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2011-01-25 8:25 AM
in reply to: #3256072

Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
It appears, Ail, that you may be hitting a wall. Some people call it a plateau. It mentally wears on you to the point were you question why you are doing this, you don't see any gains in your work, lethargic, in wrestling we call it the breaking point. Once you get through it it is awesome. You see a huge drop in your times and your mood totally changes. I just went through it over christmas. I was miserable. But after I got through I took almost 5 min. off my run time. I think I am approaching my second wall right now. Swim and bike times are slowly improving, but my weight is still an issue. In 3 mo. I have lost no weight, but yesterday I spent all day hiking my pants up, ones that were tight at the beginning of the school year. 

My suggestion is change up your routine. Change something about the way you eat or workout. You wouldn't think it would matter, but last month I made the committment to not eat or drink soda (I call it pop) after 8 and it forced me to be disciplined and that little change made me look at my workouts and how I approached things and focus on my goals. 

As far as kids go, they are challenging, but a great motivator. I have three kids and 2 of them under the age of 4. With my heart issues I want to be here as long as I can so I am more dedicated than ever to do my part for them. I am not saying go out and have kids to motivate yourself, but find something that has a purpose. Something or someone that would make you upset if you let them down. 

Sorry for the long post, but I sense a little neg. among some of the group and hopefully this will encourage you to push through your challenges and find the reward on the other side. 

Have a great workout everyone!

(I find Al Pachino's speech in the movie Any Given Sunday pretty helpful too.)

2011-01-25 8:46 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Good morning everyone!  Laughing

I haven’t been to the doctor but I decided it was time to gradually start exercising my ankle.  I did only 1k on the elliptical and plenty of kick in the pool.  It hurt a bit after that but I’m fine today.  I swam a total of 600m. 

I have trouble sleeping.  I went to bed early enough to sleep 7:45 hrs but I woke up after having slept for only 6hrs.  I’m starting to take pasiflora (homeopathy).  Is there any advice you can give me in order to manage to sleep more?

Have a great Tuesday!  Laughing

2011-01-25 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3256072

South Central PA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Ail - Yeah, I've had those blocks before.  For me it was just something that I had to get through...but you're still putting the time in and making it through, so keep your head up.

There are a lot of numbers flying around...Nice work everyone.  I wish I had some to contribute, but I've been sidelined with a virus since Thursday last week.  So even though I missed my 12-miler on Saturday morning, I felt like I had run.  Does that count?  I'm hoping to get back at it later this week.

2011-01-25 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Dont you just love the quiet and the sounds of your feet on the ground and your breathing? I find the combination of those things relaxing.  
I have to give all you that have been running outside in these temperatures and weather a lot of credit.  I have not run outside since early December before the real cold hit and it was just to dark in the evening, although seeing all of you doing it is making me want to give it a go again.  
 As Chris mentioned change is an important part of training and that applies to all facets, including diet.  As you train a certain way your body adapts and at a certain point it becomes conditioned to what you are doing.   So at some point you need to teach your body something new and that is done with change in  your training and diet.   

Itzia  are you waking up because you have something on your mind or are particularly stressed/excited about something?  Do you find yourself waking up thinking about something?  I find that I do this, I get stressed or excited about something and it will keep me up all night.  Another thought, could it be related to you getting up early a few nights?  At least I think you mentioned you were up at 4am a few days for training.  I would just give it some time, try to relax yourself before going to sleep.  I find that deep breathing helps sometimes and other times I just try to count to change my focus.

I hope you feel better, having a virus just sucks.  I would say count the running.  

2011-01-25 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED


I almost forgot, until someone kindly reminded me, to add Dan N to the master grid on everyone's dashboard.  Here is how you do it.

1.  Go to your training log and hit edit on your dashboard

2. Hit the html button on the tool bar

3.  Find Curt's name and after you see "Curt</a><br />" copy and paste this code "<a href="index.asp?memberid=222458">Dan Navarro - Dan</a><br />" without the quotations. 

