day on the 4th so not really a water-sports kind of day so the "Olympics" filled in nicely. Oh, and we all dressed up in our team colors too. (red, white, or blue) I was on team white. LOL

Yesterday I had a nice 20 mile ride and worked maintaining a consistent higher cadence - averaged 88 over 20 miles, goal was 90 so I was pretty happy. Did a short 2.5 run after. I've decided to take a cue from my sil and do the Galloway run/walk program - I run a mile, walk a minute and do that interval throughout the run. My knee still hurts though about 1.5 in.

Today I swam 2,500 yards doing a mixed workout and a 2 mile run after.
Warm up: 4x100 (swim, kick, swim, pull)
Main: 3x500 (swim, pull, swim)
200 paddles
Cool down: 100 easy
I was going to do more on the paddles (things that go on your hands) but they're new to me so I thought it best to start slow.

Goals this week: Doubles yesterday and today (done)
Wednesday/Thursday: run (hubby out of town - all I can do with the kids)
Friday: ride with the Iron Cowboy!!!! I cannot wait for this!!!
Saturday: possibly another ride but I'm taking the boys camping Fri-Sun so we'll see
Sunday: rest
2015-07-14 12:29 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
I'm back from vacation too! What a great time! We left on 7/3 for the 20 hour drive to Outer Banks NC. Spent the 4th in Raleigh, NC and enjoyed some fireworks. We rented a beach house in OBX with some family from the DC area. We had lots of beach time and relaxing. My training plan called for a recovery week, but my wife's was her peak week. Since I'm training for 70.3 and she's on an Oly plan, our schedules actually matched up nearly perfectly so we were able to get all of our workouts in.

The calf: it's the weirdest thing. On Tuesday, we set out to run 6 miles. My calf was still really wonky and I felt terrible overall. It started to "cramp" a few times, but I pushed through. I was expecting to be limping around for the next few days especially since I was pushing it past 2-3 miles. Around mile 4, it felt better and by mile 6 I was feeling good again. Little to no soreness. I almost wonder if it was some sort of long-term muscle tightness that I had to run out. Because I literally ran through it. Ran 5 on Friday and felt good again.

Back home now, back to reality. Ugh. I'm planning to run at lunch today. It's 105 here with heat index near 115. We'll see what happens with it and if it seems "recovered".

That's all for now. Hope you're doing good, Jen. I'ld like to hear about Iron Cowboy experience.
2015-07-15 8:48 AM
in reply to: dprocket

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
So happy to hear the calf is feeling better!!! I hope it stays that way!!

The Iron Cowboy....I headed over to where they were supposed to depart on the bike and saw someone who was also going and pulled over and started chatting. He and his wife planned to ride from their house and meet up with him on the course. I thought, okay, I'll join you guys. A half hour later we got going...we rode about half the course and never saw anyone, we rode to the "base" where the bike was supposed to depart from...saw no one. I asked a random guy there if he had seen the giant RV and people associated with it and said he had seen it down the road, across the street at this random synagogue parking lot. ??? So we rode there...nothing. We kept checking our phones for updates on where the heck he was - no updates on amended start venue or times. We waited around a while but nothing so we rode home. I was VERY disappointed. Apparently he had no escort and no one to ride with and he got lost here in VT. WTF?? My state was chastised by many on his FB page and I wrote a whole bunch of stuff saying, look, people were out there but we didn't know where the heck he was - updates would have helped!! We weren't the only ones looking for him. Interestingly someone on their crew saw it and for subsequent races started putting "if you want to meet up to ride with Jason, this is where he'll be at xxx time." I hope it helped others but I had been waiting for 2 weeks for this and held off leaving for camping for 4 hours just to do it. My friends were able to meet up with him for the run which was great (I had left for camping by that point).
He is amazing, what an undertaking!!! My sis-in-law lives in Park City, UT so I'm going to contact her to see if she can meet up with him for his #50. That would be so cool!!! If I had the means I'd fly out there (miss my commercial pilot days when I could fly free...).
2015-07-15 8:50 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
So, last night at my folks (went there for dinner with the boys), my mom had some veggies in a steamer, cranked it on high to get it boiling and walked away...forgot to put water in the pot.... Anyway, they have these special kind of fancy pots that have a heat conducting disc on the bottom and the pot got so hot the solder started to melt. She realized there was no water and took it off the stove and kind of waved it to cool it - dropping liquid solder in long snake-like ribbons all over the floor - I'm next to her seeing this, not knowing what the heck it is but start jumping out of the way of the flying molten solder and wham, step right on it. I think it was almost as bad as stepping on a Lego on the stairs at night in the dark.... Dog biscuits, now I have a quarter size blister burned into the center of the ball of my foot. It was fun trying to pull the metal off my skin as it sat burning a hole in my foot. "Feel the burn" has a whole new meaning for me now. LOL. It's not too big of a deal from the standpoint that it's a blister, it will heal. The timing ain't great. I have my bike fit with Ian Buchanan of FitWerx (aka fit guru and Triathlete Magazine contributor) tomorrow. If it were politically correct to drop an F-bomb I would. Not sure what I'm going to do. I iced the heck out of it last night right when it happened and put the aloe to it and Neosporin. It feels like I'm walking on a marble when I'm barefoot so I'm wearing running shoes then it's not so bad. I'm not sure what the cancellation policy is for the fitting - it's about 3 hours long and I'm now 24 hours away from it or so. The shop opens at 10:00 today so I have a half hour to make a decision. I may pop my bike shoes on to see if I can even pedal.

