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2010-06-05 12:11 PM
in reply to: #2902382

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-06-05 10:33 AM It's official, I signed up for a Try-a-tri (400m-10Km-2.5km) for next Sunday. I was very sad yesterday when my other planned race was sold out but today I'm very excited. I don't care how I finish this race but being very short I won't have any problems completing it.

Hey-That's great news! You are definately ready for it.

2010-06-05 12:27 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Great news Sylvain!

2010-06-05 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Heidi - well at least you have your waterproof mp3 player and won't have to count the light bulbs in the ceiling.  Hopefully two weeks of pool running will be all that's required for you.

Sylvain- that's cool that you've pulled the trigger on a race.  Good luck!  I need to follow your lead and just sign up for something.

I did a ride this morning with a local racing club that hosts a public group ride. There were about 60 people and it was like riding in the peleton at a road race. At one point we took over the entire lane and ended up getting pulled over by a police car.  The poor guy at the lead of the group was actually given a ticket by the joke! I've never heard of that happening before.

Anyway, we did 25 miles out, no drop and then 25 back every man/woman for him/herself.  I stayed with the big boys and was riding faster than I've ever ridden. It's amazing how easy it is to ride at a super fast pace in a group...the slipstream just pulls you along (although at one point I did feel like I was going to barf).

I highly recommend a group ride now and's a blast and it's a great workout.

Have a great weekend,

2010-06-05 5:20 PM
in reply to: #2902517

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Stone Cutter - 2010-06-05 1:44 PM  

I highly recommend a group ride now and's a blast and it's a great workout.

x2.  I avoided it (group rides) for a long time, but it really is a great workout.

I rode today -- not 60 people, but 4.  We absolutely slayed my usual long ride route, 2mph faster than usual.  I was wasted at the end.

But here's the big news (drum roll please....)  I RAN 3 MILES TODAY!  (Sorry Heidi -- you'll get back there!  Listen to your doctor and keep up the pool running.  It really does help.  Most of my running will remain in the pool for a good long while, I'm afraid.)
2010-06-05 5:39 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Did a Bike-run brick earlier today....and had my first fall off the bike with the clipless. On the way up a large hill I didn't down shift fast enough then chain fail off and down I went. Did not get hurt and for those worried about the bike no it did get hurt either
After a 20 minute warmup on bike I pushed hard for about 12 minutes (mostly uphill) then ran for 10 min at a good pace, maybe too fast a first. I was hurting for last 5 minutes but kept pushing even with the pain under my ribs. I didn't pull a Micheal and hurled but I hurt. I'll analyse my HR later, I wonder if this 10 minutes (1.41 miles) is enough to use for my zones. I think it would be better then my current estimates.

2010-06-06 5:58 AM
in reply to: #2902786

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

But here's the big news (drum roll please....)  I RAN 3 MILES TODAY!  (Sorry Heidi -- you'll get back there!  Listen to your doctor and keep up the pool running.  It really does help.  Most of my running will remain in the pool for a good long while, I'm afraid.)

Hey- That's great news! How do you feel today?

2010-06-06 6:46 AM
in reply to: #2902807

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-06-05 6:39 PM Did a Bike-run brick earlier today....and had my first fall off the bike with the clipless. On the way up a large hill I didn't down shift fast enough then chain fail off and down I went. Did not get hurt and for those worried about the bike no it did get hurt either After a 20 minute warmup on bike I pushed hard for about 12 minutes (mostly uphill) then ran for 10 min at a good pace, maybe too fast a first. I was hurting for last 5 minutes but kept pushing even with the pain under my ribs. I didn't pull a Micheal and hurled but I hurt. I'll analyse my HR later, I wonder if this 10 minutes (1.41 miles) is enough to use for my zones. I think it would be better then my current estimates.

Although you did bike before, I'd still presume that your HR during those 10 minutes is a good bit HIGHER than your LTHR, especially given your description of how it felt.  It sounds to me like around a 5k effort.  In that case, I'd subtract 5bpm.  (There is actually a protocol out there -- with some studies to back it up -- that LTHR is close to 5K HR minus 5bpm.)
2010-06-06 6:47 AM
in reply to: #2903198

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
slow turtle - 2010-06-06 6:58 AM

But here's the big news (drum roll please....)  I RAN 3 MILES TODAY!  (Sorry Heidi -- you'll get back there!  Listen to your doctor and keep up the pool running.  It really does help.  Most of my running will remain in the pool for a good long while, I'm afraid.)

