BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010! Rss Feed  
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2010-01-31 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2644451

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Thanks Ryan, she's doing fine.  Get's her staples out Wednesday, this should be interesting.  

Take care.

2010-01-31 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2644331

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Thanks for motivating me!!  Thanks for the tip on the book.  Hope all is going well.
2010-01-31 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Happy Sunday everybody.  I'm working today.  Do you guys, or ladies, ever feel exhausted like I do.  I don't know what the deal is, I just get down right whooped.  Working 8-10 hours six days a week, raising my daughter and trying to train.  I guess my point is, I can't quit my job or my daughter, so where I will slack, or what suffers the most of the three is my training.  And really, my training hasn't been suffering either.  I'm just down right exhausted.  And it shows in my attitude.   OK, I'll quit being a wuss.  I'm grateful for my health, job and child.  I'm grateful for the ability to swim, cycle and run.  I am grateful for the things I have today, NOT the things I want or need. 

I know I'm not the only one getting his butt kicked from Tri.  I read the threads everyday, and everyone, and I mean everyone is training like Hell.  This group motivates me.  Long swims, gettin up at 0400 to train, running in 12 degree weather.  Six, 10, 12 mile runs,  guys, and ladies, running on treadmills and stationary bikes, everybody's got family and jobs and still giving 100%  So it's nice to know I'm not alone.  We also have a mentor who cares and is always willing to pass on his knowledge to us, for free! 

Tri builds character.  I'm honored to be part of this group.  Without reading the daily threads and without you guys, without Phil our mentor, I don't think I would have the motivation to train day in and day out.  I do not know, or train with a triathlete.  I am the triathlete.   This group, you guys, are my portal to the Tri world.  Everyone have a great Sunday, I'm on assignment today.  Doing a photo essay on illegal immigration for the Associated Press.

Semper Fi!
2010-01-31 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2645512

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Masi 68 - 2010-01-31 10:12 AM  I'm on assignment today.  Doing a photo essay on illegal immigration for the Associated Press.

Semper Fi!

That should be easy go to Wal-Mart, there everywhere ,  Well at least here in this part of Texas they are LOL! 

As far as being whooped there are two different types of whooped in my book.  For instance many times when I get home from work I dont feel like a workout i'm tired and just want to relax.  Ahh but remember that is what got me out of shape in the first place. So, I change right away into workout gear and Geter done.  Tuesday and Wednesday nights my son has Gymnastics practice so I get home take him to gymnastics usually get back home at 8:00 and never say it is to late I jump my butt on the bike or treadmill and geter done.  Yea it aint always easy but much better than where I just came from. 40# over weight, High Cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, Asthma, Fat, Ugly (oh wait workign out cant fix ugly LOL!!)  anyway your doing the right thing by just getting it done.

Whooped type 2
You are sore, feel slightly sick or are honestly physicaly tired from a few to many workouts in a row or a couple that were more intense than your use to.  In this case I feel it is the best thing to take a day off even 2 and recover.  If there is one thing I have been really good about this time aroud is listing to my body.  If something is hurting or bothering me I either cross train in something that will allow the soar parts of my body to recover. If I'm just Physicaly whiped I take a day off for a complete recovery.  Remember your body don't get stronger and recover while your working out it does that during rest and sleep. 

Check your nutrition make sure you are taking a multi vitamin supliment and getting plenty of good calories for your work load. Balance your nutrition 5 to 6 small meals a day quality carbs, protein , & healthy fat in each.  If you still need a little boost a "B" viatmin complex may also help.  That is mostly what is in that 5 hour energy you see everywhere now.  Stay hard Marine "Semper Fi"

When in doubt just ask yourself what would Carlos Hathcock do?
2010-01-31 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
I can not agree more with what William said about your nutrition.  I can tell when I am down on carbs/good food.  I know it when it hits...   I do my best to keep my nutrition as good as possible..  It keeps me going.  

I am a morning person so I try and get as many workouts early as possible.  I love getting in one, even if its a short one, before I shower and head in to work.  Keeps me going all day..

