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2009-05-08 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2139106

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
LadyNorth - 2009-05-08 1:51 PM
Debbie/Janet  - good luck with your 5ks

Somebody already said this, but isn't it fun to just be able to go out and run a 5k anytime you feel like it.


When I started back to running last fall, 5K seemed like such a long distance.  I love looking back in my training log so I can see how far I've come.   It's great to be able to do a 5K whenever I want!

And for those in the group who are still at the beginning of their run programs, just trust the plan and stick with it.  In a few months you'll be running 5Ks whenever you want, too.

2009-05-08 5:18 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Good luck this weekend to all who are racing. 

Got home at 11pm last night from the last trailer load of cattle, then up at 5:15am to drive to a swim.   Got away with it because we needed more cattle vaccine!    Decided to do my first semi-brick, i.e. go for a quick bike ride after swimming.  I don't know if to be an official brick you have to ride in your swimsuit or not, but it was much to cold for that.   Anyway, rather than it being a semi-brick, I think it was a solid concrete wall!!! :p

I learned a lot of things this morning - like check the wind mph, eat something before you try to make the body work so hard, etc.   Took off down a nice freeway frontage road, working on proper gear changes, lots of was all going so well I thought I could go ahead and do 10 miles...turn around at about 5.25 and then reality struck!   40mph gusts, wind steady at 25+....just me, a bike, wind and no where to hide.    I pedaled a short distance, my HR climbed, I was exhausted and so I stopped and got off.  I stood there in the very cold wind and my mind started saying "I can't do this!  I can't make it back.  What should I do?  Is there anyone I can call?"    I know a few people in that small town, but not very well.   I thought of calling 911 (yes, luckily I had thought to keep my cell phone on me), but that seemed so embarrassing!  Around here they still put the weekly "police report" in the local newspaper....I could see the heading..."Crazed women picked up on S. Frontage Road". LOL    I started walking and decided to change the tape playing in my head...."I CAN do this!   I AM a Triathlete!   It is only 5+ miles!"    I rode on the downhills and as far uphill as I could stand, then got off and walked again.   I was truly amazed at how strong the wind was!   I had to pedal hard even on the downhill because if I stopped pedaling, the wind would bring me to a complete stop!   That is defying gravity!  150lbs on wheels should move forward when pointed downhill!!!  

 Well, I did finally make it and I was never so glad to see my car.   I was beaming interiorly with pride though because I didn't give up.   My body was shaking from the exertion and lack of food, so I drove to the grocery store (needed family groceries anyway) got a protein bar and a gatorade and started eating them as I shopped.    I felt better but boy oh boy can I tell that I pushed my body too hard.   It will be awhile before I try cycling into that kind of wind again!

So there is my story....and I'm stickin' to it!! Kiss

Well, they just got more cattle in...time to go back to the corral.

More later

Edited by ranchrunner 2009-05-08 9:49 PM
2009-05-08 5:28 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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2009-05-08 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2139741

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2009-05-08 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Well, Chris, you have ungodly humidity down there, I don't think I will be going to FL anytime soon to do a Tri! Even with all the humidity here in the DC area we can't compete with FL.

Sharie, sounds like a funny story to tell after your first tri is over! Those were some serious winds, I can't imagine comming to a stop on a downhill!
2009-05-09 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2139994

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2009-05-09 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2068936

West Fargo
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I just got back from my first "organized race" ever!!! Woohoo!!! I feel so good!!! Finished the half marathon with a smile on my face (and a moment where a tear might have creeped in too!) and a little dance at the end! I feel so good! Why did I wait sooooo long to do this??? I'm definately signing up for next year's event. It was so much fun! The girl I ran with didn't train at all though, and at mile 9 her legs started hurting her so she asked to walk a bit. I figured that making it to mile 9 without walking was a pretty darn good feat for me, so I walked with her. From there I left it up to her to walk when she needed and run when she could. I truly believe I could have jogged out the whole thing. My legs felt great the whole time, my breathing was steady, and there was so much going on along the roadside to keep my mind busy! Elvis impersonators, accordian symphony playing the polka, rock bands, country bands, not to mention spectators galore! I even caught myself clapping and dancing while going by a few! What a ball! One of the marathoners was wearing a towel, shower cap, and had a huge rubber duckie!!! So cute! I don't know how people do it wearing the costumes. So fun! My DH brought the kiddos out too, so I got to see them while I was on the course twice before the finish! They were so cute yelling "GO MOMMY!" Oh, I think I'm going to tear up!!! I Love it!!! Ok, enough of that. I'll get the rest of the race report out as soon as I know the rest of the info.

