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2010-02-08 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2661850

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
I am a total baby with cold weather, but I have a sleeveless and water temp in beginning of August was probably high
60's to low 70's.  Started out fine, but my hands were totally numb by the end of the race!!!  I am getting a full wetsuit for my early May race, still expect to be cold though.

Whatever you do goggle-wise, make sure you try it out ahead of time.  For instance, I never wear pool goggles in the open water, I have better visability with bigger wider goggles (but even they still get kicked off Frown) for open water.

2010-02-08 8:44 PM
in reply to: #2660018

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
What difference are you seeing/feeling with gluten free?  What type of stuff are you eating?
2010-02-08 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2660018

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Leegoocrap - 2010-02-07 3:52 PM I'm a couple of weeks into my 1/2 IM program, planning on entering the Rev3 in Knoxville (Oly or 1/2, not sure yet) as an A- to B race (Cedar Point still being A)

Finally lost my toenail that was giving me some grief (especially in the pool) so training is back to Full Speed Ahead.  2 hour ride today (edurance ride) and an Hour run yesterday... so I feel I'm taking steps in the right way. Back to the fitters one day this week to put the finishing touches on the Planet X. Also trying to move my diet to Gluten free... only a couple of days into it and I think it is making a difference. We'll just have to wait and see.

It's always nice when those toenails finally go.

Do you have a half on your schedule yet?  A lot of people like to use them as a good tuneup before an IM.
2010-02-08 9:32 PM
in reply to: #2660334

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
carrie639 - 2010-02-07 8:10 PM Hey,

Thanks for checking up on me.  Worked tons last week and this week might not be much better, so training sucks, but got in a good ride today.

Shin splints seem to be ok - not perfect.  Ran yesterday after a week and a half off and shin splints were ok, but HR sure did spike quickly. 

I thought all my leg pain was due to my shin splints, but I think I have a big knot or something in the inside of my upper calf muscle.  That seems to be what caused me to stop running last week.  When I roll it or got a massage at therapy, it actually bruised.  It is very sore right now so hard to roll.  Anyone run into a knot causing a stoppage in training?

Wow, that is one crazy knot to cause some bruising.  What did your massage therapist say about it?
2010-02-08 9:34 PM
in reply to: #2660795

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
1stTimeTri - 2010-02-08 8:07 AM

I found the following (in bold blue) fascinating (being a Math geek) -

 Disturbed275's Group - FULL!! Started by disturbed275
4444 Views - 444 Posts
RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
> 2010-02-07 8:10 PM by carrie639

I am so glad you are so easily amused, although I will admit it's kinda cool
2010-02-08 9:47 PM
in reply to: #2661850

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
randomguymike - 2010-02-08 2:19 PM Just how cold is 59 degree water temp? Just checked out the Mission Bay bouy and it is at 59.4 right now and has been around 59 for the last few days. The temps in SD don't look like they'll be above 65 in the tem day forecast. So, shouldn't warm too much.

I googled comfortable swim temperatures and found this:
At 60 degrees F you have about a 2 hour safe zone.  After that your
expectancy of unconsciousness and death by drowning increases to 50%.

Should I expect to be super farggin cold, even in a wetsuit? Does it make sense to get, like, huge goggles (like they have on scuba gear) to try to protect parts of my face?

59 will be cold.  I did a race last may in minnesota.  The RD said the water temp was 59 the night before and the outside temps dropped to near freezing overnight so it may have been a little colder than that.

I opted not to get in ahead of time due to the outside air temp being so cold, but you may be able to get in ahead of time just to feel what it will be and I think that will be a good idea because nothing will prepare you for how cold that water will feel.  It will literally take your breath away.

Like Phil said, 2 swim caps are a must.  Try and find a neoprene one if you can.  If anything getting in for a practice swim the day before or before the start would be huge, especially if you haven't had any OWS experience.

Just try and stay relaxed (hard in cold water, I know) and remember all the swim training that you've put in up until this point and you should get by fine.