4. Hit Update and you should be good to go.

2011-01-25 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

The ever popular HR zone discussion.  I didn't start using the zones until after my first year.  IMO, it takes at least a year to get your body in shape and your endurance up to worry about that stuff.  Believe me I know how much we want to keep pushing ourselves in the first year because we are making huge strides.  But, I don't think training with HR zones in your first year for people coming right off the couch is a good idea.  That being said, everyone is different and learning about the stuff is good.

Here is the first article about HR Zones that I read.  It's from one of the BT coaches.  Describes some myths and facts about the zones.  There are a couple of ways to calculate HR Zones.  First is the way it was described in the article Dan posted about taking a number and doing some math to figure it out.  Second, and the most common way people do it around here, is to do a self LT test, which is described in the article I attached.  The third, and most accurate, is to go to a lab and jump on a treadmill or bike and get hooked up to machines and get blood taken throughout the testing to accurate O2 levels.  This is a bit extreme, but pretty accurate. 

I find the hardest part about doing the second option is trying to push myself to the level you need to be.  But in the end, it's still a guideline and if it helps you get out and train, then it's worth it.


2011-01-25 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3319868

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

playmobil31 - 2011-01-25 8:24 AM
Ail - 2011-01-25 8:22 AM  Anyone else have a block like that?

Yep, although the block is not as long as you
but it is always difficult to tell my body: Wake up!! Once he knows he has no other choices, he'll start kicking and working

Me too.  Unless I run right after jumping off the bike, it usually takes me 1.5 - 2.0 miles to get warmed up and in the comfort zone.  I will say though, the more I run, the shorter that time is. 

2011-01-25 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3320058

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

itziaol - 2011-01-25 9:46 AM

Good morning everyone!  Laughing

I haven’t been to the doctor but I decided it was time to gradually start exercising my ankle.  I did only 1k on the elliptical and plenty of kick in the pool.  It hurt a bit after that but I’m fine today.  I swam a total of 600m. 

I have trouble sleeping.  I went to bed early enough to sleep 7:45 hrs but I woke up after having slept for only 6hrs.  I’m starting to take pasiflora (homeopathy).  Is there any advice you can give me in order to manage to sleep more?

Have a great Tuesday!  Laughing

And with my 1,500th post I will answer your question

Here's my advice about sleeping, don't have kids Just kidding.  I find the more consistent my workout routine is, the better I sleep.  I slept like a baby after my 80 -100 mile rides this summer.  I know not everyone is doing that, but even when I workout consistently, no matter for how long, I sleep better.  Not so much longer, but a better quality, deeper sleep.  Other than that, I have nothing.

2011-01-25 10:00 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Chris - I don’t think it’s a plateau so much as just my body not too sure it want to do the run. I was much more of a sprinter/small middle distance when I ran track. Plus that and having a coach to yell at you as you moved in a pack made the 15 min block easier to ignore. I always seem to take a bit more time to get up to speed, an extra week of training in the pre-season etc…. I just peak later than most. I am cool with that. I am good to go after that. I have been seeing steady improvements across all disciplines and have added some changes to the workouts this semester. As for diet I am pretty good. I have no problem indulging, but being raised by a health conscious nurse I don’t really do soda. No caffeine for this kid, and try to avoid HFCS. I make most of my own bread and try to juice a few times a week (no not steroids, a juice machine juice) I love the carbs but try to take in protein in the AM and for lunch as the main part of the meal…..Just gotta keep logging the time. I am not really negative at this point, just hard to get out of the bed, as beds are warm and cozy.