But... Monday I had a nice 2,500 yard swim - was lovely to get back in the pool; and yesterday I did a 20 mile bike with a few 2 minute hard efforts mixed in. I was supposed to do 6 - I did 3 on the way out and the wind was so bad on the way back I felt that was enough of a workout just leaning into it to stay upright. I followed that up with a 3 mile run in 90 degree heat.

OH, Hey! I picked up one of those "cooling towels" I've seen at Dick's Sporting Goods thinking it was a gimmick, but thought I'd give it a shot. It's GREAT!! It was 90 degrees yesterday and I soaked it in cold water, wrung it out and wrapped it around my neck - perfect!!! I recommend it!! By the end of the 30 minute run it was still cool and I wrapped it around my head like a do-rag. I'd post a picture but it just isn't pretty. hahaha If you don't have one, this might work for you, Dave, with that crazy heat you're having!

2015-07-16 10:43 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
Hi all! Foot is coming along! I've really put the aloe and Neosporin to it, used corn pads to keep pressure off it and it's coming along! I'm going to wait another day to run on it but I will bike tomorrow.

I have to....I went to my fitting today! I wish I had gone to Fit Werx in the first place...amazing. They use Retul technology, saddle mapping, etc, etc. I was there from noon today and walked out at 16:30! So many measurements, flexibility checks, strength imbalance checks, core stability checks, etc. He set up the "fake bike" to my bike's measurements and we went from there tweaking away using multiple video cameras and computer programs to measure angles and check form. He gave me so many pointers on my form. I have learned my particular model of bike is long and low....I am all legs and have the torso of someone who is 5'3" (I am 5'8"). It's not the best frame for my shape but workable. We actually ended up having to raise the handlebars - they were set way too low (like a tri bike) but couldn't raise them as much as he wanted just due to limitations of the bike. Saddle mapping was awesome!!! My current saddle was way wrong for me (so I'm selling it if anyone wants it!). We went through about 10 saddles and found the least of the evils - I have a very bony butt so nothing will be perfect. hahaha. Glute work!! I still ended up on a Cobb, this time the V-Flow Max. We ended up putting a shim under the cleat of my left foot due to leg length discrepancy and it brought my sit bones even on the seat - before the left one was considerably more forward. I'm pretty stoked to get out there tomorrow and check it out - he said to take it easy the first couple of times to get used to the changes in case of muscle imbalances from the previous fit. I picked up some new tri shoes too so time to get those broken in before my sprint tri next weekend.

I tried to meet up and ride with Iron Cowboy. A few of us rode out to try and meet up with him based on what his course said he was doing - it had changed apparently. There were no other updates and we didn't know when the ride was starting - literally no updates at all. We rode over half the course and went to where they said the starting point was (he was doing 3 loops) and waited. There was no one there form their group, no RV, nothing. I asked a random guy if he had seen the RV and he mentioned he thought he saw it across the street, through the intersection in a church parking lot. We rode there - nothing. No updates still on his FB page. I had a beautiful bike ride with 2 wonderful people but never saw him. It turns out he had no one ride with him and he ended up getting lost!!! Vermont got lambasted on his FB page "Come on, VT, you can do better than that!" Blah, blah, blah. I let them know there were people out there looking for him but either he was riding a different course or started from a different place and no one posted updates!! For the next few races I noticed they were posting "if you want to ride with Jason, he will start his bike from xxx at yyy time." I guess I got through to someone... I was bummed but oh well. My sil might ride with him on #50 in Utah (she's in Park City). I told her she had to for me! LOL. Oh! tangent!! As of tonight I may be doing the Pumpkinman Oly in UT in late October!! My sil is going to do it and asked me to hubby (who is fishing in the Gaspe Peninsula right now for 8 days) says suuuuuure, go for it. LOL I should buy the tickets and entry fee before he renegs!! LOL
Crap, this is long! Sorry!!
2015-07-17 10:42 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
Pumpkinman sounds awesome! I think I've heard of that race, but are you sure it's in UT? That's a late race and will be nice for keeping you going with training later in the year.