Hey- That's great news! How do you feel today?

Thanks.  I feel pretty good.  (Well, the hip feels fine.  My legs are toasted after a very hard bike yesterday.)
2010-06-06 4:16 PM
in reply to: #2775149

Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Well, it's official.  In about 2 months i'll be on the pool running team.  I found out I tore a tendon in my foot/ankle and will have surgery mid-July.

I decided to do my two Sprints (6/13, 6/20) and then cancel the Oly and HIM so that I don't do too much more damage to the tendon and get the surgery done sooner than later.

I went running on Friday for the first time in 4 weeks.  It felt pretty good.  Its more a tendon used for side to side movement.

2010-06-06 4:27 PM
in reply to: #2775149

Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
i've been going on group rides with my neighbor who started a club.  Out of the 3 times I went, two were just my neigbor and I and yesterday we had 3 people.  It has definitely pushed me.

Yesterday we did a 60 mile ride with one section of 700' elevation gain over 4 miles including one piece with a 12% grade.  I was ran out of gears (triple) and was out of the saddle for about 50 yards.  Quite sore today, but it was a beautiful ride.  Not sure if it would be considered tapering for my sprint next sunday. 
2010-06-06 6:17 PM
in reply to: #2903729

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
bartimaeus - 2010-06-06 5:27 PM i've been going on group rides with my neighbor who started a club.  Out of the 3 times I went, two were just my neigbor and I and yesterday we had 3 people.  It has definitely pushed me.

Yesterday we did a 60 mile ride with one section of 700' elevation gain over 4 miles including one piece with a 12% grade.  I was ran out of gears (triple) and was out of the saddle for about 50 yards.  Quite sore today, but it was a beautiful ride.  Not sure if it would be considered tapering for my sprint next sunday. 

Mike -- sorry to hear about the injury, but glad that you've got it diagnosed.

Yeah, group rides can really push you to places you didn't know were there.  I did one on Saturday that I'm still very much feeling!  You'll be fine for your sprint next week.  Good luck with that!

Now, I'm off to do a little pool running myself.  (90 minutes.  Ugh.)

2010-06-06 6:19 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Brian, I've been looking for your results all day, but they aren't posted at yet.  I hope you had a good time.  Let us know!
2010-06-06 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2903709

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
bartimaeus - 2010-06-06 5:16 PM

Well, it's official.  In about 2 months i'll be on the pool running team.  I found out I tore a tendon in my foot/ankle and will have surgery mid-July.

I decided to do my two Sprints (6/13, 6/20) and then cancel the Oly and HIM so that I don't do too much more damage to the tendon and get the surgery done sooner than later.

I went running on Friday for the first time in 4 weeks.  It felt pretty good.  Its more a tendon used for side to side movement.

Sorry to hear that Mike!
2010-06-06 10:48 PM
in reply to: #2903897

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-06-06 4:19 PM Brian, I've been looking for your results all day, but they aren't posted at yet.  I hope you had a good time.  Let us know!

I had a wonderful time today.  However, it was a bloody mud fest.  For the sprint yesterday it was a wonderful day (70 degree weather), but it was so wet from previous rains it still was muddy.  This morning it began raining and didn't stop.  In Oregon when it rains and there is no wind it is the kind of rain that just steadily comes down.  It was rather warm about 58-62 Degrees, so not overly cold.

So for results,  my time was an even 1:39:00 (Goal 1 met)So I came in my goal time of under 1:40:00.  I think it could have been better if not for the mud, issue with my number belt at leaving T2 and forgot I put my cell phone in my running shoe and it was there when I went to put my shoes on.

Swim...the swim went great.  I drafted when I could and sighted pretty well.  Did some drifting to the left, but looked up every 8-9 stokes and caught myself before going to far.  On my watch I came out of the water at 00:26:?? which is below my goal time (goal two met).

Bike...Again very wet; ruined my new trisuit.  Steaks up the back of the suit from the road.  I am not sure what my time was.  My watch said in the 1:14:?? range.  So Mid 19 MPH range.  Was looking to be in the High 19's.