2010-02-08 9:49 PM
in reply to: #2662019

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
randomguymike - 2010-02-08 3:28 PM Last two weeks of training have gone very well. This week started off kinda shaky. Had bad hngover from pub run yesterday. So, only got a swim in. Have a date tonight. So, another day off. It'll make for a busy second halfof the week, but after that i get a nice recovery week in before my first race. As I noted I am scared stiff of that water temp now. First OWS and it'll be in frozen water. After first race, I pick training up for two more weeks before I go into taper before my first 'real' race.

Still not sure what my plans are after that. I am so darn slow on the bike. Not sure how much of that is real and how much is riding on the trainer, but I haven't really gotten faster at all in a while.

Speed on the trainer can be very misleading.  You may surprise yourself out on the road.
2010-02-09 12:11 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Not more snowYell I like snow but I am tired of it.
2010-02-09 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2662528

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
disturbed275 - 2010-02-08 10:29 PM
Leegoocrap - 2010-02-07 3:52 PM I'm a couple of weeks into my 1/2 IM program, planning on entering the Rev3 in Knoxville (Oly or 1/2, not sure yet) as an A- to B race (Cedar Point still being A)

Finally lost my toenail that was giving me some grief (especially in the pool) so training is back to Full Speed Ahead.  2 hour ride today (edurance ride) and an Hour run yesterday... so I feel I'm taking steps in the right way. Back to the fitters one day this week to put the finishing touches on the Planet X. Also trying to move my diet to Gluten free... only a couple of days into it and I think it is making a difference. We'll just have to wait and see.

It's always nice when those toenails finally go.

Do you have a half on your schedule yet?  A lot of people like to use them as a good tuneup before an IM.

I haven't signed up yet, but I'm about 95% sure I'll end up doing the Knoxville Half Rev since it's in my back yard and all. One of my buddies is doing the Oly though, so I thought about doing it and saving some $$ instead!
2010-02-09 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2662442

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
carrie639 - 2010-02-08 9:44 PM What difference are you seeing/feeling with gluten free?  What type of stuff are you eating?

I've been told that it takes 2 weeks or so to start seeing a difference. Also, kicking Gluten is more difficult than I first thought... things like almonds and walnuts often have traces of Gluten! So... I'd say at the moment I'm on a "low trace gluten" diet. I do feel my sinus' have cleared up somewhat, but of course that could be placebo.

Current daily diet is
Breakfast -
1 Cup (gluten free) oats
1 cup skim milk
1 banana
2 whole eggs

Lunch 1 -
Okios Greek Yogurt (1 serving)
1 cup mixed fruit
1/4 cup chopped walnuts (stupid gluten traces)

Lunch 2 -
1 cup rice chex
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup almonds (stupid gluten again)
1/2 scoop protein powder

Dinner -
4oz Turkey / Chicken
1 slice swiss cheese
2 slices Rice Bread
1 Apple

Snacks include popcorn, almonds, rice cakes, fruit and cheese. Also some pre / post workout shakes / smoothies on workout days.
I will keep you guys updated on how it is working out.
2010-02-09 6:14 PM
in reply to: #2663798

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Not good with the diet thing . . . so what do you physically expect to see, feel, etc.  Ultimately will you body feel better, more ready for workouts, more energetic, etc.

Thanks for the list of items . . .

How is the bike treating you?

2010-02-10 6:55 AM
in reply to: #2664494

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
carrie639 - 2010-02-09 7:14 PM Not good with the diet thing . . . so what do you physically expect to see, feel, etc.  Ultimately will you body feel better, more ready for workouts, more energetic, etc.

Thanks for the list of items . . .

How is the bike treating you?
some expanded reading

Hopefully it will open up my breathing, get rid of gastrointestinal problems (I don't have a bad problem with it... just some bloating at times) and help me lose a % or two of my bodyfat, those are the three I'm really onboard with. Otherwise, it's a healthy choice even for people who aren't celiac (no processed foods, no bread) so I may stay on it regardless.

Bike is going well. Go back today for the final fit adjustments
2010-02-10 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Had a good run tonight, about 2.5 miles.  Shins felt fine, no pain during run at all.  Keep your fingers crossed that I am over the hump.

