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2010-06-17 8:45 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

How often do you breathe?  Every other stroke, every 3, every 4, etc?

If you're really out of breath you may need to breathe more often or you may not be exhaling properly underwater so you can get a decent breath when you turn to breathe.


2010-06-17 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

Oh and what's your kick like?  Do you kick hard and a lot?  Because those big quad muscles will suck up your oxygen and that could also be part of the breathing problem.


2010-06-17 9:00 PM
in reply to: #2929278

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
I breath bilaterally every third stroke.  I wasn't exhaling under water, but I've started doing that.  I've also been doing this drill...  which has helped A LOT especially with my neck!  
Umm...kicking.  I was ankle kicking, but I've been trying to make sure I'm using my hips.  I've also been concentrating on keeping my head tucked in so that I can keep the back end up and flatten out in the water.  I try to keep my kick slow and steady.  I don't splash swim teacher told me I should, but I just can't seem to make that happen.  

According to my husband, I have an "ungodly long reach" to have such short arms!  I reach straight out.  I was reading this and it talks about stretching out like your reaching for a glass on a top shelf...I do that naturally!  I've also been concentrating on bringing my arm around and "slapping" my thigh before starting the next pull.  

If any of this is wrong...PLEASE tell me.  I'm just going on things I've read and videos I'm watching online!!! 
2010-06-17 10:18 PM
in reply to: #2929307

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
crisi13 - 2010-06-17 9:00 PM I breath bilaterally every third stroke.  I wasn't exhaling under water, but I've started doing that.  I've also been doing this drill...  which has helped A LOT especially with my neck!  

Well, you might need to breathe more often until you get a little more swim could try a different breathing pattern....maybe like right stroke w/breath, left stroke, right stroke w/breath, left stroke, right stroke, left stroke w/breath, right, left stroke w/breath....or you could go to breathing every other stroke to whatever side you prefer and not worry about bilateral breathing during the race.
Umm...kicking.  I was ankle kicking, but I've been trying to make sure I'm using my hips.  I've also been concentrating on keeping my head tucked in so that I can keep the back end up and flatten out in the water.  I try to keep my kick slow and steady.  I don't splash swim teacher told me I should, but I just can't seem to make that happen.  

I don't think you need a huge splash when you kick, kicking at the air does not propel you forward...I like to make the water churn or "boil" with my kick, not necessarily a splash from slapping the water.  Mostly I was just asking about the kick because sometimes people kick hard and kinda frantically expecting a lot of propulsion from it and all you do is waste oxygen.  Here's a little trick to test out, when you start getting out of breath, try to slow/stop kicking and just pull (like you would if you had a pull buoy), keeping your legs out behind you just fluttering them here and there to keep them up, soon as those large muscles stop hogging the air, you'll feel less out of breath.

According to my husband, I have an "ungodly long reach" to have such short arms!  I reach straight out.  I was reading this and it talks about stretching out like your reaching for a glass on a top shelf...I do that naturally!  I've also been concentrating on bringing my arm around and "slapping" my thigh before starting the next pull.  

It could be that for all the reach and possible glide time and the extended pull, you are just running out of could try recovering your arm a little sooner like at your hip instead of thigh.  You'll still get the majority of propulsion from your pull, but you won't have to wait as long to breathe.

It doesn't sound like you're really doing anything super wrong from your description but you could try tweaking some things and see if any helps.  Don't be afraid to breathe every other stroke if you have to, sometimes I switch to that if I'm really pushing and I just need the extra air.  If I'm lounging I can go every 5, 7,  or more sometimes if I'm not putting out real effort, but when I'm chasing down a certain pace or the last 25 of an all out 100 and I'm trying to finish under 1:25 (god I miss my highschool times Cry)I'm sucking air like there's no tomorrow.

Hope some of this helps.

ps- I forgot to say, your link for breathing early is a good habit to form...the other thread also has some very useful info although I will be honest and say that while TI has its place I don't think its the end all be all like its touted.  I do think it has good points but sometimes with TI folks its all or nothing. 

Edited by Swimfreak17 2010-06-17 10:29 PM
2010-06-18 7:50 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Northern Ohio
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Breathing.  Ah yes.  It has saved me.  In February I could not swim 50 yards without feeling as if my heart was going through my chest and breathing like I just ran a marathon.  Then I read an article by Mr swim smooth.  The only thing I can add from that article that has helped my swimming tremedously is this. "BREATHE CONTINUOUSLY AND KEEP FRESH AIR IN YOUR LUNGS".  The more you tend to hold your breath the more CO2 buildup you get in your lungs and ultimately the "I cannot breathe panic".  Although I know it is not great technique I breathe every stroke.  I can also swim a mile continuously.  I am very novice but this helped me quite a bit.  My last OWS was 640 meters in 12:38.  I am pleased with that.  Best of luck!


