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2011-01-10 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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North edge of nowhere
Subject: Train-up from minor injury
Once my knee is feeling better, I expect to have 4ish months to my first tri. Until the beginning of December I was doing 6 miles two or three times a week at around an 8:45 pace and riding around 120 miles a week. On flats I was averaging just shy of 19mph, and my 3-mile run was at around 23ish minutes. I know that those speeds aren't going to put me near a podium unless I walk past it on my way to my truck, but I was somewhat-satisfied with my progress to that point.

Any suggestions on a training plan to get me back to that point, or close to it, in the 4 months I expect to have? I won't be swimming until a month before the tri (no pool available locally until after Memorial Day, and the lake is friggen freezing right now), but I can run, bike and weight train from heck to breakfast.

I've not looked over the training plans available here yet. I'll probably have a look today or tomorrow to see what they entail.

2011-01-10 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
This morning's weigh-in was 192.  Up 3lbs from the 189 I saw last week   I'd like to see that 189 again for next Monday, with my goal of 170lbs for the tri season.
2011-01-10 8:33 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Hugo, MN
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
167 lb - don't really have a goal weight for now.  I suppose 160 or so.

This week:
Run 6-7 days, hit 38-40 miles this week
Get on the bike, work on the FTP and 1hr TT
Core work + PT exercises to keep the knees healthy
2011-01-10 9:53 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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North edge of nowhere
Subject: Weight and Goals
1st thing in the morning, before breakfast, I'm at 155. I'm good with that weight, though I wouldn't be heartbroken if I got down to 150. I don't want to go below 150 or above 160. Maybe I'm limiting myself to too small a portion of the spectrum; I need to get my body fat percentage checked accurately to know.

My primary goal is to finish two sprint tris this year without DFLing. Secondary is to swim better. I've never been a strong swimmer, so I'll be at the pool as much as possible once it opens. I eventually want to complete an Oly, but I have a long way to go with my swimming first.
2011-01-10 10:22 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Start weight 162
Goal weight (end of May) 155

Weekly goal: find out if I broke/fractured my wrist this past weekend.  I think it's just a bad sprain...but I'm going to try and see the doctor today for some xrays.
2011-01-10 10:25 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Fall River, WI
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
45 min on the trainer........done

back and tris.......done


Hope all goes well with your x-rays, what did you do?

2011-01-10 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3289785

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
tri808 - 2011-01-10 11:22 AM Start weight 162
Goal weight (end of May) 155

Weekly goal: find out if I broke/fractured my wrist this past weekend.  I think it's just a bad sprain...but I'm going to try and see the doctor today for some xrays.

WTH happened dude?  Crash your bike again?
2011-01-10 11:23 AM
in reply to: #3289880

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

I'm not going to make the comment that came to mind off the bat;-)

Hope the Dr's visit goes well and all is good soon. What did you manage to do?
2011-01-10 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Fall River, WI
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

Is heart rate training that important and if so, when?  Being fairly new it would seem to me that it may not be a good tool right now because my heart rate will always be high, but I could be way off on this.  I have been eyeing up a Garmin 305 but if HR training isn't that important I will spend that money on other things. 

2011-01-10 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
I'm an idiot.

Went to a sports bar Saturday night for a friend's birthday party.  Along with darts, a pool table, etc, they have a video game where you punch this bag thing and it gives you a score.  So yeah...go figure.  First punch was fine, second one I think my wrist twisted awkwardly when I hit the bag and I knew I hurt it right away.

going to the doctor in about an hour.  My guess is it's a bad sprain.  I haven't broken anything before nothing really to compare to.  I've sprained my ankle over a dozen times...and the feeling is similar.
2011-01-10 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Fall River, WI
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

More importantly, did you get a good score.

2011-01-10 2:10 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Weekly weigh-in: 201.2 (I weigh in in full uniform, boots and all like I've been doing.  It's about 8 lbs in total, so my actual weight is around 193'ish.)

Target weight: 190 before I leave in a month, though that's going to adjust down to 180 before Knoxville.

Weekly goals: try and find some time for a couple workouts in between work and all the peripheral stuff we have going on in preparation of getting out of here.