I hope everyone else who's racing this weekend has as much fun as I did!

Edited by sleeping_butterflies 2009-05-09 2:51 PM
2009-05-09 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2140423

Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Chris, I have a cousin that lives in Deltona, it is nice in the winter! The one time I was there in the summer I felt like I was swimming when I walked out the door! 

It doesn't bother me too much here or when I was in Charleston, SC but FL, Yuck! But being on the water would make up for it in a second :0
2009-05-09 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2140629

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
sleeping_butterflies - 2009-05-09 2:50 PM I just got back from my first "organized race" ever!!! Woohoo!!! I feel so good!!! Finished the half marathon with a smile on my face (and a moment where a tear might have creeped in too!) and a little dance at the end! I feel so good! Why did I wait sooooo long to do this??? I'm definately signing up for next year's event. It was so much fun! The girl I ran with didn't train at all though, and at mile 9 her legs started hurting her so she asked to walk a bit. I figured that making it to mile 9 without walking was a pretty darn good feat for me, so I walked with her. From there I left it up to her to walk when she needed and run when she could. I truly believe I could have jogged out the whole thing. My legs felt great the whole time, my breathing was steady, and there was so much going on along the roadside to keep my mind busy! Elvis impersonators, accordian symphony playing the polka, rock bands, country bands, not to mention spectators galore! I even caught myself clapping and dancing while going by a few! What a ball! One of the marathoners was wearing a towel, shower cap, and had a huge rubber duckie!!! So cute! I don't know how people do it wearing the costumes. So fun! My DH brought the kiddos out too, so I got to see them while I was on the course twice before the finish! They were so cute yelling "GO MOMMY!" Oh, I think I'm going to tear up!!! I Love it!!! Ok, enough of that. I'll get the rest of the race report out as soon as I know the rest of the info. I hope everyone else who's racing this weekend has as much fun as I did!

Congrats on finishing your first half!  I wish my experience had been as good as yours.  My first one was awful!  But it hasn't discouraged me from trying again (I'll be doing one in Sept).  Of course, it didn't help that I wasn't as prepared as I should have beenEmbarassed.   Sounds like you were more than ready for yours.  Looking forward to the race report!
2009-05-09 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

OK ladies - great news!  I did a local 5k this morning.  It was a great morning for a run although there was a bit of a cool breeze blowing.  It was the 1st year for this particular race and I thought they did a really good job.  Small turnout (maybe 75-80 people doing the 5k and 15-20 doing the 1 mile run) but a really nice course with just a couple of small hills.  I went into the race wanting to push myself a little bit to see how I could do - I usually do these things as more of a "fun run" but today I wanted to try to actually race it.  I know some people consider 10 min/mile as slow but for me that's smoking fast.  However, I was able to maintain that pace through the whole race and finished in 30:54!  My old PR was 33:17 so over a 2 minute improvement!  AND I placed 3rd in my AG!!!  Definitely a good morning for meSmile.

Hope everyone else is having a great weekend!

2009-05-09 5:30 PM
in reply to: #2068936

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Congrats Shannon on finishing the half marathon!  What an awesome accomplishment!