2010-06-18 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Way to go, Tom!!!!  That's brave!!!!  Have a wonderful time with your son on vacation--and savor it--you'll be working every day after that!  Wink

Crisi, I wish I could help you out, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to explain what has to be done.  I'm using my dh as a guinea pig for swimming lessons.  I've taught little kids for years and years, but not adults.  Thank goodness we have Ronda!!!!!!

Have a good weekend everyone! 

2010-06-18 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Ronda, Thank you so much for crafting the swim training plan for my brother!  The biggest challenge for him is access to a pool, I can get him in my pool, but only once per week on "Free Friend Wednesdays" and at the shore we can OWS.  I will go through it with him and try to adjust to his schedule.  Thank you again, and thank you for being our group's resident swim master! 

CJ, funny swim story.  Sometimes they clean the pool deck at my pook while I'm swimming with some harsh chemicals, everytime you go to take a breath you inhale this toxic mess, I've had to stop a few times.  I haven't had a run-in with a vacume hose like you though. 

Tom, Way to make the leap!  You have some hard work ahead of you!  Congratulations, enjoy the journey, I'm enjoying mine so far! 

It looks like all the men in our group are dads, so a big Happy Fathers Day shout-out to us all!  I hope you enjoy your weekend!  I am going to get my long workouts in early morning tomorrow and sunday so me and my son can hang with Grandpa, maybe get some fishing in this weekend, who knows! 

Enjoy all, have a great weekend! 

2010-06-18 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Hey guys... I hope the start of the weekend is going good for all of you!  With then end of school, my wife and I now have the summer off!  I am so effing stoked.  Hopefully this means more training, but we are doing a remodel on the house that I know will take a few weeks... there's were my focus will likely be after my first (and A) race in 9 days.  Today I did a long bike (23 miles) and then a quick run (3..35 miles) and I felt great.  I pushed it really hard and was super happy with my times.  I just hope I can do that come my race day!

Justin, never had the pool people clean the pool while I was there.  But I usually go early in the morning, so I always assumed they cleaned it in the evening.

Crisi, I would try breathing every other stroke.  I breathe 90% of the time while my right arm is in the air.  Its just what comes natural.  I talked with my principal (who swam in college) about bilateral breathing and he said for what I am doing (tris) breathing out of one side isn't a big deal.  Also, something to try out might be doing the 2:3 breathing pattern that Gary Hall Sr. talked about in one of his busting swim myth posts.  Essentially you breath out of the right, then breathe straight away out of your left, then do just a right stroke w/out a breath... then repeat starting on the left side.  I haven't really worked on this yet as I am getting close to my race and didn't want to throw a wrench in my flow.  But it sounds interesting.  One last thing, be sure you a re blowing air out while your face is under water.  This way when you roll to the side for a breathe you are ready to inhale not trying to blow out air and then inhale. 

Tom, way to go on pulling the trigger.  That is awesome.  I've got my eye on a 70.3, but its not until next summer!!!  Well done bro!

My father's day plan is to get my first OWS swim down and then ride the race course.  Then go home for some quality time with the fam!
2010-06-18 7:46 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Thanks for all of the advice...I'll definitely be trying it all!  

@Tom - AWESOME!!!!  You'll do great! 
2010-06-18 11:35 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED'll do fantastic, good for you for signing up!

Happy Father's Day everyone.  Have a nice Sunday.


Edited by Swimfreak17 2010-06-18 11:35 PM
2010-06-19 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
I went to the Y this morning and did my "practice tri" actually went VERY well!  I did 800m in the pool at about my usual pace.  I tried the things suggested.  Breathing every other stroke did help my breathing tremendously!  I'm going to work on that some more.  I did change the direction I breathed every length because I don't want to hurt my neck by only going one way.  I still had to do the back stroke every few laps.  

Then I "transitioned" for the bike.  That went well believe it or not.  I got into the cycling room and quickly got the bike set up and took off.  I'm pretty sure the mileage thingie on the SPIN bike was WAY off.  According to it, I did 14 miles in 35 minutes! Oh well, it was still a cycling session.  

I jumped off the bike, threw on my running shoes and took off for the treadmill.  I got on the treadmill and took off.  I actually had one of my fastest paces EVER!  My legs were a little tired, but it wasn't that bad.

