Other Resources Challenge Me! » April Multisport Challenge! Rss Feed  
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2006-03-29 5:48 PM
in reply to: #382866

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Seattle, California
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
DRM - 2006-03-29 1:21 PM
slovegreen - 2006-03-29 1:47 PM

KRCSWO - 2006-03-28 9:28 AM Throw out anything over 100% for each sport. Eg: Goals: 100 minute swim 200 mile bike 300 minute run Actual: 100 minute swim 189 mile bike 305 minute run Percentages: 100% swim 94.5% bike 100% run (101.6% but ignore over 100%) Total 294.5 / 300 = 98.16% for an individual total (If someone omits a sport, score out of 200 instead of 300)

I'm in, I'm a Cardinals fan, I live in Missouri. I will need a team.

Why do we have to throw out anything over 100%? Can we instead cap out at 100%? For example, if I set a bike goal of 100 miles, but ride 130, my percentage would still only be 100% completion. People still are discouraged to sandbag, because you aren't getting MORE for exceeding your goal.

I personally don't like the points system, I used it before I found BT and as I got into better shape I kept changing the points structure then dumped it all together. I'm all for % based system, please see the attached spreadsheet. This is what I will use for team tracking if points are NOT used. Notes about the spreadsheet: 1) The "NaN" means not a number 2) The Team cells on the upper right are conditional formatted and will turn green if 100% is reached by all. 3) The individual totals are also conditional formatted green only when 100%. 4) If someone just wants to do 2 out of the 3 disciplines it is not problem, no goal is inputted. 5) It is setup for 20 participants but copy and paste each row is all that is needed to add more. Don

Anyways I think that we should use this as the stanard for each team.  I like the idea of goals on a % basis and not a point system.   

2006-03-29 7:41 PM
in reply to: #380956

Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
I would like in on the Southeast team; will keep me focused.
2006-03-29 8:37 PM
in reply to: #380956

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Columbia, SC
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
Yet another person interested in being on the SE team.
2006-03-29 9:03 PM
in reply to: #380956

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
A point system doesn't make any sense. The accuracy of conversion factors depends on relative fitness between sports, which is different for everyone. How did that even get started? We used a % system in my day, but I have been out of the loop for a while.

Anyway, I'm in but I can't captain this time. So, someone should just conscript me.

2006-03-29 9:08 PM
in reply to: #380956

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Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
As far as the %/points idea, maybe my suggestion regarding points would make things too complicated. I work with data for a living so my natural tendency is to make things as exact as possible, basically as complicated as possible
So I guess we will just go by percentages of distance and/or time completed, with a cap of 100% in each sport. To be at 100% overall, you must be at 100% for each sport.

-Spinning, stationary biking (my backup if I can't/don't want to bike outside), mountain biking all count for the bike portion.
-DRM, I like your spreadsheet, I might have to use it or at least a similar version, so thank you for that.
-In case of serious injury for example, especially if your goals are based on time, subsitutions of equal time (like running to biking in the case of serious shin splint pain for instance) or reduction of time; however I do need to know about it for it to be approved. Feedback especially wanted for this issue.
-Please choose your goals wisely. The last thing that I want to see happen is someone getting sick, injured, issues with their partner etc. because they choose such a difficult goal for themself. I know my workout plan will not be able to be followed exactly, so I will adjust downwards in case I have to skip a workout.
-And KathyG, and anyone else, as far as open water swimming, if you are counting in yards/meters usually, you probably have a pretty good idea of your pace, so just estimate based on that. It's not like our bike/run workouts are always measured exactly even with all of our toys
-Anything else I am forgetting here?

Thanks for your feedback guys. Good luck in April!
2006-03-29 10:10 PM
in reply to: #382981

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China Grove, NC (Charlotte)
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!

Say, bbauer, are you by any chance related to my hero, Mr. Jack Bauer, the terrorist-fighting superhero?

Why yes I am!!