Itzia- As for sleeping tricks, here are a few that I have tried over the years. Only use the bedroom for sleeping and other nocturnal activities. Try not to watch TV or read or the like in bed, that way you force your brain to see the bed as a place to sleep and that is it. Also if you can’t sleep, get out of bed and do something monotonous to make yourself sleep, like reading, solitaire, I play mahjong on the computer. I also wear an eye mask since the neighbors backyard light shines right into my bedroom, and I like a dark room.  Also you could try melatonin to see if that helps. It is the natural hormone in turkey (hence the post-thanksgiving coma we get here in the US) that you should be able to find at a health food store. And lastly how about the sounds in your room. I have my ipod play natural sounds, like a thunderstorm or a boat rocking on the waves, to help me relax.  I always have been a person that has had a hard time falling asleep, all my life. I know that exercise makes it easier, as my body is tired and wanted to recoup, but sometimes it just does not happen. (hope that helps)

Dan- 1500 posts, WOW rockstar!
2011-01-25 6:17 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Somewhere, British Columbia
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Talking about the lack of motivation when you run...
tonight, I was supposed to run, easy, just a little 30 min... Was really not into it, not at all. Even told my wife that I was not running tonight...
...and then I figured it out that it would be my last run in T.O before Miami so I went out but without any motivation at all... the beginning was harder than usual and then, 10 min after it was OK.
Finally, it was an excellent easy run... I'm happy that I went out in fact

So, no, Ail, you are not alone in that case !!! :P 
2011-01-25 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Dan -- You need to add us as friends so we can see your log.

Week 2, work out #1 of Carmichael's program.  150 wu, 6 x 50 fist, 5 x 100 pace swim, 2 x 50 kick, 100 cd.  Quick trip home and on to the trainer for an hour at endurance pace with 3 x 8 minute intervals with 5 min RBI.  Again, felt stretched/taxed during the workout, but was able to complete them.  I'm gassed afterwards, but not sore.  Only concern I have is that there is not a lot of running in the routine.  That said, will have faith and carry through with it and see how it turns out.

All you long distance outside runners / bikers have me envious.  With only starting last July, my longest run has been just about 5 miles and longest bike 20 miles.  Once we get to spring hopint to stretch these out a bit as I now feel like I can survive.

2011-01-26 6:03 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Finally back in the pool for a real swim today after what seems ages. Did a solid 1425 yard work out this morning after deciding I needed to stop being a big lazy a** about pool time, and just get on with it. Glad I did. It was tough at points, but overall worth it. I also felt like there may be good things just over the horizon for my swim - at one point this AM I was going along in a totally effortless manner - felt weightless and as if I were skimming on the surface. Need to capture that more often, and get my stroke/balance there all the time.

Had planned on doing some bike trainer time last night, but when I arrived home, my wife had a big dinner nearly ready, so a plate of food and 2 glasses of wine later, I thought Wednesday night would be fine for a bike ride .

Hope everyene has a great Wednesday!!
2011-01-26 9:02 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Good morning!

I swam 984.25yards (900 m) last night.  Last week I felt dead after that distance, but this time it was a little easier.  I was only half dead LOL.   I feel great this morning!  Smile

Thank you Ail and Marcus for your advice on how to fall sleep.  I am a worrier Marcus LOL  So I tend to wake up and start writing work or personal emails in my mind.  Light and noise are not an issue Ail, but I do use my laptop in bed to work, write personal emails or post on BT before I go to sleep.  I’ll change that.  I also have a CD with music to meditate, I’ll find it and have it at hand in case I need it to go back to sleep.  I woke up at 4am again, you are right, I used to get up at that time to train, but I won't do it any more because I'm swimming late.  This time I did go back to sleep and managed 7:30 hours!!  Laughing

I hope you all have a great Wednesday!  Laughing

(Sorry Marcus)

Edited by itziaol 2011-01-26 4:25 PM
2011-01-26 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3321583

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

croixfan - 2011-01-25 9:14 PM Dan -- You need to add us as friends so we can see your log.

Week 2, work out #1 of Carmichael's program.  150 wu, 6 x 50 fist, 5 x 100 pace swim, 2 x 50 kick, 100 cd.  Quick trip home and on to the trainer for an hour at endurance pace with 3 x 8 minute intervals with 5 min RBI.  Again, felt stretched/taxed during the workout, but was able to complete them.  I'm gassed afterwards, but not sore.  Only concern I have is that there is not a lot of running in the routine.  That said, will have faith and carry through with it and see how it turns out.

