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2008-04-26 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN
I know you've asked for this to be closed but can I join before the shutter comes down?

NAME: Kate
STORY: I'm a scientist, manager and student from the UK. I completed my first tri in Sept of last year and my first one of this year is next weekend - eeek. I'm a relatively slow, fat triathlete but I'm slowly improving and determined to get to a level where I'm happy with my pace. At the moment it seems a struggle a lot of the time. As well as training for tri's I work full time and am doing a masters course so life's pretty hectic. The training gives me some 'me' time.
FAMILY STATUS: I'm currently engaged to a wonderful man who has little to no interest in triathlons but supports me in my efforts (as long as I don't wake him up too early !
CURRENT TRAINING: I've signed up for 2 Tri's and a 10k run over the next month - the run is particularly ambitious as I'm a reallly slow runner!! My current programme is a mix of one of the BT programmes with the beginner 10k added on top. I need to find something to do after this series finished so it'll be great to be in a team that will kick my butt and keep me motivated.
May 4th Bishopbriggs Novice
May 18th Women's 10k
June 1st Stirling Novice
Oct Balerno Womens Sprint.
Weigthloss: A big focus for me at the moment is weightloss. I've managed to loose 16lb this year so far and need to loose another 54lb. I'm following weight watchers at the moment and it's really working for me.

Hopefully you'll have me and I look forward to sharing the journey with you.

Edited by Kate_r 2008-04-27 2:52 PM

2008-04-26 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1363317

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Hello Kate! By my count you are #10 in this group ... I don't think that's too many at all. One or two will inevitably not post/not blog/not log ... so this way we just ensure we have a really good solid group that keep on each other! I have just had a rest/recovery week, and combined with a week of holidays and REALLY bad weather, and a stressful diagnosis at the doctor (see logs) - I've had a very lazy week. I blew off a lot of workouts and really did not follow a proper diet (and I should know better - I'm a nutritionist!) ... So I'm looking forward to getting back into it this upcoming week. Keep motivating me guys! My first tri this year is only 4 weeks away! "Eeeek" is right, Kate! ;-)
2008-04-27 5:09 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Yay! I got in. So what are everyone's goals? What are you focussing on and what do you want to achieve?

I'm concentrating on the three races I have over the next month - after that I'm not really sure where I'll go next other than the on going battle with the weight loss.

I'm really pleased that my 10k race is focussing my running which is really improving. I know it's only small, slow improvements but to me it means a great deal.

Hope you all have a good week!
2008-04-27 5:52 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Hi Kate,

I'm from Australia so I'm in our off season right now. My goals at the moment are to remain focused over our winter, improve my bike riding, remember how to swim and return to triathlons after a 4.5 yr absence in the summer.

I'm doing a really cool fun run here next week. You race against a small tourist steam train called Puffing Billy in the very picturesque Dandenong Ranges in Victoria. Very fun race cos you have to beat the train to various railway crossings and you can hear the steam puffing and the whistle blowing. After that a few fun runs to keep me motivated. 

I also just joined WW online to get to the weight I feel will enable me to compete better than I am now. So I may join you on the WW thread.

2008-04-27 6:50 AM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Hey Kate,

I erased my goals/races, etc just for a bit so I will stop staring at them while I get the whole bike situation figured out. Basically, my biggest thing is to vastly improve my biking skills. I have a couple of sprints planned for this spring/summer and I am doing a swim/run duathlon (biathlon? Aquathon? they're calling it a biathlon, but I don't think that's right) next Sunday, which should be fun since swimming is my thing, though I'm not terribly fast, and I'm a decent enough runner. I did a 10-Miler early in the month and training for that REALLY helped my running base. My two big "race" goals this season are my first Olympic distance race in September, and the Marine Corps Marathon, which will be my first marathon; God willing that my right knee holds out. Hopefully, I can get the whole "I'm afraid of the bike" thing under control, and maybe move up to a tri-bike in a couple of years (which is when I'd be able to afford one, anyway!). Then I can be more competitive and maybe even shoot for a HIM as well.

2008-04-27 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1364266

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
My goals ... basically just to get across the finish line in all my races.