2011-01-10 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Goals are coming straight from my training log

1. Hit all 5 runs; remember "conversational pace".
2. Solid week in pool to prep for Master's starting on the 21st (9K total for the week). 2500 so far
3. Get new HR zones on the bike.

As for weight 187 right now, would like to be around 170-175 at the start of my first race (Apr 16)
2011-01-10 3:11 PM
in reply to: #3290373

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
inmyelement - 2011-01-10 8:21 AM

More importantly, did you get a good score.

The first time I played, I think I scored something like 840...when the high score was 996.  I didn't catch that one real solid though...and I think it was on a beginner difficulty.

The one I hurt my hand on, I think I had something like a 296.  Right when I hit the bag, I knew I hit it wrong and tried to pull back...LOL
2011-01-10 3:15 PM
in reply to: #3290166

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
inmyelement - 2011-01-10 1:01 PM

Is heart rate training that important and if so, when?  Being fairly new it would seem to me that it may not be a good tool right now because my heart rate will always be high, but I could be way off on this.  I have been eyeing up a Garmin 305 but if HR training isn't that important I will spend that money on other things. 

This is a good question.  I'll let David take this one....I would think that running right now until you are comfortable would be a good way to go about it.  Although...I use it as a tool to slow myself down right now.  I always feel like I'm at a lower heart rate than I am and then my actual heart rate tells me to slow down.  This only on the run though.  I could basically push all day hard on the bike and feel okay.
2011-01-10 3:16 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
So doctor took some xrays and he didn't see any breaks.  He's going to have a radiology expert look at it and call me if he see's anything my doctor couldn't see.  Lots of small bones in the hand, so it's not always easy for a regular internest to tell.

So as of right now, it's just a sprain.  I've got a ace wrap on it now, and everyone at work keeps asking about it.  My story is I encountered a grizzly bear over the weekend, and punched it in the mouth. 

Going to lay off the swimming for a week, and focus mainly on running and riding the trainer.  I should have no problem riding the trainer on my aero bars...but hoping my hand will be strong enough to ride outdoors this weekend.

2011-01-10 3:53 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Weight: 202.6  It's stayed level the last 2 weeks, but it's time to make it move
Short term goal: under 200 (Yeah, it's almost there, but that's been my short term goal for a while and I'm not changing it till I get there.)
Next goal: 190

Weekly training goal: get all of my workouts in.  Should be simple, but I almost always end up juggling things at some point and dropping a bike or run.  Weather will suck here, but I'll suck it up or go to the track if I'm not willing to run outside.

On that note, I just (finally) managed to get my 35 minute bike in today.  Right now, all my bikes are on the trainer, and a lot of them I try to do during the day while the kids are about.  Usually it's doable, but today, I had about 10 false starts due to clingy children.  This is the kind of workout that I'd often throw the towel in on.  But I did it!  I miss the days when my kids napped...

Oh, and I also got my long run in yesterday - at the track.  63 laps for 14 km (8.7mi).  A friend came and did it with me, which made it bearable, but I can't say I'd be in a hurry to do another long run there.  Only when it's the choice of frost bite or the track.

David, I'm curious why you said you wouldn't do it at the track?  Just boredom, or is it the concern of all the turns?  I must admit that I was starting to feel all the turns in my joints by the end.  There is a large track (450 metres, I think) in Calgary (the city I'm close to), but it's more expensive and a 30-45 minute drive (at least 45 when the roads are bad), so I stayed in town and did it here.
2011-01-10 3:56 PM
in reply to: #3290680

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
jgerbodegrant - 2011-01-10 2:15 PM

inmyelement - 2011-01-10 1:01 PM

Is heart rate training that important and if so, when? Being fairly new it would seem to me that it may not be a good tool right now because my heart rate will always be high, but I could be way off on this. I have been eyeing up a Garmin 305 but if HR training isn't that important I will spend that money on other things.

This is a good question. I'll let David take this one....I would think that running right now until you are comfortable would be a good way to go about it. Although...I use it as a tool to slow myself down right now. I always feel like I'm at a lower heart rate than I am and then my actual heart rate tells me to slow down. This only on the run though. I could basically push all day hard on the bike and feel okay.

