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2008-01-30 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Dublin, Ireland
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

2008-01-30 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Dublin, Ireland
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN


Is there room for one more?

 I am 30ys old and from Dublin, Ireland. 

I am currently doing an 8week bike winter maintence programme and then head into the 20 week ironman training.  Doing Austria in July 13th (my 1st).

To date i have 2 marathons, Dublin and NY, under my belt, one 70.3( Uk) 5 olympic and 3 sprint distance tris.  All this in the last 2 years!!

 Looking for some support along the way and guidance tobecome a better cyclist, swimmer, runner in that order. 

Anywho, whould love to hear back from you and anyone else on the team.



Edited by ssheahan 2008-01-30 7:58 AM
2008-01-30 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1179428

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Lowestoft, England
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Hi Guys, I'm looking for some new swimming drills. I have seen posts about "ladders" but have no idea what they are. My swimming isn't bad but i've been doing the same routines for the last two months and wouldn't mind mixing it up a bit.

Current routines are :

Day 1 : Drills focusing on reaching and rolling almost on side during stroke.
Day 2 : Sprint intervals 2X20m lengths and 30sec rest between sets.
Day 3 : Longer swim, usually 1500m.
2008-01-30 2:11 PM
in reply to: #1181730

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Welcome Wonderboy from teh Valley of the Sun!  What is on tap for training this week?
2008-01-30 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1183299

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
ssheahan - 2008-01-30 5:53 AM


Is there room for one more?

 I am 30ys old and from Dublin, Ireland. 

I am currently doing an 8week bike winter maintence programme and then head into the 20 week ironman training.  Doing Austria in July 13th (my 1st).

To date i have 2 marathons, Dublin and NY, under my belt, one 70.3( Uk) 5 olympic and 3 sprint distance tris.  All this in the last 2 years!!

 Looking for some support along the way and guidance tobecome a better cyclist, swimmer, runner in that order. 

Anywho, whould love to hear back from you and anyone else on the team.



Absolutely welcome ssheahan!  I have a Ironman HIM in June (perhaps another in July) and Ironamn Arizona in November.  My fu\ocus this season is to up the training with nutrition (not speaking of those snickerbar, junkfood adict type plans that I normally follow) to give be the sustained boost all race long!

2008-01-30 2:19 PM
in reply to: #1183664

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

hagakure - 2008-01-30 8:32 AM Hi Guys, I'm looking for some new swimming drills. I have seen posts about "ladders" but have no idea what they are. My swimming isn't bad but i've been doing the same routines for the last two months and wouldn't mind mixing it up a bit. Current routines are : Day 1 : Drills focusing on reaching and rolling almost on side during stroke. Day 2 : Sprint intervals 2X20m lengths and 30sec rest between sets. Day 3 : Longer swim, usually 1500m.

Most will tell you total immersion is the route to take.  I try to focus at least part of every swim on drills as this is my heal (like so many of us).  It is not the distance of any swim that gets me, it is the fight that I conduct with myself that tires especially my legs right before the bike leg - Yikes!

Here is the recent drill I have been asked to try in one of several swimming newsletters:

Warm Up: 300, breathe every 3 strokes on odd lengths
Drill: 5 x 100's, Odds: 50 Fist/50 Free Evens: Max Distance Per Stroke (Freestyler Paddles ok)
Main: 50, 100, 150, 200, 200, 150, 100, 50
-Take :15-:20 seconds rest between each swim
-At a moderate pace, count strokes for each 50 on the way up, and lower your stroke count by 1 or 2 on the way up. After the first 200, pick up the pace and increase effort but maintain your lowest average stroke count.
Warm Down: 200 Stretch it out

Total: 2000

Fist= Swim freestyle with hands in fists
Distances in yards or meters

Feedback would be welcome if you try it!

2008-01-30 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1184330

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Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Hey Jer...this week..not too much..starting off slow (mainly because my heart monitor yells at me anytime I try to run at any pace faster than a banana slug). Got a brick workout in today. Tomorrow is a morning swim followed by an afternoon run..or vice versa..depending. Friday: hour run; Saturday 1:30 ride; Sunday hour run then Super bowl baby super bowl!!!!
Thanks for letting me into the group!
2008-01-31 5:02 AM
in reply to: #1184352

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Lowestoft, England
Subject: Swim drills
Thanks Jerry, I'll give this a go.

Decent week training wise so far although I haven't had a swim yet, plan on going to the pool twice today. Once after strength session and once with the kids tonight.