I've never had a burn blister like that. Sounds like it sucks. I've had lots of blisters and issues with my feet, and I frequently slap a piece of good 'ol duct tape over the wound and keep on running. I"m not sure that would work for you though it sounds like that stuff burned pretty deep. The corn pads are probably a good idea.

Really interesting about the bike fit. I had a retul fit done 2 years ago. It's tough to describe to people who have never had one what it is, or that it's worth the money. Especially to people who are just starting to shop for a bike. Often time their bike budget is not far off of what the fit itself cost. But I agree...I think it's well worth it. I get frustrated when I see people here locally get recommended to get fitted by "Bill at the Trek store is awesome!". I know for a fact that "Bill at the Trek store" is not a triathlete, and does not use anything close to a fit bike like Retul or the FIST system.

Out of curiosity, have you had a chance to look up your stack/reach measurements and "pick out" a bike? For me, my options were basically a Trek Speed Concept, Shiv or Cervelo "new" P2 or P3. I actually would like to go back and get refitted at some point to tweak and optimize my position.

I've never had saddle mapping done and that sounds very interesting. Hope it works out for you. Fortunately, I'm in a position with my saddle that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I'd like to try a Sitero saddle, but don't want to put my lower region through that if it doesn't work.

I can tell you, last week I took my Redline CX bike on vacation. I had a few 20+ mile rides. This bike is usually a casual bike pulling a kids trailer, etc. For those longer/harder crotch took a beating. The saddle is just some stock saddle and usually fine for knocking around the neighborhood.

Iron Cowboy: too bad you missed him. What he is doing is pretty amazing physically. From what I've read, the logistics and communication infrastructure leave alot to be desired. Pretty tough thing all around. I don't even know how he is doing it. And adding handling the PR, logistics, etc....ugh. I think the whole process would be even more impressive if those things were ironed out a bit better. I'm interested in learning (if we ever will) what the long term physical affects of this are on the guy.

I was originally scheduled to race tomorrow in IA. I punted on that idea. My calf injury slowed my run training down and I don't feel ready to put out a 10/10. So, instead we're headed to Omaha for the kids Rip Roar Triathlon. It's about 3 hours from us. Rip Roar is a new tri series that is trying to fill the void for the now basically defunct Hy-Vee Kids series that was pretty big the last few years. The guy running Rip Roar was involved with PEM (which was the organizer for the 5i50 series and the Hy-vee stuff). He was also the announcer at Escape from Alcatraz. I met him a few weeks ago so we're eager to give the new race a try.
2015-07-17 2:46 PM
in reply to: #5126419

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
The kids race sounds so cool! There's one near here in MA this weekend a friend is bringing her kids to. If I was more in the ball I'd have my kids try it but they have done very little to prep for anything like that - even if it is short.

I'll have to look at my fit #'s - where can you find what kind of bike would work for you? Some website?

You are right, the race isn't in Utah (ha! My sis-in-law is!). I guess it's in Nevada. Less appealing to me now, but maybe!
2015-07-17 3:04 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
Here's a page with stack/reach #'s for many different bikes.

Basically, when you start thinking about a bike, you'll want to review these and also go back to your fitter and ask his opinion of what would "fit". I am wary of those bike shops that say stuff like "oh, these bikes are very adjustable and we can fix just about anyone to them". That's utter BS. Most of the big manufacturers have gotten good enough that they offer lots of versatility and seatposts, stems, bars, etc can be customized. Also, the most popular bikes (Shiv and P2 probably) are built with the everyday athlete in mind, offering lots of versatility. However, some bikes can offer a better fit than others based on each individual's body.

If you really want to geek out, this page has tons of stuff on Bike Fit.

