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2014-03-09 9:02 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
I have also purchased shoes from running warehouse and got some really good deals!

Derek have a great trip! Enjoy the warm weather.

It is supposed to be in the upper 40s today and maybe 50s tomorrow.

I am going back and forth with using heed/ trying infinite ( I think that's a what it is called). What exact products do you guys use/ recommend? And does anyone use the heed recovery products?

Edited by Jo63 2014-03-09 9:02 AM

2014-03-09 10:42 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Vero congrats on your run, it sounds like you ran a solid race and had fun doing it. I agree with Dirk on just going out there and enjoying the opportunity to race and to have fun doing it. I also think that's a good idea in purchasing the new shoes. We have some great local shops around here as well that we all try and support but sometimes you can't beat a good deal online. I guess that would be the best of both worlds purchasing one pair from each.

Derek have a safe and enjoyable trip to Mexico. Thanks for the feedback on the Sufferfest videos I think I will give them a go this coming week. I don't think anybody who does Revolver actually likes it per se but it does seem to get results if in fact you don't pass out before you finish it. It is a brutal workout.

Speaking of which, Dirk I think your 15x1's is exactly what the Revolver Sufferfest video is all about. It's up to you on how high you want to dial up the intensity but it's is a brutal workout none the less. I don't think you are going to make any friends with that workout and my sympathies to those who give that one a go.

JoAnne I hope you and your family had a great time celebrating your daughters birthday yesterday. On the nutrition front I can't comment on Heed as I've not used it myself although I know people who have and I've gotten mixed feedback. I have used Infinit and I really do like it. It's not cheap and I don't use it for all my training efforts. I mainly use it for the bike. What I like about it is that you can customize the formula on the website. So you can have different formulas made for different efforts or distances.

A lot of people just concentrate their botttles with Infinit and then drink that with water. I don't do that as I think you can purchase a formula with a lot of calories and would probably taste better than loading up a concentrated bottle, just my opinion. But you can do that if you wanted to. I like the taste as well and you can even customize that if you like. You can use it for your nutrition and/or your hydration like I stated above. I use it for both and don't bother with a highly concentrated bottles. Some people like to separate their hydration and nutrition.

They also have different flavors to choose from and if you don't want to customize your own blend they do have premade formulas for different products you can choose from as well. I've not had any nutritional issues using Infinit. It was my go to at IMWI for the bike and it worked great for me there as well as with my training. The other thing I like about it is I can get a lot of calories out of it and I don't have to eat a ton of solid food for the long training efforts which means I'm carrying less stuff and still getting fueled. You can check them out for more info and if you are interested I can share the formulas that I've used. I think I did something like a 3 hour (HIM) and 6 hour (IM) formula.
2014-03-09 2:53 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

The week in workouts for me, as scheduled by my coach:

M - 6xthrough(300 swim; 4x50 sprints + 5" rests); optional 500-1k pb+paddles to finish off if time
T - 90'-1:45:00 ride, IF .7-72ish(trust me u need the strength later htis week)
W - Leg Strength (3 Sets x 10 reps)+Core+PT(if time, or move to tomorrow night)
  - 30-45' Vasa Trainer Zn2, Stair Climb simulation setting

R - 600 warmup swim; 5x(3x100 sprints on 1:25; 100 pb easy); 5x100 sprints on 1:35; 200-400 pb cooldown
F - 75-90' ride as-->20-30' Zn2; 6x(4' Zn5; 4' ez); Zn2 to finish
SA - 8-10Xthrough(250 Swim/250pullbuoy)...ez-mod efforts w 5"-10" rests
   - Leg Strength 2 sets x 15 reps + PT
   - 30' Vasa Trainer Zn1-2, Stair Climb Simulations setting

SU - 2.5-3 hr ride, IF .76-.79
It appears that I'll be doing 12,000+ yards of swimming this week if I hit the workouts as planned.  Riding should put me around 8.5 hours if I ride as planned.  But I would sure like to run!!  The weather is supposed to be great for the first couple of days this week and I could sure use the some time on my feet.

