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2009-01-17 9:52 AM
in reply to: #1913566

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Subject: Just the beginning...

I was so excited to see that I made it into the group! I have been running about 15-20 week regularly.  The weather out here in California has been fantastic.  Although we need rain, it has been nice to get out into the 35 degree weather to run.  I am working out getting slick tires for my mountain bike.  I plan to purchase a road bike after my first sprint on March 7th.  Unfortunately, the pool at my club is down for another week, so I have to wait a little on that.  I have made a appt. to meet with the Masters swim coach to give me some pointers...I am not much of a swimmer, I can swim breaststroke and backstroke but have no technique in freestyle.  As far as the road bike...I have no idea what to look for.  I am a petite woman, about 5'2" 114 lbs. I plan to get fitted for a bike soon and start doing some researching.  Any one out there have some tips for a tri-newbie like me?  Anything would be greatly appreciated!

 Have fun all and train hard!


2009-01-17 10:23 AM
in reply to: #1913566

New user

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2
I am just ticking over at the moment - weather in England is variable and not kind to biking most of the time. Still trying to work out when the pool will let me in - get motivated to go and then then when I get there they say it is not available.

I have spent today entering various races instead of just going for one big one and then go back to my sloth like ways.

Looking to do two (Jan & Feb) steady months before getting into really training. I am following (sort of) the 1/2 IM programme but find that I am a light trainer and if I do too much tend to get injured or demotivated.

2009-01-17 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete support group year 2

Hi everyone,

Joelle, sounds like you've got a lot on your plate right now.

Hey Jen, I can remember how hard it was to balance family and work.  And my kids were older when I went back. But you will be able to do it.  Plus, you are smart for keeping the "me time" as I like to call it. I think parents, especially moms (not trying to lessen the importance of you dads) need to carve out  time, even a little for themselves.  I know for myself it makes me much happier and healthier and thus better mom and wife.

So, I joined the Triathlon group at the club.  I've know many of the members and have joined them on group rides and runs from time to time, but was never an official (ie: paying) member of the group.  I've basically been training on my own for the past 3 years and decided that this year it might be nice to do more with a group espcially in the off season.  Two days a week we do a class called Strenght, Endurance, Stamina (SES).  It is absolutely brutal.  It is circuit training.  A typicaly class might be 6 stations set up and you rotate through the stations spending one minute at each with 30 second rest between each station.  At the end of the cycle you get a 2 minute rest.  Do this 4/5 times.  The stations are excersices like push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, step-ups, air squats, air-squats plus a medicine ball wall throw, suicide runs etc.  All designed to work on different muscle groups in succession with the added cardio of attempting to get as many repetitions as possible in the minute while maintaining proper form of course. On Saturdays we have a Spin class first, then the SES class. I add pilates after that.  I had to take a nap this afternoon

Well, have a great weekend


2009-01-19 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hi everyone!!! I'm finally back online! I just got internet at home an hour ago. woo hoo!
I'm so exited to get back on track.

You're right Suzie, I do have a lot on my plate at the moment, which is partly why I took today off. I really needed to refocus - take a breath and some "me" time. Just like Jen said. You guys are so right. I feel so relaxed refreshed, motivated and resourced. I'm actually sitting on my comfy couch in my new house with a cup of tea and a kitten curled up napping next to me (we're cat sitting for a friend at the moment). It's raining outside and although I was planning on going for a run, no sweat, I'll swim a bit later instead. In the mean time I'm checking out the various calendars and possible races and planning ahead for training. All this after a very relaxing yoga session and loads of efficient errands this morning. No, I'm not on crack or anything. Just finally had a moment to rest and recharge.
I hope this energy will overflow to everyone in the group!

You are so lucky to be in a warm area. Good for you. ABout the master's swim class, it's definitely a good idea. It really helps and is motivating to have someone help with technique. Freestyle is by no means mandatory but definitely better than breast and back for triathlon. The class will kick start your training and help with confidence. Also, it'll help prevent injuries from bad technique.
Regarding the bike, you'll find that there are sizes. I'm 5'2 as well and my road bike is a 48.
The main thing is to shop around and find a good bike shop with an actual workshop where he salespeople also fix the bikes. They will fit it for you, and since most of them ride too, they'll have a lot of helpful advice. It's kind of like a surf board, really. You could buy one online, but you really want a shop to go to when there's a problem, or advice on which one to get for your body, your level and your needs. A real bike shop (as opposed to a general sports store) will offer that.

I agree with you and will probably target the same type of training for now: better slow and steady than burn out! Are the races in your training log? I'll try and check them out.
Also, that's weird about the you live in a small town? Do pool times change? You should be swimming at least twice a week...maybe there are other better, more "stable" pools in the area. Good luck.