Run...Time 00:55:22.  Was thinking this was where I'd end up.  Thought I was faster than this time, but will take it.  At the turn around I took in some Electrolytes and walked about 30 sec.  I have found this helps me and I run better if I do this and just take the time.  Generally I am able to keep my form better and make up the lost time.  Which I felt like I did.  With about .5 mile left I passed two runners that were in my age group.  Last year I wouldn't have pushed the issue but this year I make it a point to pound the nail in the coffin (so to speak) and turn it up after passing so they don't respond.  One of the guys was hot on my trail at the end, but I was too far out in front of him to catch me (Another goal met:  Which is to respond to opportunities when presented such as passing others in your age group if you can and not wait or become lazy with it).

Overall:  Had a great time.  Now my wife, not so much.  Second race she has come to where it rained on the spectators.  My son had a great time wallowing in the mud; however he was wearing his new shoes (don't get that one).  It was just a plain mud hole everywhere. 

Need to work on my bike and run.  More speed work on my run and some more miles.  For the bike need to get in some more miles.  My next race is a sprint with some big hills so will be working on hill climbing in June as well as riding and running on the race course itself on a few upcoming Saturdays or Sundays.

I'll post my race report on BT once I get my time and splits.  Again thanks for all the wonderful thoughts and support.

2010-06-07 6:09 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Great race Brian! With all the rain and mud, I would consider that you met all yours goals. I would think your bike time was because I believe water on the road adds friction so you needed more power. I'm sure Michael will have a better technical answer for that, but I would consider that goal MET.

Fantastic job!

2010-06-07 6:14 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Way to go Brian!  Swimming and running in the rain are great.  Bike...not so much.  Nicely done!

2010-06-07 6:28 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Great Job Brian! Way to go. I really don't enjoy biking in the rain. Mostly, I'm afraid I wont see a pot hole, or a driver wont see me. Turns scare me too.
Okay- I'm a big wimp about riding in the rain
2010-06-07 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Nice work Brian! 
2010-06-07 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Thanks for the positive remarks.  The race results are out.  Better times than I anticipated.  I'll get it all in on a race report this evening and send a link if your interested.  Happy, Happy Joy, Joy......After seeing the results I am more fired up to get back at it and reduce my times.  My wife may not like my enthusiasm so much.   Gotta go to work.  Tlak with you all soon.

2010-06-07 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2905553

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Great job Brian!

With all of that mud, are you sure you didn't sign up for an off-road Xterra race?????

- Mark?

2010-06-07 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Okay- You've all inspired and motivated me. I've decided to go for it and sign up for the Northern Columbia Tri on Aug 6! I realize I'll probably have to walk part of the run (I did last year too.)
So, I'm focusing on the bike. Starting this week, my goal is to bike 3 times a week. One long ride, one hilly ride, and one extra- probably on the trainer.

2010-06-07 6:53 PM
in reply to: #2906644

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
slow turtle - 2010-06-07 6:49 PM Okay- You've all inspired and motivated me. I've decided to go for it and sign up for the Northern Columbia Tri on Aug 6! I realize I'll probably have to walk part of the run (I did last year too.)
So, I'm focusing on the bike. Starting this week, my goal is to bike 3 times a week. One long ride, one hilly ride, and one extra- probably on the trainer.

Oh that makes me so happy.
2010-06-07 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Brian, great job! Can't wait to see the race report. I love it when people "push through" and succeed in less than stellar circumstances!

2010-06-07 7:19 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Although I've been on the bike alot I kinda felt like my overall fitness has diminished since I've been riding. So, I went to an indoor cycling class tonight. Just to get a good workout in. I was suprised. I was able to crank up the resistance significantly higher than I was able to before I got the road bike. I guess my legs are getting stronger with more bike time. I feel much better about the upcoming race.

2010-06-07 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2905553

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
TriGuyBri - 2010-06-07 1:28 PM Thanks for the positive remarks.  The race results are out.  Better times than I anticipated.  I'll get it all in on a race report this evening and send a link if your interested.  Happy, Happy Joy, Joy......After seeing the results I am more fired up to get back at it and reduce my times.  My wife may not like my enthusiasm so much.   Gotta go to work.  Tlak with you all soon.

Brian, that's a great job on your first OLY... swim and transitions looked especially strong and I can only wish that I could have that kind of time on the 10K after everything else.  Nicely done, especially considering the weather.   Do something special for your favorite fan this week :-)  Looking forward to reading your race report.   Congrats!!!!

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