2014-03-09 5:21 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Ok junkies, I need some help or at least input. I think I may have dug myself a hole that leads to a pink tutu! A buddy and I have a competition going for this season, who ever loses the most races (head to head) has to wear a pink tutu the last race of the season. I made the competition assuming that I would get him on the long runs, and give up some of the 5k's and break even to take the win. Well, we have trained together and he has followed my running plan and my advice to the point he managed to toast me in a 5 mile race and today's 10 mile race. I find this completely unacceptable and honestly I do not feel I would look good in a tutu, especially a pink one

the question! is it possible to get faster on the run, while training for a HIM? I know that today's issue was partly due to my increased load over the past 2 weeks as I start my training plan. I have hit roughly 60 miles on the bike, 25 miles running and 5500 yds swimming each week. My original plan was to follow the plan for bike and swim, but hold the run at 25-30mpw. I felt the original plan left out too much run last year and I was not prepared. To do this I was going to have the following distance each day, 10,3,3,6,3,4 and since this was going to be all inside my normal plan I was going to keep the intensity low. Any ideas on what I should alter?

it looks like I am going to need a 19:45ish 5k (PR 21:18 last spring) to even have a hope of avoiding the tutu.
2014-03-09 5:28 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Dirk it's the Challenge St. Andrews 70.3. In New Brunswick. It's the first year Challenge has been the title organizer. Matt, not sure what advice to give you.........make sure you shave your legs?
2014-03-09 7:47 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Dirk good to see your coach giving you a full schedule even without the running included. He knows what he is doing and I have no doubt you're going to be in great shape come race day.

Matt I think you can get faster but how you get there I can't really say. I can say that I have been doing a lot of speed work with the EN plan I am following and have been running less but more frequently. I am running based on pace and not HR and I am seeing gains I never thought I'd see. I've been doing a lot of runs at threshold pace and started last week doing sessions at interval pace. They are mixed in with run sessions that included easy paced, marathon and half marathon paced runs. For example today I did 3x1 mile at threshold pace and after each mile at TP I did a mile between easy pace and marathon pace. I've been doing a lot of work like that.

I'm not putting in a lot of hours overall with my swim, bike and run but they are hard efforts when it comes to the bike and run. So if an old man like me can see some gains in speed for the run I'm sure you can do it as well. Like I said I'm not sure how best to incorporate that into your current plan though. I would defer to the experts here but the speed work I've been doing has definitely helped me over the last 9 weeks I've been doing it. I pretty sure I've made a good improvement in running which is something I thought I could never do.

2014-03-10 4:48 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Originally posted by mambos Ok junkies, I need some help or at least input. I think I may have dug myself a hole that leads to a pink tutu! A buddy and I have a competition going for this season, who ever loses the most races (head to head) has to wear a pink tutu the last race of the season. I made the competition assuming that I would get him on the long runs, and give up some of the 5k's and break even to take the win. Well, we have trained together and he has followed my running plan and my advice to the point he managed to toast me in a 5 mile race and today's 10 mile race. I find this completely unacceptable and honestly I do not feel I would look good in a tutu, especially a pink one the question! is it possible to get faster on the run, while training for a HIM? I know that today's issue was partly due to my increased load over the past 2 weeks as I start my training plan. I have hit roughly 60 miles on the bike, 25 miles running and 5500 yds swimming each week. My original plan was to follow the plan for bike and swim, but hold the run at 25-30mpw. I felt the original plan left out too much run last year and I was not prepared. To do this I was going to have the following distance each day, 10,3,3,6,3,4 and since this was going to be all inside my normal plan I was going to keep the intensity low. Any ideas on what I should alter? it looks like I am going to need a 19:45ish 5k (PR 21:18 last spring) to even have a hope of avoiding the tutu.

I'm guessing the beer following yesterday's race may have been the bravado that encouraged you?  If you're looking to cut 1:30 from a 5k in a single season you may be up the creek..............I think you should begin to pick out your tutu soon.  Maybe something with accents to pull color from your eyes.  Oh yeah, DEFINITELY shave your legs!  That's at least 2-3 seconds! 

