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2012-02-29 7:11 AM
in reply to: #4071132

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
reecealan - 2012-02-28 3:51 PM
ratherbeswimming - 2012-02-28 7:17 AM

Great topic!

First of all, if you're interested in using a HRM, here is how you test your Lactate Threshold Heart Rate (LTHR), what LTHR means, and how to get zones from there: Do not to 220-Age or any other estimate. Those will have you working towards numbers that don't make sense for you.

I have one, and I occasionally use it on the bike trainer. If I'm doing a workout similar to Jorge's workouts, he specifies intervals based on HR. ( When I do those, I make sure I've done a LTHR test recently, so my zones are accurate, and I print out my zones and try to hit the recommended HR for each interval. 

That said, I often just do interval rides on RPE scale - Rate of Perceived Excretion - which is basically how hard I'm working on a scale of 1-10. Or just Easy, Medium, Hard with a few things in between.

I never use one outside. I'm too focused on cars, potholes, trees, pedestrians and just enjoying the scenery to bother

If you want to use one, you should also check out this article: It talks about why your HR varies from day to day, or even by time of day. The reasons discussed there are why I don't really use one for running.

In my opinion, Heart Rate, like many other tools out there, can be useful if used for a guide, but can be detrimental if followed like the law. 

So, is Rate of percieved excretion measured by how much you sweat?  I couldn't resist Elaine Smile

Hahahaha. Totally I meant exertion

On a related note though:

Anyone ever done a sweat test? It involves weighing yourself before and after a workout to find out your sweat rate?

I haven't, but I don't sweat much...

2012-02-29 9:16 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
I think I sweat test with every run and ride,  it works everytime.   first a little then runs into my eyes and drip off my nose.    I think I am up for one more this month.  
2012-03-01 6:59 AM
in reply to: #4072139

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
ratherbeswimming - 2012-02-29 7:11 AM
reecealan - 2012-02-28 3:51 PM
ratherbeswimming - 2012-02-28 7:17 AM

Great topic!

First of all, if you're interested in using a HRM, here is how you test your Lactate Threshold Heart Rate (LTHR), what LTHR means, and how to get zones from there: Do not to 220-Age or any other estimate. Those will have you working towards numbers that don't make sense for you.

I have one, and I occasionally use it on the bike trainer. If I'm doing a workout similar to Jorge's workouts, he specifies intervals based on HR. ( When I do those, I make sure I've done a LTHR test recently, so my zones are accurate, and I print out my zones and try to hit the recommended HR for each interval. 

That said, I often just do interval rides on RPE scale - Rate of Perceived Excretion - which is basically how hard I'm working on a scale of 1-10. Or just Easy, Medium, Hard with a few things in between.

I never use one outside. I'm too focused on cars, potholes, trees, pedestrians and just enjoying the scenery to bother

If you want to use one, you should also check out this article: It talks about why your HR varies from day to day, or even by time of day. The reasons discussed there are why I don't really use one for running.

In my opinion, Heart Rate, like many other tools out there, can be useful if used for a guide, but can be detrimental if followed like the law. 

So, is Rate of percieved excretion measured by how much you sweat?  I couldn't resist Elaine Smile

Hahahaha. Totally I meant exertion

On a related note though:

Anyone ever done a sweat test? It involves weighing yourself before and after a workout to find out your sweat rate?

I haven't, but I don't sweat much...

I have done the "sweat test", I sweat a lot and living in LA (lower Alabama) in the summer is rough! On long runs in the summer I have dropped two pounds!
2012-03-01 7:00 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
I would like to know how many of you wear a HRM while swimming?
2012-03-01 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

Here are my monthly totals from Feb.


Monthly totals & Avgs:39.72 Mi - 3h 31m 51s
Pace: 13.11 mile/hr
87.53 Mi - 12h 54m 58s
Pace: 08m 51s /Mi

7350.00 Yd - 4h 37m
Pace: 03m 58s /100Yd Swim

2012-03-01 12:29 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
February's totals:
Bike:8h 13m 18s  - 168.7 Mi
Run:9h 11m 54s  - 69.11 Mi
Swim:7h 43m  - 23100 Yd


My best Feb thus far.  Last Feb I had zero bike miles, 107 run miles (I was training for an April marathon) and I had 22,000 swim yards.  So year over year pretty good.