Anyone have trouble with their shoes rubbing their arches and having a burning feeling?  I know you will probably say tighten my shoes, but if I do I will cramp on the outside of my foot.  I also put on body glide on the bottoms of my feet prior to runs.  Any thoughts?

2010-02-11 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2667139

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
carrie639 - 2010-02-10 9:58 PM Had a good run tonight, about 2.5 miles.  Shins felt fine, no pain during run at all.  Keep your fingers crossed that I am over the hump.

Anyone have trouble with their shoes rubbing their arches and having a burning feeling?  I know you will probably say tighten my shoes, but if I do I will cramp on the outside of my foot.  I also put on body glide on the bottoms of my feet prior to runs.  Any thoughts?


Glad to hear your shins agreeing with you.

Not real sure what the burning feeling could be.  I know you said don't say tighten, but I like that would cut down on the friction.  Do you wear specific running socks?  It could have something to do with the material too.
2010-02-11 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2667139

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Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
carrie639 - 2010-02-10 7:58 PM Had a good run tonight, about 2.5 miles.  Shins felt fine, no pain during run at all.  Keep your fingers crossed that I am over the hump.

Anyone have trouble with their shoes rubbing their arches and having a burning feeling?  I know you will probably say tighten my shoes, but if I do I will cramp on the outside of my foot.  I also put on body glide on the bottoms of my feet prior to runs.  Any thoughts?


Carrie--are they a fairly new pair of shoes?  I run in Mizuno's now, but when I first started, I wore New Balance.  The arch support in the NB's was in my opinion 'extra' supportive.  By that I mean, I used to feel pressure in my arches (granted, no burning that I recall, but I could see where pressure could lead to burning).  Over time, and with an increase in my mileage, I became desensitized to the arch supports and it was no longer an issue.  The Mizunos fit like a glove from the get go and I never had issues.  It may be that you just need to put more mileage on those shoes before the 'hot spots' calm down.  In the alternate, it could be those shoes aren't the best for your running mechanics.  Hard to say.

Seems like with running, if it's not one thing, then it's another.  Glad to hear that the shin splint pain appears to be resolving. Laughing
2010-02-12 6:20 AM
in reply to: #2669059

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Thanks, I am wearing new balance 850's and they probably have less than 30 miles on them.  Maybe it is just time in the kind of like my underside getting used to time in the saddle.  They are stability shoes with running orthotics.

2010-02-14 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2556283

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Back from Fla and the damages weren't too bad.  Good news is I ran all week and no calf pain.  Just finished a 8 mile run and still OK.  That is very good for me lately.  Bad news I fell off the wagon on nutrition and the king was eating too good and often (drinking pretty good too).  Damages - 2 lbs gained despite my mostly good effort to pick good stuff to eat.

I be getting back in my plan and I'll recover.  Started with my training group today.  8 mile run then swim later.  This should be a very interesting next 3 months.

In the trip back I read "Born to run" .  Its a great book on running for long distance folks.  Great stories about why we are born to run and examples of some amazing runners (men and women).  The book theme is that we were made to run and the running is good for us.

Edited by Jacklcm 2010-02-14 9:02 AM
2010-02-14 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
So got a question for the runnners here, but hope I am not getting too disgusting.  When I run, I almost always have to go to the bathroom (#2).  It is rare that I can make it through a run without.  It is almost as if running shakes everything down and speads up the process.

Someone told me awhile back that this is a new runner thing.  Is that true, or is merely timing when I eat, so I can take care of this before runs.  I think this terrifies me going outside because if I don't have a bathroom nearby when I have to go, I am so screwed!!!

Thoughts anyone?  Doesn't anyone else have this problem?  Had this problem?

Sorry if this offends anyone, but how can I get outside with this kind of problem?
2010-02-14 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2672170

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Jacklcm - 2010-02-14 9:00 AM Back from Fla and the damages weren't too bad.  Good news is I ran all week and no calf pain.  Just finished a 8 mile run and still OK.  That is very good for me lately.  Bad news I fell off the wagon on nutrition and the king was eating too good and often (drinking pretty good too).  Damages - 2 lbs gained despite my mostly good effort to pick good stuff to eat.