All you long distance outside runners / bikers have me envious.  With only starting last July, my longest run has been just about 5 miles and longest bike 20 miles.  Once we get to spring hopint to stretch these out a bit as I now feel like I can survive.

Curt, you will get there in due time.  Just remember, at some point in time, everyone was were you are.  One of the biggest mistakes you can do is try and do to much to early and get injured.  Keep it up, you are doing great.  The spring will be here before you know.  At least that's what I keep tell myself as another foot of snow is expected by morning. 

2011-01-26 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3322278

South Central PA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Boston Beginner - 2011-01-26 10:33 AM

croixfan - 2011-01-25 9:14 PM Dan -- You need to add us as friends so we can see your log.

Week 2, work out #1 of Carmichael's program.  150 wu, 6 x 50 fist, 5 x 100 pace swim, 2 x 50 kick, 100 cd.  Quick trip home and on to the trainer for an hour at endurance pace with 3 x 8 minute intervals with 5 min RBI.  Again, felt stretched/taxed during the workout, but was able to complete them.  I'm gassed afterwards, but not sore.  Only concern I have is that there is not a lot of running in the routine.  That said, will have faith and carry through with it and see how it turns out.

All you long distance outside runners / bikers have me envious.  With only starting last July, my longest run has been just about 5 miles and longest bike 20 miles.  Once we get to spring hopint to stretch these out a bit as I now feel like I can survive.

Curt, you will get there in due time.  Just remember, at some point in time, everyone was were you are.  One of the biggest mistakes you can do is try and do to much to early and get injured.  Keep it up, you are doing great.  The spring will be here before you know.  At least that's what I keep tell myself as another foot of snow is expected by morning. 

Those are wise words my friend.
2011-01-26 10:29 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Happy Wednesday everyone. Looks like you guys had good workouts yesterday. I had to bag it so that I could meet the plummer to fix my sink, but got a great nap out of it. Which helped when I strolled into work this AM at 6:30. Did the tri spin class again. It is great. Kicking my but great. Gonna try and run this afternoon. May need to if work day keep up its current pace!  Good luck to all of you today. 

2011-01-26 2:41 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Somewhere, British Columbia
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Today is a big day: Just registered for Muskoka HIM 70.3

Can't wait
2011-01-26 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3323103

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
playmobil31 - 2011-01-26 2:41 PM Today is a big day: Just registered for Muskoka HIM 70.3

Can't wait

Fantastic!! When is the race? Go get it!!! Good luck w/ training!
2011-01-26 3:46 PM
in reply to: #3323103

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

playmobil31 - 2011-01-26 3:41 PM Today is a big day: Just registered for Muskoka HIM 70.3

Can't wait

Very exciting.  Do you live close to the course?  I am always more at ease when I get a chance to at least swim and bike a course before the race.

2011-01-26 4:06 PM
in reply to: #3256072

Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Guys & Gals:
I'm still catching up with your posts form earlier this week.

Re: Running. The same happens to me. I'm usually off to a slow start. My first mile is always the slowest I get, but then as my muscles warm up, I pick up speed.
It is more obvious when I'm running on a treadmill. I start at 5-6 mi/hour and then start picking up the pace (half a mi/hr every 3 to 5 minutes), until I get to my regular pace (8 mi/hour). By doing this,as of lately, I've been able to pick up to 9 mi/hr. Please try that and see if it works for you.
When I'm running outside, it's easier to control my pace, but the same thing applies. I ALWAYS start very slow.
Anyways. I'll add you all as friends so you can see my log. I just started posting my exercises for the year. I have yet to swim for the first time this year.
Anyways.We are getting slammed with sleet, rain and snow today (Washington DC area). I guess I'll have to run around my basement LOL

Keep it up.
Dan N
2011-01-26 4:14 PM
in reply to: #3323103

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
playmobil31 - 2011-01-26 3:41 PM Today is a big day: Just registered for Muskoka HIM 70.3

Can't wait

WOW big doings. Congrats  Cool

2011-01-26 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3256072

Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Congrats Alex. I looked into that one, since it is only six hours away, but chose Tawas HIM instead.