2012-03-01 12:46 PM
in reply to: #4075378

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
B: 119.57 Mi - 15h 46m 18s
R: 52.64 Mi - 7h 43m 41s

Not so good this month. with the wife back to work, swimming is not much of an option, but i did introduce more bike time. two months to go and I need to step it up. This week has not been good.
2012-03-01 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

I had a good month,  looking to keep increasing. 

February's totals:

Bike:8h 59m 25s  - 179.41 Mi
Run:6h 12m 35s  - 44.73 Mi
Swim:4h 07m  - 10000 Yd
Crossfit:1h 14m 57s
2012-03-02 7:27 AM
in reply to: #4076276

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
handyhammer - 2012-03-01 10:13 PM

I had a good month,  looking to keep increasing. 

February's totals:

Bike:8h 59m 25s  - 179.41 Mi
Run:6h 12m 35s  - 44.73 Mi
Swim:4h 07m  - 10000 Yd
Crossfit:1h 14m 57s

Great job.
I seem to be struggling with increasing the length of the workouts. I have noticed that the last two months, I feel good the three weeks of build up, but the following two weeks I seem to get low in the energy tank or something. Last week was a recovery week and I felt OK, this week, has been bad for me as my energy levels are low which in turn takes away from my eagerness to get out and exercise.
2012-03-02 4:01 PM
in reply to: #4076604

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!



I fight the low energy too.  I have to watch it since I work a physically demanding job too.   That is where the mental battle has to be won.   I a few times of winning that battle and the workout will be ok.   Keep fighting.  

Took my first two tests for the firefighter position.   I felt like they went really well.  

2012-03-05 5:54 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
How was everyone's weekend???

I did a 16 mile run Sunday. My long runs are getting longer leading up to my Marathon!

2012-03-05 6:55 AM
in reply to: #4080299

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
I had a good weekend, I got in some riding and volunteered at a local sale.    Have a good week.   
2012-03-05 7:09 AM
in reply to: #4077838

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
handyhammer - 2012-03-02 5:01 PM



I fight the low energy too.  I have to watch it since I work a physically demanding job too.   That is where the mental battle has to be won.   I a few times of winning that battle and the workout will be ok.   Keep fighting.  

Took my first two tests for the firefighter position.   I felt like they went really well.  

I really need to start tracking my energy levels to see if there are any underlying health issues. in the fall of 2009 and 2010 I had major energy level issues. Doctors could not figure it out. They gave me testasteron and vitamin shots etc and nothing really helped. I have have always had a suspicion that I am allergic to something but who knows.

The good thing is I had a good weekend of workouts with 30 mile bike ride Saturday and 8 mile run on Sunday. Hopefully I can get back on track.
2012-03-05 10:06 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

Sorry I've been slacking in here recently! Hope everyone had a great last few days!

I ventured into my FIRST spin class this week! It wasn't as intimidating as I expected!

What new things have you done that scared you at first? Triathlons?

2012-03-05 3:36 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

Tough one for me in that I don't get scared by much.   My scariest moment was actually the day I took my son to the ER not knowing his blood glucose was around 1000 mg/L  That was the day we found out he was a type I diabetic, thank god I got him to the ER when I did.

I did my very first OWS at my first tri, ha!   Actually my biggest worry in that race was finding my bike.  I wore glasses at the time but left them in transition so it was blurry from the water to T1.  I draped a bright yellow t-shirt on my bike so I could find it.  It's interesting though, I was more confident about my first HIM than I was for my first sprint.  You build confidence even though your races can get longer.

2012-03-05 11:05 PM
in reply to: #4080697

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
I should have been a little scared of my first OWS, It was a bit rough.   I like the new experience so not much scares me to try.    Have a good week.  

2012-03-06 9:29 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

I crushed my shin doing box jumps about 3 weeks ago. I'd post pictures but it was really nasty.

It closed up but there was still a lump.

So guess what I did yesterday?

Yup. Same exercize. Same spot. Hurts. Worst part is that I am out of the pool for a week till it closes.