I also think having a goal to work towards really helps me.  The idea of doing a Half IronMan in just 15 weeks with my very little experience, scares the hell out of me.   So I CANT be a slacker.  Haha

I just got back from the gym.  My wife even got a little infected and went with me.  I got in a 5.2 mile treadmill run in 50 mins.   Still on pace...   Felt great and feel as I am ready to move forward with my distance.  I will see what the coach has in store for me next week...

You guys have a fantastic Sunday afternoon and lets all work hard next week.  
2010-01-31 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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New user
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Hey everyone!  Got in my first brick workout in:
4 x12 lap working with a 1 1/2 min break in between each set. (I consider a lap one way, and my pool is shorter than 25m, not sure by how much.
30 mins. on the spin bike, switching between sprints and resistance.  
3.1 mile run at 6.2 for the first 2 miles, then increasing the last mile to 7.0. 

I know I didn't push myself as hard on the bike (hence why I take spin classes because on my own I tend to be lazy on the bike,) but I felt pretty good at the end, and tired!

Also joined team TRIumph, out of South Jersey, hopefully it will help me meet some more people to train with. 

2010-01-31 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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New user
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Actually I guess a brick is just 2 of the disciplines, so I'm not too sure what I did lol.
2010-01-31 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2557655

Dolores, CO
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
'Do you guys, or ladies, ever feel exhausted like I do.  I don't know what the deal is, I just get down right whooped.'

Does most days count?  But really I know when I do several days in a row and don't take a recovery day I really feel it.  But also if I don't eat right on a day off the work out really kicks my butt the next day.  Today in point pushed up to 30 miles on the trainer today after taking a day off so it should have been a good ride, but yesterday instead of eating right I had a breakfast burrito about 10 am and didn't eat all day until  9:30 pm and had a beef and bean burrito and a bunch of potato chips. So I was struggling at mile 15. 

Also the vitamin will help if you aren't taking any. the multi, B complex, C and E are good ideas.  Also if you can get in a either a soak in a hot tube, or a massage(deep tissue/sport) can really help the recovery process also.

Just my 2 cents.

Oh does any one have some words of wisdom as I am down to 4 week until my first event ever Desert Classic Duathlon?
2010-01-31 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Berkeley Heights
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!

I have been out of the loop for several days and missed much of what occured on the last 3 pages.  I hope your daughter is doing well, she's in my family's prayers. 

As for feeling exshausted yes.  Between the workouts, work, travel and coming home to my son with number 2 due in the next 10 weeks I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed.  I enjoy the training but find it hard to drag my butt out of bed at 4:25am to go swim.  Fortuantely I belong to the gym at work as well so I try to squeak in extra workouts.  Travel season is about to pick up for me again.  In 2009 I spent 80 days on the road.  It's tiring.

All I can say is get out there when you can and do what you can.  You'll feel much better for it.  If for some reason you don't get to compete in a race you have still done with many people never get off the couch and try!  You have already made yourself a better person for trying. 

Bottom line.....there will always be another race!

Phil B.
2010-02-01 6:36 AM
in reply to: #2645884

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Nice job Kristen.  I do my first brick tomorrow.  Mine will only be bike then swim. 

Up early this morning.   Out the door at 4:30 and in the pool by 5:15.  Starting on my "program" this week...   Swim today was 5, 200 meter swims with a 1 min rest in between.  Not bad.  I got a little winded but in all, I made it through the swim just fine and was not too gassed at the end...   My speed is not that good but I made it through it.   I am still working on breathing on both sides so I can take a breath every three strokes.  I would say I did it 50% of the laps...

Got my fist brick tomorrow.  Bike then run.   Should be interesting to see how I transition since I have not done that before.   Probably all inside on the spin bike then the treadmill.... 

You guys have a great Monday...
2010-02-01 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2645575

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
For REAL!!!!!  Same here.  I live 30 miles from the border, it's crazyness!!!! 