I think you can make speed gains during HIM training but you'll need to be smart about it.  Track workouts would help you for some of the shorter races and tempo runs would seem to be a better option for the longer races.  But I wouldn't see why they wouldn't be combined into a program anyway.  See what Jeff and Warren have to say here but I would suggest not doing more than one speed workout a week and obviously begin slowly.  Be vigilant listening to your body and stop if there's any sign of pain or fatigue that may cause injury.

The bike can also support the run for intensity.  Meaning hard workouts on the bike will help you with running.  What it won't do is support the development of the muscular system to adapt to the increased impact of high performance running.  That has to be done through the body learning by means of adaptations while beating your legs up slowly.

One thing I am certain of, if I were healthy my coach would have me doing speed work for my running.  He and I have not talked specifically about this but from others I know who have been coached by him, ii is a certainty.  The design of speedwork is something he and I haven't discussed for obvious reasons.

2014-03-10 9:14 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Derek - enjoy your trip to Mexico.

Vero - glad to hear the running is progressing. I'm interested in how your shins have been as well. When I started hitting higher mileage on my running, shin pain a big problem for me. I started doing a post run routine of walking on my heels, 60 steps toes forward, 60 toes out, and 60 toes in, as well as doing negative calf drops on stairs 2-3 times every other day and I've had no issues for a long time. Not sure if the correlation is 100%, but it's worked for me so I'm not changing it!

How did that meal go Joanne? Sound great to me.

Dirk, I may try that ride tonight. If I do, I'll report back to the group and I'm sure I'll be cussing your name.

On the Derek comment, when and what is everyone's first race of the year, just so we can keep up with what's next on tap for everyone?

My first events aren't really races, but I have the bonefrog SEAL obstacle race May 17th followed by the 100 mile Tour de Cure ride the next day. I'm doing a triathlon relay with my two sons on June 21st, then my first race isn't until Aug 2nd, though I'm racing 4 straight weekends after that.
2014-03-10 10:39 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
ok, my previous post was before reading all the page 19 posts. I'm still in a fog from vacation I guess.

Matt, I would have to agree with Dirk that it will be a tough to drop to a 19:45 5k this year given how far you've already come in your running. The gains are harder and harder as you are finding already. But you are tough, so it's not impossible. I would say you can do one true speed session and one tempo type session per week, but I'd say those are pretty good ideas even for straight HIM training once you've got a few years of endurance training in your legs. The key is to be sure you target your other runs at the correct effort (EASY) so when you hit the speed and tempo work you are fresh and can hit the paces. The adage is so true that most of us do our easy runs too hard and our hard runs too easy. Of course you should always really take care of your body, focus on any feedback it is giving you, and back off and report if anything starts to limit your ability to run.

In the end, 5k is still an aerobic race, so in my opinion at our level of running, the running training to improve isn't tremendously different from 5k to HIM. However, simply because you cannot recover as completely due to the biking and swimming requirements of HIM training, there is no way to optimize and focus on the running and therefore improve as much as a straight up runner could do. I know you know this, but it should be said.
2014-03-10 11:00 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Personally, I want to see MATT in a pink tutu so I'm hoping he can't make a single gain in running.  Keep focused on that HIM, Matt!

Thanks for asking about the Masters class, JOANNE.  It's pushing me past my comfort level in the pool so I guess that's good.  I'm not seeing any speed gains yet, though.

Taxes have a hold on me at this point in life.  Fun, fun!!

Have a great week everyone! 

2014-03-10 12:04 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Matt it's not sounding to good for you but I'm not with the consensus here. I'll be rooting for you not to be wearing the pink tutu.

Brenda good to see you checking in. I know how busy you must be with work right now. I hope the Masters swimming class will payoff for you in the long run.

Warren my first race is on 5/4 this season and will be a HM trail run. I'm looking forward to that one. The first Tri for me will be on 6/22, I'm doing Syracuse 70.3 again. My schedule is pretty light this year but they are all big events. The only other two races scheduled besides that is Ironman Mont Tremblant on 8/17 and then the NYC Marathon on 11/2.

