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2010-07-24 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Had a great time today at the rerun of the race I DNF'ed last year. Race Report here

Finished, and finished much faster that I had during last year's dry run (time last year: 2 hours flat, this year 1:40) was rainy, so I got SOAKED, but still finished. I am very pleased with the results.

Charlie - I'm with Warren and Eli here - slowly ramp up. You will be fine. Running is so much harder on your body than the other sports...if you try to do too much, you will get injured...not worth it to me. You will be fine!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Now to get ready for the Olympic (do you realize that's twice as long as a sprint! Holy Cow!) in a month.

2010-07-25 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3002472

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
itsallrelative_Maine - 2010-07-24 8:28 PM Had a great time today at the rerun of the race I DNF'ed last year. Race Report here

Finished, and finished much faster that I had during last year's dry run (time last year: 2 hours flat, this year 1:40) was rainy, so I got SOAKED, but still finished. I am very pleased with the results.

Charlie - I'm with Warren and Eli here - slowly ramp up. You will be fine. Running is so much harder on your body than the other sports...if you try to do too much, you will get injured...not worth it to me. You will be fine!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Now to get ready for the Olympic (do you realize that's twice as long as a sprint! Holy Cow!) in a month.

Great race Jennifer.  Are you really doing TWO Olys before the Mainiac, or are you picking one?  Either way, your training has you well prepared for that distance.
2010-07-26 7:05 AM
in reply to: #3003602

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
wbayek - 2010-07-25 8:14 AM

Great race Jennifer.  Are you really doing TWO Olys before the Mainiac, or are you picking one?  Either way, your training has you well prepared for that distance.

I'm really doing two...First one is Labor Day weekend, the following weekend I'm volunteering at the Pumpkinman (hope to see you!), the next weekend is the Lobsterman Oly, and rounding out my season is the Mainiac Sprint....I am planning on taking a complete week off after the Mainiac though!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ramping up this week.
2010-07-26 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3004119

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
itsallrelative_Maine - 2010-07-26 8:05 AM
wbayek - 2010-07-25 8:14 AM

Great race Jennifer.  Are you really doing TWO Olys before the Mainiac, or are you picking one?  Either way, your training has you well prepared for that distance.

I'm really doing two...First one is Labor Day weekend, the following weekend I'm volunteering at the Pumpkinman (hope to see you!), the next weekend is the Lobsterman Oly, and rounding out my season is the Mainiac Sprint....I am planning on taking a complete week off after the Mainiac though!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ramping up this week.

Wow, two Olys a few weeks apart sounds awesome.  You are certainly training enough to hit both of those.  As long as you do the Mainiac!  I'm still not sure if I'm doing that one as part of a work relay team or on my own.  You deserve more than a week off after this season!

You will definitely see me at the Pumpkinman.  Do you know what you're doing there? 

I'm ramping up for three more hard weeks, then a recovery week which ends in the Timberman sprint, then it's 3 weeks until the half, so one week of work and then taper after Timberman.
2010-07-26 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Awesome race Jennifer, you must be so excited.  You also have a crazy race schedule coming up, sounds like fun!!
2010-07-27 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3004119

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Jennifer, way to go on the race. And wow, stepping up to two oly's!! That is some serious motivations.
Last weekend was CRAZY!!!
Sat morning, we got up and did 10 miles (my wife is marathon training, and we sucked a friend into joining us). I had to get up at 5:00 AM to roll out the croissant again (I wasn't going to let last weeks no rising croissant get the better of me!).
Ran, baked, packed up and then off for scuba certification. I was certified to dive in college, but it has been 15 years since I dove. So, I spent all day blowing air out of my mask with my nose and playing with air pockets.
Sunday, up early again for scuba-open water in the ocean. Nice dive, but I got a little seasick after the first one. Second dive was OK, but had to feed the fish on the way home. Waste of food.
Then, after a nap, met up with a friend and did 21 miles on this bike with 4x 1 mile sprints in the middle. THAT WAS AWESOME!
This weekend are the final two dives before I am certified again, and we are trying to get the logistics for the run organized.

Whew, I need a break already, and I just started my training. 