I realize that NONE of this even compares to a real triathlon, but I needed to know weather or not I could even get close! It felt so awesome just to be doing it at the gym...I can't wait for my first real triathlon!!

I had a moment during my SPIN favorite motivation song is "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus (all guys roll your eyes here!).  The first time I heard it was on The Biggest Loser when they ran around D.C.  I immediately googled the lyrics because it was such an awesome song.  It's now the first song I listen to when I start my workouts!  

When I got on the SPIN bike and got my IPOD on...I started that song and actually started crying.  It was such a moment of "I can do this".  I am so proud of how far I've come!!!

Edited by crisi13 2010-06-19 7:06 PM

2010-06-19 10:22 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Great job, Crisi!  Doesn't it feel great and empowering when you can go further than you ever thought you could?  You've been working so hard-Keep it up!!!! 

I came home to Cleveland with my family for the local Greek festival Father's Day.  I'm having fabulous food, some beverages, and very enjoyable training.  The dh and I took our bikes along and rode about 17 miles along the Lake Erie coast.  He had a flat, but I was able to play with my frame pump/co2 cartridges.  Those are lots of fun!!!!!  Best thing since sliced bread!  Followed this up with a 2 mile run (which wasn't so good since it was high noon at that point). 

We then celebrated our workout being over by taking the kids to a local beach.  Lots of fun, sun, playing and wonderful ice cream afterwards. 

Long run tomorrow --8 to 10 miles.  Again, going to run along my favorite place on earth--Lake Erie!  I just hope I make it.  It's been a while since I ran that far.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads in our group!  Have a restful, enjoyable day!!!
2010-06-20 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Crisi- Great job on the practice tri.  Don't short change how great of an accomplishment that is... its sounds like you are totally ready for the real thing!

Robin- Its amazing how having good scenery can making trainings that much better! Enjoy your times!

I'm heading out for my first OWS swim today in the lake were my race will be next week.  The website said that temperatures for the lake range between 62 and 68 this time of the year.  So (being a teacher and always strapped for cash) I bought a sleeveless wetsuit.  Well, turns out that with the cold and wet spring we've had here in central Oregon the water temp is reportedly around 55 degrees.  I might die today.  Wish me luck!
2010-06-20 10:30 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Water was really cold today.  Local guy said 54 degrees.  That makes for not fun in a sleeveless wetsuit.  Read more in my logs if you want.

Hope everyone had a good Father's day weekend.
2010-06-21 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2918933

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
sungirl919 - 2010-06-13 7:58 PM

^there's my race report if you're interested. 

I had an unexpected guest to cheer me on--a fellow triathlete who is unable to compete this summer.  She was in town and it was really helpful to hear her advice, input, and exceptionally LOUD voice cheering me on! 

The swim was easier than I thought.  I was going to take it easy, but I was passing people without pushing it.  As it turned out, I was the first female from my wave to come in!  That was a mental boost. 

Transition was a little slow, but I wanted to be careful instead of careless-especially with my first race.  Biking went well (this is my weakest event), but i feel I could have pushed it harder.  I kept counting how many people from my wave passed me... not too many, but I expected it, so i didn't get down from it.

Running was a muddy mess.  So much for my nice white shoes!  Oh well-battlescars, I suppose.  I felt like I wasn't moving, but I carried a pretty good pace!

Everything ran very smoothly.  Every time I came upon a volunteer (especially on the bike) I thanked them for their time.  I was thinking of you, Crisi!!!

Can't wait for you all to experience your first tri if you haven't done it yet!  It's amazing! 

congratulations Robin!!!  you rock!
2010-06-21 1:58 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Greetings All!  I hope everyone had a tremendous weekend!  My highlight was going to see Toy Story 3 with my son, brother and nephew.  My son, who is 3.5 and my nephew who is 2 made it through the whole movie and couldn't have been cuter together.  They say next to each other, shared a huge tub of popcorn and got excited about Buzz and Woody together.  It was awesome and they were so well behaved!  My brother and I were proud papas!

Great Fathers day for me, the only downside were the beers, Oreo's (yes I said Oreo's) Twizzlers, pasta and 5...5 slices of pizza last night!  It is not so bad considering I put in almost 5hrs of training in over the weekend (50 miles in the saddle and 10+ on the road) and considering the eating fauxpas my weight has been a beacon of consistancy, even this morning so I'm fine with it! When I woke up my stomach was growling as if I hadn't eaten in days.  My metabolisim must be, finally, in high gear.  I blogged today about how I'm finally comfortable in my skin for maybe the 1st time ever. 