I'm doing a sprint at the end of May, a 10K race July 1, an almost Oly July 6 (1000m swim, 34K bike, 9K run), another sprint mid-July (fun race, not competitive, I'm already planning my costume;-) .. then my "big" race is my Oly on Aug 3. I'm also thinking of throwing another sprint in there for September - but that's a long ways off yet.

Last year I had a good season, it was my first year doing triathlons (2 sprints, and relay team for an Oly) until I DNF'd my last sprint because I wasn't prepared enough for the ocean swim.

So my goal - to be prepared enough to get across every one of those finish lines. I never want to DNF again ;-)
I also plan to remain injury free - also unlike last year;-(

AND - I'm quitting my job (tomorrow! OMG!) and opening my own business in June. So my real goal is to work hard and get my business up and running, and hopefully make enough money that I don't have to go work at Starbucks. ;-)

2008-04-27 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1364236

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Springfield, Illinois
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Goals: Kick the water's a$$! Sorry, just a little frustrated right now. Obviously, I need to focus on the swim. Apart from swimming lessons when I was 9, I haven't swum a stroke in 35 something years. I started a tri swim class at the Y in January. On the first day, my achievement was to put my face in the water and blow bubbles. Since then, I have managed to swim at most a 350. I am currently on my 2nd backslide into complete thrashing and trying to conquer this mental block I have about not stopping at the wall. All this week, I have only been able to do a series of 50s. The other kids in the class are making me look like a total loser and I feel like one, too. I'm not sure what happened to cause this backslide, but it's gotta go. Sigh. Today, I am focusing on doing a 100.

I have a Try the Tri event coming up next weekend. Seven days to learn to swim like a champion so my 10 yr old neice (who is on the swim team) doesn't make me look too foolish when she soundly beats me. It's only 150 yd pool swim, but as of today, I can't do it.

There is a Biathlon in May I will DEFINATELY do. All above sea level where normal people breathe!

My big challenge is the Stoneman Sprint end of July. Lake swim. I don't even want to talk about it.

I'm one quarter of the way thru marathon training. A friend and I are doing San Franciso in August. This will be my second, her first. My goal for this race is to beat my first marathon time (shouldn't be hard, no where to go but up!) and keep my shin splints from getting too bad throughout training and the race.

This summer, I plan to work with my daughter at track practice and train her to run the 2 mile Parade Run during our state fair in August. She is 10. Something we can do together and keeps us out of trouble.

I am also attempting to put another title on my resume. RACE DIRECTOR. My friend and I are directing a 5 mile race (for charity) in October. This should keep me busy this year.

Well, it's almost time to ingest more chlorine water. Happy weekend everyone!

2008-04-27 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1364614

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Jenni - you CAN do it!

Don't let yourself believe otherwise ... you CAN!
2008-04-27 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Hi there Jenni G!

As far as goals, I don't really know what mine are anymore.  I guess just to finish all the races I have signed up for.  I sign up for races as that keeps me training, when I can.  My next challenge is that I have a kidney biopsy coming up on Friday and won't be able to exercise for 2 weeks afterwards--I'm thinking light weights may be okay, but running definitely won't be.  Two days after those two weeks are up I am "running" a half marathon.  And this is assuming the biopsy results are somewhat normal.  I know I have kidney damage, but this is to find out to what extent.  (I have Lupus and my immune system has been attacking them for years)

Beyond that, I have my first (EVER) triathlon coming up on June 15th.  I am scared to death to be completely honest.  My swimming has started to go downhill with a neck/shoulder injury (I'm hoping my 2 weeks off will help with this), running is always inconsistent for me, and as much as I love to ride, I am also afraid of higher speeds going downhill.  (I imagine everything from deer dashing out in front of me to a wheel falling off to my brakes not working!  It is all mental. )  I have improved upon that considerably with every ride at least.  My goal is just to finish this tri...preferably someplace other than last place

Thanks for shutting the door after I came in, by the way   I look forward to learning more about everyone!  I hope you're all having a great weekend!


2008-04-27 2:40 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

...errrr, that wasn't exactly what I meant...thanks for letting me join in

2008-04-27 5:36 PM
in reply to: #1364769

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Good luck with the biopsy Andria .. I totally know what you are going through! I'm off to the doc again on Wednesday, hopefully I'll get a few more answers this time .... it can be very frustrating, when it's your own body but you are so beyond control.