2010-07-28 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Good morning!!!!
So, how is the week treating everyone?
Had a great brick this morning. I am wondering how to take it to the next level on the bike. I feel like there must be some way to move up the 1 mph I am looking for...maybe when I rest more?
How is everyones training going?
Anyone heard from our lost sheep? 
2010-07-28 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
You'll get there Eli, I think intervals are the key to bike speed so you're cranking through those.  I love doing intervals on my long rides, it really seems to get nail your legs to hammer out a 10 minute interval 2 hours into a ride.

I had a great long run this morning.  I ran mile 8 at near threshold (8:04 for me) and felt fine the whole way.  I try to do 1 mile toward the end of every long run at a fairly high RPE, but that's easily the fastest mile I've run during a long run and it felt like a very manageable effort. 

I'm doing a race rehearsal this Saturday, so I'm taking Thurs/Fri off to prepare and rest.
2010-07-28 5:59 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Hi everybody!

My training this week is looking different than originally expected.  During my run on Sunday I started to feel some pain on the inside of my right foot.  Nothing serious but it didn't go away that night or monday so I made an appointment to see a Doc Tuesday and was told that I have a minor case of Tendonitis.  I guess the posterior tibial tendon is inflamed which is pretty common for people with flat feet.  My feet are very flat and I severely pronate which puts this tendon at a mechanical disadvantage while running or walking.

The Doc said I was doing all the right stuff regarding running shoes and inserts just need to give it some time to heal.  May try prescription inserts if it becomes a nagging problem.

So instead of running this week I am biking with the hope that by Sunday I will be pain free enough to run again.  It is not very painful but I guess if this gets really inflamed it can get pretty bad and could end up in a boot for awhile.  So I will be taking it real easy this week running wise.  Ramped up to fast last week and paying for it now.  Oh well.

Hope everybody has a great week.  We seemed to have lost a couple of members hopefully every thing is treating them well.
2010-07-29 6:27 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Hey all!  I have been lurking...had a crazy busy weekend with the NJ State Triathlon.  Friday night my boys and I worked the packet pick-up for 4 hours in the scorching heat but fun to meet the people.  Then,  the family was up early to be at the park at 5:30 for the Sprint - DH did the bike portion on another relay team and my boys volunteered at a water station right at transition so we got to see them during the run in and out of transition with our bikes.  I posted my results on my log,  just have not had time to do the race report.  I really do have to do that and the one for the aquabike in June before I forget everything.    Bottom line is that I am VERY pleased with my performance and definitely glad I did it as a relay.  I really enjoyed doing this race as a relay but there is a part of me that really wants to do the entire thing again next year but will have to wait and see how my shin splints go. Just the running in and out of transition has caused the shin splints to flair.   Might be time for a visit to the orthopedist. 

Then,  not like we had enough, my entire family was back at the park at 5:30 am on Sunday to volunteer for the Olympic distance race.  We worked at mile 4 water station which gets runners as the go out and then come back from the turn around.  We had runners passing us in both directions.  It was crazy but amazing and fun to inspire all those athletes.  If you have never volunteered for one,  I definitely suggest it.

I do not have any other races planned for this year.  There are a few that peak my interest but I don't think they sell out and would prefer to register same day if possible to see what the weather is going to be like.   My boys want to do a kids tri in September and they have an adult sprint the next day.  The problem is that it has rained for the race for the past 2 years - I did this race 2 years ago in the cold rain and did not have much fun. 

My main focus right now is going to be getting back into a good exercise routine, trying to drop 20lbs and healing my shin splints once and for all.
2010-07-29 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Awesome news Randi.  Good job freestyle-ing the whole way! I love that you have the family so involved in these races.  And major kudos for not letting that injury keep you down.

2010-07-29 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Wow! A bunch of nice chatter going on here.

So sorry to hear about the injury Charlie - your plan to let it rest sounds like a good one. I know I keep hammering this one - but swimming really can help - there is almost no pressure on your feet!

Randi - it sounds like a fantastic weekend. I'm going to volunteer at a HIM in the middle of Sept and am really looking forward to it. I am a big believer in participating from every perspective to better understand (and appreciate) the whole event. I chose this particular event to volunteer because I'm hoping to race it next year and want to get the lay of the land ahead of time!

Warren - as always - your training is fantastic. I'm so glad the run went well. It makes all those early mornings worthwhile when you have a breakthrough like that.

