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2009-05-21 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Good afternoon to you all!

Tif found us an OWS for on Sunday morning.  From readying the boards, it looks like there are going to be several people and it should be fun.

This will be our first OW workout and I was wonder if there were any suggestions on how we should structure the workout.  We have been told there is a 300 out and back and a 600 loop.

Any suggestions will be great.

2009-05-21 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Regina, Sk
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Good day folks.  I have been keeping a low profile, though not by design just things catching up to me that need to be taken care of.  You kow stuff like, taking the truck to the shop, work, watching my boys while the wife works.  Just life getting in the way of posting. 

So I am still struggling to get my runs in.  Today is a good example.  I had one class today and a inspection at noon and should have been able to squeeze in a 6 mile run but alas it did not happen.  Just things getting in the way.  I find if I don't do it first thing in the AM then it is a real struggle for me to do it later.  I may be able to squeeze in a couple of miles on the treadmill if I get motivated.

I got a "new to me" "brooks" wetsuit today.  A guy from work who is getting a new one brought it over for me to try on.  It seems pretty good but I have nothing to compar it to.  It seems snug but not uncomfortable, the legs are a bit loose though.  I guess the only way to know is to use it.

OK, duty calls.  My three year old just grabbed my hand and said "dad, come".
Take care,

2009-05-21 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2165620

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I'm just getting through the week, nothing big happening.  I'm still on the fence about racing on the 31st.  One day I'm out, the next I'm planning it.  The water's about 64F right now - am I right that I should rent a wetsuit for the 800m/17min?  The guy here who rents wetsuits says so Smile  I'm not wanting that expense...and I desperately need to travel out of town this weekend or next to see my mom and dad... and I have other logistical reasons not to race on the 31st...    but I (insert whine here) really want to race like I planned pre-season.

I have a swim/ride planned for Sat on that course.  It's actually where my local tri-team practices every week.  I've never done an open water swim before.  Not a cold water fan, either...

My YMCA opens their outdoor pool this weekend.  That may be a good test of my cold tolerance too.

Today I did high cadence drills on the trainer.  Tomorrow I swim and maybe run.

2009-05-21 10:00 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
went for a short swim tonight. i really hate swimming after work. i ate too much again and didn't feel the best during my swim.  my stomach didn't hurt or anything i just felt weighed down.  i don't know.

also decided to inquire about private swim lessons. the price is pretty good at the rec center.

so tonight is a gorgeous night and i was playing catch with my bro-in-law...I caught the ball and it bounced out of my  mitt and on to my face! yay me. i now have a nice little goose egg on my brow bone.  i swear this only happens to me.

so i'm icing but it has nothing to do with tri-training
2009-05-22 9:07 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Good morning everyone!  Ugh, I was supposed to get a short swim in early today, but I stayed out way too late last night (and drank too much, blech), so I slept through my alarms.  I'm lifting tonight with a friend, so I'll probably move my swim to Saturday (long run day) or Sunday (long bike day).

I'm really excited for this weekend.  Sunday is Bike the Drive, and for the first time, I actually remembered to register.  Usually I forget about it, then get jealous when I see all the cyclists riding out on Lake Shore Drive.  Plus, since I'm doing the Chicago Tri, it'll be a good opportunity for me to check out the course, since that'll be on LSD as well.  If I get there early enough, I can practice going fast without worrying about hitting cars, pedestrians, dogs, etc.  Whee!! Laughing
2009-05-22 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2167829

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I ran this morning - pick ups around the nieghborhood.  It was a really good run, cut a couple of minutes off my usual time.

I'm planning to swim on the way home from work, but we'll see.  I can feel a migraine starting and I'm out of Imitrex here at work.  Let's hope Advil and caffeine alone can break the headache.  There's always a first time...

What do I use to get a photo I can use by my name in  The limit is 50kB, and I can't figure out how to set my photo up to get that tiny of a file.


2009-05-22 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2167906

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

lovesreading - 2009-05-22 7:31 AM

What do I use to get a photo I can use by my name in The limit is 50kB, and I can't figure out how to set my photo up to get that tiny of a file.


I use a simple photo editor to change the size of the photo to something really small like 1 inch square.  Whatever it takes to get the file size down.

2009-05-22 10:53 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

I've had a grumpy couple of days.  Yesterday I thought I was just tired from the long run the day before.  But I'm still feeling sluggish today.  So now I'm wondering if I fighting a cold or something.  I have a couple other symptoms that add to that conclusion.  I'm not sure I'm gonna get much done again today.  We'll see.