Sunday 70min bike - done
Monday 60min run - done
Tuesday - rest
Wednesday - Bike / run brick - done
Thursday - strength/swim (drills) then evening swim (sprints)
Friday - Strenth a.m. Swim/Bike (gym) in the evening
Saturday - run
2008-01-31 6:12 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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The Woodlands
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Hi IM Jer,

I bow to your hard work and determination and respectfully ask to be mentored by you for my first tri in May.

I started working out two days ago and well let's just say I looked at buying tri shorts and everything on the site stops at a 38 waist . I guess that is a subtle hint I definitely need to get the butt in gear.

I am 43, 5'9" and 251.8. Married. Two boys 11 and 8. Two dogs (Golden and Springer). I am very busy at work traveling and when home busy with kids sports, honey do's etc... i.e., lots of excuses not to work out.

Needless to say I need to work out and I am one of those people that are very goal oriented so the idea of having a purpose to roll out of bed at 5 a.m. and jump in cold water before my coffee sounds more appealing (kind of).

So, being out of excuses why to put off doing a tri another year and just stand on the side of the road I have decided to "get on the dance floor".

Your mentorship would be greatly appreciated.

2008-01-31 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1185572

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Lowestoft, England
Subject: RE: Swim drills
Really good swimming workout this lunchtime. Followed your plan Jerry, thanks for that. Swimming with hands in fists was really weird. Not sure what it is meant to do but I enjoyed it anyway!
2008-01-31 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1185795

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: Swim drills

hagakure - 2008-01-31 6:27 AM Really good swimming workout this lunchtime. Followed your plan Jerry, thanks for that. Swimming with hands in fists was really weird. Not sure what it is meant to do but I enjoyed it anyway!

Works on arm form the way a pull bouy does on kicking.  No cheating by "scooping" extra water.  Glad it was fun as swimming can be boring (not easy to sing while you head is in the water!)

2008-01-31 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Welcome water dog - tris can be fun, but no one has the same experience as you so plan for your race.  We are here to help and insire though!
2008-01-31 9:53 AM
in reply to: #1185157

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

Wonderboy - 2008-01-30 6:12 PM Hey Jer...this week..not too much..starting off slow (mainly because my heart monitor yells at me anytime I try to run at any pace faster than a banana slug). Got a brick workout in today. Tomorrow is a morning swim followed by an afternoon run..or vice versa..depending. Friday: hour run; Saturday 1:30 ride; Sunday hour run then Super bowl baby super bowl!!!! Thanks for letting me into the group!

Ride before the game so you can enjoy a "Barley Pop" or two!

2008-02-04 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Taper: A recovery phase of training prior to a major competition. A taper usually involves a reduction in workout intensity over about a two week period leading up to the big competition.
This is just one of many definitions.  No matter how you taper, the goal is to allow your body to rest and rebuild/heal after your last hard workout before a competition.  Some simply reduce miles per week before a big rest – I eat and do nothing!
That said, I started my week of no training after the hard run last week.  Now time to carbo load.  I may toss in a light bike or swim, but for the most part, I will just relax.
No matter your skill level, I hope that you all plan some sort of taper before your first event 9or next event) this season.  If it is already in your plan – great!  If not, you should add it.  So my question for you this week is “ Total rest or reduction?  In other words, do you prepare best for a race by total body rest – no work outs- or are you better suited to some lower intensity and shorter workouts prior to a big event.?

Edited by perkins_jerryw 2008-02-04 8:03 AM
2008-02-05 4:34 AM
in reply to: #1192912

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Lowestoft, England
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
I have planned to taper before my first event in June. Problem I have is that I'm going on a weeks holiday two weeks before the event. I plan therefore to run and swim (no bike) that week and then the week prior to the event I will cycle and probably have one light swim in the first couple of days and then complete rest for 3-4 days. Not sure if this is the right way to do it but I'm going to give it a go.
2008-02-05 4:37 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Lowestoft, England
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Okay I'm seriously unhappy. Woke yesterday morning with a pain just above my right knee despite not training on Sunday and only having a very slow, light run on Saturday. No idea to the cause but I'm therefore planning very light training this week, probably no running and mainly swimming.

2008-02-05 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1194717

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

hagakure - 2008-02-05 2:34 AM I have planned to taper before my first event in June. Problem I have is that I'm going on a weeks holiday two weeks before the event. I plan therefore to run and swim (no bike) that week and then the week prior to the event I will cycle and probably have one light swim in the first couple of days and then complete rest for 3-4 days. Not sure if this is the right way to do it but I'm going to give it a go.