2009-05-09 5:32 PM
in reply to: #2140705

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2009-05-09 5:01 PM

OK ladies - great news!  I did a local 5k this morning.  It was a great morning for a run although there was a bit of a cool breeze blowing.  It was the 1st year for this particular race and I thought they did a really good job.  Small turnout (maybe 75-80 people doing the 5k and 15-20 doing the 1 mile run) but a really nice course with just a couple of small hills.  I went into the race wanting to push myself a little bit to see how I could do - I usually do these things as more of a "fun run" but today I wanted to try to actually race it.  I know some people consider 10 min/mile as slow but for me that's smoking fast.  However, I was able to maintain that pace through the whole race and finished in 30:54!  My old PR was 33:17 so over a 2 minute improvement!  AND I placed 3rd in my AG!!!  Definitely a good morning for meSmile.

Hope everyone else is having a great weekend!

Yea!  Congrats on the new PR!
2009-05-09 5:39 PM
in reply to: #2068936

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I finished my 5K in 30:20, 3 seconds longer than my PR.  I was hoping to beat it today, but it got hot and very humid here and I was dragging near the end.  I did the first mile in 9:09, which was my fastest mile ever, but then we were out in the sun and I started to fade.  I just kept telling myself that my first tri is at the end of June, and it's likely to be hot, so I'd better suck it up and deal with running in the heat.

I ended up 4th in my age group, which made me happy.  I've never placed in the single digits before.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
2009-05-09 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2068936

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
All the moms in the group - Have a very Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day
2009-05-09 6:43 PM
in reply to: #2140629

Northern VA
Subject: Congrats on your 1st half Marathon!

Awsome! It sounds like you did great and were strong throughout!
Who could ask for more?

2009-05-09 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Congrats on the races women!  And Shannon - that's SOOO awesome you did a half marathon!!!

I'm just so proud of myself for making it through this week - and I think I did a pretty good job of it!  Working out was put to the wayside a bit...but I ended up having a good Saturday in which I did an OK run and a little bit of the new Pilates DVD I rented - - I'm realizing Pilates is a good way to go...focusing on your coreSmile  Although I'm sure Yoga is good too Tongue out

But I also cleaned and did a bit of organizing...I hadn't seen my therapist in like a month and she said I looked different...better - - whether that's true or not, I'm not sure.  But it's feeling better! 

I got my "LapCounter Combo" yesterday and used it to day on my jog - and I have to's GREAT!  I can't wait to use it on my swim tomorrow!  I got it from amazon for $34 w/ shipping and I think I'll be using it on all my workouts...the stopwatch is great!  (Plus I realized once it starts getting warmer....I don't have to worry about the watch tanline!)

Hope everyone is having a good weekend...I'm SOOOO glad to have my mother's day gifts etc, done.....!  I always want to show my mother a little something different...but it can be a bit stressful!!!


2009-05-10 5:01 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Congratulations to all racers!!   Awesome job!   Isn't it fun when all the hard training starts to show and pay off??!!

Debbie, I have been worrying about the same thing.   I don't do well in hot weather and my race is June 28th.   I know the 5K portion is going to be grueling.   You had a fantastic first mile split though!

I am on my 2nd day off after that bike ride.  It really knocked the stuffin' out of me!  Yesterday, on my way to my kids' track meet, I realized my body was giving me adrenal exhaustion/chronic fatigue signs!  YIKES!   Don't want any of that, so decided to respect what it was saying an lay off for another day and rest.  

I did ride about a mile yesterday on the trainer at the bike shop.  Had my new shoes and pedals put on and then did a "fitting".   I am a little worried about the clipless pedals.   He had me practice a few times, but I wouldn't say I got good at it.    My dd was there with me and once when the shop owner left the room, she said, "Mom, you are going to die"   Hmmm..where is the confidence!     I also learned that I should check my tire pressure daily cuz my tires were very low.  I bought a nifty pump made for women.

Hope all you Mommies had a good day!   Mine has been pretty laid back.  I cooked a big breakfast after church this morning...the boys (19 and 17) said they would have cooked for me but thought it might make me feel not needed and they let me do it!  LOL

Blessings to all

Edited by ranchrunner 2009-05-10 5:04 PM
2009-05-11 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Northern VA
Subject: feeling like I'm going to puke after running
I had a great Mother's day! I hope everyone else did too!
I went on a 2 hr. 30 mile bike ride. It was a lot of fun, but really could have been a bit harder, I thought. Then today I did the short run, 20 min. and I was tired but not too bad, it was on the treadmill on the foothill profile, my HR got up to 180 so I backed the incline and speed down on the hills.  Then when I was done, I thought I was going to puke. I felt better once I streched out...