Take care Will

2010-02-01 10:38 AM
in reply to: #2646160

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Thanks Jonathan, I'll try the vitamins.  And the hot bath, oh it's so awesome.  I worked all day Sunday and after work rode until dark. I came in wet and cold, that hot bath was the bomb.  Thanks man!
2010-02-01 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2646288

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Thanks Phil B. my daughter gets her staples out Wednesday.  She's just fine.  It was a scary moment but everything is going to be ok.  Thanks for sharing about being exhausted.  I agree, it's just plain and simple, Tri builds character.
2010-02-01 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2645575

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Thanks Will, I like the type 2 whooped.

2010-02-01 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2645512

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Masi 68 - 2010-01-31 11:12 AM Happy Sunday everybody.  I'm working today.  Do you guys, or ladies, ever feel exhausted like I do.  I don't know what the deal is, I just get down right whooped.  Working 8-10 hours six days a week, raising my daughter and trying to train.  I guess my point is, I can't quit my job or my daughter, so where I will slack, or what suffers the most of the three is my training.  And really, my training hasn't been suffering either.  I'm just down right exhausted.  And it shows in my attitude.   OK, I'll quit being a wuss.  I'm grateful for my health, job and child.  I'm grateful for the ability to swim, cycle and run.  I am grateful for the things I have today, NOT the things I want or need. 

I know I'm not the only one getting his butt kicked from Tri.  I read the threads everyday, and everyone, and I mean everyone is training like Hell.  This group motivates me.  Long swims, gettin up at 0400 to train, running in 12 degree weather.  Six, 10, 12 mile runs,  guys, and ladies, running on treadmills and stationary bikes, everybody's got family and jobs and still giving 100%  So it's nice to know I'm not alone.  We also have a mentor who cares and is always willing to pass on his knowledge to us, for free! 

Tri builds character.  I'm honored to be part of this group.  Without reading the daily threads and without you guys, without Phil our mentor, I don't think I would have the motivation to train day in and day out.  I do not know, or train with a triathlete.  I am the triathlete.   This group, you guys, are my portal to the Tri world.  Everyone have a great Sunday, I'm on assignment today.  Doing a photo essay on illegal immigration for the Associated Press.

Semper Fi!

What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.

Ok, so maybe we shouldn't work so hard as to physically be dead, but being tired and being a triathlete is pretty much our reality. So, the advice I will tell you is just what everyone else has said...listen to your body and try to eat the right fuel. (yeah, we cheat...I totally devoured a complete cinnamon danish on Sunday morning...yum!)

Don't ever feel guilty over missing a workout...I always have at least one rest day planned a week (usually Sunday) where I give myself the physical and mental break, spend time with the family and relax, take a nap, listen to some music to meditate, whatever let's me recover...

And if there's a day where I'm just too tired, I sleep in. It happens. You need it so listen to your body.

Now, (here's the touchy feely stuff..)

We all sacrifice alot to participate in this sport...we get up early or workout late when our schedule allows, we make our spouses handle the kids and/or chores while we are training and we pay hard earned dollars for the privilege...some call us crazy but I call us AMAZING

All of us are working towards our own personal finish line..either completing a race for the first time or improving on a's all good because we are healthier and happier! And that makes you a success! In triathlon it only matters that you tried, you discovered somthing about yourself and you PUT IN THE EFFORT! So many people out there won't even try. You guys are the 1%'ers! The 1% that will go make something happen and change your life for the better.

So, keep it all in perspective when you start to feel overwhelmed, tired or just plain feel like quitting. So what, quit for a your a** and see what happens..the next day you hire yourself back into the sport and keep going.

later team!

2010-02-01 6:06 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
OK.  Without sounding too much like a girl, the damn pool is drying my skin out like crazy.  I know some of you are having the same problem. What are you doing about it?  My legs are dry and itch like crazy....  Any secrets?


2010-02-01 6:25 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!

Use Kickin Bass or another fish atractant before you get in the pool the water will bead off of you problem solved 

No seriously use Avenno in your bath it helps dry skin, then use Avenno lotion after the bath. My son gets dry skin and this is what we use for him. 