Better to taper than not to, but even a light week is open for debate.  forinstance, do you mean light as in limited time each day?  A short but intense workout is a great way to peak for a race and may actually be exactly what you need. 

Or, do you mean light as in runs on an effort scale of 3 instead of 8?  In which case adding a couple of minutes or endurance will off set the "light workouts" and probably make your finish that much stronger.

Complete rest for 3-4 days may be cutting it a little close.  The night before most races i sleep very little if at all.  I was told that was ok if the day before that I get a good 9 to 9.5 hours of sleep as adrenaline will take care of the other day.  That said, at three days you may not be giving quite enough recovery time to you muscles before an "A" race.  But we are each different - make sure to eat well and get to bed!

2008-02-05 8:16 AM
in reply to: #1194718

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

hagakure - 2008-02-05 2:37 AM Okay I'm seriously unhappy. Woke yesterday morning with a pain just above my right knee despite not training on Sunday and only having a very slow, light run on Saturday. No idea to the cause but I'm therefore planning very light training this week, probably no running and mainly swimming.

Better to take it slow/easy and stay injury free than to push to hard and lose the season!  Stay safe!

2008-02-05 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1194872

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Lowestoft, England
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Re : Taper -

By "light" I meant short time with relaxed effort, but if you think something a bit more aggressive I will give that a go. With my race on the 7th (Saturday) I am already thinking about cycling on 1st June (Sunday before), running & swiming on the 2nd and probaby resting for the rest of the week.

Re : Knee Injury -

I agree. No running or cycling this week although it feels okay to swim. (Already feels better than yesterday). I haven't trained since Saturday and I am starting to go crazy! Also plan some upper body weights this week.
2008-02-07 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1143446

New user

Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Hi Jer
Not sure if you are "allowing" girls in the fort but here goes. I am 46 but close enought to say 47, I am a Correctional Officer in an all mens prison so I am used to being "one of the guys", I'm married to a great guy who supports my passion of triathlon. I have been doing sprints for 3 years and this year i'm training for longer distances. I am doing a half @ Disney in May. I also struggle with my weight...but who cares it's getting out there and doing it and having fun! I am also a certified personal trainer and am going to school part time for nutrition. Thanks Susan
2008-02-07 3:17 PM
in reply to: #1198751

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

trigirl46 - 2008-02-07 6:45 AM Hi Jer Not sure if you are "allowing" girls in the fort but here goes. I am 46 but close enought to say 47, I am a Correctional Officer in an all mens prison so I am used to being "one of the guys", I'm married to a great guy who supports my passion of triathlon. I have been doing sprints for 3 years and this year i'm training for longer distances. I am doing a half @ Disney in May. I also struggle with my weight...but who cares it's getting out there and doing it and having fun! I am also a certified personal trainer and am going to school part time for nutrition. Thanks Susan

All Tri people are great people, Susan.  Weight is always a hard one - especially when training as you are always hungry when you train right and hard.  I have a HIM about the same time (Ironman Boise 70.3) on June 1 so it will be great to compare logs as we prepare for late spring!

Now to best help, you are going to need to post your workouts in your log and drop in often to say how it is going/ or ask any questions.  Hope to hear from you soon!

2008-02-08 4:32 AM
in reply to: #1143446

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Lowestoft, England
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Does anyone have any tips on perfecting flip turns? Only started doing them this week after watching a video article on this site, and I'm getting on okay, but just wondered if there were any specific drills.
2008-02-08 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1200471

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Peoria, AZ (Near Lake Pleasant)
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN

hagakure - 2008-02-08 2:32 AM Does anyone have any tips on perfecting flip turns? Only started doing them this week after watching a video article on this site, and I'm getting on okay, but just wondered if there were any specific drills.

Anyone . . .Anyone?  Chime in as this is of intrest to many!

2008-02-09 11:23 PM
in reply to: #1200471

New user

Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
2008-02-10 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1203376

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Lowestoft, England
Subject: RE: IM Jer's group - OPEN
Thanks Susan

Your right about trying too hard on the turns. Friday night I started off terrible when I was trying for speed. Once I relaxed they went okay.

This weeks plan :

Sunday Bike - Done
Monday Run
Tuesday Rest
Wednesday Swim, Short Run
Thursday Swim, Bike
Friday Swim, Bike (Gym Brick)
Saturday Run
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