This is sort of how i look at it.

First, i'll say this upfront- I personally don't like HR training. I think, like anything, used correctly its a great tool.

That said, as you are starting out, your HR might be a bit higher than normal, but its still acrruate for the most part and useful. Do the lactate threshold tests and go by the numbers. Just understand its limitations (ie how weather, hydration, rest, etc, can effect HR).

I'd say if you dont have it, just run by feel, keep it easy, etc. If you use the tool correctly it can help, but with anything, you need to understand HOW to use it best, vs just having a huge expensive watch.
2011-01-10 3:58 PM
in reply to: #3290166

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
inmyelement - 2011-01-10 11:01 AM

Is heart rate training that important and if so, when?  Being fairly new it would seem to me that it may not be a good tool right now because my heart rate will always be high, but I could be way off on this.  I have been eyeing up a Garmin 305 but if HR training isn't that important I will spend that money on other things. 

I'm sure David will be able to give more complete feedback on this, but I'll just give my newbie viewpoint.

When I first got my garmin with the heart rate monitor, I found it really valuable to just be able to observe where my heart rate was compared to what my perceived level of output was.  Unless you do max heart rate tests (or lactate threshold?), I'm not sure you can really do specific heart rate training.  Having said that, I still like it as a tool to compare how I'm doing some days to others.
2011-01-10 3:59 PM
in reply to: #3290684

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
tri808 - 2011-01-10 2:16 PM

So doctor took some xrays and he didn't see any breaks. He's going to have a radiology expert look at it and call me if he see's anything my doctor couldn't see. Lots of small bones in the hand, so it's not always easy for a regular internest to tell.

So as of right now, it's just a sprain. I've got a ace wrap on it now, and everyone at work keeps asking about it. My story is I encountered a grizzly bear over the weekend, and punched it in the mouth.

Going to lay off the swimming for a week, and focus mainly on running and riding the trainer. I should have no problem riding the trainer on my aero bars...but hoping my hand will be strong enough to ride outdoors this weekend.

Jason, hope that turns out well but you sound like you are on the right track. no more punching things;-)
2011-01-10 4:03 PM
in reply to: #3287923

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!



Crazy would be actually running in those temperatures...

Actually I just went back in my blog and realized I did run in those temperatures back in November.

But, not a long run.

Edited by _Deb_ 2011-01-10 4:04 PM

2011-01-10 4:05 PM
in reply to: #3290824

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

Indoor tracks are normally harder or rock solid compared to outdoor tracks, and the sharper turns (most indoor tracks that you race on are 200m, and many gyms have even smaller ones) can beat your knees up something fierce.
2011-01-10 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3290188

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
tri808 - 2011-01-10 12:10 PM I'm an idiot.

Went to a sports bar Saturday night for a friend's birthday party.  Along with darts, a pool table, etc, they have a video game where you punch this bag thing and it gives you a score.  So yeah...go figure.  First punch was fine, second one I think my wrist twisted awkwardly when I hit the bag and I knew I hurt it right away.

going to the doctor in about an hour.  My guess is it's a bad sprain.  I haven't broken anything before nothing really to compare to.  I've sprained my ankle over a dozen times...and the feeling is similar.

My friend tried this back in college. He had a few drinks in him, and when he went for the punch he missed the bag and his momentum carried him head first into the wall of the machine. A concussion later he has yet to try again to beat his high score of 100 something on his big whiff. That game is dangerous!
2011-01-10 6:22 PM
in reply to: #3289785

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
tri808 - 2011-01-10 5:22 AM Start weight 162
Goal weight (end of May) 155

Weekly goal: find out if I broke/fractured my wrist this past weekend.  I think it's just a bad sprain...but I'm going to try and see the doctor today for some xrays.

Since it's just a weekly goals is to

Ride - 3 hours trainer (weekday) and 2.5 hour group ride OR 2 hour trainer (saturday) depending how the hand feels
Run - 30+ miles
Swim - think about how nice it would be to swim with two good hands.
2011-01-10 6:30 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Off to do a classy 3400 yds at the pool.  Whew, Monday's is always tough.
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