Dan Empfield, triathlon guru and owner of Slowtwitch, is one of the inventors of the bike fit systems. In fact, I think he invented FIST, which is a fit system similar to Retul.
2015-07-17 5:55 PM
in reply to: #5129428

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
Cool! I can't wait for the kids to go to bed so I can dig into it!

Fit Werx is the shop where I went this time. They specialize in road and tri bikes. I have a Felt and they carry Felt and he told me right off the top that the F series Felt bikes are long and low - not quite the right frame for me with a 33" inseam at 5'8". We did adjustments as I just bought this bike last year and can't really unload it and get a new one right this second. (Much as I'd now like to - though I really like my bike). Fit Werx has been voted many times in the top ten, five, and two in the world for bike fitting. I'm lucky they're in my backyard. Ian, the owner, did my fitting. He also writes for Triathlete Magazine. It's so amazing to work with someone who knows what to look for. I
Okay, I'm going to take a look at the numbers!

2015-07-25 9:11 PM
in reply to: #5129478

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
Bib #129 for tomorrow's sprint tri! Rain and thunderstorms are forecast again. Just need an hour and a half of no rain and preferably dry roads (it will be a fast course!). Interestingly there are a LOT of boats in the swimming area - not sure how it will be sighting around the boats for the buoys. There weren't nearly this many last year. Ha! It will be an adventure!
2015-07-27 11:57 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
How did it go?

My wife do a big women's tri this weekend. So was out there (without kids!) acting crazy cheering her on (inappropriate signs too). She knocked 5 minutes off her time from last year and finished 96/667 overall and 17/120 in her AG. Fun race!
2015-07-27 4:29 PM
in reply to: dprocket

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
Well done by your wife!!! 5 minutes is huge!! I love the inappropriate signage too! LOL

My race went pretty well. Here is the link to the report.
Hopefully it works. I was 5th in my age group - missed the podium by 2 minutes and 1st place in my AG by 4 minutes, but that's okay - gives me something to shoot for next year! The distances were quite a bit off - for example the run was supposed to be 3 miles, my Garmin read 2.8 (from T2 exit mat to finish mat). It wants me to think I ran a 7:52 pace....not so much. LOL.
I celebrated with a Heady Topper! I have only seen one race photo - on my husband's camera so I haven't put it on the computer yet.

Today I got in a 3,050 yard swim (no rest for the weary!). I'm going to seek out the Master's swim coach and figure out why I'm plateauing on my swim times. Yesterday I guess I was doing 1:46/100 yards which I'll take but not sure I'm trusting it. The race was done in meters so it was messing me up on figuring my time.
I've got another race in 2 weeks - deciding if I want to repeat the sprint I did last year or do the Oly and try 6 miles on my knee - haven't done 6 consecutive miles yet on it..... It might be good prep in case I do the HIM on Labor Day weekend - see how the knee reacts.
2015-08-05 7:11 AM
in reply to: #5131018

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed
I signed up for the Oly! We went camping last weekend and I'm at our camp on the lake all this week so not much training or sleep going on. LOL. We had two bats in the house last night! Good times.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Funked Up Triathletes - Season 2 - Olympic/Sprint Focus - Closed Rss Feed  
of 27
date : November 29, 2007
author : NDeBoom
comments : 1
Our members chat with Nicole DeBoom on Ironman nutrition strategy, Ironman training philosophy, off-season focus, her 'secret' IM food, favorite races, and her new clothing line and race series.
date : December 8, 2006
author : acbadger
comments : 0
This is the time of year where you focus on your ‘weakest’ event and practice your drills, techniques, form, etc. Here I list some BT training plan options to get you through the off-season.
date : October 23, 2006
author : mikericci
comments : 1
This program is for a second year or greater athlete who wants to improve their run. The athlete must be able to run for at least 1 hour and should be able to complete 4 weekly run sessions.
date : October 23, 2006
author : mikericci
comments : 0
This program is for a second year or greater athlete who wants to improve their bike. The athlete must be able to bike for at least 1:30 hours and should be able to complete 4-5 weekly bike sessions.
date : October 23, 2006
author : mikericci
comments : 0
This program is for a second year or greater athlete who wants to improve their swim. The athlete must be able to swim at least 2,500 yards and at a pace of better than 2:15 per 100.
date : September 3, 2006
author : acbadger
comments : 0
The off-season is the best time to fine tune your skills and prepare yourself for the next season. It is also time for you to gain some strength and get a little rest after a long season of training.