Your SES class sounds really great...deadly...but great.You must be in amazing shape.
The tri club here is still going strong, but it doesn't have anything like that!!
By the way have you ever done a winter triathlon? I might do one in march it's run-bike-ski, which sounds fine but the itinerary covers some pretty well know hills that you see on the Tour de France...I'm a little daunted. I may do it as a relay. Especially since the ski part is "moutain skiing", you hike up and then only you go down...
It's hard core for people who really do it to win. I guess you don't have too many hills over by you, but maybe cross country skiing...?

Okay, time to check out everybody's logs as well as race calendars!

Tri and tri again!

2009-01-19 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Hello my name is Ray.  2009 will be my first triathlon season.  I have sheduled 2 sprints, 1 olympic and 1 HalfIM.  I also plan to do a full IM in 2010.  I used to be a very active person and participated in mountain bikeing, canoing, hiking, ulitmate frisbee, beach volleyball, etc.  I curently am a stay at home dad with two daughters - one is 19 months and the other is 3 weeks old.  I have not been very active for the last 2 years.  I joined a local gym December 20th and have been training 5/6 days a week.  I want to join your group in order to recieve advice and encouragement. I also thought this would be a good group because it is an international group.  I started using the training log last week, so that information is available.  I am living in Illinois, United States.
2009-01-19 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hey Joelle,

No I've never done a winter triathlon.   To be honest I am a total cold weather whimp when it comes to running.  I can handle living here in the northern clime. I do like snow (although about mid Feb it all gets a bit old and I'm ready for Spring), but excercising in it..... Plus, my few attempts at skiing have been rather dismal.  Down hill that is, believe it or not I've never tried cross country. After my terrible down hill attempts I have a fear of skis in general.  But, I do like water skiing... go figure.  Anyway, I've not been outside for any physical activity other than snow shovelling, which has been frequent this winter.


PS. Sounds like you had a wonderful day off.  Isn't nice to have the day to yourself and actually get some things done.  And then a comfy couch, cup of tea, warm furry kitten...sounds heavenly.  

2009-01-20 3:07 PM
in reply to: #1874338

New user

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hi all,

Well, I seem to be going for it, just hope I can keep it up! I'm swimming and running 2x per week with the aim of cycling twice too - it's a lot to fit in...hmmm - my 2 little daughters are wondering what's going on.

I managed to swim a mile (1.5km) non stop in 31 min tonight, is this a good time? I'm feeling quite proud of myself Laughing. I reckon I can soon knock minutes off that, hahaha! However, at 38 i'm very wary of avoiding injury so am being careful, my shoulders are sore tonight - anybody know any swimming specific stretches.

Happy training, dave.

p.s. there seems to be a lot of people in the group now!!

2009-01-21 12:25 PM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Hi Guys

Hi Ray, welcome. I checked out your log. Looks good and I'm it's nice to see reasonable behavior when your hurt (the short run); there really is no point getting injured.

OK,The group is really closed now by the way.

Dave, sounds good for a start, but I'm sure that with a little technique and regular swimming you really CAN knock off some minutes. At least one or two.

Also, 400 is a good test distance for swimming. Try one of those like Ray did. The objective should be to maintain regular speed at a fast pace, though not a spring or "deadly" pace.
Let us know how you do.

For my part, I've decided to follow the OLYPMIC 20 week plan. I'll start in 2 weeks after a preplan plan...I know it may sound like overkill, but between craziness at work and lack of recent consistent exercise I want to give myself 2 weeks to get into things properly. In addition I seem to have blown up like a baloon, at my second heaviest weight ever!!! Yikes. Time to react.

Ok, next step is putting the races I'm planning to do in the log...

Happy training to you all

2009-01-23 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Hey Guys

Just popping in to see how everybody is doing. Neil, Dave, Ray and Katherine, seems like things are going well for you guys.

April, Amy, Ayla, Majj Britt...have you ladies started yet? I don't see anything on the training logs...

2009-01-24 7:59 AM
in reply to: #1874338

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Hello, group! I hope everyone is doing well. I actually made it to the pool this morning. I had a hard time believing that I was getting up before 8 a.m. on a Saturday! Yikes! But . . I feel much better for having done my workout. I swam 520m before lap swim ended, and then headed over to the gym for a long workout combining cardio and strength training. I working on my base right now and will begin concentrated race training in a couple of weeks. I've got to sit down and decide on my races for the year and arrange my training around race dates. For now, I'm happy with getting back to the gym on a regular basis.

I hope everyone has a good week. Take care, and happy training!