And you'll do fine in your races. Train smart, fuel properly, sleep, and go into it with a happy and positive mindset. That's all you need to get across the finish line.
At least - that's what I keep telling myself. ;-)

Now ... do you think our mentor is going to be quite surprised when she gets back ... we've totally taken off without her!!

2008-04-27 5:56 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Good luck Wednesday.  Answers are always nice to know what it is instead of just what it isn't...

Rest is tough, so is diet for me.  The hubby is out of town this week so my training schedule will be jacked up significantly.  One of my meds also makes me feel ravenous when I really shouldn't be and it shows   I did see a coupon in today's paper for an appetite suppressant that is all natural that I cut out...I think I'll give that a try.

Anyway, good luck and yes, I think our mentor will be surprised.  She has a lot of catching up to do

2008-04-28 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1365011

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

SpiritFire - 2008-04-27 6:36 PM  Now ... do you think our mentor is going to be quite surprised when she gets back ... we've totally taken off without her!!

Hehe, I know - well, that's the point of a group, right? We can still support each other

How was everyone's weekend? I had a horrible bike ride on Saturday - well, actually, I barely biked at all. I was supposed to go out with a group from my century ride and we were meeting up with a group from a bike shop - of course they tell us "oh, we're chill, we don't drop anyone, etc" - and when I get there, it's a bunch of older, hard-core male roadies on really nice there were only two of us from the century group, plus our leader. And the first thing we were supposed to go was go flying down this big hill on a major road at 9:30 on a Saturday morning with lots of traffic! We'd basically gone a quarter mile and there was NO way I was going down that hill. So I got off and told our leader I was just going to go home. This century ride is going to be a DISASTER.

2008-04-28 11:57 AM
in reply to: #1365788

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Oh Chrissy I am so sorry your ride was such a disappointment! But I totally understand where you are coming from ... and it's why I ride alone! I'm terrified of hooking up with a group that will totally drop me - I'd rather have my nice easy rides on my own and just *think* I'm really strong ... lol.

Just remember to go at your own pace - don't push yourself beyond your limits just to keep up with someone else ... that's how injuries happen, and that's how you over train and get psyched out. So pulling out of the ride was the SMART thing to do!

2008-04-28 12:06 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

My first group ride was a disaster like that.  I asked them to not wait for me anymore.  I was feeling guilty for going so slow and making them wait.  At the end of the first hill my HANDS hurt from braking so hard!  Mentally I was wiped out and this went on and on for 35 miles.  I'd do okay on the flats and uphills, then freak out going downhill.  They did not just leave me like I asked so I felt really bad and rode alone for quite awhile afterwards.

2 weekends ago I rode with my tri group and we broke into 4 or 5 groups and I decided to go in the beginner-most group due to that previous experience.  Well, I couldn't stand going so slow!  Another girl and I broke away from the group and did the loop on our own.  I also did better on the downhills, although it is still an issue.

My point is, don't write the century ride off as a disaster already.  There are so many levels of may just be comparing yourself unfairly.

Edited by AndriaLL 2008-04-28 12:09 PM
2008-04-28 12:33 PM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

I'm only worried about the century ride being a disaster in that my legs may not make it! The group I'm doing it with is nice and there are a couple of other slower girls, plus our leader is super-awesome and will ride with you while you're pushing 8 mph into headwinds - even though he spent a few years on the USA Triathlon Team. The group we went out with on Saturday was a group from a bike shop who is sponsoring us. I think they're doing the century as well, but they're not part of our "team", so they can do their own thing that day.

I'm just worried b/c I haven't been able to put in the miles. And also, it might take me all dang day. We're starting at 7:30 am and I will be lucky, I think, if I finish before nightfall!

2008-04-28 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Today was my first day back in the gym after two weeks off. I had gum surgery. Don't ask, it wasn't fun although I did lose three pounds from not being able to eat any solid food. It felt great to be back in the gym. So...if any of you do need to take some sick leave form the gym, you will make it back. Don't worry. The rest will do you some good.

My goal is to not to drown during the swim. Too ambitious? Actually, I would like to just cross the finish line at any of the tris I do this year. I haven't done one in two years so I would just like the feeling of crossing the finish line again. I need to re-work my training goals on my log. This year is mostly about getting back in shape and finishing at least two sprints.

I hope you guys have a good training week. Take care!
2008-04-28 1:39 PM
in reply to: #1366801

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
OMG ...