2010-02-01 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2648587

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
LanierSpots - 2010-02-01 7:06 PM OK.  Without sounding too much like a girl, the damn pool is drying my skin out like crazy.  I know some of you are having the same problem. What are you doing about it?  My legs are dry and itch like crazy....  Any secrets?


No problem Mary.  Basically any moisturizing lotion you can get in the grocery store or drug store.  I got Eucerin based on price and [no] smell.  No real need for the fancy pricey stuff.  I think I spent $7.99 for a 3 year supply.
2010-02-02 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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New user
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
I ran 4 miles on the treadmill today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At 6.2.  Yes I know it is not that far nor is it that fast, but it's the most I've ever done.
2010-02-02 9:17 PM
in reply to: #2651309

Dolores, CO
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!

WTG Kristen keep up the good work!!!

2010-02-02 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2651309

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Kristen8040 - 2010-02-02 8:50 PM I ran 4 miles on the treadmill today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At 6.2.  Yes I know it is not that far nor is it that fast, but it's the most I've ever done.

4 miles and 6.2 MPH is pretty far and fast in my book...  Great work...

2010-02-03 6:22 AM
in reply to: #2651309

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Kristen8040 - 2010-02-02 9:50 PM I ran 4 miles on the treadmill today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At 6.2.  Yes I know it is not that far nor is it that fast, but it's the most I've ever done.

Kristen that's really great.  Maybe its not that far or that fast, but its the best you've ever done, and I bet you'll be doing even better in the future.  Its the little victory and milestones that really keep us going.  We'll only have one or two "A" races a year, but every week we have the chance to go up a tenth of a mile per hour or to add half a mile to our long run.

Great job Kristen!
2010-02-03 5:06 PM
in reply to: #2651629

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
bwingate - 2010-02-03 6:22 AM
Kristen8040 - 2010-02-02 9:50 PM I ran 4 miles on the treadmill today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At 6.2.  Yes I know it is not that far nor is it that fast, but it's the most I've ever done.

Kristen that's really great.  Maybe its not that far or that fast, but its the best you've ever done, and I bet you'll be doing even better in the future.  Its the little victory and milestones that really keep us going.  We'll only have one or two "A" races a year, but every week we have the chance to go up a tenth of a mile per hour or to add half a mile to our long run.

Great job Kristen!
I agree 100%. Goals goals goals... Congrats

The weather was nice today so I got out on my road bike. I got in 30 miles this afternoon keeping a 16.5 mph pace. I kept in Zone 2 for the most part today. It is very difficult due to all the hills I live on..

Yesterday, I got in my first brick.. Spin Bike to Treadmill. Felt good. My training schedule had it for me to keep my heart rate down. I did great on the bike but struggled on the treadmill keeping my heart rate in zone 2. Its coming though...

Off day tomorrow. You guys have a nice night. I am watching National Signing Day... WDE !!!

2010-02-03 10:16 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
After that late night 5 1/2 mile run last night and having to be at work by 5am this morning I was

Wooped type 2... So I had a big grilled chicken brest and avacado salad with a couple of Red ale's and now I'm off to bed.  4 mile run tomorrow.  

PS: Why Yall so quiet today??? I think GoGoGo is stuck in the snow or got frozen fingers and cant type  LOL!!

Everyone be safe I'll holler tomorrow..
2010-02-04 6:19 AM
in reply to: #2557655

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Yesterday was a short swim but also the first time I tried to swim intervals.  The goal was 400 w.u, 10x200 on 4:45 (that's about 20-30 seconds rest for me) and another 400 cool off.  Got 7 of the 10 intervals in, so not too bad.  I'm going to try the same workout tonight and then saturday do a long swim, maybe 2x1500 or 3x1000. 

Has anyone looked as "Swim workouts in a binder"?  Is it any different than just getting different workouts from

We're also supposed to be hit with a blizzard Friday night, so who knows what will happen.
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