I am considering doing two other races, a sprint on 6/1 the Smith Point sprint tri that's right in my backyard here and possibly doing an Olympic the Mighty Hamptons on 9/7. I'm undecided on those two events though. I hate giving up any weekends to do short races while training for the IM and the Oly is 3 weeks following the IM so I'm not sure I'm going to feel up to doing that one even though I would really like to do it. It's the longest running triathlon on Long Island and it is a great event. I'll see about those two, they may be last minute decisions.

2014-03-10 3:20 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by mambos

Ok junkies, I need some help or at least input. I think I may have dug myself a hole that leads to a pink tutu! A buddy and I have a competition going for this season, who ever loses the most races (head to head) has to wear a pink tutu the last race of the season. I made the competition assuming that I would get him on the long runs, and give up some of the 5k's and break even to take the win. Well, we have trained together and he has followed my running plan and my advice to the point he managed to toast me in a 5 mile race and today's 10 mile race. I find this completely unacceptable and honestly I do not feel I would look good in a tutu, especially a pink one

the question! is it possible to get faster on the run, while training for a HIM? I know that today's issue was partly due to my increased load over the past 2 weeks as I start my training plan. I have hit roughly 60 miles on the bike, 25 miles running and 5500 yds swimming each week. My original plan was to follow the plan for bike and swim, but hold the run at 25-30mpw. I felt the original plan left out too much run last year and I was not prepared. To do this I was going to have the following distance each day, 10,3,3,6,3,4 and since this was going to be all inside my normal plan I was going to keep the intensity low. Any ideas on what I should alter?

it looks like I am going to need a 19:45ish 5k (PR 21:18 last spring) to even have a hope of avoiding the tutu.

I think your best strategy is to boldly wear that pink tutu so you minimize the amount of shame you experience.

But just in case it's possible, I will ask you the #1 question: What is your current weight? (And exactly how tall are you?)

And these races you and your buddy compete in...are they all running races? You can't make him play in your sandbox?

Can you get faster in the run while training for a HIM? Yes. You should. You should be getting faster at all 3 disciplines because the assumption is that in training for your HIM, you are stepping up your fitness. You might choose to maximize gains in one discipline over another one that you are already proficient in some cases you give minimal time to your strongest sport to maximize the time you can give to a weaker one.
Would you say that running is your biggest challenge in a HIM? If so, you would want a run-focused training block and that would/should definitely improve your run (even 5k times).
Your original plan calls for about 60 miles bike/5500yds swim/apparently less than 25miles run?
Unless your life doesn't allow you any more time, I would say there is a lot of room in there for more training.

What does the season look like for you, in regards to your tutu challenge? Can you lay out all the races by their dates and distance? You're already behind, so it may be important to know when the races come along in regard to your build up.
2014-03-10 5:06 PM
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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

My shins have not been bothering me at all the last couple of weeks. I did have a bit of a knee issue last week but a visit to the chiropractor and taking an extra day off to heal seems to have solved it.

I have been keeping my mileage pretty low since starting back up again after the ilness that sidelinded me so much of January/February. Something in the neighborhood of (3) 3 mile runs each week. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Tuesdays and Thursdays I'll get in 1.5 hour Kung Fu classes and on Mondays and Wednesdays I usually work out at the Kung Fu school for an hour while my daughter is in the kid's class.

I've started adding short rides on the trainer here and there during the last few weeks just to get myself used to riding position again after pretty much no riding all winter. My wife and I discussed getting our membership at the YMCA going again this week so I can start swimming again as well.


About 2 weeks ago I started a new spinal rehabilitation program to help restore my back to how it was designed to work. I also went cold turkey off my 3 to 6 Pepsi a day addiction at about the same time. The Pepsi cravings are rough, but I'm surviving that. I've been feeling a lot of general soreness in the mornings, that I attribute to the spinal rehab (and some rigorus Kung Fu workouts), since then, but things losen up during the first 1/2 hour after I wake up and I'm able to go through the day without ill effects.


