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2007-07-28 6:16 AM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-07-30 8:18 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Trying to say motivated. I have one more race this Sunday (Sprint Tri) and I'm waffling back and forth...the entire team that committed to doing it has dropped out one-by-one and now it's just me. Needless to say I'm more than a little irritated. I have not trained as much as I should going into it and I know it's going to be painful.

Anyway, the rain in Central Texas might cancel the event, but if not I need motivation to just do it.
2007-07-30 9:10 AM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-07-30 11:47 AM
in reply to: #906273

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

absolutely! get out there and do it anyway. In my life, I have had a few event related things that I really didn't want to go and do ... but i did them anyway... because I don't wanna be the person who bails on things anymore... ( i used to do that a LOT!) ... and I have been pleasantly surprised by the positive things (ie, meeting new friends, job and social networking, and/or unexpectedly meeting people that I have something in common with) I have gotten out of what I thought would be boring or not worth my time.  Anyways... there may be some POSITIVE unknown thing you are looking for out at this race... perhaps some additional confidence in all or one of the tri disciplines, a new skill, some me time that you have been looking for out on the  run...etc.  Best of luck and let us know how it goes !

Shame on the team members who quit on ya !

2007-07-30 3:37 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Ok, I'M DOING IT. It won't be my best but I made a committment and I'm sticking to it. Thanks for the kick in the pants...I needed it. Headed to the pool in the morning to time my swim. I know, I know, I'm still competitive when it comes to a race and I need to be sure of my swim fins before jumping into the lake on Sunday. I've been working on my swim for a past month and feel better about it then I do my bike or run. I know my adrenaline with kick in and I'll push through. I'll post my race log on Monday, but until then, I'm going to get mentally ready.

This is why I LOVE TRI-BAMFs, you keep my motivated and encouraged!!!!

BTW, I've tried posting pics on my album but they come out all distorted. Any suggestions? I have some really good ones that I want to share.
2007-08-01 2:16 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-08-06 6:12 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-08-08 11:13 AM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-08-08 11:14 AM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-08-09 9:19 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
I'm here but only mentally. I've been sick since this weekend, so sick that I didn't make it to the race on Sunday...upset about the whole thing . I'm better today but it's been a long road.

I'm debating on whether to sign up for another race or wait until next spring. I really think I'm starting to burn out with tri-training. My priorities are strating to get out of whak and I have to regroup. My husband and I have committed to a ministry within our church and my time is going to be spent getting this off the ground. I'm not giving up on this group or triathlons, but I want to refocus on running a 10k this fall and start working on my distance running for now.

So with all that said, I'm going to need some tips on getting the most out of my runs. I seem to be stuck at the 3 mile mark and can't move past it. I've used Jeff Galloway's run/walk but even then I'm not good for more than 3. Any tips or encouragement would help.

Have a blessed week and keep talking and emailing.
2007-08-09 10:04 AM
in reply to: #919463

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Hey, I totally know that OMG-Stuck-At-This-Milage feeling. I love Galloway's plan-- and I'm pleased you've given it a try. Here are a few things to do to get yourself moving past 3 miles:

1. Go run 3 miles, and walk one more. Hey! Look at that, you just completed 4 miles.

2. Go run 3 miles, and begin to walk one more but get so bored and restless that you jog intermittently. Hey! Look at that, you just completed 4 miles.

3. Set out to run 4 miles, but run your first mile DRASTICALLY (re: 2-5 mins) slower than your normal pace. Allow yourself to re-adopt your normal speed at mile 2. You should have the energy to finish 4 in good stead.

4. Get dropped off 4 miles from home.

5. Go out for 6 miles, but take it very, very slow. This is your LSD-- your Long Slow Distance. Waddle along, scuff, walk with a hop, whatever. Take it VEERRRRRRYYY SLLOOOOWWW.. The point of Galloway's LSD-run focus is that it doesn't matter how long it takes you to get there, just that your muscles are working for X amount of miles. If you go walk 6 miles, your legs will still have carried you 6 miles. (Granted, they're working harder if you jog.)

6. Make sure your walking breaks are sufficient: When I'm struggling in a run, I either: walk every 5 mins for 30 seconds or every 10 mins for 60 seconds, no less. If I need more, I need more, and I allow myself to take more time walking if it will help me finish my run.

7. Make sure you're properly hydrated!

A 10K would be a great race for you-- all the training it requires is a few nights a week of shorter (3-4 mile) runs, and maybe a 6er once a week. Cake! You can do it!!


I have my first swim (only) race on Saturday. It's my first ocean swim, and I'll be doing it without a wetsuit, so I just don't know what to expect. I'm also uber stressed about getting there on time... I have to take the subway to the bus station, then bus from Boston to Salem, then walk half a mile to the beach. If only my stupid rides had not bailed on me!! Losers. I'll still get there!

If I get there late... I'm still going to swim the course! I don't care if I'm DQ'd, I just want to participate... and get a free T-shirt!

Edited by cbirchrun 2007-08-09 10:06 AM

2007-08-09 10:47 AM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-08-09 10:48 AM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-08-09 11:17 AM
in reply to: #919677

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
So far so good... salad & banana today... SERIOUSLY difficult to walk away from White chocolate macadamia nut!!!
2007-08-09 11:24 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Oh my gosh...I have craved Chick-fil-a all morning!!! I'm just about to head to lunch but decided on a Subway (low-fat) choice instead. Since I've been sick, I havn't had an appetite and I'm finally getting it back today.