2009-01-24 7:50 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

OK, I did something bad to my knee.  Not sure what.  Last Tuesday at my SES class I felt pop, pain then the knee buckled. Not good.  Of course I continued to finish the class, probably not the smartest of moves. But by the end of the day it felt OK.  After swimming on Wed as I was getting out of the pool, pain and the knee gave way again.  Thursday I was able to run, but felt a little sore.  Friday off.  Today, pain again and now it's not going away.  So....I've decided to take tomorrow and MOnday off of training and see how things feel on Tuesday.  I am the most impatient person when it comes to injury.  It is very hard for me to take it easy.


2009-01-25 8:43 PM
in reply to: #1927301

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

A ironman I know told me to stop training when ever you get even slightly hurt.  If I were you, and of course I am not, I would not ride or run for at least a week.  I would swim but not worry about my kick.  We have a lot of time so there is no reason to push your knee and risk further or greater injurey.

2009-01-26 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

The logical person in me knows and agrees with taking a break.  It's just so difficult.  If I'm sick, I minute I feel better, off I go.  If I have pain, when it abates a bit , I get right back into it.  I think I'm going to see the DR to rule out anything serious ( it's the knee giving out that's got me worried) and hopefully get a script for some PT.


2009-01-27 3:49 PM
in reply to: #1916130

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New user

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hi there-


I'm back after a long weekend at Legoland with the family.  I managed to get a couple of short runs in.  The pool is back up and heated at my club, so I plan to meet with the masters coach this week.  I checked some bike shops and tried out a couple of bikes.  I know my size now, 48 and think I have one I'm interested in, Specialized Dolce Comp.  Seems to be a good middle of the road bike that will last me a while.  Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to check out the training logs, I plan to do this tonight after I put the kids to bed.  Will keep you posted....

Happy training!


2009-01-28 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Hi Everybody

Suzie sorry to hear about your knee. I remember how hard it was on you last year. Are you going to have it checked out? Maybe that intense spinning type class is a bit too hard on the joints?? anywys, I hope it isn't too serious.

Over here I haven't been training much. I really am overwhelmed with something big at the moment; i'll give details later. Also this week end we were hit with a huge storm; most of the south was out of electric for the week end and abotu 60% of trees are down; big mess.
The goverment blocked all paths near woods, because although the storm has passed, the trees have been severely weakened and could still fall for another few days... gotta wait. hopefully my personal storm will have passed as well.

gung ho all!
2009-01-28 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hi Joelle,

Bummer about the storms, personal and nature.  Hope all calms down soon.

Last year my injury of the moment was my foot.  The foot is doing OK now, although it is an injury that will always be there, just have to make some adjustments.  The knee is a brand new complaint.  I guess it's always something isn't it. It's feeling a bit better today.  I did make an appointment with the DR. for next week in case it's still bugging me. I am most impatient with these things.



2009-01-28 10:56 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Oops... kinda fell off the map there for a bit... Just started new job, moved into new 1bdrm apt, (and trying to fit a 3 bdrm house in it!!) Been a bit busy, but getting back on track NOW! New to using the training log as well. (ill prepared for the new year apparently). I'm warming up for February, where I will truly start my season. My local tri club holds a challenge called the DON (double or nothing), every year between Jan 1, and March 31. It's 2-a-days, each at least 30 minutes, for 7 days straight, and 3 additional 30 minute strength or core workouts. It's overkill for getting started, but it's a great reminder of the commitment, and dedication required throughout the season. Anyway, I think I will start my DON next week to Jumpstart my training.
2009-01-30 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1924987


Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hi Joelle,


Yes, I' working out 3 times a week - weightlifting twice a week and finishing the workout off with a  run on the treadmill, swim once a week. And the weather here in Denmark is fairly tolerable so I can take the bike to work 2 - 3 times a week, which means that I cover a distance between 32 - 48 km a week 

I have been pretty swamped at work and I get home very late in the evening, so I haven't updated my training log. But I will get around to it this weekend.

I'm amazed at how quickly I can feel progress. That's really a great motivation.

I'm beginning to think about which pace I should aim for on race day

The distances are:

 450 m swimming

22,5 km bike

5,25 km running

 Any suggestions for a good average pace?




2009-01-31 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1874338

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Hey, y'all! Joelle, I totally understand about storms! My husband received notification that he will be deployed to Iraq for 6 months, leaving at the end of May. I'm not sure yet how it will affect my race schedule. I guess it's a good thing I haven't paid any entry fees yet. There is a girl next door that I will have come watch the kids a few times a week so that I can still go to the gym, but my life will be crazy while Will is gone.

I had a few good workouts this week. Today I did a 880m swim in 22 min then finished off my workout in the gym.

I hope everyone has had a good week. Take care, and happy training!

2009-01-31 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hey Jenn,

Wow, husband going to Iraq...that's going to be tough.  How long will he be gone?  Has he been deployed before?   My hat is off to you military families, from the soldiers to the families back home. 