Edited by JonnyVero 2014-03-11 1:10 PM
2014-03-10 7:07 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by JonnyVero

My shins have not been bothering me at all the last couple of weeks. I did have a bit of a knee issue last week but a visit to the chiropractor and taking an extrat day off to heal seems to have solved it.

I have been keeping my mileage pretty low since starting back up again after the ilness that sidelinded me so much of January/February. Something in the neighborhood of (3) 3 mile runs each week. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Tuesdays and Thursdays I'll get in 1.5 hour Kung Fu classes and on Mondays and Wednesdays I usually work out at the Kung Fu school for an hour while my daughter is in the kid's class.

I've started adding short rides on the trainer here and there during the last few weeks just to get myself used to riding position again after pretty much no riding all winter. My wife and I discussed getting our membership at the YMCA going again this week so I can start swimming again as well.


About 2 weeks ago I started a new spinal rehabilitation program to help restore my back to how it was designed to work. I also went cold turkey off my 3 to 6 Pepsi a day addiction at about the same time. The Pepsi cravings are rough, but I'm surviving that. I've been feeling a lot of general soreness in the mornings, that I attribute to the spinal rehab (and some rigorus Kung Fu workouts), since then, but things losen up during the first 1/2 hour after I wake up and I'm able to go through the day without ill effects.


Vero, good luck with the back rehab, I have only ever had. A few minor back tweaks and those were no fun. I can't imagine anything more serious, but if you can continue with the Kung-fu you look to be headed in the right direction!
2014-03-10 7:36 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
On the running front,

Dirk,,unfortunately the competition wa set in place long before yesterday's post race beer! I actually came up with the idea back In January, long before my buddy turned on the after burner. If any thing I can take credit for pushing him over the top

Brenda, don't worry I lend up in a pink tutu....there will be NO camera's

Jeff, as for your questions..I am currently sitting at 182lbs and just shy of 6ft. I am actually already at last years race weight and 15lbs lower than I was at the end of January. My goal is to race REv3 in September around 168. This is what I weighed in high school.

unfortunately I cannot get him to play in my sandbox! not even the hillbilly tri we are doing will count towards points (Kayak instead of swim).

so basically from here on out the majority of the races are going to be 5k's with a few 10k's thrown in for good measure. Running is not my biggest challenge, it's probably my strong suit. Especially since the HIM in June is going to be a hilly bike that I am going to need to prepare for.

my current training plan calls for 3 swims (3hrs), 3-4 bikes which depending on the week would come in around 5-6hrs and 2-3 runs. I felt last year the 2-3 runs was not enough which is why I want to hold at least 6 days per week running.

as for the competition season, it is going to be mostly April through Early July. Which I think makes for a good run focus this spring.

I took a quick look at McMillan running calculator and I don't ever come close to any of the suggested paces, maybe I just need to pick up the pace on a few runs and go from there.
2014-03-11 4:50 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Warren,  your season sounds like a busy one regardless of when you begin to race on your own.  I still am envious that you and your boys race together each year.  Those will be entirely great memories for everyone in the years ahead.

Brenda,  I have been NOT seeing you for a while and I knew why you were missing (and us missing you).  I actually thought it about while I was on the bike yesterday and figured you would be checking soon.  Relax as the tax season has only a month yet to go and hopefully the worst is behind you.

Tony,  you could consider using the races, especially the early season stuff, as race simulations and/or a long training day.  During IM training I suppose you did some really long brick workouts and this could work in similar fashion.  I would like to plan to do some of that type of activity myself but I haven't signed up for anything other than IM so far this year.  Honestly I am glad I've not pulled the trigger on anything yet because of my knee.

......Off to feed the family!

2014-03-11 12:13 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
John sounds like your getting your training fully back on track. I hope the rehab for your back helps as well. I gotta think all the martial arts your doing is going to help improve your overall fitness level as well.

