BT Development Mentor Program Archives » lrobb's group full - the work is plentiful, success is guaranteed! Rss Feed  
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2008-04-24 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN

I would be interested in joining.

51 years old. Doing my 9th sprint tri this week end. (Cal State Long Beach which is part of the West Coast College tri circuit.)

If I could swim better I would be doing longer tri's. Finished 4 marathons, and a couple of club time trials on the bike.

Close to pulling the trigger on my first tri wetsuit, probably but not sure from Promotion.

3 years ago weighed 280 pounds. Tonight 177 but that was after spin class. Yes I ride outside too.

I would really like help with that learning to breathe thing in the water, and body rotation in the water.

I do have the TI video and it helps.

Tiny, most tri weight programs do back and legs because thats what the sport uses.Hamstrings and glutes for running, quads for biking Lats and triceps for swimming. Also my traps and rhomboids can get sore while in am in the aero postion and raising my head to see. Longer than 2 hours on the bike and my triceps get sore. Yes means not using my core enough and using too much arms to keep me up.

My logs are open for anyone to see.


2008-04-24 9:26 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Swan Valley, Idaho
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
dude = I'm on it! wanted to bike today but it snowed
2008-04-24 10:27 PM
in reply to: #1360166

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: processed
The training plan actually wraps up a week early so I will double up the first week so that it finishes up properly for the sprint in Northeast. The last three weeks the volume decreases each week to get ready for the race.

It looks like the max swim/bike/run is 39min/1h17min/39min each on separate days in the same week. This is three weeks prior to the sprint.

Sorry for the very specific questions this early in the game I am an ultra planner. I like to know roughly what I am going to do. I will just play it by feel and see where I am in the weeks leading up to the mini.

My main goal is the sprint and I don't want to risk killing myself in that event. I will probably know in time to make a decision about entering.
2008-04-24 10:31 PM
in reply to: #1360761

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
Thanks for the lifting info. So really if I did some light work on other areas I should not get into trouble of over training since my tri training does really hit those areas.
2008-04-25 12:45 AM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
If you have time to lift, you can do any lifts you like. Hey we like to look good too even if you dont use pecs or biceps that much in tri.
2008-04-25 5:11 AM
in reply to: #1360761

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
Welcome Cash!

2008-04-25 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1360848

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: processed
Hey Tiny,

edit: nevermind, I like that 3x balanced program better.

in the 3x balanced program, here's where I'd stick the weights:

mon: short swim / short bike
tue: short run / weights
wed: medium swim / medium bike
thu: medium run / weights
fri: long swim / long bike
sat: off
sun: long run

It's weird not seeing a long bike on the weekend in a plan. I think one of the best things you can do is hook up with a cycling group that caters to beginners and go on weekly rides.

Edited by lrobb 2008-04-25 8:01 AM
2008-04-25 8:24 AM
in reply to: #1351842

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
Actually I am on the balanced 2X the 3X is more training time than I have right now. I generally add additional rides on the weekends or at least I plan to this is my first week on the plan.
I have done more riding and can recover quicker from rides. Hopefully I will get in another ride on Saturday. Today I am doing the 40 min ride on a spin bike. My wife and I are training together and we would not be able to ride together and me get a workout. I hope after a couple of weeks on the trainer we can get out together. I am still shopping for her road bike anyway and her on a mountain bike and me on my sexy new Felt makes matters worse for her keeping up.

I will add in some weigts on my light days in the morings so they dont interfere with my training those days.

Thanks for the help and feedback. I am stoked for this season.

BTW I a at 303 lbs this morining. I am gettin into my skinnier clothes, soon I will get to go shopping. Man, I am such a girl sometimes.
2008-04-25 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1361157

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
Yeah, the plan seems really conservative. I think long swims and long bikes are relatively safe ways to drop the weight. Especially if you're already playing 1hr of basketball, don't be afraid to ride a little longer.

When my week gets hectic, I concentrate on 2 key workouts: the long ride & the long run. That's the meat, everything else is gravy.

Last year when I was really time constrained, I only did 4 workouts per week:

tue: 45' spinervals + 45' run
thu: 45' spinervals + 45' run
sat: 60' swim + 60' spinervals
sun: 60' spinervals + 60' run

It wasn't an ideal training schedule, but my little boy was priority.

This is also the time that I dropped all my weight.

3. Include low-intensity workouts of 90 minutes or more: About an hour into a workout, fat burning increases drastically. For the first 20 minutes of workout, fat burning is minimal. For the next 40 minutes it is moderate. Beyond one hour, fat-burning becomes very high.

Increasing the duration of a workout from 60 to 90 minutes (a 50% increase) may double the amount of fat burned.

All 4 of my workouts were at least 90 minutes. It worked!

You have to build up to that though.
2008-04-25 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1351842

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN


Do you still have room?

I'm 45 and in year two of triathlon after a 2 race season 1 in 2007...I'm planning the Hi-Fi Olympic in October too as my "A" race and culminating race of the 2008 season. and have 5 sprint races scheduled and the San Antonio Rock and Roll 1/2 marathon in November.  I have been in a mentor group that has died with exception of the faithful and could really use some more coaching support. 

Let me know!


2008-04-25 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1361335

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
Hey Les (or do you prefer Lesley?) - Welcome!

2008-04-25 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1351842

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
Thats good info. So let me ask you this the plan recomends that I split up my double days into different sessions I see where this would be helpful for the indiviudal sports being trained so you get a better workout, but my main goal is weightloss right so doing them back to back might be better.

I have a bad knee (old nagging scar tissue issue) so I am trying to get as much weight off as I can prior to doing long intense runs.