Here's an issue I came across with this long run.  Rubbing.  Yesterday morning I discovered a sore on the underside of each breast.  It obviously came as a result of chaffing during my run.  Has anyone else had this problem anywhere on your body?  Getting it healed up is easy enough but how to I prevent it from happening again?

2009-05-22 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2168164

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
lghays - 2009-05-22 10:53 AM

I've had a grumpy couple of days.  Yesterday I thought I was just tired from the long run the day before.  But I'm still feeling sluggish today.  So now I'm wondering if I fighting a cold or something.  I have a couple other symptoms that add to that conclusion.  I'm not sure I'm gonna get much done again today.  We'll see.

Here's an issue I came across with this long run.  Rubbing.  Yesterday morning I discovered a sore on the underside of each breast.  It obviously came as a result of chaffing during my run.  Has anyone else had this problem anywhere on your body?  Getting it healed up is easy enough but how to I prevent it from happening again?

Yeah, it usually happens on my feet though.  I've had some CTC members mention it happens on the braline, too, though. 

The solution is Body Glide.  I love that stuff!!  You can put it anywhere you think you're going to need it Smile

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you're not coming down with something!  Usually when I'm having a few grumpy days, it usually means I need more rest, so I try to get more sleep.
2009-05-23 12:47 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hi everyone!

I'm checking in here late night California time during my trip to San Diego. We got here last night and spent a nice day with the family today. My little brother and sister (23 and 21) are here from the east coast with their significant others who I am meeting for the first time so we're having a lot of fun. I can't believe my Dad is graduating from college tomorrow!

We went to the beach today and I was able to get a nice run on the sand in before lunch. I ran for 32 minutes and it was a pretty challenging run. When I got back tonight and mapped it I discovered it was only 2 miles! I'm giving myself extra credit for it being a sand run and my still being in recovery mode from being sick but it shocked me how slowly I must have been going. I wasn't able to get an OWS in, the rip currents were pretty strong and the waves were big and I just didn't want to deal with the cold water just yet.

We are here till Monday night and I think I'll be stuck trying to sneak in run workouts here and there. I'm just going to take it day by day and see what I can schedule and if it doesn't get done then I'll be back on track on Tuesday!

Hope everyone's long weekends are off to a great start.
2009-05-23 2:56 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

I'm feeling better today.  Still not sure what was wrong.  Had no energy during the day and couldn't sleep at night, terrible cycle.  Hopefully it's over.

So me and the little one headed down to the Y.  I got in an easy ride & run.  Mostly it felt good to stretch today. 

Thanks for the BodyGlide suggestion.  I picked some up yesterday and will start to use it regularly.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

2009-05-24 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hello everyone,

I hope you all are having a great weekend and are rocking the workouts.

Today was a fun day.  Met up with some fellow BTers in the area for an OWS workout.  It was tons of fun and the workout was good.  The place we swam out had distances marked for swimmers so that made the workout a lot easier.

Swam 1600 meters.  After the first 200 I became comfortable with the OW.  I am grateful for the opportunity to have a OWS before the next tri in a couple of weeks.

After the swim, Tif and I went to the Astros baseball game...the sucked it up this we left early.  Overall, it was a good day.

2009-05-24 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2171119

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
hippotude - 2009-05-24 7:58 PM
After the swim, Tif and I went to the Astros baseball game...they sucked it up this we left early. 

We left in the 9th inning...not really too early. But they did suck it up today.

On a brighter note, I didn't suck it up today. Laughing Had a great OWS and enjoyed hanging with some other BT'ers. It wasn't a hard swim by any means, but I do feel more comfortable and better prepared for the next tri in 2 weeks. The water was so nice...very clear with superb visibility and the water temp was perfect....probably 73-75.

Hope you all had a great and productive weekend. Enjoy the rest of the holiday!
2009-05-25 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Tif & Nik - That OWS sounds fun!  I've been debating whether to join some of my fellow tri club members in Lake Michigan, but the temp's supposedly in the low 60's.  That's the same temp as my tri last weekend, but it was only a 600m swim.  I couldn't imagine staying in the water for much longer.  I'll probably start going in the next few weeks, though!