Matt there may still be hope for you yet. Between bringing your weight down, your running frequency and adding a little speed work it sounds like you should continue to improve on your times. I think you may also want to consider sabotage. Maybe a constant barrage of sending your friend donuts and frequent invites for pizza and beer will help your cause. I may not be cheap but maybe you can even things out a little.

Dirk that is a good point and I have thought about that. I was actually considering doing Challenge AC in Atlantic City, NJ in July as a number of my friends racing IMLP and IMMT are doing the aqua/bike as a training rehersal. I think that would be a great opportunity to use that event as a long training day. The only thing with that is I have to pay for lodging for the other events and adding another event will not keep me in my wife Joyce's good graces.

The problem with the shorter sprint races for me is that if I do it I know I'll race it but then I'll wind up hanging out with the bunch of friends who are sure do be doing these events as well and it will not turn out to be a long training day. There are so few weekends that you really need to make the most of them while you can. I'll see what my training schedule looks like and see if there are any races locally that I can fit in and make it a worthwhile training day. I think the local HIM and one of the two Oly's are after IMMT. The other one is way too close to IMMT where I'd not want to chance getting hurt.
2014-03-11 1:09 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Originally posted by wbayek Derek - enjoy your trip to Mexico. Vero - glad to hear the running is progressing. I'm interested in how your shins have been as well. When I started hitting higher mileage on my running, shin pain a big problem for me. I started doing a post run routine of walking on my heels, 60 steps toes forward, 60 toes out, and 60 toes in, as well as doing negative calf drops on stairs 2-3 times every other day and I've had no issues for a long time. Not sure if the correlation is 100%, but it's worked for me so I'm not changing it!

How did that meal go Joanne? Sound great to me. Dirk, I may try that ride tonight. If I do, I'll report back to the group and I'm sure I'll be cussing your name.

On the Derek comment, when and what is everyone's first race of the year, just so we can keep up with what's next on tap for everyone? My first events aren't really races, but I have the bonefrog SEAL obstacle race May 17th followed by the 100 mile Tour de Cure ride the next day. I'm doing a triathlon relay with my two sons on June 21st, then my first race isn't until Aug 2nd, though I'm racing 4 straight weekends after that.

If the shins start giving e trouble again I might start trying some of that routine. Currently I stretch my calves, hamstrings, and quads for 1 minute each after a cool down walk from a run. Through the day I try to alternate pointing my toes down and then up, holding each position for a few seconds to keep the shins stretched and flexed. I've also added a pillow under the blankets by my feet to help take the weight of the blankets off of my toes. 

My first events have already happened with a few running races, but I was going to do a sprint tri in April, then an Olympic in June and the HIM in July. With the drought here in California they have had to move the location of the "Icebreaker" sprint in April. Some of you might remember 2 years ago the Icebreaker was my first sprint distance race and I rolled my left ankle and had some really severe craps just above my right knee that made the run bretty brutal. I was hoping to go back and "conquer" that course this year, but since they have had to relocate it I'm going to wait for another year to do that.

I'm planning on doing my first Olympic in Mid June (father's day weekend) as a training race for the Vineman 70.3 in mid July. Then there may be a couple of sprints in September that I might do.




2014-03-12 7:16 AM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
You guys crack me up Matt good luck working on getting faster, sounds like adding in more speed work is the way to go.

My sisters surgery got bumped again Monday morning for another emergency, they finally took her about 4 pm everything went well she's in ICU still but is on the road to recovery

Warren not sure if you mentioned how long the obstacle race is? I am thinking that followed by a 100 mile bike will be a little rough.

Vero, sorry to hear about your back, I have had a few times where my back has gone into spasms and that is not good so I can't imagine having anything more than that. Good luck with the rehab!!

Dirk that defefnitly looks like a full schedule and with no running...... I am feeling like a bit of a slacker now with my plan lol

As far as races I have: June 22 an Olympic, July 20 HIM, and then the big one Sept 7, I am also thinking about doing a half marathon on May 5 I wasn't going to do it but I like the medals I will see what the weather will be in the coming weeks and decide I did the full 2 years ago and it was really cold and windy that day and I just don't like running in that kind of weather.