On the scary front, I signed up for a couple of group rides. One in march and one in april. Never done that before. What if the other kids want to ride faster / slower? what if they dont like my water bottles?

2012-03-06 10:21 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

I been out the loop as well. This thing called life!

Completed my second half marathon on Sunday which was rough.  I felt like I was going so slow in the beginning I thought I could pace it out with some coaches from my training group who just happened to run a 50k trail run the day before. I though they would take it easy and I was quite mistaken.  I hit the wall hard at mile 11. Plus I really didnt take in the proper nutrition. So I dragged myself across the finish and couldnt even PR my first half.

But its okay. The weekend was amazing because I learned tons from people who have completed everything from sprints to Ironmans and ultra runners, a cyclist who is doing a century a month over the next several month and a swimmer who completed the 12 mile swim around Key West.  Quite inspiring to say the least.


2012-03-06 5:39 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
I ran 4 miles on Saturday which I'm really excited about. I could breathe the entire time and overall felt good. Just tired b/c my body isn't used to running. My HIM is on June 10th... can any offer suggestions on how to increase my miles to get me up to 13? I don't want to over do it.
2012-03-06 7:11 PM
in reply to: #4083765

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

Take in easy on increasing you running mileage.  You still have plenty of time.    For my HIM my longest run was 9 miles.     You can build lots of endurance through the swim workouts and it will carry over to the bike and run disiplines.    I would focus on building bike mileage and swim mileage frist and keep the runs to about 4 miles max for right now.   If you add a mile everyother week you should be set by June.     I would like to know what others think of this.   

I always fear injury from running.    It seems like there are less injuries in swimming and biking.   

2012-03-06 7:23 PM
in reply to: #4082712

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
I love going to events and meet people and learn their story.   I still learn from each event, so all I can say is soak it up and put it into practice if it fits your needs.  

2012-03-07 4:51 AM
in reply to: #4083765

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
crazylife99 - 2012-03-06 6:39 PM

I ran 4 miles on Saturday which I'm really excited about. I could breathe the entire time and overall felt good. Just tired b/c my body isn't used to running. My HIM is on June 10th... can any offer suggestions on how to increase my miles to get me up to 13? I don't want to over do it.

My thoughts are similar to Dave's, in that running injuries are more of a predominant issue. I offer my thoughts truly as they relate to my experience because when I started training for my HIM a few months ago, I did not know much and asked lots of questions. Here is what has worked for me.

I plan one long run a week, two medium runs (80% of the long) and a short run (60% of the long) so if your long run is 4 miles, the medium run would be 3.2 miles of that and the short would be 2.4 miles. Increase 10% across the board every week with 3 weeks of build up and the 4th week is a recovery where you decrease your miles significantly.

Also, every thing I have looked at tells me that you really don't need to work up to the race distance. My initial goal had me up to a maximum distance of 10 miles two weeks prior to the event. I find that this has been a good formula so far. I can't stick to it as much as I would like to because as is the case with all of us, we have real life. Send me your email and I can get you my spreadsheet which has all the formulas etc.

Unfortunately, I can't swim as much as I would like to, but I want to start hitting the pool soon. now that daylight savings is coming up, I can bike three times per week and start the build up process.
2012-03-07 9:48 AM
in reply to: #4084173

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

Thanks for the tips on running!


2012-03-08 9:11 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

Welp. I took the plunge and signed up for my first marathon. Marine Corp.  Im pretty excited and scared.  Now I have no choice but to get my butt in gear in my training.  So my official training for that doesnt start until June. Good thing I have a decent running base. Now I am going to focus on speed and my swim/bike/strength training so I can do some sprint tris during the summer.

Just got my tooth pulled so I am taking off the rest of the week. Until Saturday when I have a 10k.  Ill see how I feel that will determine if I push it or not.

Oh and I realized that I am an athlete when the thought of springing forward for daylight savings excites me because I now will have more daylight hours to train outside!!!

Hope everyone is having a great week!!

2012-03-08 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

wow. I feel like a moron...

I try and be careful in trianing to not get hurt.

Then today walking in to my office I roll my ankle on NOTHING. It is swollen up. I have it elevated with ice. Wonder how long this will take to go away...

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