Holy cripe ...

Like I said in my blog - smart women do not give up secure income in favour of starting their own businesses with no guarantees of success ...
But no one has ever accused me of being a smart woman. ;-)

2008-04-28 2:26 PM
in reply to: #1367018

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

SpiritFire - 2008-04-28 2:39 PM OMG ... I QUIT MY JOB TODAY! Holy cripe ... Like I said in my blog - smart women do not give up secure income in favour of starting their own businesses with no guarantees of success ... But no one has ever accused me of being a smart woman. ;-)

Wow - good luck! Wish I could quit my job sometimes...

2008-04-28 3:24 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Extreme Veteran
Brisbane QLD
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

WHOA!!!! My little group has EXPLODED while I've been away!!! (God it was only a long weekend!) Forgive me mentees because this post is bloody long. I had a lot of catch up posts to read!!!

"We Are Awesome, But Can't Bike Worth a Crap - Please Fix Us!" - I'm sorry Chrissy I couldn't help but just CRACK UP at this one! You guys have to fix yourselves. I'll try and give you some of the tools that I used to do it!

Welcome Welcome WElcome! I accept you all!!! We're gonna have a blast I can tell you!

bcart1991 Brian, We'll work on our "run issues" together eh?

wurkit_gurl Chrissy, I'll Try my best to help you love the bike. It sounds FANTASTIC that you're so comfortable in the water. Running and I have a funny relationship too. YAY for goals! From what I've been reading you'll do absolutley fine in the sprints! Yes you need more T.I.T.S (for those unfamiliar... Time in the Saddle...) But I'm keen to hear if you've been out on the road as well as on the trainer. Nothing gets you moving faster than seeing a cute arse go by! (Chasing FH down the road sure helps! hee hee hee)

swise - Sandy... You may need to change your profile default to let us read your logs. I'd love to hear how you went on the weekend! You're on the trainer a lot which is good, What's limiting your time outside? Family? Weather?? you're neighbourhood's on a 18% incline of a hill?? (should've seen this house we saw today at Mt Tamborine! HOLY CARP! FH and I joked about how on earth we'd commute to work going uphill on that incline) I wouldn't worry to much about those of us who know what we're doing. We'll tell you what to do in the race if you're doing something wrong. I'm a very vocal racer because of all the riding I've done on the road. As long as you stick to your (RIGHT - in the USA) (LEFT - in Australia) and look over your shoulder before coming out (LEFT) (RIGHT) to pass them you should be okay. I can't wait to hear how you went on the weekend!

bondgirl Tammie! Welcome aboard! YOu're going for the age group champs??? WOW! I'll be going to watch!!! (My age group is WAY too competative...) That's an IMPRESSIVE goal!!! Bring it on I say. Cornering is still a b!tch. While I feel CONFIDENT going round a corner at what I think are High speeds (20kph) my coach tells me I can do it faster. Hey if you're a mountain biker you'll have NO problems dealing with road hazards! Do a couple of the enticers. The gatorade series is (for the most part) really well run here in brissy and in Melbourne. But they also have a shorter sprint race as well. (the 400m, 15km, 4km ones) which is great if you're working up to the NEXT distance... the 750, 20km, 5km... But I'm waffling on! Your olympic distance is an achievement! WITH A CALF INJURY!

gilmurray Maria WELCOME! Woo! Two babies! Geez you must be bloody organised to get up at 5am in the morning to get training. You're in a great mindset. Danskin looks like a great race. Does your local pool have kids learn to swim classes??? I don't know about the states but here in Queensland there are learn to swim classes that cater for the 6month olds and up. I'd take your tots to class and get some time in for you if you're a beginner swimmer. I've seen a lot of parents at our local pool "get back into it" because they've been taking their kids to the learn to swim class. At first it's just the acclimatisation to the water for the tots, in some classes you'll be in the water with them, s. It's a great way to start getting back into it yourself.

Jenni G Welcome Jenni! Your bloc is VERY colourful! It's a sign of a committed training program! You're doing GREAT with your weight loss!!! We all seem to be the "non-athletic" types who then get dragged into the sport one way or another in this group (myself included!) You're lifting some impressive weight there! I think you'll fit right in, and we'll try to get you out on that bike more often then too!