Have a great day everyone!

2014-03-12 8:31 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
I did Dirk's bike workout with the 15x1' intervals, and it was fun. In a Dirk sort of way. I highly recommend that sort of a session for some high end work.

Joanne, the bonefrog is advertised as 9+ miles, on a ski mountain, with 36 obstacles. The guys who design the obstacles are a little evil as they are ex-Navy SEALs and want to show how un-tough the rest of us are! The first one apparently always involves water and mud to make sure you're wet and muddy for the entire time. I'm trying to talk Jonathan into joining us. I think there are a few slots open in the 11:30 wave so you are all invited. The 100 mile ride the next day will be tough for sure, but I'm not racing it and in fact I'm planning to be a sweeper with my buddy who works at the bike shop, so we'll just be cruising and helping anyone with issues. The route also goes right past my house at about mile 55, so that could be a nice pit stop depending on how the day is working out.

Matt, I didn't mean to sound overly negative about the running competition, though it would be ... interesting ... to see you in a pink tutu. There is no doubt that your running should improve during HIM training, but just not as much as if you were able to only focus on running. If your time and frequency are maxed with the workout schedule you presented, I would drop a swim for a run, but you'll have to make that call based on your comfort with the 1.2 mile swim.
2014-03-12 11:58 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Warren I'm glad to see you survived Dirk's evil 15x1's workout. I am planning to give that a go via Sufferfest Revolver on Thursday. My plan has me doing 3x(4x1/1's) so I might as well just add another set and go for broke. I may be the one that ends up broken though.

JoAnne I'm glad to hear everything went well with your sister's surgery yesterday. I'm hoping and praying for a quick recovery.

Speaking of the interval workouts I did a 3x15 @95-100% and I really thought going in I'd not be able to hang in there and do it but sure enough I was able to get through that pretty well. I didn't struggle and I wasn't dead or ready to pass out after the workout. As a matter of fact I got on the treadmill for a 20 minute run. I didn't expect that so I think I'm gaining some fitness on the bike.

The other thing to mention is if anyone is interested in new racing wheels the company FLO which we've mentioned many times here which makes some great wheels for like 1/2 to 1/3 of the price of alot of the other manufactor racing wheels are getting ready to sell the next order. I got the email last night that order 11 is going to be on Thursday 3/20 at 10:00 am PDT. I'm gonna try and get a set of 60's or a 60 and 90. I know they sell out in an hour or less and some of their wheels go in 5 minutes or less. I'm hoping I can get a set. It'll be like IM Florida or Arizona registration, login and hope for the best.

2014-03-12 12:29 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by mambos

On the running front,

Dirk,,unfortunately the competition wa set in place long before yesterday's post race beer! I actually came up with the idea back In January, long before my buddy turned on the after burner. If any thing I can take credit for pushing him over the top

Brenda, don't worry I lend up in a pink tutu....there will be NO camera's

Jeff, as for your questions..I am currently sitting at 182lbs and just shy of 6ft. I am actually already at last years race weight and 15lbs lower than I was at the end of January. My goal is to race REv3 in September around 168. This is what I weighed in high school.

unfortunately I cannot get him to play in my sandbox! not even the hillbilly tri we are doing will count towards points (Kayak instead of swim).

so basically from here on out the majority of the races are going to be 5k's with a few 10k's thrown in for good measure. Running is not my biggest challenge, it's probably my strong suit. Especially since the HIM in June is going to be a hilly bike that I am going to need to prepare for.

my current training plan calls for 3 swims (3hrs), 3-4 bikes which depending on the week would come in around 5-6hrs and 2-3 runs. I felt last year the 2-3 runs was not enough which is why I want to hold at least 6 days per week running.

as for the competition season, it is going to be mostly April through Early July. Which I think makes for a good run focus this spring.

I took a quick look at McMillan running calculator and I don't ever come close to any of the suggested paces, maybe I just need to pick up the pace on a few runs and go from there.