Eli - the dive training/certification sounds great - you might even be able to dive when down in Cozumel, eh? I'm with Warren on the intervals for increasing speed. I did Jorge's Winter Cycling challenge this year and it really made a difference in my speed.

On my long run this morning, I realized I don't think I'm getting enough time on the bike in (I have blown off the last couple of long rides due to outside (read family) forces). I'm really going to try to step it up a bit for the next few weeks (before the Oly over Labor Day). It's funny - bike is my favorite sport of the three, but it definitely seems to take the lowest priority.

Hope you all are doing well, enjoying the summer and your training!

2010-07-29 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
ELI! I'm  joining your group. Seams like a great following. I look forward to sharing and hearing info with you all.

Current upcoming races: Escape Miami. Miami Man 1/2 Iron, Marine Corps Marathon with Eli.

2010-07-30 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Welcome Nick.  Why not join Eli in Cozumel?!

I'm taking two full off days before my race rehearsal tomorrow, and I feel like a total slacker this morning.  Funny how much difference a year makes!  I'm really fighting the urge to do something today, but Leigh knows me too well and actually sent preemptive email this morning to chill and relax and give it a full effort tomorrow.  She and her husband are doing their IM rehearsal tomorrow as well, so it'll be interesting to compare notes.

I drove the bike and run courses for my half yesterday.  The roads are a little rough in spots, but overall really good.  Lots of back country Maine roads with some awesome down home New England views.  I took some numbers of houses for sale.  Who knows.  There are only a few hills, and I wouldn't even classify them as climbs, so it'll be a lot of time in aero.  I sure hope they have great signage/turn coverage or I'll certainly get lost.  There are LOTS of 90+ degree turns, and two lefts across a pretty busy state highway.  6 weeks and counting.

Everyone have a great weekend, and get (or stay) healthy.
2010-07-30 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full

Oh trust me, I wish i was doing Cozumel. I am limiting myself to the amount of races i can do due to the simple fact that i am getting married in April of 2011. So i gotta watch where my money goes. But i have many races planned for 2011. As per the soon to be wife, as long as we can make a mini vacation out of it, she doesn't care where i race. I was planning on doing IM Australia on 5/1/11 but it sold out before i could enter. We are taking our Honeymoon there and that race was going to be her gift to me but it sold out.  But we will be in Sydney on race day to check it all out. I(we) cannot wait!

2010-08-01 9:24 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Australia will be an awesome honeymoon.  Too bad you're not able to get into the IM, but I'm sure that won't take away from the trip!  Take advantage of the married time before kids.  Even though they add a ton and I wouldn't trade it for anything, the freedom to move about the cabin does diminish a bit once they come.

2010-08-02 7:13 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Welcome Nick, congratulations! Kids certainly do change the picture - but traveling for triathlons sounds really fun. My husband and I traveled a bit before kids and really enjoyed it (my husband is a huge baseball fan and we got to see a bunch of major league games in towns I was traveling to for work as well as spring training in AZ) I want to go to Europe...when is that Tour de France thing again? (Just kidding)

Hope the dry run went well Warren - Berwick is lovely and I have heard very nice things about the Pumpkinman might go to the Maine chat area (on BT) and look for last year's thread about Pumpkinman.

During my long run last week, I realized my bike volume was a little low (for me - not for other on this mentor group!), so I made a point of upping my mileage the last three rides and now I'm feeling it! It's good, because I love the bike and I know it will help me going into my Oly in a month. Has anyone made any changes to their training plan while in the middle of it? How did it work out for you? Any recommendations?
2010-08-02 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Hey All,
Nick, glad to see you! Nick is local with me and we have run a few races together. he is ON FIRE recently with his training.
Jennifer, glad to hear about your re-investing some love with the bike. I really believe that with the Oly, HIM and IM, you need a strong bike to survive.
I have changed plans in the middle before, and I think it works fine. I really use a plan as a guideline for what my "key" workouts should be in any week. Long bike, Long run, tempe ride...etc. I tend to focus one something for 2 or 3 weeks so that I can keep shifting around and not get bored.
Since I have spent so much time recently on the running, I am looking forward to focusing on my bike for a few weeks as well. Just bought some new (used) wheels and can't wait to put them on and ride. 
2010-08-02 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3017983