Thanks Betsy, I'm not going anywhere!

I also appreciate the tips on running and I'm going to start slow this weekend since I've been down most of the week. I'm going to dig out my book and re-read for inspiration.

I guess it's just the 3 of us now...helloooooooooooooooo anyone out there???????????

2007-08-09 1:42 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Ok, I caved. My car turned left into CHICK-FIL-A instead of right into was REALLY good! Now I feel guilty. I'll be eating a salad and bananas tonight!

2007-08-09 2:08 PM
in reply to: #919990

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

hi ya hey ya.... my email was blowing up w/ BAMF notices so I had to come and see what all the posting is about.

hmmm.. well... safety first... racing sick would be um... well.. for lack of nicer terms... stupid! so YOU were a wise one miss stacey to sit it out. ...and as far as mileage blocks... I've heard that maybe mixing it up w/ some speedwork may help you increase overall endurance... or putting a lot of focus on your bike endurance will cause your run to benefit, also.. check your nutrition.. are you running out of energy at the 3mi mark... maybe need to do some refueling at your run midpoint to get you through? so that's my tiny bit of unprofessional advice.

 ... glad to see i'm not the only one fighting sweet cravings today! heheh.... I indulged in a little cake late last night... (i knew knew knew I should of just gone to bed.. but no!) soooooooooo... to rectify, i did an outdoor run/walk in the insanely hot temps--- wore my HRM and had mega amts of water to avoid anything that would involve my running straight to the hospital. lol.. mission accomplished i got some whacky looks while out but who cares. I burned mega calories in a shorter than usual session... and it didn't seem to take a lot of effort to jack up my HR! hahah

2007-08-09 2:16 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-08-09 2:21 PM
in reply to: #920065

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Oh, I love my BAMFs.

Today is my last REAL day at my internship, so there was lots of celebrating. Including that macadamia nut white chocolately goodness I was trying to avoid earlier. OH, dear, dear. My focus is on my race on Saturday. I hate to make excuses, but I feel like maybe once I'm back in my old Arizona stomping ground it will be much easier. Until then, I'm just one step closer to curing cancer as an undergraduate.
2007-08-09 2:45 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Ok, I really need to work today instead of blog but just can't get into the "work" grove.

Betsy, eat some fruit, or low-fat yogurt. Have you ever tried the 100 cal. packs of cookies? When I need something sweet and I'm watching calories, this is what I pick-up. Just one package gives me a sugar fix without feeling too guilty.

Christina, I admire your career choice and I too hope you can find that cure for cancer! I've had too many friends and family members fighting this horrible disease. I'm also impressed that you have the time to train and complete an intership. Way to go!

2007-08-09 11:14 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Hey Y'all -

Sorry I haven't been posting, but I have been down on the MS Gulf coast for weeks for work and have had "sporadic" internet. Add to that a very stressful three weeks of work (sometimes havng such a confidential job stinks b/c you can't vent), working until 2/3 in the morning on reports, a slow move into the house that we bought that is two hours away and a new puppy (see profile pic).... gracious!! Enough with the excuses!!

gotta make join the group's food confession: Emeril opened up a restaurant on the coast and I had to blow my per diem there on Tuesday. it was SO good - I love Emeril's restaurants!!

I am so impressed with all of y'all out there racing!! Keep it up!!

I gotta tell y'all that my physical therapist has me doing a slide board at PT lately. Talk about a workout!! That thing gets your hear rate UP and really works your body. If you ever get a chance to do one, GO FOR IT!! VERY challenging!! My knee is doing mucho better - I am very excited! I still have some trouble straightening it out and things grind, but it is better. Now I can get refit on my road bike and then there is no stopping me!!

Matt and I are planning on going out west for 2 weeks in September - if anyone has any suggestions on places to not miss or any advice, I would love to hear it.

That's my noise - more random thoughts than anything, though.


2007-08-10 9:42 AM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-08-11 1:52 PM
in reply to: #920921

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs


My race report for the Wild Fish 1 Mile Swim in Salem, Mass. is still in draft-form, since I want to see if they post rankings... I was definitely in the last 10 to finish the race, but I don't care!! Why...? Well...

I cannot STRESS ENOUGH how much of a MENTAL VICTORY this race was for me.... I am not a quitter, but I have never been more panicked/felt such a strong desire to drop out of the race BEFOREHAND... and I OVERCAME IT! This means, anyone else can do the same!

Edited by cbirchrun 2007-08-11 1:55 PM
2007-08-13 12:15 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
YEAH CHRISTINA!! Good job!! We are all so proud of you!! Way to stay in the game and have a mental victory!! WOOO HOOO!!!
2007-08-13 3:56 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Good for you and congratulations! I can only imagine the fear, especially in the ocean. I'm just now getting over swimming in the merky lakes of Texas.

I did a 4 mile run yesterday and it felt GREAT! I used all the advise you guys gave, and although I walked for a few minutes after every mile, I can now finally say I'm no longer stuck at 3 miles. It felt so good, I got up this morning and ran again! Only 3 miles due to time and work, but I know I could have done more.

My goal this week is to get in 2 more 4 mile workouts and see if I can push it upto 4.5 by this weekend. My little dog, Lexy, keeps a great pace and is such good company on a long run.
I'm not giving up on Triathlons, just switching gears for a while.

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