Can I make a suggestion about the dreaded run? (I hate it too.) Something I have found to work for me is warming up with a 10 min. ride on the stationary bike before the run. It gets the muscles warmed up and the heart and mind going. I used to walk the first 5 min. then go into jog (for me its running) Since I switched it has helped. Just something to think about if putting time in on treadmill at the gym...

On another note, I hit another milestone today. 1500yds. in the pool! I have never done that much at one time before. It wasn't continous, but quality none-the-less.My masters coach must have been in a foul mood. All but one of our laps was at 15. sec intervals and that was a 2-3 min. break for someone to go pee. (No, not in the pool.) He had us swimming 100,150, and 200 yd sets. Its nice to hear when people you don't know observe and make positive comments about your improvement and how hard your working. Does this happen to any of you?

Happy Training!
2011-01-26 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3256072

Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Congrats Alex. I looked into that one, since it is only six hours away, but chose Tawas HIM instead.

Can I make a suggestion about the dreaded run? (I hate it too.) Something I have found to work for me is warming up with a 10 min. ride on the stationary bike before the run. It gets the muscles warmed up and the heart and mind going. I used to walk the first 5 min. then go into jog (for me its running) Since I switched it has helped. Just something to think about if putting time in on treadmill at the gym...

On another note, I hit another milestone today. 1500yds. in the pool! I have never done that much at one time before. It wasn't continous, but quality none-the-less.My masters coach must have been in a foul mood. All but one of our laps was at 15. sec intervals and that was a 2-3 min. break for someone to go pee. (No, not in the pool.) He had us swimming 100,150, and 200 yd sets. Its nice to hear when people you don't know observe and make positive comments about your improvement and how hard your working. Does this happen to any of you?

Happy Training!
2011-01-26 5:12 PM
in reply to: #3323103

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
playmobil31 - 2011-01-26 3:41 PM Today is a big day: Just registered for Muskoka HIM 70.3

Can't wait

Congratulations on Signing up! It's an exciting feeling isn’t it? Good luck training, at least you have a couple of half’s under your belt, you will do great!


Itzia – good luck on the sleep! I worked nights for 4 years and was only getting 4-6 hours of broken sleep a day, I have the same problem, as soon as I wake up my mind goes into high gear and I have to get up and do something.


Good job everyone on the workouts! Keep up the hard work, I am sure that I am not the only one that gets motivation from each of you.

I am also one that takes a while to get warmed up on my runs, it takes me at least a mile to start to feel good.

Speaking of which, I am having a real hard time getting going today! I did a long run yesterday and then swam with the masters group, only 1800 yards, but when I finally got to bed last night I don’t think I moved for 6 hours! Came home today and was lying on the bed reading your posts and got to Ails about taking a nap………..woke up about 30 minutes later when my daughter needed a ride.


Will try for a late night run after dinner. I’ll have to put the head lamp on and head out for a short run, Hopefully?Undecided

2011-01-26 7:18 PM
in reply to: #3323358

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
crlarner - 2011-01-26 5:02 PM Congrats Alex. I looked into that one, since it is only six hours away, but chose Tawas HIM instead.

Can I make a suggestion about the dreaded run? (I hate it too.) Something I have found to work for me is warming up with a 10 min. ride on the stationary bike before the run. It gets the muscles warmed up and the heart and mind going. I used to walk the first 5 min. then go into jog (for me its running) Since I switched it has helped. Just something to think about if putting time in on treadmill at the gym...

On another note, I hit another milestone today. 1500yds. in the pool! I have never done that much at one time before. It wasn't continous, but quality none-the-less.My masters coach must have been in a foul mood. All but one of our laps was at 15. sec intervals and that was a 2-3 min. break for someone to go pee. (No, not in the pool.) He had us swimming 100,150, and 200 yd sets. Its nice to hear when people you don't know observe and make positive comments about your improvement and how hard your working. Does this happen to any of you?

Happy Training!

Congrats!! Nothing like a new milestone to get you motivated to push on!
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