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
eliwashere - 2010-08-02 10:28 AM Hey All,
Nick, glad to see you! Nick is local with me and we have run a few races together. he is ON FIRE recently with his training.
Jennifer, glad to hear about your re-investing some love with the bike. I really believe that with the Oly, HIM and IM, you need a strong bike to survive.
I have changed plans in the middle before, and I think it works fine. I really use a plan as a guideline for what my "key" workouts should be in any week. Long bike, Long run, tempe ride...etc. I tend to focus one something for 2 or 3 weeks so that I can keep shifting around and not get bored.
Since I have spent so much time recently on the running, I am looking forward to focusing on my bike for a few weeks as well. Just bought some new (used) wheels and can't wait to put them on and ride. 

I'm a total newb with no real background, so take this all with a grain of salt.

I totally agree on the bike being the key to longer races.  I don't think more biking makes your run faster (I could be wrong), but a strong bike makes your triathlon run closer to your open run at the same distance.  And with the bike taking so much more overall time, there's a lot of ground to be made up with a strong bike leg.
2010-08-02 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
I am a HUGE slacker!!
OK, this past weekend I ...DIDN"T RIDE MY BIKE.
I know, I know...I suck. It yelled at me.
I finished my scuba certification and was so pooped that I didn't ride. Then, on Sunday, I didn't ride because we saw Robert Plant in concert (AND he was AWESOME!!!).
I did get in my runs, so it wasn't a total washout.
However, since I did get on the bike today for my time trial, I am happy. Time trial went pretty well. I was a bit faster and had better power than a few weeks back, so progress is being made.
Now, if I could just get my Achilles to heal!!!
2010-08-03 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Just finished my race reports and was thinking that I could save huge amounts of time in T1 if I could bike without socks but for someone who gets a blister just walking without socks, I am afraid to try it.  Anyone have any suggestions on swim socks that I could use for the swim and then slip right into bike shoes?

2010-08-04 9:24 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Hey All,
Just did a 5K test this morning.
1st of all..Ouch. My legs are a little wobbly.
2nd-I am getting faster. This is good, but it is hard to run that fast. I was never into running this hard. 
I guess that is the price of trying to get faster, but it makes each run that much harder.
2010-08-05 8:14 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
What consisted of the 5K test? Time? I'll admit that getting faster hurts. But its a good pain I look forward towhen the next race comes and i see my time and how much i've improved. makes it allllll worth it!

I need some help though. Im trying to factor my Marathon training in with my 1/2 Iron training. My HIM is 2 weeks after my Marathon. Im just trying to make sure i get enough biking/running.  Im doing about 100-120miles on the bike and 12-16mile run. I'm thinking i have to start increasing my mileage thoughts?
2010-08-05 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3024679

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
I would say focus on the HIM plan you are using and maybe add another run or make the long run a little longer.
For a decent marathon, I would say that you want to have had at least one long run of 20 miles. However, since your HIM is so close, you may not have time to get that in.
In terms of aerobic conditioning, an HIM plan puts you in a good place for a marathon. However, the extra 13.1 of pounding in a marathon will take its toll.
What is your weekly long run looking like right now?
As far as biking...I would say 120 is OK. I would think you want 1 1 hour ride on the fast side, a 2 hour ride in the fast but not brutal speed and a 3 hour ride at a pace you can run after each week. Make the 1 hour ride a brick as well as the 3 hour ride and then add a long run and all you have to do is fit in a couple of swims and you should be good. 
2010-08-05 11:09 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
What Eli suggests for biking is my exact bike routine - 1 very hard TT type effort of around 40-45 minutes (plus WU/CD makes the whole thing an hourish), one - 2 hour ride going hardish the whole way but not as hard as I could go for 2 hours, and a 3 hour ride with some near threshold intervals built in.  I feel like my biking is plenty ready for the half distance with that intensity in the rides.

I'd say running is a tough one with the marathon on the schedule.  The long run for marathon training is usually significantly longer than an HIM plan.  The recovery required for a 15-20 mile run would seriously hamper my bike ride quality.  You'll have to find what your body can handle, but I'd say you probably want to do at least a few really long runs (15+), unless you have been a runner in a previous life.

For swimming, I have no real comment - my swimming is almost an afterthought.  I know that's a bad thing but for now it's my reality.
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