SpiritFire Love your screenname Trina! Hee hee hee! Another person I can help on the bike! YAY! Looking at your blog from the weekend and you've been REALLY hard at work! Well done with your housework. Now if only LAUNDRY was listed as a sport. Holistic nutrition! OOOooooOOO sounds excellent. GOOD LUCK! As for your open water swim... Oh jeez Do I have a story about that one! It was my first race at Bribie and it was FREEZING... I mean the water was only 22 degrees (celcius! - Wetsuit cut off is 24) It was choppy as well. Get in the water and start swimming only to have REAL trouble getting my head above water.  I flipped over on my back to get some air when a wave crashed over me.  That was it.  i was done.  I was coughing and spluttering when I felt a hand grab my tri suit and reef me onto a board.  A lifeguard was telling me he could take me to sure... LIKE HELL HE WOULD!  i wanted to finish damn it!!!  I coughed up whatever it was that I'd swallowed (nice...) and continued on my merry way.    Open water swimming is a skill but the more of it you do the more confident you become.  Another time at bribie I saw one guy get swept 300m backwards from the first buoy.  The race was only supposed to be 300m swim (Silver_streak on the boards was the first one out of the water that day by a counntry mile!!!)

esc Emily.  Welcome aboard.  I see you did the march challenge too.    Wow we seem to have a little science troop growing here.  Most excellent!  First off, I have to say I am PROUD of anyone who has given up an addiction.  Smoking is an addiction and to beat it is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body.  Congratulations!  Another one about the bike!  Open water swimming too? 

AndriaLL  Andria!  Welcome aboard too.  Another fellow scientist!  Hee hee hee.  With our powers we shall take over the world!    Women in lab coats eh??  June 15.  You've got plenty of time to train.  Swimming and running is on your agenda.  (Running is still my WEAKEST leg.  After all I have a WEAK right leg

Kate_r A SCOT acientist too!  Welcome Kate!  I work with a brit scientist who did her honours and first job in scotland and now has one of the thickest accents I've heard.    Kate, Tris are a GREAT way to lose weight.  Weightloss has never been on my agenda because I've always been on the "underweight" side of the BMI scale (which is why I was sick all the time)  I'm still technically underweight, but my body has been defined and my immune system built up.  I've been bouncing between 52 and 54kg for a few years now.  BUT the biggest changest I've seen have been the lost centimetres off my waist and butt, the muscles gained on my thighs and my arms... MUSCLE centimetres not fat centimetres.  I was always "happy" with the way I looked. But I'm getting happier!  Triathletes are DEAD sexy!!! You've got a great selection of races to get you started!  WOOHOO!

PHEW... Sorry that was soooooo long.  Tammie thanks for shutting the thread.   


OKAY lets get mentoring!!!   






2008-04-28 3:27 PM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Welcome back, oh all-powerful mentor! To answer briefly, yes, I do ride off the trainer, in fact almost all of my bike training up until this winter was outside, but mostly on multi-use trails in the area. I have ridden in the road or in specific "biking lanes" along the road, but it freaks me out, and since I ride alone 99% of the time, I figure sticking to the trails are safer - no cars to hit me and lots of people around.

2008-04-28 3:54 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
9 gals, 1 guy.

I'm in trouble.
2008-04-28 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1367504

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

bcart1991 - 2008-04-28 4:54 PM 9 gals, 1 guy. I'm in trouble.

Most guys would like those odds

2008-04-28 4:12 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
You're not in trouble just in good company.

Welcome back mentor - I hope you're pleased at how active all your mentees have been! I feel like we should all get a gold star!

Although I have to confess that I might live in Scotland but I'm actually English (although about to be married to a Scotsman in 2009).

The weekend went well but I ended up stacking the training at the end of the week and the swims were just too long to get in. Then again it's the running I need to focus on at the moment.
2008-04-28 7:40 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Wow!  I'm off-line for 24 hours and end up with 2 pages worth of reading to do!  Y'all are chatty.

Hope everyone had a good start to the week.  It certainly looks like SpiritFire started the work week off with a bang!  I have to apoligize if I'm a bit absent from the conversation this week.  In addition to working full time, I'm a part-time student.  This week is the all dreaded finals week.  I have three exams to prepare for so I'm trying to keep BT surfing time to a minimum.

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