I've had a very productive weekend!  Saturday was georgeous so I ran 5.75 miles (I wanted to do 6, but I didn't pre-plan my route, so I was just guessing).  Yesterday was Bike the Drive, and I was able to bike from my place down to Grant Park, then do a 30-mile loop (one 15-mile loop by myself, then met up with some other friends for the other 15-mile loop).  Between the 2 loops, biking from my place to the start, to my friend's house, etc it was a little over 37 miles.

I did get my first flat tire ever, about 2 miles after my friends joined me.  It happened 2 blocks away front of my apartment, coincidentally, and I didn't have a spare tube with me (I know, I should always carry it along, but I hadn't gotten around to buying all the necessary equipment).  So I was ready to head home, when a ride marshall came along and changed my flat for me!  I was very excited to be able to finish that second loop with my friends Smile

After the bike ride, we hung out with my friend's dad, who's a cycling enthusiast.  He took us to the local bike shop and had me try on some new bikes.  It turns out, I'm extremely short and it's hard for me to find a bike in my size Frown  So the store had to ship over some bikes in the smallest size possible from their warehouse just so I can try to find a bike that fits.  I'll go back on Friday once they come in and test ride the bikes once they come in.
2009-05-25 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2171691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hey Missy! Yeah, our group swim was a lot of fun. Although I can say we are incredibly fortunate because our water temperatures are so much warmer here! Sounds like you have had a great weekend. Good luck with the bike search.

I just finished a run time trial to get a more accurate read on my HR zones. The run was tough, but I enjoyed it. Ended up completing 3.11 miles in 35 minutes.  I still have a loooooooooog way to go in becoming a better runner, but I love having small victories to celebrate.
2009-05-26 1:01 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hi all, sounds like those of you who were around today had a great weekend!

We just got back from our whirlwind trip to San Diego this evening. I wasn't able to fit in any other formal workouts aside from my run on Friday while I was down there, we were booked pretty solid with family activities. My Mom and my husband and I went to the San Diego zoo today since my husband had never been there and we walked A LOT so at least I was able to get a bit of movement in. Tomorrow I've got a run planned. For now it's off to bed!

2009-05-26 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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New user
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
hey all, sounds like everyone had a great weekend. i had a busy weekend. my husband and I went apartment hunting because we are moving to Columbus OH.  I'm excited but apt. hunting is exhausting! I was able to get a run in and biked on Monday.  I'm not sure when I'm going to get my next swim in because of my black eye.  Its healing fine but I can't really put a goggle on it.  Anyway, I might have to take the week off, which stinks. 

Well I'd better get to work! yay for a 4-day week!
2009-05-26 9:19 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Good morning everyone Laughing

Up on tap for me today was a yoga class this morning, and a run this evening.  I was hoping to join the women's group run at Fleet Feet again, but it looks like it's going to rain.  I'm not sure if they cancel it if the weather's bad (maybe if there's thunder & lightning), but if they do, my gym's a block away to I can just hop on the treadmill instead. 
2009-05-26 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

I had a nice weekend.  Nothing special, hubby had to work.  Took a short run on Sunday evening then had to repeat the same route on my bike 'cause my ID had fallen out of my pocket.  I discoverd it just as I got home and found it almost at the turnaround point.  Now I know why we have special gear for biking.  Riding in running shoes, no gloves, & a short running skirt is uncomfortable.  On top of that the wind was blowing pretty good which was acceptable on foot but not so much on the bike.

Yesterday we took a family bike ride around the river.  The path was busy and it was windy but overall nice.

This afternoon I'm gonna take my last run before Saturday's race.

Our weather continues to be windy but that's the norm for Spring around here.  No forecast for rain (nice) but temps approaching 90 (yuck).  I'm starting to get more comfortable riding in the wind.  The first time on my road bike in the wind I freaked out and came home.  I was so afraid I was gonna get knocked over.  Just takes practice.


Erin - Hope your bruise heals fast. That would be miserable with goggles.

Margot - San Diego is a great place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there again.  Glad you had fun.

Tif - 5k in 35' is about my best too.  But at least I can run the whole thing now.  Looking back to see how much progress I've made since last fall, I'm impressed with myself.  The first real run I did was about 1 mile.  I'd run a little, walk a little.  But I was sore for days afterward.

Missy - Looking at new bikes is so much fun and exciting.