2008-04-25 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1361486

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
TheyCallMeTiny - 2008-04-25 10:14 AM

Thats good info. So let me ask you this the plan recomends that I split up my double days into different sessions I see where this would be helpful for the indiviudal sports being trained so you get a better workout, but my main goal is weightloss right so doing them back to back might be better.

I wouldn't see any problem with that. You're playing 1hr of b-ball, so it's not like your coming directly off the couch.

I have a bad knee (old nagging scar tissue issue) so I am trying to get as much weight off as I can prior to doing long intense runs.

That's a good idea.
2008-04-25 10:47 AM
in reply to: #1361393

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN

Thanks for the welcome.  Either Les or Lesley.  Les is shorter to type.

 I have some training plan questions.  I'm currently on the Olympic 2x balanced and using it as a guide to time but sometimes switching days.  Before last year I hadn't run a mile in years but had been mountain biking some and have maintained some sort of fitness simply by the luck of genetics up until turning 43 (who knows why). I stuck with the plan as well as possible up to the Lonestar tri in March.  Since the race on 3/29, I've sort of started over on the Olympic plan. After June 8, I'm on summer vacation until mid August so I can increase my time commitment.  The farthest I've run (ever) is 4 miles. My bike is the strongest and the swim is much improved but I need tons of OW practice. My log is open for everyone. I've had a good week and am swimming today.

Thanks and I'm glad to be in the group!


lrobb - 2008-04-25 9:40 AM Hey Les (or do you prefer Lesley?) - Welcome!

2008-04-25 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1361587

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
Hey Les - fire away any questions!
2008-04-25 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
Les, glad you got a new bike.

I saw the pic of you on the old bike. You look great, but looked like the bike was too big for you, you were leaning too far forward to get to the handlebars, and your elbows were locked.

Your elbows should be slightly bent. Locked elbows = possile numb / sore hands or wrists.

I believe its the ulnar nerve runs right through the palms of your hands and with locked elbows the full weight of your upper body goes straight to the hands and compresses the nerve. Bending the elbows takes that pressure off.

The pic of you in the aero postion on the new bike looks good. Hard to tell your body postion from the camera angle, but from what I can see, it looks good.


2008-04-25 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1351842

New user

Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN

Have room for one more?  I'm new and could use some guidence.



2008-04-25 4:01 PM
in reply to: #1362623

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
You're in Fenster!
2008-04-25 4:11 PM
in reply to: #1351842

Extreme Veteran
Subject: Efficient Swimming
Six-Time Ironman Champion Dave Scott demonstrates several techniques to help ensure you're getting the most from your swim strokes.
2008-04-25 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1351842

New user

Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED


I am planning on participating in a sprint tri this summer, it will be my first tri and the "icing on the cake" of my weight loss journey.  Just to give you a brief history - my heaviest (that I know of) was 365lbs, I started eating much better and walking, lost lots of weight, got down to 205 and I am currently around 210.  I am still looking to loose a little more.  I currently have a mountain bike and can do the sprint distances on it.  I don't want to use it but I may have to.  I am looking to beg, borrow or steal a road bike to use, but am not sure if it will happen or not.   Although not fast I can currently run the 3 miles.  I will need to work on the swimming though, as I have not done much swimming in years and even then I never did any serious swimming.



2008-04-25 7:56 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED

If you can't swing a road bike, you could put some slick tires on your mountain bike instead of the knobby ones. That should speed you up a couple of miles and hour and give you better traction on roads as well. Downside, you would have a hard time doing trails with slicks.

You may already have slicks though. They should be fairly cheap to install.

2008-04-25 8:09 PM
in reply to: #1361801

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN

Thanks Cash,

Yes, thank goodness for the new bike.  There aren't any pictures of me on the new bike yet. My avatar picture is still on the old cannondale. I didn't look the gift frame in the fork and it served its first year purpose. I had the frame a few days before the 3/29/08 race but I didn't want the first time I was on it to be a race. I moved all of the components from it to the new Van Dessel. The Cannondale was a 54cm!  My new frame is a 50cm compact.  No more pain.   I'll get someone to take some pictures of the fit of the new bike.  I love it!




Cashmason - 2008-04-25 11:46 AM Les, glad you got a new bike. I saw the pic of you on the old bike. You look great, but looked like the bike was too big for you, you were leaning too far forward to get to the handlebars, and your elbows were locked. Your elbows should be slightly bent. Locked elbows = possile numb / sore hands or wrists. I believe its the ulnar nerve runs right through the palms of your hands and with locked elbows the full weight of your upper body goes straight to the hands and compresses the nerve. Bending the elbows takes that pressure off. The pic of you in the aero postion on the new bike looks good. Hard to tell your body postion from the camera angle, but from what I can see, it looks good. Cash

2008-04-25 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1362979

New user

Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED

Cashmason - 2008-04-25 8:56 PM Fenster, If you can't swing a road bike, you could put some slick tires on your mountain bike instead of the knobby ones. That should speed you up a couple of miles and hour and give you better traction on roads as well. Downside, you would have a hard time doing trails with slicks. You may already have slicks though. They should be fairly cheap to install.

Yep, I put some narrow slicks on last week, thanks for the tip. 


2008-04-26 5:20 AM
in reply to: #1362993

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
the new Van Dessel

2008-04-26 5:22 AM
in reply to: #1362798

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED

I currently have a mountain bike and can do the sprint distances on it. I don't want to use it but I may have to.

No worries. You most likely won't be the only one on a mountain bike.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » lrobb's group full - the work is plentiful, success is guaranteed! Rss Feed  
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