SHould I have taken today off? Did I just go too hard? For some reason this week there are 3 runs instead of 2, and my schedule is pretty tight this week so I had to fit one in today... any advice or wisdom?

2009-05-11 8:54 PM
in reply to: #2143759

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2009-05-12 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2144763

Northern VA
Subject: RE: feeling like I'm going to puke after running
lol, I guess the trainer time is paying off, but it was also relatively flat Wink
2009-05-12 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2068936

West Fargo
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Ok, now that the "big one" is over for me, it sure feels good to add some more colors to my training chart! I got in 15 miles on the bike yesterday, and a 3 mile run in today. I'm hoping to get a little purple in tomorrow and sneak in to the pool for a few laps! I can't wait!!! It's been so long! Woohoo!

Edited by sleeping_butterflies 2009-05-12 3:11 PM

2009-05-12 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
OK, ya'll!  Wow!  Congrats to all of the racers this past weekend.  You guys kick butt!!!!!!

I've had an unexpectedly crazy last few days.  We had 2 birthdays, Mother's day, 2 separate shoots for my step-son's senior pictures, and I've been planning 2 trips and preparing my house for a graduation party.  OK, so I guess I should have expected everything given that they've been on the calendar, but getting in the middle of it is quite different than looking at it on the calendar. 

So, the challenge:  Duh, duh, duuuh.  Here's how it'll work.  This'll be a challenge to push yourself.  Pick a sport, swim, bike, run or even strength training or yoga, and set a goal for yourself.  You want to push yourself, but you definitely don't want to go beyond the 10% increase a week rule.  No injuries allowed!  If your plan calls for swimming three times a week, but you've only been swimming once a week, let this challenge help you meet your existing goals.

Once you've picked a sport, post your goals on this forum.  I will then divide everyone who's stated they're participating into three separate teams.  This challenge will begin next Monday, May 18 and go through June 30.  So, if your goal is to run more, post the mileage you will have liked to have met by the end of June.  We will report our totals for the week every Sunday evening.  I'll be keeping a spreadsheet to track everything.

If you guys have any questions, let me know!  I'm so excited to get this going!  Woo hoo!
2009-05-12 10:35 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: Lora's Challenge

Well Lora, I'm going to set my bike goal at 137 miles which is somewhat less than the sprint plan I'm following, but since I'm doing a mini-sprint and life does get in the way, I think that's reasonable for me.



2009-05-12 11:15 PM
in reply to: #2068936

New user
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hi Ladies!  I'm still here although I've only had time to read a little bit now and then.  Things have been so crazy ever since I left for CA last week, and I just haven't gotten back into the swing of things yet.  I have my alarm set for a 4 mile run in the morning.  I'm in CT now, but will get a run in on the TM at my hotel before my meetings.  Then I fly back home tomorrow night.  I've got to get back on schedule.  We were out of town this past weekend, will be out of town this weekend, and the following (Memorial day weekend) - also my birthdayLaughing.  There's never really not an excuse to at least run, I just need to get up and do it first thing before anything else!  Ugh...seriously lacking motivation the last week and a half or so.  I need to get on here more often and keep reading about the rest of the groups awesome progress.  You all are doing great!

Congratulations on all the recent race reports everyone! 

I have some big boyfriend and I just got engaged!!!  Woohoo!  I'm so excited!! 
2009-05-13 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2147401

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
maggiewvu - 2009-05-13 12:15 AM

I have some big boyfriend and I just got engaged!!!  Woohoo!  I'm so excited!! 

I almost missed that at the bottom of your post.  That's so wonderful!  Congratulations to you both!

Have you picked a wedding date yet?  (And how many people have asked you that already?) Laughing
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