Crissy, Tremednous job on your practice tri!  Do not sell yourself short, I'm sure there were more than a few people in that gym looking at you like you were a maniac, going back and forth between S/B/R.  Those kinds of workouts go a long way in preparing you for your race.  Great job, enjoy youe accomplishment!  

Gerardo, Welcome back from abroad! It is nice to have you back in the fold! 

Here is a pic of my son and nephew before the movie on Saturday night with their maching Buzz Lightyear shirts on...   "To Infinity and Beyond!"


Edited by mchubri` 2010-06-24 1:18 PM

2010-06-21 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
@ Brian, those kids are too cute!  Isn't it fun watching them do "grown up" things with you?  I take my daughter (she's 4) all the time to the movies, the walk in or the drive in.  She's stoked because next week she gets to go to her first midnight premiere!  I'm braving all the tweeny crazies and taking her and I to see Eclipse when it comes out.

Ok so the last week has been so so.  This week will be nuts because we have my kid's dance recital this coming weekend so we have lots and lots of extra practices and rehearsals and the weekend is pretty shot.  So I know not to stress about workouts cause life is just in the way right now and it'll get back to normal soon. 
But, I had to start riding alot more last week since only going 2 times or so a week was just not cutting it.  After a couple of disastrous jumping lessons, I ended up at the barn 4 times last week.  My trainer pretty much told me to either get my butt up there and ride him or we should drop him out of training for awhile because its wasting his and her's time (btw, she was very nice about this, and she's right too).  So, I have to increase the barn time again.  This messes up the holy schedule that I finally had mostly worked out.

So, I have too many commitments on my plate right now, but I'm not willing to give them up just yet.   Which means the schedule I had worked out that at the most had me doing two things a day is going to have to go to three things a day.  Kinda kills me to look at the week and see how many things I have to get done but its either that or give something up.  How I'll have time for this I don't really know.

But...I think I do know what I have to try...and it hurts to even type it...


AM workout.  Cry

Yuck.  Gag. 

I think I have to move a run or 2 into the am and maybe a swim or 2.  I'm also going to cut the distance I'm swimming to about 2000 or 2500 m a session so I can get out of there sooner.  I'm confident I can always up the distance later.  Plus I'm kinda stuck in a rut right now where I get in and I swim the "I can go forever at this pace" speed.  I'm not super motivated to kick it up much.  So, I'll start doing harder, faster but shorter sets.  

I just don't have enough hours in the day right now to work and then have 3 hours or more after to get stuff done plus I have a husband and kid that would like to see me or have commitments of their own that I have to help with. 

Days would work better if they had 30 hours in them. 

2010-06-21 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Ronda...I know you'll figure it out!!  Life can be such a pain sometimes...every time you think you have things worked out something new comes up!!  

As for morning workouts...if you'll read back through the beginning of our journey here, I was complaining about mornings too!  I HATED mornings...when I told my hubby that I was going to start getting up and going to the gym before work...he laughed in my face.  I think there was something about freezing and pigs in his tirade!!  Well, guess what...I get up every morning around 5, feed the dogs and am at the gym by 530ish!  Now if I don't get a workout in in the mornings I feel like crap!!   Believe me...if I can do can do it!!!

I also want to thank every one for the kind words about my practice tri...believe me...I'm very proud of myself too!!!  I just know there's a lot more work for me to do!!! 
2010-06-22 12:11 AM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
@ Crissy,  Thanks for the encouragement.  I guess I'll suck it up but I hate to get up early...however when I exercise later at night, I'm up for hours afterwards all hyped up so I think it will do me good in the long run.

So all the hopping and jumping in tkd have caught up to me I think.  After one really hoppy day, my left hamstring and calf was a little sore and ache-y after a particularly bad attempt at a hopping, spinning, hooking kick.  Its been nagging at me for a week or so, and I've felt it on the runs for sure but I've kinda figured it was just a little tweaked and would go away.  Today it made itself known in a big way when I went running.  It decided since I wasn't going to listen to the dull ache, it would occasionally send a shooting type of twingey pain up my thigh into my poor butt cheek and down into the already sore calf.  I almost fell the first time, it totally caught me off guard.  This was a sucktastic run.  I tried to grit my teeth and run thru it as the last few runs have improved alot once I get past the first mile or so but tonite I had to cave and take more walk breaks than I've taken in a long time.  Of course when I stopped to walk, the whole back of my leg wanted to tighten up immediately.