2009-05-26 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I had a full weekend.  I started with my first OW swim with my local tri club.  I got in without wetsuit as I don't own one.  This is where I'll race this coming weekend and I wanted to see if I could gut it out without renting one.  The water wasn't too bad, about 68F I'd guess.  When I mentioned not wanting the rental expense, one of my team members let me try his!

It was so cool.  I put it on and immediately felt faster.  I felt like I should have a cape or be swimming out to sabotage some bad guy's yacht.

My training partner and I didn't communicate well, so I ended up riding solo on the bike trail.  I didn't think I could keep up with the Cincy ironman folks on the sprint course.  I need to hit above 15mph for that.  I made 14mph avg on the trail and did NOT have any flats (nice change after the last multi-flat ride)

I took Sunday as a rest day after 2 parties Sat night.  We drove 3+ hrs to visit my parents.

Monday was sweet.  I did a relaxed 45min run in their neighborhood.  Last visit early April, I hardly survived their loop.  Now I felt like I could have easily have run still further. 

This is a rest week for me.  I've got just a 30min swim tonight --which leaves time for "Fancy Nancy" tea party at the library with my 5yo.



2009-05-26 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

A tea party?  How fun.  I don't get that with a boy.  I get mud painting in the back yard with my mop (it was drying on the back porch and he stole it).  I tried to laugh.

I had an okay run today.  Not terrible but not great either.  Tomorrow is a swim.  That'll be a nice relief on my ankles & knees.

Have a nice evening.

2009-05-27 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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New user
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
hey all!

i skipped my run last night and went to the Cleveland Indians baseball game.  The Cavs are playing  in the conference finals right now so when it started raining we headed to a bar and watched the Cavs lose...Cry
the series is not over but I swear each game gives me a panic attack!

Anyway, plan to get my run in tonight.  Since I'm not swimming this week I'm going to incorporate some more strength training into my routine.

I'm also going to focus on eating healthier.  I dont' know, maybe its the warm weather but all I feel like eating is ice cream, drinking cold beers and having second helpings of everything! I need to get that back in check.  does anyone else get this way?
I've been doing weight watchers for a few months so I need to get back to food journal-ing and keeping track of my points.  I know I will be a bit hungrier just because I've increased my activity level but I need to eat healthy snacks not ice cream and potato chips.

happy wednesday!
2009-05-27 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2175024

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Good morning!!  I got an excellent run in yesterday.  I was able to do the whole 6 miles at a higher heart rate without crapping out early (in fact, I sprinted the last mile or so because it started to rain and didn't want to get drenched), so I'm thinking of lengthening my lower-intensity runs to about 8 miles, just to build up my endurance.

Tonight, I'm going to check out a spin class at my gym.  It's geared toward triathletes, so apparently the techniques they use can also be used outdoors. 

erin.kelsey - 2009-05-27 8:13 AM hey all!

I'm also going to focus on eating healthier.  I dont' know, maybe its the warm weather but all I feel like eating is ice cream, drinking cold beers and having second helpings of everything! I need to get that back in check.  does anyone else get this way?
I've been doing weight watchers for a few months so I need to get back to food journal-ing and keeping track of my points.  I know I will be a bit hungrier just because I've increased my activity level but I need to eat healthy snacks not ice cream and potato chips.

I'm trying to do the same.  I definitely have a sweet tooth, and a salty tooth (my pre-race dinner before Galena included French Fries dipped in chocolate Frosty!  D'oh! Yell)  And then in the summer, I tend to become a lush...  For some reason, ice cold beers and/or martinis every night sound like a good idea Foot in mouth  I've been trying to pay closer attention to what I eat during the week, but it all seems to fall apart on the weekends or days I go out with friends.  I'm trying to lose about 10-ish lbs, so I REALLY need to keep my junk food intake & drinking in check. 
2009-05-27 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Happy Wednesday everyone!

I was able to get in a REALLY good run last night. The same 4.5 mile loop that I ran a week and a half ago, but I was able to cut 6 minutes off my time. It was a beautiful night and I felt really fresh after my mini-vacation.

Today I've got a swim planned at lunch and then maybe a bike ride with my husband after work if I'm feeling up to it.
2009-05-27 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Sounds like training is coming along well!

I've been forced to sit this week out by my coach. Whatever sinus junk I had going on has turned into the most horrible chest cold ever. I'm now finally starting to feel better, so I'm hoping that by this weekend I'll be good as new and ready to train some more.

We've got some folks racing this weekend, don't we!?
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