Training is going good despite the knee issue.  I have to adapt some of the circuits in the SES class, but so far I am still able to run.  I'm having it checked out on Wednesday. Hoping it's nothing a little PT can't fix.

Have a great weekend everyone!


2009-01-31 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1874338

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Jenn I Hope you can still acomplish your tri goals, my brother is in Iraq as well.

Susie sounds likie you are doing good, I hope the knee will be completely better soon.

Joelle I hope your hardship is over soon and you come out in the sun.


2009-02-01 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Hey Guys,

First of all thanks guys for your support. I dunno why but that simple well turned sentence really hit home Ray. Thank you.Really.

I'm a bit bummed today not sleeping cat next to me...we had to give the kitten back (the owner came home...), however, the storms indeed seem to be passing.
Gotta hold out a bit longer but I have started to see rays of sun through the clouds, so to speak...
The real weather storm was well dealt with by all the city services (electric, water, forestry...) and altough there are still a couple hundred thousand homes without phone service i think electric has been dealt with one way or another. Lots of trees are down though, so running through paths is still forbidden in certain areas.
Regarding the personal storms... it too seems to be passing, leaving way for a new day: after almost ten years of hard work and sacrifices, my mother and I signed on friday for a pre-agreement to sell our family business. In about 2 weeks, we should be signing a final official agreement for the sale; we won't be out of the woods yet, but at least moving in the right direction. It's all a bit strange though and i'm still in a daze from dealing with everything.
We shall see, we shall see. Training wise last week was the pits, but I'm super organized for next week and very lucky to have my supportive and helpful ironman at home.
Since it'll most likely rain all week, i'll run when i can, swim twice and i've set up my road bike on a home trainer to get some cycling in. Speaking of which, I definitely recommend it to all you guys in rainy or cold weather areas: it's great to maintain bike training when the elements are against you!

I'm sorry to hear about your knee not being better and I feel the frustration. Have you been icing it after training? (I realize as I write this that being in freezing weather may not encourage you to, but i'm not it helps reduce inflammation if that's the problem); i'll keep you in my thoughts for wednesday.

I'm sorry to hear you husband is off to Iraq; I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. It seems like your UK life is a lot more hectic than it was in the US but i must say, it sounds like you are managing everthing really well. Hats off! I hope you can keep training and not lose all the progress you've made.

Amy and Kim, congrats on staring training, i'll be checking the logs tonight.

Ray, I forgot to mention it higher up: that's a great profile picture!

Majj Brit

Congrats on the regular training; about the paces, I'd recommend timing yourself on 200m or 400M in the water to get an idea. Ask a lifeguard if you don't have proper watch.
For running, time your self on a 5 k.
I both cases run/swim normally: not slowly but not as fast as you can; try to be regular in both cases. As i recall the race is in june: so the target should be faster. Let me know what your times are and i'll give you an idea of a target.

K i'm gonna browse the logs and get back to everybody.

Again, thank you for the kind words .

happy sunday guys

2009-02-05 12:00 PM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Hey Guys,

How is everyone doing? Suzie, any news on the knee?

2009-02-05 9:13 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hi all,

So the verdict on my knee:  something is going on with my knee cap. Could be patellar subluxation, which means the knee cap is unstabe.  I found out that I am susceptible to something like this due to the fact that my knee caps are somewhat misaligned, they point slightly outward. Plus, it can be an overuse injury. So, it's nothing too scary (no surgery), but I am in for a bit of a recovery.  I'm off of everything for a week, except for some upper body strength work.  Then I can swim, do the elliptical, and spin at light tension and no standing in the pedals. No running for a few weeks and no exercises that include squats or a lot of pressure on the knees - in other words no more SES class.   I have to do these straight leg exercises twice a day and ice.   I'm bummed, but at least this is happening at the beginning of Feb.  Hopefully if I am a good girl, I'll be back in action in plenty of time.  Marv, who is one of the leaders of our Tri group told me that one should approach injury recovery with the same level of commitment and determination that you apply to training and don't rush it.  Wise words.  It is so easy to want to rush recovery.  This will certainly be a test for me as I am most impatient with these types of things.  But if I'm not patient, I'll end up with more trouble in the end.  I'm still contemplating going to see this chiropractor that specializes in multi-sport, endurance athletes, not necessarily to speed up the recovery, but to work on a plan to help prevent future problems by addressing some of the physiological issues that I have(ie: tight hamstrings, misaligned knees, etc).

So, learn from my mistakes.   When you feel pain - STOP.  Listen to your body.  I thought I could train through the pain and I should have stopped.

Hope you've all had a great week and Happy Friday tomorrow!

2009-02-05 9:49 PM
in reply to: #1948262

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED


I would be interested in hearing about the straight leg exercises, what they are, how to do them, etc.



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