I be getting back in my plan and I'll recover.  Started with my training group today.  8 mile run then swim later.  This should be a very interesting next 3 months.

In the trip back I read "Born to run" .  Its a great book on running for long distance folks.  Great stories about why we are born to run and examples of some amazing runners (men and women).  The book theme is that we were made to run and the running is good for us.

Good to hear that you contained the damages and that your calf is behaving itself.

I thought Born to run was a very good read.  Part of me wanted to go sign up for an ultra right after reading it.
2010-02-14 7:19 PM
in reply to: #2672769

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
carrie639 - 2010-02-14 6:59 PM So got a question for the runnners here, but hope I am not getting too disgusting.  When I run, I almost always have to go to the bathroom (#2).  It is rare that I can make it through a run without.  It is almost as if running shakes everything down and speads up the process.

Someone told me awhile back that this is a new runner thing.  Is that true, or is merely timing when I eat, so I can take care of this before runs.  I think this terrifies me going outside because if I don't have a bathroom nearby when I have to go, I am so screwed!!!

Thoughts anyone?  Doesn't anyone else have this problem?  Had this problem?

Sorry if this offends anyone, but how can I get outside with this kind of problem?

I have this problem occasionally too.  I think all that pounding of the pavement sort of jars things loose.  I usually try to make an attempt to go before I run.  That seems to help most of the time, but there have been more than a few long runs where I have had to make a pit stop.
2010-02-14 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2580259

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!

Was wondering if you could give an update on your Garmin 310xt.  I have the 405, but it is not waterproof so if I want to wear it during races, I have to put it on it transition.  I like the flexibility the 310xt offers being waterproof so you can wear it the whole race.  It is huge though?  Do you get used to it? Do you have the quick release mount for the bike?  How does that work to take it on the run?


2010-02-15 8:05 AM
in reply to: #2556283

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Long run this weekend about 4 weeks out from my half marathon and its been about 8 years since I did the one and only one I have done. Sorta looking forward to it but I do wish I was running faster I had hoped for sub 2 hours but it is not looking good. I will not be beating myself up though as the only A race I have this year will be my 1/2 IM in Sept, I have to keep reminding myself of that though.
2010-02-15 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2556283

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Sorry to be MIA lately, lots going on at work and home.  Long story short, trying to sell our place has been incredibly stressful and pretty much taken over everything.  I'll be back to training, and BT, very soon.

I hope everyone's training is going well.  Race is season is coming up fast.  I just joined a new gym, with a pool, near work.  Its only a 50 foot pool, but it will still allow me to get in more swim time than I did last year.  I've yet to get on the bike though....
2010-02-15 10:44 AM
in reply to: #2672801

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
disturbed275 - 2010-02-14 8:19 PM
carrie639 - 2010-02-14 6:59 PM So got a question for the runnners here, but hope I am not getting too disgusting.  When I run, I almost always have to go to the bathroom (#2).  It is rare that I can make it through a run without.  It is almost as if running shakes everything down and speads up the process.

Someone told me awhile back that this is a new runner thing.  Is that true, or is merely timing when I eat, so I can take care of this before runs.  I think this terrifies me going outside because if I don't have a bathroom nearby when I have to go, I am so screwed!!!

Thoughts anyone?  Doesn't anyone else have this problem?  Had this problem?

Sorry if this offends anyone, but how can I get outside with this kind of problem?

I have this problem occasionally too.  I think all that pounding of the pavement sort of jars things loose.  I usually try to make an attempt to go before I run.  That seems to help most of the time, but there have been more than a few long runs where I have had to make a pit stop.

This is also one of the reasons I moved to Gluten Free.
Beyond taking such an extreme however, it most likely has more to do with your diet than the actual running. Give it a week or two and see if it clears up. Keeping a food log will help you see some patterns if it's dietary..
2010-02-15 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2673217

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
I got a B race to start my season too, but I've never been that distance. Somebody from our group said to use the first race to evaluate where I needed to adjust my training. I keep that in mind and its been working for me so far. A few weeks out I'm sure I'll be ever more anxious.
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