Since your goal race weight is 168, I would get there sooner rather than later. There are 2 reasons. One is that you get weak while losing weight. And until you are done losing weight and gain a little back, you will stay weak. Or if you hit your weight and stick there, there is a somewhat slow process of regaining your lost strength so that your body is fully ready to benefit from the weight loss.
Also, you will spend more of your race season at the lower weight getting that advantage in your 'challenge'.

Losing 10 pounds from where you are now, should net you 30 seconds/mile faster than you are now. That might put you in a good place to challenge your buddy.

I agree with running 6 days per week. I don't see why you need to do that running at any other pace than 8:00-9:00. Don't try to do the McMillan thing. I think his workout ratios contain too much volume of fast running for anyone not competing at a high level in middle distance events. For us mature age groupers, there should be a lot less fast running than he prescribes and that much less for triathletes.
And any race you run counts as 'speed work' too. If you race a 5k then your quota of fast running for the entire week is satisfied IMO.

Your 10 mile race you just did....golden tempo workout!

I would stay the course with running and focus on the weight loss.
But one thing you might benefit from is memorizing your goal 5k race pace. Perhaps on a treadmill. It's easy to hit the pace you want on the treadmill without worrying about stopwatches and continually going faster/slower to find the pace. Just punch it in the treadmill and run it for 30 seconds, then slow it down to 8:30 pace for 2 minutes, then repeat for 30 seconds. Do about 10 of these during a run once or twice a week.
Since it's only short periods of time at this pace it's not going to stress your body like a full speed workout would, but it will help to develop 2 important things: knowing your race pace by feel, and developing efficiency at that pace (speaking of mechanical efficiency, not metabolic efficiency).

2014-03-13 8:15 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Originally posted by wbayek I did Dirk's bike workout with the 15x1' intervals, and it was fun. In a Dirk sort of way. I highly recommend that sort of a session for some high end work.  

So, you're just as sick as I am?

It looks like you were able to establish a personal best during the workout too.  Congrats!  As one who is always looking to see some kind of gains or PR's I always notice these things.  Have you been slacking on other workouts?  Or did you just taper before doing this one?  


2014-03-13 8:28 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

For the record, I used to think I did hard swim workouts.  I don't have that opinion any longer!!  While my other swim workouts were somewhat hard they don't really seem to hold the same mental anguish I seem to experience during most of these past 3-4 swims while I am completing them.  It makes me wonder just how wrong I've been as I have developed my own training plans and workouts.

The focus from Zach has been to make sure I get plenty of hard workouts in but allow for some proper rest and alternation of workouts.  The great thing about allowing him to coach, as stated before, is the "no worry" aspect but along with that is the experience of someone who knows about recovery from a scientific approach.  Over the long haul this should prove more beneficial to me.  That said, I suppose I haven't been particularly far off target since I seem to have been moderately successful in my triathlon endeavour to this point.

2014-03-14 7:54 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by wbayek I did Dirk's bike workout with the 15x1' intervals, and it was fun. In a Dirk sort of way. I highly recommend that sort of a session for some high end work.  

So, you're just as sick as I am?

It looks like you were able to establish a personal best during the workout too.  Congrats!  As one who is always looking to see some kind of gains or PR's I always notice these things.  Have you been slacking on other workouts?  Or did you just taper before doing this one?  


Warren congrats on the PR. I did the Sufferfest Revolver workout last night, 16x1/1's and to be honest it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I definitely went out hard on all 16 intervals and tried to stay around 115% of FTP for each interval. I was not going to attempt 120% for the first time doing this. I was above and below at times but I think I hung right around where I wanted to be. I need to look at the power file to confirm.

Two things I did notice is that when I was doing it I though this isn't that bad until I got to like the 10th or 11th one then I was pretty much regretting I bought this video. The other thing is when I finished I felt pretty good because I followed up the intervals with another 20 minutes at 80-85% of FTP and I managed to hang in there pretty well for that too. I think I am gaining fitness on the bike. I feel like I'm at least where I was for the IM last year which is a great sign for me. I may be able to push the FTP up some more before IMMT rolls around.
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