I hope all those threads on foam rolling were serious about you using a rolling pin if you didn't have a foam roller because that's what I tried in desperation tonite when I got home.  If they were joking then I looked even dumber than I felt rolling the back of my thighs and calves.  I also tried stretching my hamstrings to see if that would help a little with whatever is going on but except for a minute or two of relief when I was done, we're back to the status quo of achey back of left leg. 

I may call up my chiro and make an appointment, he really helped last summer when I tore all my lumbar muscles on the right side thanks to the whiplash my lovely horse gave me.   I really loved the electronic muscle stimulus he used...helped tremendously.  Also calling up my day spa and going to try and book a massage for next week in case it needs more deep tissue work. 

Hope everyone's Monday went well...happy training.

2010-06-22 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Ronda, you really have a full plate!  Honestly it is amazing you have kept so busy with S/B/R, TKD, and your horses, plus family and life in general and have not done anything in the AM to this point. 

I am with Crissy, I am not, never was a morning person.  I used to be able to sleep till noon - 1:00 with no problems (That was before a child and triathlon) but now I love getting up in the AM to train.  I find it really gets your day off on the right foot plus it puts your metabolism in high gear for the rest of the day.  Personally I swim and do my weekday bikes on <1hr in the mornings, and do most running at lunch.

I would recomend this, start off with 2 mornings per week, create a schedule and stick to it, really force yourself to get up and stick to it for 2 full weeks, I read that most habits can be sucessfully built in 2 weeks, see how it goes then increase to 3+ mornings per week.  Set out your clothes for the next day and prepare any meals the evening before and it makes it that much easier.  I can pretty much guarantee you will love it! 
2010-06-22 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Ronda, you really have a full plate!  Honestly it is amazing you have kept so busy with S/B/R, TKD, and your horses, plus family and life in general and have not done anything in the AM to this point. 

I am with Crissy, I am not, never was a morning person.  I used to be able to sleep till noon - 1:00 with no problems (That was before a child and triathlon) but now I love getting up in the AM to train.  I find it really gets your day off on the right foot plus it puts your metabolism in high gear for the rest of the day.  Personally I swim and do my weekday bikes on <1hr in the mornings, and do most running at lunch.

I would recomend this, start off with 2 mornings per week, create a schedule and stick to it, really force yourself to get up and stick to it for 2 full weeks, I read that most habits can be sucessfully built in 2 weeks, see how it goes then increase to 3+ mornings per week.  Set out your clothes for the next day and prepare any meals the evening before and it makes it that much easier.  I can pretty much guarantee you will love it! 

2010-06-23 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2932058

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

 "practice tri"

I think any flavor of sbr is huge as it gets you used to the feeling of all three in succession.  Nice work.
2010-06-23 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
How many days off do you guys take during the week before a race?

I am not working a plan right now, just kind of doing my own thing.  I am going to look for a plan to use after my race Sunday, I am leaning towards an oly plan based on my current training hours.  I only have one short sprint race left this season, but I think a lot of sprint plans lack enough hours?

The one thing I hate about am workouts is that I am done before the sun gets up.  I am in the pool in the dark/sunrise, off the bike and run before any sun to speak of is available.  Thus, I am as white as I am in the winter.  Not that my world revolves around being tan, but tan is better than pasty white right?   
2010-06-23 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Northern Ohio
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Hey all
Checking in.  I am off this week with Jacob my 2-year old.  As far as training goals this week I hit my goal big time yesterday.  I tought Jake how to make funny noises and talk into a fan.  It took about 2 hours but I did it.  it was a little harder than a sprint tri but I kept with it.  I also spent about 2 hours on monday building a huge log home with every lincoln log we have only to let him destroy it in about 5 seconds.  So I am meeting my goals this week.  My DW is visiting friends in NH so its just me and him.  I even let him sit at the chef's island and eat dinner yesterday.  Not to slack on training but this is time I will never get again.

Anyway I had a real eye-opener today.  I ran 5 miles in 90 very humid degrees.  If my scale is correct I lost 90 ounces of fluid and did get a little light-headed when I finished.  WOW!  My sweat rate is normally around 40-50 ounces an hour in cooler temps.  I would suggest everyone look into this.  I have read that you need to replace at least 75% during longer races.  This will be a challenge for me especially in Augusta in September.

Anyway I hope everyone is well.


2010-06-23 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2939540

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

I tought Jake how to make funny noises and talk into a fan.

Well played.
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