Edited by bbauer 2006-03-29 10:11 PM

2006-03-29 11:09 PM
in reply to: #380956

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
Uh...sign me up for the...the...who'll take me?  Am I close enough to the border to be a Crazy Canuck?
2006-03-30 9:25 AM
in reply to: #382841

Subject: ...
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2006-03-30 10:11 AM
in reply to: #380956

A Prairie Home
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
I would like to sign up for an April challenge too because it seems like these challenges are the only way to get my bu** moving. I don't know how much time/many points I can pledged yet cus' I got things going on in April.

2006-03-30 11:27 AM
in reply to: #380956

Sarnia, Ontario
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
I'm in for the Canucks......now to set goal......
2006-03-30 2:40 PM
in reply to: #383098

Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
Those interested in Team Southeast please go the link and post your goals, thanks.

"April MultiSport Challenge - Team Southeast"


2006-03-30 4:53 PM
in reply to: #380956

Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
I think if people are going to spin or otherwise use an indoor training device, they should be required to set goals in terms of time and not distance. The "distance" from indoor training is usually wildly inflated because of the lack of wind, etc. I'm not saying that indoor training isn't legitimate, but I am saying that it's not equivalent to outdoor training.

I have ideas about converting between indoor "distance" and outdoor distance, but good planning would be a better way to handle it.

2006-03-30 9:30 PM
in reply to: #380956

Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
I only go by time for biking anyway as I don't really need to be reminded as to how slow I am If you are going for miles and you are on a stationary bike, etc, you probably know about your regular pace anyway, and while you don't have traffic and wind to worry about which should make you faster, if your distance is like double your usual pace, then things may be a little off.
As far as the timing of the challenge, it runs from April 1 through April 30, as it is just a lot easier to operate that way, plus some of us probably have big weekends planned for this weekend.
Anything else I am forgetting?
2006-03-30 9:40 PM
in reply to: #380956

Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
As far as goals, they can be a mixture of distance and time. Like one could do yards for swimming, time for running, miles for biking or some similar combination. As far as those of you who go by meters/kilometers, excel will gladly do those conversions.
2006-03-31 8:57 AM
in reply to: #380956

Extreme Veteran
Twin Cities, MN
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!

I'm in as well...like Sparco, maybe close enough to count as a Crazy Cannuck?  I grew up right across the border...could see Canada from my parents' living room...goals forthcoming...


2006-03-31 12:07 PM
in reply to: #380956

Extreme Veteran
Kochi, Japan
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
I`d like to join. I`m in Japan now, by way of California.

2006-03-31 12:47 PM
in reply to: #380956

Extreme Veteran
Falls Church, VA
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
I'd like to join in. So far there doesn'e seem to to be a Midwest team forming up.  How about an All-Star team to catch all the disenfranchised?  I think the Jan Chall had such a team.  Alls thats needed is some sucker kind soul to be the team captain.
2006-03-31 3:01 PM
in reply to: #380956

St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
Hmmm, after thinking more, I'm out for this month's challege. I'm going to be messing with my schedule so I don't know what to expect!
2006-03-31 3:50 PM
in reply to: #380956

Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
If a midwest team ever forms then I'm in. Or if some other team wants me.
Now to work out my goals...
2006-03-31 4:18 PM
in reply to: #380956

Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
I'd like to join a Midwest team - or any other team that might take me! - but with the caveat that I *might* have a stress fracture in my arm, and if that's the case, I'd have to bow out since I wouldn't be able to swim or bike.  By next week my arm should either be better or not - and then I'll be able to make a final decision.  Would that work for you guys?
2006-03-31 9:14 PM
in reply to: #380956

Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
So I see a Canadian team, a Southeast team and of course the Northeast team. Any more teams (like from the Midwest or West Coast perhaps) that want to join, please feel free to do so. All are welcomed in this challenge.

2006-04-01 5:47 AM
in reply to: #385315

Ida, Michigan
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!

I'm in for whatever team needs another member (or if we want to form a free agent team).



2006-04-01 8:02 AM
in reply to: #385385

Extreme Veteran
Boston, MA
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
Team Northeast will take anyone who wants to join. Just post in this thread with your goal to join up.
2006-04-01 7:41 PM
in reply to: #385315


Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
I'm a West Coast guy ready to TRI... sign me up
2006-04-02 9:40 PM
in reply to: #385680

Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge!
I don't see any west coast team. Wanna make one?
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